Quick Question with Soren and Daniel is a comedy podcast from the former editors of Cracked.com Sore
We had some technical issues with Daniel's camera this week. Apologies in advance. -Today the guys t
Soren "Milton Bradley" Bowie guides friend, co-host, and America's Sweetest Baby Daniel O'Brien, thr
Strong podcasters Soren Bowie and Daniel O'Brien, through sheer tyranny of will, decide which skill
Soren and Daniel talk about a strange thing from the WGA awards, try to invent a word to describe th
Objects of desire Soren Bowie & Daniel O’Brien present what will be at least two or three people
Video pods are back every Tuesday at https://www.youtube.com/@QQPodcastDaniel plants his Hakuna Mata
Goodbye girlfriend... hello fiance?! Daniel "single for branding purposes" O'Brien is tying the knot
In lieu of a new episode, we're revisiting an old favorite. If you're new to the show, you're in for
Daniel might be a new type of guy again, but rest assured Soren's still all in on sandwiches. Plus f
The guys are jumpin' and swearin' like a couple o' scofflaws as they discuss the things they do as a
The guys watched Madame Web and obviously had some thoughts. Let's get into it.Thanks Raycon!. Go to
Takes abound as the guys discuss movies that other people like more than they should. Plus Daniel ge
The guys have stories of strange encounters that raised red flags, discuss how to spot a scam, and n
The guys make their somewhat late Super Bowl predictions, then talk about learning to ride a bike, r
The guys discuss quintessential fictional artists - the bands, comics, and artists of all kinds that
Daniel invents a game to play with Soren and shares some stories from his night at the Emmy's with h
The guys discuss Soren's novel, which expiration dates are worth paying attention to, and do some di
Soren and Dan return with part 2 of the quotes that defined 2023. What better way to ring in the new
What better way to ring in the new year than by looking back at the one we just finished? Dan quizze
To wrap up 2023, the guys answer your fan mail. Movie snacks, dishes they're afraid to make, office