Rabbi Daniel Lapin reveals how the world REALLY works and reminds us that the more things change, th
Men used to tend toward jobs in which they work with things (farming, construction, factories, etc)
Lighting oneself on fire to make a political point; heroism or immorality? How we decide will impact
Back in 1950 Yemenite Jews arriving in Israel saw water faucets and thought they create water. They
The definition of a happy warrior and how to join our international community of Happy Warriors. Osc
Not sure whether Equality or Freedom is the better value? Simple; use the Reality Test. Not sure whe
Co-hosted with Susan Lapin. If you cannot play tennis, your life can still be good. If you can't sin
Why hate the Jews? The honest, true, and deeply uncomfortable explanation for anti-Semitism. Two nat
Hey, women, stay away from universities! How to ruin your life in 3 easy steps. The most ignored pro
Here is today's life-changing principle: How you view tomorrow impacts your life today. The differen
One bad idea can sabotage all the solid achievements for which you've worked so hard. A solid resolu
I prefer a sacred Christmas to a secular Christmas. Secularism is not just a fair way to organize a
Do you know the really unpopular message of Chanuka? That's right, it has something to do with burni
Many mistakenly believe that the proliferation of regulations and laws are evidence of a society's s
Do you want a good life? Do you know what a good life means? What do you have to do in order to achi
Your rabbi confesses that there are aspects of the Islamic struggle for world domination that he adm
In war, whether economic or military, masculine countries tend to beat feminine countries. What is g
In this show we answer the puzzling paradoxes in the previous show. Even the most baffling behaviora
Much of what you say flows subconsciously from your morality matrix. Many of your decisions are made
A young man says goodbye to his father and goes off to war. Why is this war different from every oth
The real purpose behind the Hamas mini-missiles. What is the atmosphere like right now on Israel’s s