Adeline: 我计划进行前世回归,以探索我与男友关系的本质,以及我童年时期对被遗弃的恐惧。我还想知道我是否在前世夭折,以及这是否解释了我喜欢在寒冷环境中睡觉的原因。 Jeroen: 我是一位前世回归治疗师,我将引导Adeline进行前世回归,探索她的前世记忆。我会解释前世回归的原理,以及人们在前世回归中可能经历的各种体验,包括历史上的地球生命、外星生命、光之存在、动物等等。我会帮助Adeline理解她的恐惧、偏好和热情与前世经验的关系,以及这些经验如何帮助她完成今生的目标。我会解释为什么灵魂会选择经历痛苦的事件,以及这些经历如何帮助灵魂学习和成长。我会解释灵魂家族的概念,以及灵魂如何选择与特定的人建立关系,包括恋人、父母、子女等等。我会解释集体意识觉醒的概念,以及一些来自其他星系的灵魂来到地球帮助提升意识频率。 Jeroen: 前世回归是一个正常的精神状态,类似于人们在清醒、睡眠、驾驶等状态下经历的专注状态。网络上关于催眠的夸张描述并不真实,催眠只是专注的意识状态。前世回归可以通向各种各样的体验,包括历史上的地球生命、外星生命、光之存在、动物等等。反复出现的梦境通常与前世记忆有关。我们今生的恐惧、偏好和热情,往往是前世经验的延续,它们帮助我们完成今生的目标。恐惧症和强迫症通常源于前世经历。前世经历,即使是负面的,也具有其存在的目的,帮助我们学习和成长。我们每个人都是宇宙的独特表达,来到地球是为了体验各种对立的经验,从而扩展意识。地球是一个灵魂学习的快速通道,灵魂可以体验到其他维度中无法体验到的强烈对比和经验。灵魂可以体验到地球上不同维度的生命,例如仙子、精灵、幽灵、植物、其他星球的生命等等。一些灵魂甚至参与了宇宙的创造。前世回归可能会揭示一些令人痛苦的经历,例如星球毁灭、虐待等等。许多人经历过被压迫和迫害的过去,例如在宗教迫害、瘟疫等时期。一些灵魂可能在多世轮回中扮演相同的角色(例如施害者或受害者),而另一些灵魂则会体验各种不同的角色。现在有很多志愿灵魂来到地球,以提升地球的意识频率。地球正在经历一场精神觉醒,一些来自其他星系的灵魂来到地球帮助提升意识频率。一些孩子拥有清晰的前世记忆,可能是因为现在全球化的信息连接增强了人们对轮回的认知。人们通常会与灵魂家族一起轮回,体验不同的关系模式。前世回归中,人们可能会发现自己与今生的亲人存在着前世恋人或子女的关系。许多痛苦的关系是灵魂预先计划好的,目的是为了学习和成长。经历过痛苦的人往往能够带来更多的智慧和光明。灵魂在选择今生经历时,往往低估了地球上体验的强度。灵魂会与灵魂家族成员合作,共同完成今生的学习目标。那些对我们产生深刻影响的人,无论好坏,都可能是我们的灵魂伴侣,帮助我们学习和成长。危机是灵魂用来帮助我们与自身重新连接的一种机制。找到自己的快乐是连接自我的重要途径。身体状况可能是灵魂选择的学习方式,有时是为了家人学习更多同情和耐心。自闭症谱系障碍人士的存在是为了提升地球的意识频率。缺乏同情心的人可能处于不同的学习轨道上。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why do some people have recurring dreams that seem to be related to past lives?

Recurring dreams often expand on past life memories, providing a full session of regression.

Why do people experience hypnosis as a normal state?

Hypnosis is a daily experience, similar to waking up, going to sleep, or being engrossed in an activity.

Why do some people have a fear or phobia that seems unrelated to their current life?

Fears and phobias often stem from traumatic experiences in past lives.

Why do souls choose to experience difficult lives?

Difficult lives are chosen to bring wisdom and light, making the soul relatable and understanding of trauma transformation.

Why do some people feel a profound connection with others, even in brief interactions?

Profound connections can be due to soul contracts and past life relationships.

Why do some people experience unrequited love?

Unrequited love forces introspection and self-discovery, leading to self-love and finding one's joy.

Why do some people have disabilities or differences in their current life?

Disabilities and differences are often chosen to teach compassion and patience, or to anchor a higher frequency.

Why do some souls seem to lack compassion?

Some souls are on a different track, experiencing lower octaves of consciousness to understand life through greed and violence.

Why do some people experience extreme pain or difficult situations in their lives?

Extreme pain and difficult situations are often chosen to learn specific lessons, even if the soul doesn't fully understand the gravity of the experience before entering the life.

Why do some people have a very clear memory of past lives?

Clear memories of past lives can be due to the global connection and collective consciousness, making the concept of eternal life more widely accepted.

Adeline introduces Jeroen, a past-life regressionist, and discusses the misconceptions around hypnosis and its normalcy in daily life.
  • Hypnosis is a normal state of focused awareness experienced daily.
  • Jeroen is a past-life regressionist trained by Dolores Cannon.
  • Hypnosis does not involve losing control; individuals remain awake and aware.

Shownotes Transcript

adeline is here to get some answers

starting with the most pressing: is the boy who doesn’t want her really her soulmate? also: did she die as a baby in her past life and is that why she loves to sleep in the cold?

from a suspiciously acquired office, Adeline invites you to sit down and learn with her as she acquires a new  Person of interest to question monthly on pretty lonesome