Adeline: 我计划进行前世回归,以探索我与男友关系的本质,以及我童年时期对被遗弃的恐惧。我还想知道我是否在前世夭折,以及这是否解释了我喜欢在寒冷环境中睡觉的原因。 Jeroen: 我是一位前世回归治疗师,我将引导Adeline进行前世回归,探索她的前世记忆。我会解释前世回归的原理,以及人们在前世回归中可能经历的各种体验,包括历史上的地球生命、外星生命、光之存在、动物等等。我会帮助Adeline理解她的恐惧、偏好和热情与前世经验的关系,以及这些经验如何帮助她完成今生的目标。我会解释为什么灵魂会选择经历痛苦的事件,以及这些经历如何帮助灵魂学习和成长。我会解释灵魂家族的概念,以及灵魂如何选择与特定的人建立关系,包括恋人、父母、子女等等。我会解释集体意识觉醒的概念,以及一些来自其他星系的灵魂来到地球帮助提升意识频率。 Jeroen: 前世回归是一个正常的精神状态,类似于人们在清醒、睡眠、驾驶等状态下经历的专注状态。网络上关于催眠的夸张描述并不真实,催眠只是专注的意识状态。前世回归可以通向各种各样的体验,包括历史上的地球生命、外星生命、光之存在、动物等等。反复出现的梦境通常与前世记忆有关。我们今生的恐惧、偏好和热情,往往是前世经验的延续,它们帮助我们完成今生的目标。恐惧症和强迫症通常源于前世经历。前世经历,即使是负面的,也具有其存在的目的,帮助我们学习和成长。我们每个人都是宇宙的独特表达,来到地球是为了体验各种对立的经验,从而扩展意识。地球是一个灵魂学习的快速通道,灵魂可以体验到其他维度中无法体验到的强烈对比和经验。灵魂可以体验到地球上不同维度的生命,例如仙子、精灵、幽灵、植物、其他星球的生命等等。一些灵魂甚至参与了宇宙的创造。前世回归可能会揭示一些令人痛苦的经历,例如星球毁灭、虐待等等。许多人经历过被压迫和迫害的过去,例如在宗教迫害、瘟疫等时期。一些灵魂可能在多世轮回中扮演相同的角色(例如施害者或受害者),而另一些灵魂则会体验各种不同的角色。现在有很多志愿灵魂来到地球,以提升地球的意识频率。地球正在经历一场精神觉醒,一些来自其他星系的灵魂来到地球帮助提升意识频率。一些孩子拥有清晰的前世记忆,可能是因为现在全球化的信息连接增强了人们对轮回的认知。人们通常会与灵魂家族一起轮回,体验不同的关系模式。前世回归中,人们可能会发现自己与今生的亲人存在着前世恋人或子女的关系。许多痛苦的关系是灵魂预先计划好的,目的是为了学习和成长。经历过痛苦的人往往能够带来更多的智慧和光明。灵魂在选择今生经历时,往往低估了地球上体验的强度。灵魂会与灵魂家族成员合作,共同完成今生的学习目标。那些对我们产生深刻影响的人,无论好坏,都可能是我们的灵魂伴侣,帮助我们学习和成长。危机是灵魂用来帮助我们与自身重新连接的一种机制。找到自己的快乐是连接自我的重要途径。身体状况可能是灵魂选择的学习方式,有时是为了家人学习更多同情和耐心。自闭症谱系障碍人士的存在是为了提升地球的意识频率。缺乏同情心的人可能处于不同的学习轨道上。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why do some people have recurring dreams that seem to be related to past lives?

Recurring dreams often expand on past life memories, providing a full session of regression.

Why do people experience hypnosis as a normal state?

Hypnosis is a daily experience, similar to waking up, going to sleep, or being engrossed in an activity.

Why do some people have a fear or phobia that seems unrelated to their current life?

Fears and phobias often stem from traumatic experiences in past lives.

Why do souls choose to experience difficult lives?

Difficult lives are chosen to bring wisdom and light, making the soul relatable and understanding of trauma transformation.

Why do some people feel a profound connection with others, even in brief interactions?

Profound connections can be due to soul contracts and past life relationships.

Why do some people experience unrequited love?

Unrequited love forces introspection and self-discovery, leading to self-love and finding one's joy.

Why do some people have disabilities or differences in their current life?

Disabilities and differences are often chosen to teach compassion and patience, or to anchor a higher frequency.

Why do some souls seem to lack compassion?

Some souls are on a different track, experiencing lower octaves of consciousness to understand life through greed and violence.

Why do some people experience extreme pain or difficult situations in their lives?

Extreme pain and difficult situations are often chosen to learn specific lessons, even if the soul doesn't fully understand the gravity of the experience before entering the life.

Why do some people have a very clear memory of past lives?

Clear memories of past lives can be due to the global connection and collective consciousness, making the concept of eternal life more widely accepted.

Adeline introduces Jeroen, a past-life regressionist, and discusses the misconceptions around hypnosis and its normalcy in daily life.
  • Hypnosis is a normal state of focused awareness experienced daily.
  • Jeroen is a past-life regressionist trained by Dolores Cannon.
  • Hypnosis does not involve losing control; individuals remain awake and aware.

Shownotes Transcript


Your dining room is the heart of your home, where meals are shared and memories are made. At Ashley, you'll find affordable dining furniture in a range of classic and modern styles. Ashley's small space sets and extendable tables are designed to fit beautifully into any space, from cozy breakfast nooks and kitchens to formal dining areas fit for a feast. And with mix-and-match seating options, everyone at your table gets the perfect seat. At Ashley, style is served.

Shop in-store or online today. Welcome to season two of Pretty Lonesome, but this time a little less lonely. Behind me is my usual weekly podcast planning method.

And as you can see, I don't come to many conclusions on my own. So I have decided to go out of my way to acquire answers in a more practical sense. For our first guest, we have Jeroen, who is a qualified hypnotist, past-life regressionist, expert in mind control. I'm hoping that he will confirm my hypothesis that this is indeed my first or second time in this realm. He is going to hypnotize me on camera.

so that I can go back to my past life. I'm gonna keep in the hypnotism session at the end of this video so that you can follow along and also regress to your past life if you want to. It's just gonna be right at the end of the episode so you can watch the episode, enjoy it, and then at the end, if you wanna stick around and be hypnotized, you can. If you don't, you're free to go.

Welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome. Today we have our very first special guest. Would you like to introduce yourself? Sure. You

You're not going to say my name? Jeroen. We have tried. We've settled on the fact that I cannot say it very well. I'll let you. So it's Jeroen. It's a very Dutch name. I'm from the Netherlands, based in Los Angeles. I'm a full-time past-life regressionist trained by Dolores Cannon. It's a name that some people might know about. And I'm so glad to be here. I'm so glad to have you here. So we're going to start off today by...

making sure that I have a real grasp on what it is that you do. So I have my own personal anecdotes about past life regression that I'm not going to tell you. Yes, I mean, I'll tell you eventually. But you are going to take me on a bit of a journey, I understand. I am. Yes. So...

So that's a very normal space. It's a space that we know as imagination or recalling memories. So you'll be completely awake and aware of yourself. You'll be in full control. And then you're just going to track whatever drops into your mind's eye. And that's really all it is. Today is just a little sample experience. So it's not anything deep like that. So it's just like a fun exploration into a different part of your consciousness. Okay. How do you feel about it?

A little bit terrified. I am relieved that I'm not going to start clucking like a chicken. No. So when, just out of curiosity, I know there's a lot of like, almost like hysteria online around like hypnosis. Yes. I feel like everyone's seen videos of people getting on stage and being hypnotized into like jumping around like a monkey or whatever it might be. What's your take on that?

I mean, online it's often fun to show the more spectacular, dramatic parts of something because it's content and stuff. So hypnosis is just a really normal space that we all experience on any given day. It's a space you go through as you're waking up or going to sleep or when you're driving places, forgetting how you got there, missing an exit, or even when you're like,

binging some Netflix and you're oblivious to the day turning into night because you're just so focused. And that's really all it is. Hypnosis just means focused awareness. So I don't even like to use the word hypnosis with my clients because it immediately takes people to those illusionary places that do not exist. It's just being focused within yourself. And it's not like you're going to be bound to your chair or... I tell my clients, if you

need some water or need to adjust your blanket or need to use the restroom, they'll have access to that information. I had my own session done about a month ago and I was just there the whole time. And I tell people this before they start the session, like you're going to be awake and aware throughout the whole process.

And then I have to repeat it because I say, if I don't, you're going to come out of it and you'll say, oh, I was there the whole time. It's like, I told you so. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, that's relieving to hear. Yes. No, you could always get up and leave if you wanted to. Okay. Okay. Okay. Love it. All right. I feel well prepared. Okay, good. Yeah. You ready? Yes. You did it. Hopefully. That was fun. Did you notice anything? Did you see anything? No.

Yeah. You did. Good. Yeah. Yeah. Not everybody can go somewhere in the first time, but yeah. Okay. Yeah. And you will just go wherever your higher self deems you to go and the possibilities are endless. So a lot of times people go into what we see as historical Earth lifetimes, but also people go into like alien lifetimes or light being or animal or like all over the universe. Some people were animal? Yep.

Yeah, for trees or rocks or a piece of the atmosphere or plants. Yeah. Oh, cool. Yeah. That is cool. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like I've always had this one vision in my head of this place that, I don't know, just if I think of the olden days, it's this one street.

And that's, I feel like that was where I was. You went there today? Oh, sweet. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. This happens a lot. Oh, really? Yeah. So people come in and we first have sort of an interview about their life. And they tell me about recurring dreams or kind of visions that they've had. And oftentimes they will expand on it in their session. And it turns out to be this full session.

like past life that they've learned interesting yeah so do you think recurring dreams are like often yes really yeah I mean from my experience to people that I've worked with yes really yeah that's freaky I have this one recurring dream that's my only real recurring dream of this like house and a dog

I'm always so excited when I go there because I always wanted that dog as a kid. So I'd get a dog in my dream, but then I'd wake up. And it wasn't there. Yeah, it wasn't there. Oh, yes. Yeah. So would you think that's some sort of memory? Oh, yes. Yeah. Like from my perspective, these past lives are way more active inside of our consciousness than we think. I mean, as we're raised on this planet, this is not...

a context that we're given that past lives are real or that they're part of sort of the architecture of our current life personality but this information is right at the surface it's just at a place that we're not used to looking at or we might do away with that as if it's like imagination or just like a weird quirk it's part of it but the weak quirks that we have including like fears and phobias and affinities or passions that we have for things

From my experience, they're often deliberate parts of other lifetimes that were pulled into this lifetime to have our journey here, to do our path and to live our life's purpose. So like, for example, what I was like seeing when you were just doing the

What would you call that? The regression or like the guided? Yeah, guided regression. Guided regression. Okay. So one thing that I kept thinking about was like it stinks. Like this is just a lot of sickness around me. Nothing was clean. And I didn't really see anything when you said like the important day. Like I kind of just like there was two places that I could like...

which was one was like a street that was kind of gross. And then the other was like a, like the inside of a house that was like,

Very empty, just kind of like a room with lots of people in it. Yeah. Both gross. Yeah. Or like unclean. And in this life, I have like a horrible phobia of sick. Like horror, like life debilitating phobia of vomit. Right. And I've always wondered, like it just feels like it came from somewhere. Because I've always had it since like birth. And my mom is the same way. Oh. And I've been told a few times that my mom and I have been together for like a long, long, long, long time. Yeah.

So do you think it's possible that something happened like in one of those lives that's like for both of us was maybe around, I don't know, famine, sickness? Oh, yeah. I mean, this is, again, from my perspective, doing the work that I do, this is often the case with the fears and phobias. If there's nothing in this lifetime that, you know, like a lot of people have fear of water or drowning and they haven't drowned in this lifetime. So it's often from other lifetimes where that happened. Yeah.

Yeah. What purpose does that serve though? That's a good question. So there's sometimes there's a purpose to it. I always ask like part of this process when I work with clients one-on-one is after the regression, I call forth a higher self. Why did you show them this random life? You know, and it says, well, blah, blah, blah, whatever it was. There is a reason for it. Like I can give an example for, I was in a regression myself where I was part of the Spanish or French inquisition.

And I was one of those church assholes, like back in the day, happily condemning people to like death, you know, for their beliefs. And so in that lifetime, I realized what I had done, like how bad it was. And so I felt so ashamed that I ostracized myself from the community that I was in. And I lived in this like hovel in the woods and I died with my own self-judgment ringing over me. I was unforgivable.

And I pulled that judgment into this lifetime to be part of the mechanisms in this lifetime that took away all of my self-confidence and

my journey was about is about regaining this confidence in myself, living authentically, not by the rules and the tenets and the constructs of the culture that we've grown up in, but to find my own magical self. And this being unforgivable was a way to widen the gap between me feeling insecure and unworthy to now

knowing how to reclaim my value and being able to help other people to do the same thing because of i've walked the path yeah that's cool that's why we pull in these other experiences even though they seem really negative like why would you pull that in yeah right and like to what end is all of like it's like to what end you know regression you mean just lifetimes and lessons and like everything

To what end? Do you mean the overall why life in general? Yeah. So my sense of it now, this is just my two cents. I'm not the guru of truth. This is just my experience. Is that we're all the point the universe is trying to make. You are a perfect expression of source or the universe and so am I. And we are here expressing ourselves.

it as our unique personalities, to expand in awareness, to know what it's like to experience the value from the unworthiness or the joy through the sadness or the light through the dark. Because a three-dimensional experience here on Earth is not the only experience that is to be had in the universe. There's other places that are less dense where life is

It's more flex and flow. There's more of a oneness experience. There's more a working for the greater good. There isn't the contrast and experience that we can have here. And so earth seems to be a coveted place for souls to go to learn. It's like a fast track learning place to go. So you think that all souls would come here and elsewhere? Yes.

Where's the elsewhere? Do you know? I mean, I don't know where it ends, but I think elsewhere are different dimensional places on Earth. People go to lifetimes where they were fairies or pixies. Or some people go to spaces where they were like a ghost that wasn't fully moved on.

Or if you stay on Earth, like again, like a tree or a plant, but also other planets, other galaxies, other dimensional existences where there's no physical shape or body and we're just like light. Or people go into lifetimes where they were like celestial bodies, like a planet. Oh, wow. Yeah. That's cool. And everything, but everything is within the universe. Yes. There's nothing outside like,

the universe is that possible well i'll just give you an experience that i had with a client where she she was this force or there were like different rays color rays and they were consciousness and they felt like they were birthing the universe so they saw these like these like light almost like um like a web of light come out and this is consciousness first and they were before consciousness and before that there was nothing but just this

infinite space of love and safety and beauty. But then they were consciousness and then they were birthing like conscious light. Yes. And at the edges of the light would be where the physical universe was born. Yeah. That's great. I know my mind's like stretched to the max. I can barely fathom that. Yeah. So...

presumably there's got to be some people who would do this regression and find something horrendous. Yeah. Have you ever seen that happen? Yeah. I mean, yeah, I have. Yeah. Yeah, people have witnessed like planets being destroyed or people going back to the current lifetime where they found out like

about abuses that have taken place that they were somehow aware of, but they needed to see what was involved. Or like myself, being part of the Inquisition,

I've been exploring lots of sort of wise women, witch lives with my clients where they were persecuted, you know, by the patriarchy at the time and being killed for knowing how to heal with nature's energies and being wise women. And you're in demand at the time in society, not being able to deal with that. What else? People go back to lives of indigenous people all over the world where Europeans came and, you know, they were slaughtered and,

Those stories as well. People that were alive during the plague. I mean, there's plenty to choose from. I feel like wherever I just went had very plague vibes to it. Yes. Definitely something like that. But have you ever had anyone discover that they were a horrendous historical, political figure? Like they personally did something...

in another life that now they have to be aware of and whatever, whatever. Nothing comes to mind, no. That's good. I mean, no, but nothing comes to mind. Do you think those, those like souls or energies or whatever you call it, like, do you think that those ones come back in the same way? Um,

There seems to be, and I can't know that this is the entire truth, but there seems to be people have certain soul personalities where you do a certain life and that's what you like to do. But there's also people that have like the full spectrum. So they are perpetrators and predators in one life and victims in another one. They just get the full gamut of the experiences. So some people just stick to like being a perpetrator throughout lifetimes and that's their...

That's their shtick. Yeah. I've not experienced that. I've experienced the opposite of people being healers and lightworkers. But hypothetically, yes, that could be there as well. Wow. But I guess people aren't likely to come to you if they're not some sort of healing energy or interested in healing energy. Yeah. It's people that have an interest in the other energy.

dimensions of existence. Right. Yeah. But you're saying there could be people who like, do they just are, you know, consistently pretty terrible throughout, you know, lifetimes and that's their soul personality or whatever you want to call it. It's not that everyone does, you know, victim perpetrator throughout lifetimes and sees a wall. It doesn't seem to be now. There's a lot of volunteer souls here now on the planet. Is that?

So these are souls that have contracted to come in to help elevate the frequency of consciousness on the planet. Oh, so like you. Yeah. Okay, cool. But you're working. You're like on here to work. Yes. But you're probably here as well to do that. To work? Oh, fuck. Well, get to work. It's not like working.

You know, demonstratively, but it can be just holding a certain frequency and energy. Okay. Yeah. Okay. So people, obviously they come with a purpose and you're saying that some people, they're here to, what did you say? Change the collective frequency? Yes. Okay. Yeah. Kind of like a prophet.

Well, it's not sort of outwardly noticeable. It's more like... And it doesn't mean that you have to be the public eye. It can just be that you're here to anchor a certain vibration. It's the people that have not felt at home on this planet that had this innate connection to nature or kind of knew that life could be done in way more loving, compassionate, beautiful ways than what we've seen around us. Nice. Yeah. Nice. So...

Do you think that right now, like in this moment in time, there's more people like that coming to Earth? Yes. Because I know a lot of people talk about like this collective consciousness awakening that seems to be happening. Yeah.

I get the same story through different clients. I've been doing this work for 18 years and this keeps coming up through people that do not know each other. And when I talk to the higher self and they go into a space where they start to talk to me about what's happening with Earth, is that we're going through a spiritual awakening. And that part of it is that

other galactic races that have been involved and invested in Earth for a long time, for like eons, decided that one way to help elevate the frequency is to have their boots on the ground and to come in from these other places with a memory or a retention of the energy of the place in order to anchor that here and to help move things up.

God. Wow. So it's like aliens, basically. Basically, yeah. Oh, sick. Yeah. Okay, cool. Yeah. And so, I mean, it's so normal to me. Like, there's a lot of sessions where people go into those places. And then oftentimes we go into the scene where they said goodbye to their people and they go, well, here I go, you know. Right. And then we ask, like, why were they chosen or why did they volunteer? Because they had experience or they had this strong heart.

And then after this lifetime, sometimes when they go to the death experience, they go right back to their home planet to go back, to be back with their people again. Oh, cool. Yeah.

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Okay, so question. I have like a running joke with my sister and she doesn't find it that funny. I find it funny that this is my second time on her. Yeah. And the reason I say it is because years ago when I was probably like five, my mom went to, I'm not sure what she would have called herself, someone similar to you and spoke about, I think she was more of a medium, but I could be wrong. Anyway.

She told my mom that my mother had a daughter or child who was like very like not trusting of her. And my mom was like, yeah, I do. And that's me. And she was like, I'm confused because this kid, like I've never left her. I've been abandoned. There's no reason for her, but she'll scream if you leave her. She, up until I was like 10, I couldn't even be in a room by myself because I thought no one was coming back. But that was like, no one had ever intervened.

inflicted that on me right um and she did some sort of past life regression and ended up seeing a situation where i or a baby sorry had essentially my mom had a baby and for whatever reason couldn't keep that baby um so she had gone to the woods and put the baby in the woods and left and returned periodically in secret to feed the baby until the baby died oh my god and um

The baby had been in this like sort of vision, I guess, like under a tree wrapped in blankets and that was where it was left. And as a baby in this lifetime, I couldn't be left alone, would scream. And then one day my mom was driven insane by it. So she wrapped me up in a blanket and she put me out in our garden under this tree to have a nap. And she said I fell asleep immediately. So that became the routine was that I was wrapped up warm, put out under this tree and left by myself to sleep. Right.

So then through this conversation, that all came out with this woman and it was like this sort of freaky parallel. And she said, like, it's common if you two were in that life together, this is you guys are sort of working out that dynamic or whatever. Yeah. So...

I mean, I don't know what you think about that, but that kind of birthed a joke for me that this was my second time here and that I only, you know, I didn't get very far in the last life. So that's why I'm a bit of an idiot. And I haven't really had a chance to like get to grips with anything because my sister, she's only a year older than me, but she's just one of those people that just gets it. She knows all the rules about life and she knows right from wrong and she's just like brilliant. And then I kind of,

I don't do that. I've, I, I'm, I'll touch the hot stove like 10 times before I go, oh, it's hot, you know? And by that point I've lost like three fingers. Right. So, and that's like my whole life.

Whereas my sister is just the complete opposite. So my excuse is like, well, you know, I just got here. Well, I see things that way, like from that perspective, there are the younger people that I work with. Some of them, there's more now. There's more that are here now that haven't done earth lives that are coming straight from source. What's source? Source is like God created universe to consciousness. Yeah.

oh so i really could just be just new yes could be new yeah knew it and so yeah these people again they came here to also anchor a higher frequency than how things have been up until now um sometimes people have like like quick lives even like a life where they just were like aborted as a baby they came in they just experienced being in this

the rudimentary human body until it was an abortion or a miscarriage or they might have done one life as a plan to like get the idea of like physicality and then i'm reclined she did a life as a force afterward that was pulling like a carriage in the eighteen hundreds and cool to have an experience of a body with also emotions

and then her third life was this lifetime as a human being but she basically came from from source and had just done like two of these catch-up lives to just get sort of working knowledge of what is it like to be an abandoner so she's on like a crash course kind of yeah cool yeah so you can come from in like an alien realm or just from some source source source source like the

The source of, yeah, source. I mean, I just use that word because I don't like to use the word God or you can say creator or universe or like the all that is or... Just like the source, like... The source, yeah. Okay. Yeah. Cool. Cool. Yeah, because I don't want to sound religious. Yeah, yeah, that's fair enough. And do religious people ever come to you and kind of leave their beliefs at the door and they're just curious or is it mostly atheists? Yes, people that...

have departed from their religions. Yeah, and they've already done a deep dive into this material and just want to have their own experience. - Let me have a look at my files. - So I don't know if it felt like that to you, but for some people, they come out of it and they say, "I made that up, right? It feels like imagination." And people at home might have had this.

And so I've had it happen many times that people go into lifetimes that were earth lifetimes and historical lifetimes.

And if I was being a good past life regressionist, then I would have asked them about lots of mundane details, like what are you wearing? What are you eating? What is the wedding ceremony like? Because if there's enough detail there, we can often Google the information. And then, you know, cultures in different places pop up and they have like made up exactly what this wedding ceremony was in a certain culture someplace.

Right. So if it's a recent, I guess like now, like as time continues and we have documents and stuff, like if you've had a recent enough life, you could potentially find that. Why do you think some kids come to us with like a very, very clear memory? You know, you get those freaky stories of kids that start saying names and addresses and it checks out.

um i think because we're so much more connected now like with the internet and there's like a global connection going on that we can you know see each other's experiences on tick tock um to to bring us into the collective consciousness that there is such a thing as eternal life like our soul doesn't

stop after one life as the church has tried to make us believe or there's heaven and hell like there's for all eternal beings here on the planet and um so i think these kids coming in and and

And people with NDEs as well, near-death experiences, to infuse our consciousness here with this information. That's what I think. So they're kind of like, too cool, almost like a whistleblower, those kids. Sure, yeah. I mean, not a whistleblower, but like a... Yeah. Yeah.

what you called it something earlier like a way shower or yeah or um yeah yeah interesting and but it's you just think that they remember that because they've got a purpose too not because there's something going on like that we could hack almost like a biology difference or like why is it so clear for some people

Because I think it's more normal to have these experiences that we have different lifetimes. So they're kind of just like, they model that. They're an example of that. And it's usually with parents that are from very opposite backgrounds. This is very common that we travel with what is called a soul family. You try out different...

ways of being with each other. So the person that is your parent today could have been a good friend or maybe a lover even in another lifetime. Yeah, I hate that. I know, really. I was actually going to ask you, like, I mean, because my mom, she always told me that our family has been together a long time. Right. And she...

you know told me that same idea of like i mean i've always been your mother maybe your father or whatever and so obviously my mind is always like i really hate that i've never she's she's dabbled in a lot of like i don't know mediums and psychics and whatever and no one's ever told her any other relationship between her and i than mother and daughter which is interesting i guess because we've only been here once twice now right but

Have you ever had it where there's someone with like a distinct, like the story just told and then it turns out like you two were lovers and they have to know that? Is that, have you ever seen it? Yeah, I do group aggressions as well. So it's kind of like the process that we did today. And so I've had experiences with people there that...

That they were in a different lifetime with the person that is now their mom being their lover or their kid. And how do people tend to feel about that? Well, you know, the perspective of the soul, of our soul is very different from, you know, how we look out at the world from within our human perspective.

current life experience. You know, there's way more clarity about like the purpose of these relationships and why you're going into a relationship like that. So it doesn't, it doesn't, when you go into the perspective of the soul, it doesn't feel gross. It just makes sense. Like, oh, I tried out this thing, but this soul at that time. And then, and then you also know that before you went into this lifetime that you, you rallied these other souls to help you learn what you came here to learn. Yeah. Yeah. So do you think that like,

You mentioned earlier there's like people will try out perpetrator and then they'll try out victim and some people don't. Maybe some people stay in one role throughout most of their lifetimes. Do you think that when you have like a harmful relationship with someone...

In a lot of cases, would you say that was like you asked for... It's horrible to say ask for that experience because I think if you're not ready to maybe think like that, it could be like hurtful to hear it. But like in some cases, do you think that it's like your soul planned for that interaction to happen or you rallied that soul to like do that to you or have that experience with you? I really think it is. Yeah. And of course, from our human perspective, we would never choose this. Yeah. And so...

But yeah, from the soul's experience, I meet a lot of people that have really horrible lives, have had really horrible lives. And then they want to find out why. And then I get to speaking to the higher self and it might say something like, yeah, we warned her not to stack her plate too high. She wanted to have a crash course in what it's like to be a human being.

And so she picked these parents and all these experiences to be able to do them the purpose that she came here to do. It's often...

The people with those horrible experiences are here to bring the most wisdom and the most light. Because knowing what the human experience is like for a lot of people makes them relatable and understand mechanisms that can be accessed to transform all these traumas. So is it possible that sometimes even the higher self is like, we tried to tell her. So sometimes if you're going through it,

even the higher self is like, fuck, I tried. Well, it's mostly like when there's other guides coming in or we have councils that kind of help us to decide what life to be into and what's involved. It's like wiser beings with more experience that we go for council. Or before you come down. Before you come down, yeah. And so it's not so much the higher self, but it's often the council or the guides that are kind of like,

Yeah, she wasn't really. It's like before we go into this lifetime, we don't really feel the gravity of the physical experiences. It's more like how do little bits and bobs fit into each other and what makes sense and how can we like walk our path and try to learn the things that we came here to learn. That's great. Yeah. So someone, you know, hypothetically, you could be up there going, no, it's great. I really want to learn.

extreme pain yeah and you think yes this is great i'll learn it in 60 years and that would be like amazing i'll have this knowledge and then you come down here and you think what the fuck is going on yes interesting so it's it's like an inexperienced soul being like this won't be that hard

I can do it. Yeah. So easy. Yeah. You just look at the little, like the map of it and the little, the parts of it, you know, the roads, the road of the path that you're going to be walking in seems easy. Or, yeah. It's like, I mean, you might relate to this. Like I've had lots of codependent relationships with like narcissistic guys. Right. And because...

I learned that I needed to work for love and validation. So I would pick these men that were unavailable emotionally because that would cause me to really make myself deserving of love and accommodate their experience and try to be what I thought they needed me to be. And so these experiences of these relationships were there to teach me self-love.

To finally, yeah. And I know that I contracted these people, you know, on the other side, like, hey, I want to really learn what it's like to love myself, my authenticity. Can you help me with that? And they go like, sure. Up top, you know, I'm going to be your narcissistic boyfriend in that year. And I'm going to be like, dog the shit out of you. And then, you know, you'll really finally choose yourself. Yeah. Brazy. So, okay. So if you say something before coming down, like, okay.

self-love or I don't know I don't want to feel I don't know so you could say okay I'm trying to learn self-love you don't ask for the narcissistic boyfriend you just say I want self-love and it's gonna be no you you it seems like your contract you you call in part of your soul family um and you say hey I want to learn this um can you help me with that what should we do and they go well or you go like hey why why can't you be

What's your path going to be like? Can I fit into that? Are you going to be a narcissist? Like, okay, well, I'm going to intersect with your life at that time. And you're going to be, you know, on this narcissistic journey. And then I'm going to learn from that. Yeah. Cool. That's kind of how I've always thought about it. Like, it's nice to hear you say, yeah, I always kind of thought I was crazy for that. But I like that you, you're egging on that belief. Because I always felt like it was, so you say soul family, like how much soul family would

the average person have or does it vary i have no idea oh like what number that is i have no idea i know that we're not always with all of our soul family like sometimes there's no one there or just a few yeah yeah and sometimes it's all about that yeah there's this thing online it's kind of funny but it's like people will be like oh how long did it take you to get over like

that three year relationship you had and then we go two weeks and then it's like how long did it take you to get over that three month situation ship you had and it's like four years yeah so do you think very brief interactions with like a profound impact

how could be soul family like could the guy i dated for two months that like made me spiral for four years yes he could be my soulmate you're saying he's my soulmate it sounds perfect yeah it could be your soulmate but not the soulmate that you're supposed to be like you know riding into the sunset with like to be living happily ever after but the soulmate that and it's often when the bait is super tasty

like they you have this innate connection with them and you might even like know their thoughts and their feelings and there's such like otherworldly electrified connection with them so yeah by basically every i think you're essentially everyone who has like a profound impact on you like good or bad is sort of like on a contract with you and yourself i think so yes

And why do you think some... Do you think it's biology-based when you just have like a horrendous crush on someone and it's not reciprocated and it's like that horrible feeling and it doesn't go anywhere? What's that? Because it's like they don't have an impact because they don't speak to you. You never even get rejected. Well, there is an impact there because you go through horrible experiences. It's unrequited love. And so in order to...

you know crises in one form or another is for a lot of people the first opportunity to be in relationship to themselves because there's so much horrible feelings inside that they can't like coast along or netflix it or it away or eat it away they have to like attend to what's happening inside instead of being focused on what's going on outside of them so crisis is a mechanism that

our soul uses in our lives to reconnect to reconnect to the self. So if this unrequited love, like, how are you going to make yourself feel happy? Okay, you're going to, you know, drink first, you know, you're going to get horribly drunk for a couple of times, and then that gets old. You're going to have to go on a journey of making yourself happy and finding out what brings you joy. Where's your aliveness? Where's your passion to be there for yourself?

That is interesting. It's just by any means you will get there. You'll figure out how to love yourself or whatever it is that you need to figure out. Right. Well, people often want to know like, well, how do you love yourself or connect to yourself or how to live life in a way that is most honoring of yourself and where to start with that. And so I'm a big proponent of finding your joy.

I see joy is very important because joy is a quick, easy connector to yourself. Because when you ask about joy, you're going to have to drop into your heart and your feelings and wonder what that's like for you. And then to follow whatever that is. To dance, to sing, to draw, to be in nature, to be with your animals, to explore, to travel. Because you connect to yourself, to your joy. Yeah. Yeah.

Is the state of your human body like something that your soul chose because it's just a method to learn exactly what it needs to? So I also have a disabled mom. So is that something that she chose? That's a lesson for her soul? Yeah, from my experience, most of the time it is. There are certain experiences to be had. Sometimes they're not even for the soul themselves but for the family members or the people around to learn more compassion or patience.

Especially with people on the spectrum, what I hear over and over is that they are here, their brains just work much faster, and it's like a faster processing speed, and they're here to anchor a higher frequency. So it's not like they are deviant or not good or they need to be pitied in any kind of way. They're just here to show a different way of being, and it's teaching people around them.

Interesting. So it's not about the specific disability or difference. It's just literally a different way of being and learning that and figuring out for them and the people around them how to be... Yeah, more compassionate, but also to really get into their own... to get into their internal space and to learn from how...

how things work differently. And what do you think about people who don't understand compassion? I had an experience recently where I had to ask someone to Google the word. Really? Yeah. I mean, to me, if there's no feeling awareness of it, I would stay away from those people probably. I mean, that's step number one, yeah. But what do you think, sorry, what's their deal? I mean, if your soul on earth, presumably the reason you're here is to learn,

And if you can't even start with compassion, what are they learning? I mean, they might be on a very different track. They might be, they might just like, like some souls do that. They experience the whole gamut. They go from like being part of the atmosphere to the mineral kingdom, to the animal kingdom, to like rudimentary life, or they might just be on that track. And they're just focused on like the very sort of

lower octaves of consciousness to really know how to get through life by through greed and violence and

That might be an experience that they're having. Okay. And it's just this lifetime that's the shtick and next time maybe the... Another level. An impassant. Yeah. Okay, interesting. Yeah. I had a memory of a past life that I went into myself where I was in the north of France and I was an orphan, a boy, and I had learned to get ahead in life by pushing others away, over the backs of others. And so I became an asshole.

And I married this woman who I treated very horribly, like I bullied her. And I was meant to move into my heart in this lifetime, but I didn't. And I ended up dying from a heart attack. And then my soul, looking back at that life, realized that it had split off in both the man and the woman to experience what it's like to be a bully, but also to...

to experience to be bullied at the same time and my soul was very matter of fact about it like check check done and done on to the next experience so it wasn't like there was judgment about it or or that poor woman or this asshole man it was just had those experiences very interesting moving on to the next one right yeah so it was just kind of picking them up like rocks and moving on yeah yeah

Interesting. So there could be past lives where when you think back to them, you have brought in like guilt and shame. And then equally, there could just be ones where it's like, no, I just, that was just, that just is what it is. I collected it and moved on. Yes. And sometimes you bring your guilt and shame to this lifetime if there is a purpose for it. Yeah. Interesting. Yeah. Seems to be very flexing flow and not according to set rules. You know, there's lots of possibilities. Yes. Okay. Wow. Wow.

Thank you very much. You're welcome. I feel very much more in the know now. I love this. Thank you for asking all those good questions. I love talking about this stuff. Me too. This is so fun. I really feel like this is going to be a thing for me. Maybe I'll come see you again because I'm intrigued. That'll be fun. Yeah. I look forward to it. Thank you.


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Me again. Okay, now we're going to play the hypnosis section. Thank you for watching this episode of Pretty Lonesome. If you don't want to be hypnotized, go away. And if you do, stick around. It's a 15-minute past life regression session. So I think it's well worth your time. Maybe you have better things to do. I don't know. Okay, that's it. Here we go. People at home, follow along if you want to. So please close your eyes. Close your eyes and just take a deep breath.

Good. And just notice how comfortable it feels to be sitting in your comfortable chair. Everyone else is running around trying to get things done. You're getting a moment to yourself to explore a different part of your consciousness, your identity. So we should have sense your body and see where your body is most relaxed. Find a point in your body where you feel the most relaxation. It could be anywhere.

Sit right down focusing on my heart, but wherever you want. And imagine this spot expanding, this relaxation expanding throughout your body. It's like a tingling or a light. This relaxing all the cells it comes into contact with. Overtaking all of your body. It feels good. So why not want more of it? Good.

So again, like I said, hypnosis is a very normal state that we all go through on any given day. It is the state you go through as you're waking up, or going to sleep, the state you're in when you're driving places, forgetting how you got there, missing an exit, even the state you're in when you're reading a good book or binging some Netflix, being oblivious to the passage of time.

looking up from your book or your screen and realizing the day has turned into night and you weren't aware of this because you were so focused. And that's all hypnosis is. Simply a fancy word for focused awareness. So it's something you do on a daily basis. You're very familiar with it. It's very, very easy. And today we'll do a quick, simple past life regression. We'll experience what it's like to tap into

another expression of your soul. Some people say they can't visualize or they can't see anything, but it's not seeing as if with your physical eyes. It's seeing with your mind in the same way that you access memory or imagination. No difference. So again, it's a very normal state, normal space that you're very familiar with. It's very, very easy.

So we should picture a spot or a place where you feel very, very safe and very, very relaxed. It could be your bedroom or a place in nature. Imagine a spot where you feel safe and relaxed. There's no need to fret about picking the perfect one. Just go with the first one that comes up. And really picture yourself there, looking at the colors around you, hearing the sounds, even the smells of the place.

and notice how comfortable you feel whenever you're there and you're feeling so comfortable and so safe that you start to float to levitate you're drifting upwards and if there's any ceilings or structures in the way of floating upwards you just go right through as your present day body is dissolving around you and become the consciousness that you've always been and as you keep floating up

The loving, wise energy of your higher self is forming around you like a sphere of pure, bright, white light. It is here to guide you and to protect you so you feel safe, secure, wonderful, and light. And your higher self is who you truly are at your core. It is the part of you that knows it is part of source or creator or goddess. So it's very, very wise and very, very loving.

and it's always here to love on you. It knows where to take you. You don't have to know. It will take you wherever it is, for your high is good. So you keep rising upwards until you move into outer space. The earth is moving away from you with all your daily worries, and you find yourself in the expanse of space. Beautiful stars around you, colorful nebula drifting and floating through time and through space.

And ahead of you, you notice a beautiful shimmering. And as you get curious, you float closer to it. And now you're right up against this beautiful shimmering. And you see it's a portal. And you know this portal will take you to a different time, a different place, a different life. Float through this portal. Look around you. What do you picture? What do you see around you? What are your surroundings like? Are you inside or are you outside?

Become aware of where you are. Imagine if you were in a different light. What would it look like around you? What do you see? Are you noticing anything? Kind of. Do you want to share? I don't know. It's just outside. Yes. What kind of outside? You can keep your eyes closed. Like tiny houses. Not tiny, but old. Like cottages? Yeah, kind of. But like...

Well, like bungalow-y houses. Oh. What do they made of? You mean cart down? Like, they're shit. Like, um, like wood planks almost. Hmm. What kind of landscape are they set in? What is landscape? Oh, like the terrain. Like, is it dry or lush? Is it mountainous? Is it flat? No, it's wet. It's wet. Oh. All right. Then bring your focus to your body.

Notice yourself standing in this landscape. You can start by looking down at your feet. Just noticing the first thing that you realize when you look down at your feet. Looking up at your body. Noticing that you're wearing clothes. What feels right? What kind of clothes? Nothing. I felt like... Can you picture it? Do you feel male or female? Male, if anything. Yeah. Old or young? Young. Do you feel weak or strong? Probably weak.

Imagine raising up your arms and your hands so you can take a look at them. Notice in your skin tone, your build. So now you've seen the place, the environment where you are and also your body. Move to the place where you live. See what that place looks like. Place where you live in this new body. Now go inside of this place. What does it look like on the inside? See where the food is cooked in that place and see where you eat your food.

see yourself having a meal if there is anyone else living with you in this place they will be sitting with you now eating the meal with you if there is anyone there look at them and see if they are related to you in any way now i want you to see yourself doing whatever it is that you do with the majority of your time do you have a job or an occupation something that you do that fills the majority of your time

and notice how you feel about what it is that you're doing. Are you enjoying it or is it just a chore? Then leave that scene. Leave that scene and let's move forward to an important day. An important day in that life where something is happening that you consider to be important. Whatever that might be. We have now moved forward to an important day. What's happening? What do you see? Is it a happy day or a sad day?

Then leave that scene and let's move forward to the very last day of your life, in that lifetime that you were watching. So we'll find out what happened to you. You can watch it as an observer if you want to. You won't have to experience it. Watch it as an observer if you want to. Now, whatever happens there has already happened and you are on the other side of it. You're out of that body and you're on the other side of it.

From that position you can see the entire lifetime from a very different perspective. Every lifetime has a lesson. What did you learn from that lifetime? The first thing that pops into your mind is the answer. What did you learn from that lifetime? And now we're going to bring our awareness back to our present body. I'm going to count to 10 and on the count of 10 you will be wide awake, feeling wonderful and comfortable all over.

Find the portal again. You could find it easily. Make your way back through the portal. 1. Becoming aware of your current day body. You can move your arms and feet. Becoming aware of the present day body. 2, 3, 4. Becoming aware of the sounds around you, the sounds in your room, and the sounds outside of your room. 5, 6. Becoming more and more awake and aware. Noticing the weight of your body being pulled down by gravity.

7, 8, 9, more and more aware, awake, you're beginning to wake up now. And 10, fully awake and aware, back in this body, back in this time. My takeaway from this entire experience is that every single person that I've ever had a crush on is actually my soulmate.

And even if I was rejected in this lifetime, it's okay because I'll be seeing them in the next. The other thing that I took away from this session was that I definitely died in some kind of famine and I was definitely a kid. And my lack of knowledge is completely excused by inexperience. We'll be seeing you again. Okay, well, lights on and this office is up. I'll be back, trust me, and we'll get more of our questions answered. Love you guys. See you soon. Bye-bye.

We'll be right back.

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