Quick Question with Soren and Daniel is a comedy podcast from the former editors of Cracked.com Sore
Soren takes Daniel on a journey through Bachelor Nation, but not before the guys, who are probably n
The guys investigate sleep-adjacent media tropes, from impossibly matching pajama sets to pointlessl
Daniel shares the highs and lows of buying a home, from celebrating firsts with his wife to dealing
Soren and Daniel start with some wholesome pet content before venturing into 1992's Ladybugs, a perf
Daniel's recording through day three of what his urgent care doctor insists is "just a sinus infecti
The guys tackle the impossible question of when kids should get phones and the complicated experienc
Happy new year! The guys discuss the utility of New Year's Day, lists in theory, and the ups and dow
We catch up with friend of the pod Alex Goldman to compare notes on making and naming a podcast (+ w
The guys talk about Deadpool, weigh in on the “Is Ryan Reynolds Funny?” discourse, and give Hugh Jac
The guys discuss the intricacies of thank you card politics before Soren gets curious about his crim
The guys talk writers' rooms, the pressure of writing jokes on the spot, and the good and bad of Gla
The guys make a list of songs that feel like Thanksgiving, Daniel takes aim at two beloved American
The guys talk about the movies so bad they make you apathetic, from Challengers to Asteroid City. Pl
The guys talk the things people swear are good but are in fact bad, like swimming and concerts. They
The boys are BACK and BOTH are MARRIED! They talk about Daniel's wedding, Soren's experience with Je
Daniel's taking a much deserved week off, so today we're unlocking a recent bonus episode about Dani
The guys dive headfirst into an existential debate—can bandanas actually be fashionable? The jury's
The guys discuss the subtleties of Goon (2011) as well as the going-ons of social media platforms yo
The guys tackle the ultimate apocalypse question: what pointless societal rules would they ditch if