This is a podcast about deciphering human behavior and understanding why people do the things they d
An interview of Rob Speiden, an expert in sign cutting, which is the tracking of humans or animals o
A talk with Emily Kubin, who recently, with her co-researcher Christian Von Sikorski, did a comprehe
An interview with Ben Tyler, a professional musician and musical educator based in Portland, Oregon,
A talk with Jannine Lasaleta, who has researched the psychological effects of nostalgia, including h
If you're someone who pays a lot of attention to politics, but feels that doing so makes you miserab
Jennifer Cohn is an attorney and election integrity advocate. Since 2016 she has been drawing attent
Elizaveta Friesem thinks and writes about media and how we relate to it. Her recent book is called "
An interview with professional poker player Dara O'Kearney about poker tells (behavioral patterns in
The second of two interviews with James Mitchell, a recently retired police captain who worked in Pr
An interview with Kevin Arceneaux, a researcher on the “need for chaos” research project, which foun
A talk with sports analyst and broadcaster Jon Michael Hoefling, who writes for Deadspin. We discuss
An interview with Carey Callahan, a therapist who writes about gender dysphoria and transgender issu
How might we connect better with each other? An interview with Ashley Pallathra and Edward Brodkin,
An interview with professional gamer Nocturnal (OhNocturnal on Twitch), about reading opponent behav
An interview about the role of psychology and understanding behavior in tennis, with experienced ten
First of two interviews with James Mitchell, a retired police captain who worked in Prince George's
I interview Scott Stossel, who is the national editor of the magazine The Atlantic, and the author o
An interview with Nathan Filer, author of the non-fiction book 'The Heartland: Finding and Losing Sc
In this episode, I interview an 8-year-old. We talk about such topics as: how she knows other kids w
An interview with Gina Assaf about her patient-led research on "long haul" Covid, which refers to lo