Doug Hendrickson
Gavin Newsom
Jack Schlossberg
Marshawn Lynch
Jack Schlossberg: 在节目中,杰克·施洛斯伯格分享了他对政治、社交媒体以及年轻一代的看法。他谈到了自己在TikTok上分享政治观点的经历,以及他如何利用幽默和风险承担来吸引观众的注意。他还讨论了民主党在争取年轻男性选民支持方面面临的挑战,以及如何通过关注经济问题和承担风险来解决这个问题。他认为,对抗虚假信息的方法是发布自己的想法,用正确的信息来充斥网络空间。他还谈到了自己家族的遗产,以及如何利用这个遗产来影响政治。最后,他表示自己目前没有明确的从政计划,但他热爱政治,并会继续寻找参与政治的方式。 Marshawn Lynch: Marshawn Lynch在节目中分享了他对政治、社交媒体以及男性气质的看法。他谈到了自己如何保持真实自我,不理会外界的评价。他还谈到了他对政治的理解,以及政府项目对其生活的影响。他认为,特朗普能够有效地与那些被认为是“坏人”的男性选民沟通,因为特朗普能够直接表达自己的观点,并且承诺为这些选民提供经济上的好处。他还讲述了一个高中女生在排球比赛中表现出情绪后,遭到家长和学校强烈反对的例子,以此说明社会对男性和女性表达情绪的双重标准。 Gavin Newsom: Gavin Newsom在节目中分享了他对传统媒体衰落、社交媒体兴起以及政治沟通方式变化的看法。他认为,政治人物需要更多地利用社交媒体进行沟通,才能有效地与选民交流。他还谈到了政治中的“兄弟文化”的影响,以及它对男女两性选民的影响。他赞赏Jack Schlossberg积极参与政治,并关注年轻一代的利益。 Doug Hendrickson: Doug Hendrickson在节目中表达了他对Jack Schlossberg和Marshawn Lynch就读常春藤名校的钦佩,以及他对Jack Schlossberg在TikTok上批评J.D. Vance的方式的赞赏。他还谈到了自己对政治的理解,以及他如何看待政治中的幽默和风险承担。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Jack Schlossberg decide to become active on social media?

He felt the need to combat disinformation by flooding the space with his own ideas and thoughts, recognizing the limited number of eyeballs and the exposure effect of constant posting.

How does Jack Schlossberg view the role of humor in political discourse?

He believes humor is a great way to break through and have a hopeful spin, allowing for a more engaging and less serious approach to delivering political messages.

What challenges does Jack Schlossberg face due to his family legacy?

He faces the expectation and pressure associated with being part of the Kennedy family, which requires him to be more expressive and courageous in his political engagement.

How does Marshawn Lynch stay authentic in his interactions despite his public profile?

He maintains his authenticity by not feeling the need to be a particular way due to the titles or positions of those he interacts with, staying true to himself regardless of the circumstances.

What does Gavin Newsom see as the impact of social media on political communication?

He observes a significant contraction of traditional media and a shift towards fighting for eyeballs and attention on social media platforms, which has become crucial for effective communication.

How does Jack Schlossberg plan to address the gender gap among young men in political support?

He aims to use risk-taking behavior online, such as being silly or funny, to attract young men and engage them in political discourse, recognizing the need to talk to them differently.

What does Marshawn Lynch identify as a challenge in the current political climate for young men?

He highlights the backlash against traditional masculine behavior, where being an alpha male is seen negatively, and the appeal of figures like Trump who speak to these men's concerns.

How does Jack Schlossberg feel about a potential political career?

He is open to the idea but tries not to plan too far ahead, focusing on staying in the moment and taking advantage of opportunities that seem right without overthinking the future.

Jack Schlossberg discusses his approach to staying authentic in politics, drawing parallels with Marshawn Lynch's authenticity and Gavin Newsom's political courage.
  • Jack Schlossberg's casual and authentic approach to politics.
  • Marshawn Lynch's consistent and real personality in various circumstances.
  • Gavin Newsom's appreciation for Marshawn's authenticity and Jack's courage in politics.

Shownotes Transcript


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Man, what's happening, man? You got Marshawn, Beast Mode, Lynch. Doug Hendrickson. And Gavin Newsom, and you're listening to Politicking. Marshawn has a hit trailer, new movie coming out now that's the talk of the world. Trailers get to be hits? It's the talk of the world, this new movie. Leave it up to Doug. Man, I notice you're a shitty shot, buddy. You can't even take the guy out. You know how to use a gun?

The hell's going on, Marshawn? Yeah, I'm going to tell you, man. They're trying to ban the guns in the States right now, so I ain't been able to get my practice up. You know what I mean? And that little motherfucker was fast as shit. Key Quan, he fast as shit. Who's that actor? Who is he? He's a great actor. He's a lot of fun. Yeah. He's like 54 years old, and this little bitty ass was doing all his own stunts and shit and

I'm like, God damn. I just hope to be moving like that at 50. And he did all this stuff. Like he get up, he do all his own stunts. Like when we was practicing and shit doing that, like, you know, when I was grabbing him and throwing him, he like, no, actually like really grabbed me. And I, if you could just hit me a little bit, just so I can feel it so I could react. And I'm like,

I don't know about really hitting you, bro. Can we just do a really good job at acting like it? Cause you hella small. Like, no, no, no, I can take it. Just try it. So I hit his ass one time and he was like, Hey, uh, you know, Marshawn, I was thinking like,

Maybe we should not do that. And you should probably just, you know, we should just fake it really good. And I'm like, yeah, I think so. Well, all I know, Gavin, is that you and I are going to be with Marshawn at the Man's Chinese Theater in Hollywood for the premiere. The red carpet? The red carpet. The last time I was there when I did Angels in the Alpha, I got invited to the premiere. Oh, my God. And I had seven lines. Look at this guy. I had seven lines in the movie. What the fuck, my boy? So I go to the True Story. I go to the premiere.

during the movie i keep saying like my scene's about to come up and they cut all my lines so at the end of the movie i go to irby smith real real famous uh disney director and i go herbie you're killing me i bring my buddy i go to the premiere and i said where are my lines and he said doug welcome to hollywood we had to cut them all out that was an extra in sister act

And I think I got cut though. I claim that my, my hand may have been in it. So if there's a mysterious hand walking by, that was mine. Was you singing? Yeah. What are you kidding? I rushed to the theaters to see me and I wasn't in it. I'm like, what the hell is this? Two days on the set as an extra. It was a big moment for me, man. I felt kind of cool.

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Hey, Jack. How you doing, bud? Hey, everybody. Great to be here. Hey, Governor. Good to be here with you. I appreciate, Marshawn, you're almost better dressed than Jack is today. He's all casual. You're looking good, Jack. Well, Governor, I have to show you my hat. What's your hat? This is like my oldest hat. I wear it every day and it's Balboa Cafe. My best friend gave it to me for my birthday one year and we go there every time I visit. This is the best guest we've had. This is our guy. Exactly.

What the hell? Where'd you get that? Seriously, where'd you get that? My best friend gave it to me for my birthday. We have a birthday gift friendship and this was my special gift like two years ago and I haven't really taken it off since. And we go there every time I visit him out in San Francisco. Jesus, I didn't even know that, man. I did not know that. Tell me you don't. What is that? That's Gavin's Boromore, Sean Balboa. Come on, man, Balboa.

Cafe in San Francisco. I thought he said bubble. I said, I don't know that one. That must be the upper echelon. I love it. By the way, tell me, Jack, you don't put all damn mayonnaise on every single thing you order. I feel like I'm like...

Oh my God. I'm Mr. Mayonnaise right now. Yeah, I actually really do mean all of it. I love mayonnaise. I think it just makes everything so much better. Serious? I really love it. Man, I'll throw up if I ate that. Dude, dude. Oh my God. It's even worse than you think. Jack literally orders pizzas, bro.

Yeah, I put it on pizza. Well, because it's like a sandwich. You know what I mean? But Jack, does Miracle Whip constitute... I'm a Miracle Whip guy. I hate mayonnaise. I mean Hellman's mayonnaise. I love my Miracle Whip. Oh, do you? Jesus. That shit is terrible. I don't actually know if I ever had it, but you know what? I should give it a try. Oh, that ain't right. I don't even understand that. There are a lot of anti-mayonnaise people out there, Jack. You see, you're losing folks. Listen, I'm prepared for this fight. It's a fight that I've been...

preparing for well jack we're honored because uh you know gavin and i are just state school public school kids but we're honored having two ivy league guys there marshawn being a princeton graduate what's up after cal yeah princeton trust yeah with a wink and a nod princeton but he does have a certificate somehow he got it not somehow man you know i put in work for that thing my boy you know what i'm talking about batman i put in work for that long hours

But Marshawn, I mean, Jack's got this. I don't know. He went to, I had to look him up. This thing was something called Yale. And what was the other one, Doug? It starts with an H like it wasn't home. It wasn't Humboldt state. Was it Harvard? I think Harvard.

Small school. No, no, no, no. You got to get them right when they do that because, you know, they're going to play this. We went to public school and state school. What do we do? What do I say? You got to just make sure you tighten them up. You feel me? You got to get them together and let them know what type of time you want. You feel me? Have them pronounce it right because it sounds like Harvard University. There you go. Harvard University. Who's ever said university? I've never heard of Harvard, but not Harvard University. Harvard University.

But see, he wants you to know. I want you to know. Yeah, he wants you to know. Marshawn, I just got to say this. I'm a huge fan of yours. And I think you're so cool. Oh, shit. Yeah, long time. And Skittles during the game. And...

Anyway, you're just like everything. Yeah, you're a super inspiring guy. So it's an honor to be here with you. Hey, you know what? I appreciate it, big dog. If Marshawn ends up running for mayor of Oakland, we need you to run his TikTok account because you're pretty good at TikTok. So we can have you run the TikTok account for Marshawn as the mayor of Oakland. Oh my God. Well, I'm pretty sure Marshawn's got me beat on all things communication, but if called to serve by Beast Mode himself, how can...

how could you say now you know what the cold part is i don't even play tick tock though you feel what i'm saying but but doug i mean doug ain't gonna he ain't gonna let you play down nothing but he did you know that was one so one thing that he did tell me about you and how you rocking on there how for me i just i just don't know maybe because i'm hella old or something and i just probably don't get it but you enjoy doing that though huh yeah i mean i feel like i

For me, it's like so fun to make the videos or make videos. I think it's really fun. And I just kind of messing around. I've always been doing it. Just kind of like something that I've been doing in the background because I'm just a kid who had grew up with Instagram and stuff. But I didn't get on TikTok till a couple months ago. And it's really weird. It's really different than I thought. I was kind of scared of it. I thought it was going to be like really scary and really hard to figure out. But yeah, no, it's it's.

It's interesting. I feel like it gets a bad rap. People say like, talk about social media. Like it's, it's somehow like less dignified than other things. But I feel like right now we're seeing that it,

in a lot of ways drives the conversation and allows you to talk directly to people in a way that i didn't really fully understand until i started doing it well that's crazy because then you must gotta you must got a pretty good algorithm on there because uh when i see something like like when my family members and show me something like that all i see is butt cheeks you

You feel what I'm saying? Butt cheeks and fucking fights and car accidents and all kind of crazy shit like that. So, I mean, I guess it just depends on your algorithm or the way that you choose to use that thing. But.

You know, for a minute there, I ain't going to lie, the butt cheeks really did have my mind. Doug, I don't know what they're even talking about. Well, actually, Jack, speaking of TikTok, what's pretty cool is that you call out J.D. Vance all the time, who, by the way, I think is kind of bizarre and crazy, too. But the cool thing is you call him out. And in return, Gavin gets called out by Trump every day called new scum. But you're doing it in a cool way where it's like you're just telling him, hey, listen, here are the facts.

Give me some answers. Gavin gets called out by Trump every day. New scum, you know, all dah, dah, dah. And it's kind of interesting that,

your TikTok stuff on JD and Gavin can allude on his Trump stuff. Oh, well, but Jack, I mean, but it is, it does beg a question, man. I mean, you're not shy about any of this. And I, you know, I appreciate your willingness to put yourself out. You can contrast that to some of our major national newspapers that didn't even want to make a decision and their editorial boards about which direction to go in November. You've made it pretty clear about who you're supporting, what you're about. But I mean, it's, it does come on. We were joking about the mayonnaise.

But I mean, you got, I mean, there's gotta be a, you know, there's obvious, not just the risk, there's a reality of backlash and a lot of hate. And I imagine that's a big part of it as well. No? Yeah. I feel like, I mean, coming from you, that's such a compliment. I feel like if I can think of one person who has stood out in the last four years, I mean, longer than that, but really, especially the last four years of just like being someone to deliver the

the positive, clear, strong message that I want to hear as a Democrat. You have been doing that as well, if not better than anybody.

And I told Batman go run for fucking president. Yeah, I know. It's like you've gone out on a limb yourself. I mean, you're saying that I'm, you know, whatever, um, risking something, but you know, you do it every day too. And I feel like, so that's a huge compliment coming from you. But yeah, I mean, I don't know. Marshawn could tell like the haters, whatever haters or whatever, they help you out. It's crazy that you just say that because right before you came on, we was talking about the haters that, uh,

that might have something to say about LeBron and shit. And we had, you know, I mean, a simple little two words for you. Fuck you. I mean, you know, that shit, that shit is simple, but it goes a long way, a long way. You should you should try it. You give it a try. Like right now, like, fuck you.

Wait, Marshawn, can I ask you a question? What's up, guys? How do you, like, I feel like something I've noticed is that maybe I started off funny, but the more time I spend around people who are in politics, the less funny I become. But I feel like you've managed to maintain, like, a hilarious attitude and focus, obviously. Like, how do you stay in the pocket like that and not get your brain warped by everybody around you?

I think it's probably more so just like I'm not of this. I'm not of this world. I'm like in it. So I don't really got no problem with the way that people judge me or if they got something to say about me, especially if they don't know me. So that shit has been something that I've been able to take and I've been able to like really hone on to. And I really ain't got no like I ain't got no shame like.

I sit here with the governor of California week in and week out, and I don't feel I need to be a particular type of way because of his title. I just look at him and ask, shit, this is dog that come to my foundation events or come out to my camp where I go and pop up like, shit, what's happening with you, my boy? So I don't feel no pressure to be somebody that I'm not. And I think that's what really helped me.

or definitely is me like i just i'm just me i can't i don't see no other need to want to be somebody else and i love that but it's interesting you're marshawn hearing you say that and i i deeply appreciate that and and and you know that's what makes marshawn so wonderful is he's he's the same damn guy no matter the circumstance and whoever he's with or in front of um and totally authentic but jack i mean for you it

I mean, it comes with a lot of expectation, right? I mean, you, you walk into the room and you've got all that legacy attached to you. And that's where I think it takes even more courage in some respects for you to be so expressive because you're putting stuff on the line. And I imagine your families, you know, they, they can't help it to be a little sensitized by it positively or negatively. Uh,

And so what I mean, how's that experience been for you as you? I mean, you talk about coming out on TikTok recently, but it's not just that. I mean, you kind of blown up online a much bigger. I mean, in a pretty powerful way, you're a legit influencer now in the conversation. You've got a generation of folks that aren't necessarily tuned in. You're tuning them up and focused on this election. But but again, with with a lot of that, I don't want to call it baggage, but expectation that's laid in with it as well.

Well, no, totally. I mean, I appreciate you recognizing that. I think that for me, the last few months have really been...

like I haven't been thinking about it too much because I actually really care about what's going on. And I, and, and that's at the center of it all. And I think that that allows you to play with people's minds and play with expectation and play with, uh, other like bounce off the, the legacy aspect. If you actually care and think that your heart is in the right place and that you're going to be able to stand by what you did either way, because you think it like you weren't, I wasn't prepared to not do anything this year. And, um,

that could mean a lot of different things. Like I, you know, a part of me thought like I should just go, you know, slog it out and, and, and work at a law firm or a public defender's office, something like that, which is incredible work. But I feel like I was like, no, but I think I'm kind of better at making videos and the kids that I was sitting next to in law school, they should, they are much better at being lawyers and we should trust them and not me and I should make the videos. So I think that, um,

I don't know. Yeah, I feel like for me, it's like this has been a fun way to experiment.

rather than like, oh my God, the Kennedy legacy and I have to be so serious and do all this stuff. I mean, I spent a pretty long time in school, not really misbehaving at all. And I live a pretty straight and narrow life. And I'm super disciplined about a lot of different things. So I feel like- Damn, how boring is this shit? So boring. Oh my God. I mean, whatever. It's not boring. I'm so lucky I got to go there, but-

No, it was, well, Jack, let me ask you a question. Gavin said you're obviously the most famous family in the world, the Kennedys and whatnot. And growing up as a kid in that environment, the pressure had on you. Was there ever a way in each, it was there any time you almost went the wrong way because you see so many families with, with kids and grandkids and whatnot that go detour. Was there ever a point that you remember you almost went South with a bad crew of friends or something like that? Or how was that?

For me, it was never like bad crew of friends. It was more like just like putting too much on myself. I had a really bad, one thing that like I would say is like I had a really bad injury for a while and I couldn't, and I had to like have, you know, Marshawn probably knows all about this, but I like, I couldn't really walk for like a number of years. And I think that that was like a major personality forming experience that I think

allowed me to develop some resilience. I take my grandfather's legacy really seriously. And I, something that I've been like working to with the JFK library since I was like 17 or 18 years old. Also, I feel like I'm talking way too much and we've got like three incredible people here. So I should, I should stop. No, that's what you hear folks. I mean, I know, but I mean, yeah,

So I put a lot of work and a thought into thinking about President Kennedy and what he means and what the coolest aspects of his legacy are and listening to his speeches and studying that and speaking about him and applying the lessons of his time to our time, just all throughout my life, throughout every day. And I think that that's kept me pretty straight and narrow. But I would say that after I released some of the videos...

first time around, I was like, did I like, I don't know, like a couple of days went by and nobody said anything. And I was like, Oh, did I, did I piss mom off? Did I piss her off? I was like, I was like, whatever. I don't care. That's good. If nobody says anything like that, you know, but anyway, I think that,

I was happy with the reaction in the long, long term. But it's interesting. I mean, because your videos are late and I mean, it's interesting use humor primarily as sort of the, I mean, that's, that's how you sort of bring people in to the conversation. I mean, obviously that had to be big part of, I mean, have you always been that guy? Yeah, well, totally. I think like totally like a clown forever and love making people laugh and love doing impressions and stuff like that. Um,

But I definitely have my serious side too. And I like to have both. I think that's what I find really fun is to be able to freak people out because they're expecting me to do something weird. And I'm just a serious, normal person. And they're like, huh, he's so nice. I'm like, yeah, well, I'm not going to do that right. I'm not going to go crazy right now. But yeah, I think humor, I feel like you probably get this

You've been in politics a long time. You've got to break through. You can do that in a number of ways. You can be vulgar and you can attack people and you can do things that other people do or you can try to have a hopeful spin. I think humor is a great way to do that. It's really all I've got.

So you got like hella security and shit around you all the time? No, nothing. This whole thing has been me, literally just me and my phone. And I have now I have like two really cool people helping me, like who I've known for a really long time, like my friends growing up and they're like pitching in. But it's really just been me on my phone.

Man, because it's crazy, right? So when they released the press, it was like, oh yeah, Marshawn, Gavin, and Doug, they doing this podcast shit. I had this dude come up to me when I was in the airport going to go do our first...

our first show. And I had this dude come up to me like, hey, Marshawn. And I'm already, you know what I mean? I done made up my mind already. Like, man, I don't know why they didn't give me the ball. Like, right? Because that's how usually people come. And he like, you fucking scumbag. And I'm like, what the fuck?

I mean, what the fuck wrong with you, bro? Like, you fucking doing that podcast with fucking Nooskim? Like, fuck you. And I'm like, man, hold on. What the fuck type of time you on, bro? And it was weird because it's normally a guy that probably wouldn't have said shit to me, but

You know, I'm like, man, what the fuck going on? So fuck you. I'll fuck you. I'll fuck you up right now. I'll fucking kick your ass. Like, man, I beat the shit out of you in this airport. You got me fucked up. Like, oh, shit. So when I get to Batman, I'm like, hey, bro, you got it. You got to give me some secret services. You got to give me some people to come travel with me because, you know, I didn't. It's a different kind of beef when you, you know, I mean.

By the way, Jack, he's not bullshitting. He literally walked in, tells me the story. He's like, bro, I'm serious. I need security, man. What the hell am I doing with you? Why am I even associating with you? Man, I'm like, bro, it's a different kind of beef. Like, bro, you got different kind of motherfuckers who looking to fuck you up.

And now they can't get to you, but they could get to me. Like, you got to give me some some secret service or something. So I'm like, man, you know what you being, you know who you are. I'm thinking like, damn, Brett probably got like 18 security guards somewhere in the back or to the side. You'd be so surprised at how much of a chaotic mess my life is.

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More Sean on that note, I'm curious, Gavin, we weren't around then, but like, you know, Jack's grandfather, when he was president, do you think he, he had the same people that had the vitriol Gavin that either if they didn't like him or did people come up to the guys back then and yell at him, say stuff, or was it more of respect factor than it is now? I mean, do you, any stories you've heard on that Jack in terms of your end, as far as what went on back in the day? And like there are two points. One is the first point is like, it's always been like really difficult. And,

in politics and i think that that's always been true and and it's a mistake to think like it's way worse now than it was in the past because i think like a lot of things get glossed over from the past that were terrible yeah but i think second point is like there's no denying that things are more heated now than they were and people have a much maybe bolder than they were i feel like

Something that comes to mind, I don't know why, is I was a Senate page in high school when my Uncle Teddy, Senator Kennedy, was there. And I remember there was a senator who had been elected four years ago, and he was still waiting to give his first speech on the floor. And that was like the old school rules. It was like you weren't allowed to talk until you had to wait your turn for years and years and years. And I know that today now it's like people go in the first month. And that's kind of, I mean, that's a good thing. But I think that there is kind of less of a...

reverence for tradition, maybe? No, it's interesting. And by the way, Doug, just to remind you of Marshawn, I mean, Jack's

grandfather was one of the closest elections in American history. So we were as a nation, arguably as divided we are today. And it was interesting as well. It also was marked, I mean, infamously by the impact that media had at the time to elevate a candidate or at least perceived to have elevated a candidate. And of course, now the changing media environment

Jack is obviously also playing into this where you don't even have it. No one even cares about giving an eloquent speech on the floor because they can go on one of the cable networks and express their grievance and get a bunch of viral hits online. Totally. I mean, yeah, I mean, I really do think about this stuff all the time. I mean, what concerns me the most about what I see on the Internet and why I really felt like.

I needed to post and why I started posting more was, I realized that the only way to combat disinformation is not maybe through government regulation, but through posting your own ideas and thoughts and flooding the space with what you think is right. Because otherwise, there's a limited number of time, a limited number of eyeballs, and people are just going to be watching. And if Trump's on there all the time, then exposure effect over time, that works.

And so I think like, I think, but then again, it's all, it's also like a dangerous path. You're like, well, now I'm just going to post everything. And that's not a healthy mental space to be in either. Um, so I feel like I see a lot of promise with what's going on right now. I feel like young people are like coming up with their own ideas. And, and I mean, maybe you've done this governor of like filming content with an influencer who's like kind of obscure, but

has a really loyal following. And then they like, that's a really good use of your time. And I think things are kind of decentralizing in what I think is going to be a good

a good pattern. But I'm curious, since you got elected governor, how much it's changed in terms of this year you're making tons of videos, but when you first got elected, that was not a thing. No, well, I've just watched, I mean, since my time as Lieutenant Governor, I'd say there's trend lines now, a headline, you see a significant contraction of

traditional media. I mean, I just see it in the number of people that show up at a press conference in Sacramento. I go back to the Schwarzenegger days, which were crazy. I mean, you look at some of those press conferences, you look at photos and there, it seemed in some cases, I mean, he had over a hundred media outlets at certain times. Of course he was international celebrity in every way. He's not comparable to most, but back in the day, sort of the Reagan days in California, but even more contemporary days,

going back to Duke Major and Wilson, some of the previous governors, you look at the press corps and you see it hollowed out, smaller and smaller number of people. But really that accelerant, I think, went through COVID. And then you really started to realize that we were, you know, that we had to sort of fight in that social space. Because back to Marshawn's point about the algorithms, feels like we were living in two different worlds. Totally. And we started, I really started to see things

sort of pull away in terms of truth and trust. And we weren't having the same conversation. We always were struggling to have the same Walter Cronkite type discussion. But boy, I think that accelerant during COVID and that, you know, as the emergence of TikTok, obviously a maturation of Instagram and social media more broadly dispersed generationally, like Facebook is platforms and others, and obviously X, previously Twitter. But now, man, it's, I mean, if you're not in this space

fighting for eyeballs and attention, then you're not, you're not able to, you're not effectively communicating. I think it's one of the reasons we're all doing this podcast is just trying to find different angles, a way of communicating to real people and not having that filter or being in a filter bubble as it were. No, it's funny, Gavin. And you guys, and I going back to Marshawn, the Superbowl, I'm just here so I won't get fined, Jack. Remember that? Exactly. I mean, that, that broke the internet back then.

and unapologetically, Marshawn's always been real. Gavin's always been real and didn't give a shit. And you're the same way right now. You could take the high road and be kind of low-key and safe, but you're not. We appreciate that because coming from where you came from and you being outspoken and your beliefs is really fucking cool. Thank you. I mean, I really appreciate that. I feel like

Yeah, I mean, I've got a lot to say. I feel like things are really... This is like a huge moment, you know, and it's easy to get lost in the minutia, whatever, but it's like this could not be more important and could not be more clear. And I think something that I've learned or didn't see really coming in the last year is the gender gap that we're seeing in terms of Democrats losing support among young men. And seeing as Governor, you are...

Peak masculine energy, Marshawn same. That's right, Marshawn. Alphas. Like, how do we... And Doug, of course, you and me are both the traditional male alpha. It's undeniable. We're all thinking it. But I'm wondering, like, how do we... How do you...

How do we break through to Guy? How do you talk to young men? I mean, Governor, have you had any success? No, Jack, I was going to ask you that question, man. We talk about this sort of bro culture online, and it's a big part of this election. And you say, talk about that gender gap. It's next level in both directions, right? Kamala running away in a post-Dobbs world, particularly around reproductive freedom, but also just more broadly on women's rights.

And obviously Trump is just sort of dominating in that Dana White space, that sort of Joe Roganification of our politics. And Joe's pretty moderate compared to some of these other folks out there. But I mean, I'm curious to you, I mean, what's your feedback in that space? I mean, how are you trying to sort of try to address some of that? Well-

I think that a huge reason for any success that I've had is, has been because I am one of the only like young male liberal voices on the internet. And, and that was like a hole that I saw and, and was just frustrated by myself because like, I, I like,

all the characters on the conservative side as characters. Like I like to look at their Instagram videos. I think they're so hilarious, entertaining, and I get a kick out of it and I want to know what they're saying and I want to know what's going on there because I find it just interesting and they're effective. I think, I mean, I just think it's like,

This may sound reductive and dumb, but I think if Democrats could do better on talking about the economy, then they would probably also do better with young men. And I think that a lot of the social media stuff that I see online, it's like a convergence between like, you know, working out slash ice bath and crypto and like, like other hacks. And it's kind of all about like performance and an optimization, which is like a

a great thing. Well, Gavin, Marshawn's a younger culture. He can tell you from his aspect because I don't, like I said, I mean, to me, you almost have to really have the talking points. And I don't know, you know, Trump does it geniusily, of course, in terms of, you know, what he says, people buy in. But Marshawn, coming in your point of view. I think it's just more so because like, it's almost like when you speak, it's like Trump speak to Trump, speak to the people. You have, you have a lot of situations where, you know,

It's almost like now when you look at it, like being a masculine man, like that's a that's a bad thing with all of the shit that's going on. Like, oh, you need to be talking about your emotions and your feelings, getting in touch with this and getting in touch with that. And then if you say a certain thing about yourself,

I mean, certain group of people, motherfuckers look at you like, oh, fuck him. He's not right. And why did he say that? And then you got the council culture and then you got individuals who, you know what I mean, see the change in the world. And it's like, OK, from a man like, OK, this is what the women is. This is what they accept. And this is what they like. This is what they saying. Then as a man, you're going to play into that because you won't want the woman. So therefore, it'll start to

decline. And then you get more individuals who, you know, fall in line with what's the politically correct way to be as a man. And if you, I mean, you stand up and you stand on what the fuck you feel, then, oh, no, fuck you. We ain't fucking with you no more. We don't like you. And I mean, it's kind of like if you are a fucking alpha male, you're a bad guy.

And you have Trump that speak to those bad guys. And then he'll tell you, oh, yeah, we're going to get you some money, too. Oh, shit. Now I'm really listening to what you say. All of that other shit you was in or if you racist or you we think you that way. But hold on. You stand up for being a being a man and you finna give me a couple dollars. Oh, yeah. I rock with that. So, I mean, you know, it's just the way that, you know, people retain or receive information and.

And like you said, he a genius when he do it and he speak to that demographic of people. So, you know what I mean? You get an understanding from that. Jack, what I mean, it's interesting. And I appreciate what Marshawn's saying, because I think, you know, this is,

this kind of this backlash to this emphasis around toxic masculinity and there's that kind of shit and and and i mean it's interesting and so and i get your point is sort of the it's sort of us push back against you know i i don't know what they sort of the what would be perceived i don't want to play into the frame but just even that you have to be aware and conscious of what the fuck you say because had you said what the fuck i thought you was gonna say

then from some angle or some kind of fucking way, then they, oh, fuck Gavin Newsom. He said blah, blah, blah about blah, blah, blah and this and the third. So therefore,

In your mind, you played that shit real quick. Like, hold on. Maybe I might not want to go down that road. Save me. Save me. But what I mean, Jay, you've been thinking about this, man. That's a hell of a statement. I never thought about it. You're exactly right. And by the way, as someone as a student of this, I never really even put it together. You are one of the few liberal supremacists.

sort of young male voices out there that's ubiquitous online, you're 100%. It's dominant in sort of a hard right conservative construct. Anyway, what do you think of what Marshawn said, man? I mean, I think that there's so much truth to that. And like, so much of it is kind of like, not rational, but like emotional. And we all kind of can feel it and know what's going on. But it's hard to

it's hard to come up with like a linear story as to like, Oh, well like young men feel this. And therefore we need to talk to them differently. I think like personally, I think risk taking behavior online is attractive to people. And I think that I've taken risks with being like silly or funny, but I think like taking risks is, is something that people respect either way. And I think that, um,

I think it's a hard thing to do in politics. And there's a lot of reasons not to take any risks. I think you have to, especially if you want to do anything about this problem, which is going to be a problem going forward. I feel like that's what I'm like, oh, man, if we lost like all these young guys this time, it's going to be hard to get them back. I mean, it obviously can be done. But anyway, that's just kind of how I see it.

But you know what's interesting on the gender gap, Gavin? This is funny, Jack. So a couple nights ago, my freshman in high school daughter had a volleyball game. And one of her teammates got a spike and kind of got in the other team's face and the coach's face and whatnot. Nothing like crazy, but kind of got showed emotion.

And which to me, I think is great because men have been doing that for 50 years. Okay. Well, from that game the other night, there's been a backlash in regards to parents calling the AD, calling the principal. I can't believe this girl did this, did that. It's like, dude, like Draymond Green doesn't show emotion. Dennis Rodman didn't show emotion. LeBron, Steph Curry, night, night. But a girl does it now. And the community is an uproar.

because she spiked the ball, showed some emotion and all that. So we're still going back. And this is when, you know, female sports want to be paid the same and all the same stuff. But now you have a community of parents and people thinking the emotion of a female is wrong.

which I thought was total bullshit. So I called the family and said, screw them. You know what I mean? And I'm going to go tell the AD in principle to go F themselves too. But that's where we're at still, Gavin, and it sucks because it shouldn't be right. But going back to Trump, like Marshawn said...

You know, he's just going to say one way. People like, OK, cool. You know what I mean? Fresh. Let me help you. Let me help you out. Now, say it with now. Now, that's that's where you get the haters at. And then that's where you got to say these two famous words. Come on now. Come on now. You got to say like this. Fuck you. That's true. They don't understand. You got to hit them with the fuck you. When you get a hater online, you got to get them with the fuck you. Yes. Amen. Amen.

And then the school's president was a nun, so I didn't want to tell the nun that. No, you're not going to tell a nun that. And nuns scare the heck out of you. I mean, I got some PTS from Madame Berger back in the day. That's another conversation. By the way, just, hey, you know, without getting too far off what we were just discussing, which I think is profoundly, I think if there's one thing after this election that could be determinative, meaning in terms of the outcome of the election,

and move the needle in even a marginal way, but enough to actually tip the balance in the direction of Trump and maybe in this space. So I think it will be one of the most analyzed and considered conversations. So I don't want to shortchange it. But at the same time, man, Jack, I'm curious because I appreciate your sort of reverence to public service. You speak to public service. I think what you're doing is a public service by willing to use your voice, use your platform and engage people.

in an authentic way, in an inviting way, as you say, taking risks, which I totally appreciate and not playing by the traditional rules in that respect. But it begs the question, man, especially, it's an impossible question for you to avoid because you get it all the time. And I'm personally curious. I mean, with all the toxicity that is politics, one thing, public service,

but sort of putting yourself out there more formally in the role as candidate. I mean, is that something you aspire to or something you're deeply, you know, it's just like the last thing you want to get involved with? I feel like I don't want to like give a bullshit answer because, but it's, this isn't a bullshit answer. I like actually don't plan. I try not to plan too far ahead because I think that that always gets me like messed up into my own head. And so I,

For better or worse, I've loved politics and followed it incredibly closely since I was 10. I just loved it. There's something I can do about it. I feel like this has been a really interesting way to try to come up with my own path into doing something about it. I feel like I just keep trying to stay in the pocket and take advantage of the opportunities that seem...

But I mean, I would be lying to you if I said I never thought about it and I didn't think that it was an incredible career. And I mean, I have so much admiration for you and what you've done. And I mean, how could you not want to do that? I mean, it's an incredible thing to do, but I really don't try to plan too far ahead. Oh, the places you'll go when you go in Tom's, the beloved family footwear brand that makes shoes for your moments that matter most.

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Well, Jack, you're a rock star and you should plan ahead because you got a huge future. No, you say you've been following politics since you was 10 years old? Oh, yeah. I just love it. It's so fun. That's crazy because, you know what I mean, when you start, you know what I mean, thinking about it from a standpoint like, you know, I'm pretty sure this is something that's in the household. Like, you've been, you know what I mean, getting, you know what I mean, taught this from a very early age. Like,

In my community and with my background, that's not something like that we hold court in the house.

I mean, so when you think about it and then, you know, you get put in this position and now it's like, oh, shit, I'm on here with the government. Like, we're going to be talking about politics and all this kind of shit. And just to think, like, how far behind I am on a ball with it comes to this type of shit. And then we get somebody on here, probably younger than me and shit. And you start talking about like, yeah, you've been in this since like 10 years old type shit. Like that's that's that's fucking crazy to me. Like.

to think like, while I was 10 years old and I'm trying to, you know what I mean, flip up the couch to see if I could, you know what I mean, get a quarter so I could go outside and go buy a 25 cent Icy from the lady upstairs. You actually, you know what I mean,

I was doing a lot of things that weren't politics also, so I messed around a lot. But, yeah, I don't know. I feel like, didn't your family play football? Am I wrong? Like, people in your family? Yeah, one of my uncles did. But, I mean, you know, when you're in that space, yeah, I mean, it's not like... I mean, you know, he...

you know, go over to, you know, wherever he's playing at. So it's not like he's actually in the household with me to give me ism on what's going on. And at the time, like when you in that space, like, you know what I mean? Initial livelihood, like you kind of like in this, like what we call it right now, we call it like Disneyland. You're in this Disneyland fairytale to where when you in the league, it's like, this is, this is, this is law to me.

And then what's going on back at home, like, oh, when I get the off season and I'm not traveling with my family and this, then I go home and it's more so like, oh, it's a celebration because, you know, I'm home. Like, oh, yeah, we I mean, we only got so much time with him. It ain't like we really just get that. Hey, so what is it like this, like this? And we really get to highlight him and figure out like what that actually looks like.

So, damn, that shit is just like, you know, I mean, it'd be it'd be mind blowing to me when you I mean, you talk to people and it's like, you know, the issues and the shit that's going on now. And then you find out like, oh, well, you grew up like this. You've been in this shit. There's been something that you've been talking about. And then it's like, you know, somebody like me who, you know, it really didn't make a difference to me until, you know, I started, you know.

you know, playing in the league and then I'm getting hit with all these fucking taxes and I mean, all this extra shit that I had no fucking idea about and then FICA and all these motherfuckers I see on my goddamn check and I'm like,

who the fuck is Fyke? Who the fuck is that? Why is this getting so much money of mine? And I did not see this motherfucker shooting in the gym. Like, who the fuck is that? And they taking, you feel me though? They getting...

It's fascinating in the backgrounds, Jack. I mean, what he's saying compared to you, I mean, it's crazy. You're right. Marshawn is real. Yeah, but the irony is, Jack, he's bullshit. This is a guy who's preparing to run for mayor of Oakland, Jack. You opened the door to your political career. This guy is out there, you know, yeah, I'm on to you, Marshawn. I'm on to you, brother. But look at the gap in there, though. There is a gap. I was 20. I was 21.

when I got drafted and you feel me? So it's like,

For a whole 20 year, ain't nobody worried about all that shit. It's just like, you know what I mean? What's up now? When you start thinking about it, like, OK, in a sense, the way we talked about, you know, I mean, these issues, it was all you know what? Oh, man, the government is playing like we ain't get our, you know, Section 8. You know what I mean? Welfare, WIC, you know what I mean? Bananas, like all of the government funded programs.

programs that you know there is to go and sign up for like yeah i mean i remember standing in line with my mama to you know i mean to get like mama why are we here why were you i was taking so long and then we come out of there and my mama hella mad like oh they fucked up they you know i mean saying i didn't fill out this paperwork right and uh this then the third so i can't get my food and hella she's like hold on what so what that mean

That is going to be a little hard. You know what I mean? To get some food put on the table until we figure out, you know, what's going on type shit. And it's like, oh, but at the end of the day, it's not like, you know, moms is going in like, well, look, this is who the motherfucking mayor is. This is who the governor is. This is the, you know, they just passed the bill and they just passed the law that, you know what I mean? It wasn't like that. It was just like, man, the government fucking up. So in my mind, it's like,

Man, fuck the government. Why the fuck they ain't trying to have me and moms eat? Like, man, I got brothers and sisters that need to... So then they force you to go and do some shit that end up putting you in a position where...

You're going to do some shit that might ultimately when you thinking in a young age, it ain't like, oh, I want to go do some bad shit. It's like, oh, no, I want to go do some. Yeah, I mean, to get some money to put on my fucking to put some food on my table. And then you feel me? You get jammed up and it's like, oh, well, now you're going to be fucked off for the rest of your life because now you got what is called a record. And with this record, you can't go in.

uh applied a certain type of jobs because you have this record you can't go and get x y and z because you know what when you went and did your taxes you made a couple dollars more than what the limit is and now you can't get government funded um uh uh government funded

Any of the programs. Yeah. You're no longer eligible. So what the fuck am I going to do right now? But it doesn't come. It doesn't come to us as like, OK, yeah, this is why you going. This is why you going to vote. This is why you looking to, you know, I mean, who is going to be representing your your city. This is your your state. You know, I mean, the motherfucker who run in the goddamn whole U.S. and all this shit. And then, you know, I mean, when you start thinking about it, it's like, fuck.

You know what I love about Marshawn, what I love about what Jack's doing in particular, he's taking all those things and instead of putting in a negative frame,

He's reminding everybody all these things do matter. I mean, he's focused on issues around gun safety, climate, where Jack's next level in terms of his support of addressing the issues of climate change, things that impact this next generation, but also giving them a pathway to positively engage and feel like they have a voice in the process. And that's, I think, one of the most significant contributions there.

that Jack has made to this generation that does feel like, I think you express your generation feels kind of locked out of that doesn't feel represented. And, and so I just think it's one of the, the, the, the things that makes Jack's work so special, by the way, just on that, Jack, I mean, we've, we've, you know, you, you decided as well, just to amplify that a little bit. And Marshawn, all of you know, that's just interesting. Jack partnered with Vogue magazine, which is just interesting. Yeah.

And you're like, what are you, a spokesperson for Vogue now? I'm their first ever political contributor. Was that your idea, their idea? And why Vogue versus Maxim or something? Well, Vogue has a great reputation. And I think that why I was excited was because, honestly, not only are they like,

great and do a great job and are great people, the people I work with who I can't say enough great things about, but also they have like a huge, huge, huge, huge social media. Um, you know, they have like 50 million followers on their Instagram, for example. And I was like, okay, well this is like, I got to limit my focus. Like I'm doing like social media videos about politics. This is, cannot be a better fit. And because it's not so DC politics, like heavy, uh,

they're like a little bit more creativity to do interesting things, I think. But I just also want to say that I think, Marshawn, you deserve a lot of credit because a lot of people who have public profiles do not say anything or do anything or take any risks at all. And I think it's awesome that you are involved, a civically minded person. And I think that

i think you know you're such a good example to so many people that um politics can is open to people who are who we admire for other reasons as well so i just wanted to jack i had a question for you i i literally and thank you for saying that to marshawn because marshawn's always been there's no one realer than him i've idolized your uncle literally i grew up idolizing jfk jr let me ask you a question

if that accident didn't happen, would you think he would have been president two term president? Where do you think he'd be today? Oh my God. Looking back. I'm, I'm, I'm, I mean, he's fascinated to me his life and what he did and who he was. And it was unbelievable. And this is pre social media and whatnot, but where do you look back and see where he would be today if he was still alive? I mean, so like, I didn't, he was like five or I was five or six when he died. So I didn't know him. I will say this, like,

he was clearly so far ahead of his time in terms of creating George magazine and blending politics and media and fashion and humor. And I feel like, um, somehow I like stumbled into something on my own that, uh, maybe resembles what he was like, had his finger on. Um, but I think he definitely, he like had such a,

a knack and a feel for politics and media, especially. And I only know that just from the clips I've seen of him. I feel so lucky because it's like you were saying, like I grew up, you know, loving politics, but it wasn't like we sat around and talked about the dinner table. It was like,

I have like my grandparents and my uncles, there's like volumes of books and recorded speeches that I got to learn from about them, like everybody else can. And I think that that was a really cool way for me to interact with, with my family. John's included in that and just kind of trying to understand them as, as we all do and try to draw whatever lessons we can from them now. But yeah, I don't know. I feel really lucky that way because there's like a massive public record of my whole family to,

So I never forget anything. You know, Jack, what I love about your family is it goes back to what Marshawn was just saying and expressing his own lived experience in relationship to politics and what it didn't mean until it mattered. And then you're sort of, you're kicking, you know, you're kicking and screaming because you're pissed off that government's not necessarily representing your interests. But I love one thing that in Marshawn, I think this is sort of interesting to have Jack with us. Everything, everything,

that Jack's grandfather, his brother, Bobby, were about. We're about addressing exactly what you just described in your lived condition, man. Literally, if I went back, you look at the speeches of Jack Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, they literally describe what you just described in very personal and raw ways, your lived experience and how government

needs to represent the realities, that lived experience that people were having. And in so many ways, I thought it was particularly evocative that I'm listening to you, here we are with Jack, having that conversation and thinking about the spirit of the Kennedys and the spirit of the 60s, solving for ignorance and poverty and disease and the spirit of public service. And so anyway, I get emotional about this because literally,

This is the family. I wouldn't be here in politics. I was inspired by this family, inspired by Sarge Shriver and this idea of public service and what being a public service servant should represent. And so I really appreciate, and I do, and I thanks Jack for mentioning Marshawn's

you know, willingness to put himself out in political terms too. I mean, I don't know how serious we're trying to figure out. Maybe Jack, you can ask him how serious he is about this damn mayor's race. So that's what I was just going to get. I was just going to get to. So what does it sound like to me?

To me, you feel me in my interpretation of what you just said was I'm going to make a hell of a mayor, my boy. That's what it sounded like to me. That's what I heard you say. I heard you say, hey, Marshawn, bro. Hey, check this out. Love me. You're going to be a saucy ass mayor, bro. So just get ready for when that motherfucking time come. Oh, man. I think he just answered the question, Jack. Jesus. This guy's running. I wouldn't want to run against you, Marshawn.

Nobody would. Nobody would, Jack. You're right. No, I'm just saying because, man, you know, like, and this is where my, you know what I mean? My ignorance and all that shit going to kick in, but

I just feel like, you know what I mean? I got somebody who's done it, you know what I mean? Who's at the top of their game, you know what I mean? And they really got a, like, they got a stronghold on it, you feel me? And then, you know what I mean? I get to talk to them on a day-to-day basis, you know what I mean? Week-to-week, you know what I mean? And it's not just some made-up shit, like,

I mean, me and Batman, we had these conversations before we even had this. This is how this shit even came to, you know what I mean, came to life. Like, this wasn't my idea. Like, this motherfucker called me. Where I was at, it was two in the morning. You feel me? And I'm like, man, get your ass off my phone. Like, bro, quit playing with me. Hung up on me. Called me back. Like, nah, bro, you don't hear what I'm talking about? Like, oh, are you serious? Like, who gave you the green light to do this? You know the type of...

I am, bro. You feel me? No, we don't do it. So I got somebody in my corner that you feel me, though?

I got a better one, Sean. Here's the deal, Jack. You're going to take that Balboa hat. You're going to fly out west. You're going to come to Balboa Cafe with me, more Sean and Gavin. And we're going to sit down and talk. And we're going to bring we're going to whiteboard some things, Jack. You're going to whiteboard Jack's political career because he didn't say no, Doug. I didn't hear that son of a bitch say no.

No, no, here's the deal. We got great things. We got Jack doing some great things. We got Marshawn doing some great things. Again, I'm Kaiser Sosa. I'm a fictional character. I don't exist, Jack. But here's the deal. We're going to have some great food and wine and drinks at the Balboa Cafe. Have a great time.

And we're going to create some great things ahead of us. How about that? Jack, can we invite you for that, Jack? Oh, my God. I'm there. I'm on the next plane. Are you kidding me? Love it. Love it. Well, I appreciate you being on every damn show.

social feed that I've got. You're ubiquitous, man. You're crushing it and you're reinventing the art. And I appreciate the blend of humor and taking the best of Marshawn's, the spirit of Marshawn Lynch and Doug and their authenticity that they bring to the conversation, your rawness, your willingness to take risks and the courage that is a big part of that, particularly at a time where politics is as rough as it's been in a long time. So it's been great to be with you, brother.

Thank you all so much. I appreciate it. Genuinely so much fun to do this. And I truly admire your service, Governor. Doug, thank you so much for making this so fun. And Marshawn,

like you're the coolest person ever. I already knew that. So thank you guys. It's all mutual. And thanks for the kind words. Thank you, Jack. And by the way, Jack, I'm going to send you a Paula ticket hat too. So I'll get you. I can't take this one off. No, I can't take that off. You got more hair than me though, Jack. I got to get my hair back. You,

You and Gavin got that. Homer Simpson comb over my way. I told you. That real gang keeps thing, brother. Whatever it is. Sorry, Marshawn. There you go. I'm going to put the hat on now. There you go. See you, Jack. Thank you, brother. Appreciate you, man. Thank you. Okay.

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