Craig Conover
Craig Conover 在节目中分享了他对生活积极乐观的态度,以及他希望通过分享好消息和暖心故事来为听众带来积极能量。他讲述了自己对周日早晨态度的转变,从之前的消极和懒散到现在的平和与积极,并表示希望他的播客能够成为听众生活中积极的一部分。他还分享了一些鼓舞人心的故事,例如一只30岁高龄的企鹅Wendy产下幼雏,以及一个患有唇裂的小男孩与一只同样患有唇裂的小狗之间的暖心互动。此外,他还分享了关于一位寡妇在丈夫去世后勇敢地继续旅行并结识新朋友的故事,以及一位母亲为去世的丈夫举办非传统葬礼,让孩子们以快乐的方式缅怀父亲的故事。这些故事都体现了积极乐观的生活态度,以及面对困境的勇气和希望。

Deep Dive

Craig discusses how his Sundays have evolved from recovery days to peaceful, re-energizing times, emphasizing the importance of finding balance and avoiding negativity.

Shownotes Transcript

After scheduling delays and a hurricane, Craig Conover is starting a new podcast where he wants to help build a positive addition to your ecosystem, by sharing good news and happy thoughts. We have some heartwarming stories, inspiring questions from you, and great charities we would like to share with you. 

In this episode, Craig talks about some romantic penguins, advances in different sciences, and answers some of your messages. (When you submit a message, please tell us if we can use your voice and if the message is private or something you are ok with being shared).

If you would like to donate to this week's highlighted charity, use this link