Doug Hendrickson
Gavin Newsom
Jack Schlossberg
Marshawn Lynch
Jack Schlossberg: 在节目中,杰克·施洛斯伯格分享了他对政治、社交媒体以及年轻一代的看法。他谈到了自己在TikTok上分享政治观点的经历,以及他如何利用幽默和风险承担来吸引观众的注意。他还讨论了民主党在争取年轻男性选民支持方面面临的挑战,以及如何通过关注经济问题和承担风险来解决这个问题。他认为,对抗虚假信息的方法是发布自己的想法,用正确的信息来充斥网络空间。他还谈到了自己家族的遗产,以及如何利用这个遗产来影响政治。最后,他表示自己目前没有明确的从政计划,但他热爱政治,并会继续寻找参与政治的方式。 Marshawn Lynch: Marshawn Lynch在节目中分享了他对政治、社交媒体以及男性气质的看法。他谈到了自己如何保持真实自我,不理会外界的评价。他还谈到了他对政治的理解,以及政府项目对其生活的影响。他认为,特朗普能够有效地与那些被认为是“坏人”的男性选民沟通,因为特朗普能够直接表达自己的观点,并且承诺为这些选民提供经济上的好处。他还讲述了一个高中女生在排球比赛中表现出情绪后,遭到家长和学校强烈反对的例子,以此说明社会对男性和女性表达情绪的双重标准。 Gavin Newsom: Gavin Newsom在节目中分享了他对传统媒体衰落、社交媒体兴起以及政治沟通方式变化的看法。他认为,政治人物需要更多地利用社交媒体进行沟通,才能有效地与选民交流。他还谈到了政治中的“兄弟文化”的影响,以及它对男女两性选民的影响。他赞赏Jack Schlossberg积极参与政治,并关注年轻一代的利益。 Doug Hendrickson: Doug Hendrickson在节目中表达了他对Jack Schlossberg和Marshawn Lynch就读常春藤名校的钦佩,以及他对Jack Schlossberg在TikTok上批评J.D. Vance的方式的赞赏。他还谈到了自己对政治的理解,以及他如何看待政治中的幽默和风险承担。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Jack Schlossberg decide to become active on social media?

He felt the need to combat disinformation by flooding the space with his own ideas and thoughts, recognizing the limited number of eyeballs and the exposure effect of constant posting.

How does Jack Schlossberg view the role of humor in political discourse?

He believes humor is a great way to break through and have a hopeful spin, allowing for a more engaging and less serious approach to delivering political messages.

What challenges does Jack Schlossberg face due to his family legacy?

He faces the expectation and pressure associated with being part of the Kennedy family, which requires him to be more expressive and courageous in his political engagement.

How does Marshawn Lynch stay authentic in his interactions despite his public profile?

He maintains his authenticity by not feeling the need to be a particular way due to the titles or positions of those he interacts with, staying true to himself regardless of the circumstances.

What does Gavin Newsom see as the impact of social media on political communication?

He observes a significant contraction of traditional media and a shift towards fighting for eyeballs and attention on social media platforms, which has become crucial for effective communication.

How does Jack Schlossberg plan to address the gender gap among young men in political support?

He aims to use risk-taking behavior online, such as being silly or funny, to attract young men and engage them in political discourse, recognizing the need to talk to them differently.

What does Marshawn Lynch identify as a challenge in the current political climate for young men?

He highlights the backlash against traditional masculine behavior, where being an alpha male is seen negatively, and the appeal of figures like Trump who speak to these men's concerns.

How does Jack Schlossberg feel about a potential political career?

He is open to the idea but tries not to plan too far ahead, focusing on staying in the moment and taking advantage of opportunities that seem right without overthinking the future.

Jack Schlossberg discusses his approach to staying authentic in politics, drawing parallels with Marshawn Lynch's authenticity and Gavin Newsom's political courage.
  • Jack Schlossberg's casual and authentic approach to politics.
  • Marshawn Lynch's consistent and real personality in various circumstances.
  • Gavin Newsom's appreciation for Marshawn's authenticity and Jack's courage in politics.

Shownotes Transcript

In his first podcast appearance, Jack Schlossberg (@jackuno) sits down with the guys to discuss risk taking behavior online, toxic masculinity, and using social media to encourage voting. Plus the guys debate whose acting career is strongest.  

Follow the show on Instagram at @politickin_pod and on TikTok at @politickinpod.

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