cover of episode Genetic Testing for Sports Performance

Genetic Testing for Sports Performance

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Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Dr. Andy Galpin
本期节目探讨了基因检测在提升运动表现方面的作用,涵盖了运动基因组学、天赋识别、个性化训练、精准营养以及基因兴奋剂等多个方面。节目指出,虽然基因检测可以提供一些关于运动员天赋和训练反应的信息,但目前的技术水平还不足以进行精确的天赋识别,并且基因检测结果的解读需要谨慎,不能过度依赖。此外,节目还强调了基因兴奋剂和基因编辑的伦理问题和潜在风险。 节目详细解释了基因组、基因和基因型的区别,以及基因多态性和突变的概念。通过分析ACTN3基因和ACE基因的例子,说明了基因变异如何影响运动员的肌纤维类型和耐力水平。节目还讨论了多基因性状和多基因风险评分的概念,指出大多数复杂的运动能力是由多个基因共同决定的,而不是由单个基因决定的。 节目深入探讨了如何解读基因检测结果,提出了五个关键问题:哪些基因影响特定性状?基因对性状的贡献程度是多少?基因变异产生生理学意义变化的可能性有多大?效应量是多少?这些结果在所有遗传背景下是否都成立?节目通过分析大量研究数据,指出目前基因检测在预测运动表现方面的准确性和可靠性有限,单个基因对性状的解释度通常很低,并且基因检测结果的有效性因遗传背景而异。 节目最后讨论了基因检测在个性化训练和精准营养方面的应用前景,指出目前证据有限,但未来随着研究的深入,基因检测在这些领域的应用可能会越来越广泛。同时,节目也强调了基因兴奋剂和基因编辑的伦理问题和潜在风险,并呼吁谨慎对待这些技术。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

In this episode, I discuss genetic testing for sports and athletic performance. I describe the history of sports genomics and the search for genes that determine strength, endurance, and other performance markers. I explain how to interpret genetic test results, including how many genes determine a trait, the relative influence of a single gene, and the likelihood that a genetic variant produces noticeable performance effects. 

I discuss the ethical issues and current limitations of using genetic testing for athletic talent identification. I explain whether your genetic profile can help optimize personalized training, exercise, and nutrition programs to further accelerate performance. I also discuss gene doping, gene editing, gene therapy, and the future of sports genomics.

If listeners have done or are considering genetic testing for personal or client use, this episode will provide a framework for the validity, accuracy, and reliability of current genetic testing and how to interpret their results. 

Access the full show notes for this episode at

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Absolute Rest:

Renaissance Periodization:


00:00:00 Genetics, Sports Genomics

00:06:51 Genetic Testing & Human Performance

00:11:21 Sponsors: AG1 & Rhone 

00:14:33 Sports Genomics, Genome vs. Gene, Athlete Passport

00:19:37 Genotype & Alleles; Variation, Polymorphisms, SNPs & Mutations

00:25:12 Myostatin Mutation; ACTN3 & ACE Genes

00:32:42 Sponsor: Momentous & Continuum

00:35:36 Investigate: Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing

00:38:10 History of Sport Genomics, Candidate Genes

00:45:41 Polygenic Traits, Polygenic Risk Score; Gene Editing

00:53:12 Sponsors: Absolute Rest & Renaissance Periodization

00:55:34 Interpret: 5 Questions About Genes & Traits; ACTN3 & ACE Genes

01:05:36 Traits & Gene Number; Height

01:11:14 Traits & Sports Performance, Elite Athletes; Athletic Talent Identification

01:18:19 Genetic Contribution to Traits, Variance

01:21:37 Likelihood & Magnitude of Genetic Effect; Ethnic Background & Genes

01:28:46 Intervene: Gene Doping, Gene Editing

01:31:56 Personalized Training, Precision Nutrition

01:34:29 Future of Sports Genomics & Ethics

01:37:50 Genetics & Athletic Performance

01:41:52 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Subscribe & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Perform Newsletter, Social Media

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