This is a podcast about deciphering human behavior and understanding why people do the things they d
An interview with Jamie Heywood, who got into the medical research field when his brother was diagno
Second of two episodes about online dating. This is a conversation about online dating with Scott, a
First of two episodes about online dating. This is a conversation about online dating with Celia, a
The idea that humans don't have free will, that we don't have any control of our lives, can be a sca
An interview of host Zachary Elwood about his own aphantasia, which is defined as an inability to vi
An interview with Karina Korostelina, a social psychologist and the author of Political Insults: How
An interview with Thomas Carothers, an expert on foreign policy, democracy, and political polarizati
A talk with Levi Boxell about his research showing that older Americans, who use social media less t
An interview with Dr. Michael Macy of Cornell University, who has done research on "opinion cascades
A talk with Dr. Jaime Settle, a political scientist who has studied how social media may be increasi
Jennifer McCoy, a specialist on political polarization and election processes, talks about problemat
An interview with Dr. Omar Wasow, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Politics at Princeton,
An interview with a self-described anti-fascist who has frequently taken part in the more militant a
Political scientist David Karpf talks about Cambridge Analytica, and about how their perception by m
Dr. Rob Tarzwell talks about his experiences being a psychiatric doctor in Canadian ER (emergency ro
A talk with psychologist and expert on cursing Dr. Timothy Jay about some lesser known factors that
An interview with psychology researcher Dr. Neguine Rezaii about her work using machine learning to
An interview with Dr. Marcel Just about his research using fMRI brain imaging to identify brain acti
A talk with Dr. Brian Baer, a skilled translator, about indicators in an English language text that
A talk with Dr. Rob Tarzwell about his research using SPECT neuroimaging to find indicators of traum