Welcome to the People and Projects Podcast, where we provide interviews and insights to help you lea
Do Nice Guys Finish Last? Common wisdom tells us that we will be successful if we work hard. Be nice
Just Take the Leap? It can be uncomfortable to confront a team member or a peer. We can face demandi
Have a Mentor--Common Wisdom Right? Talk to enough highly successful leaders and project managers an
Do You Know Where Your Phone Is? Most leaders these days know the answer to that question. Of course
What I Learned This Week We continue our series of short videos talking about an idea or observation
Is Tech Making Life Better or Worse? Tech is ruining our life. Or at least that's what plenty of peo
What Could the Extreme Version of You Do? What if you didn't play it so safe? What could a more extr
What's So Critical About Critical Path? If you're preparing for taking the Project Management Profes
Leading a Remote Team Increasingly project managers tell me they are responsible for a team that is
What Makes A Hit Song? Or Idea? Why does one artist pull down a Grammy and another go without notice
Constraints are.... Good? Timeframes. Budgets. Staffing. Project managers constantly face confoundin
Work...Without Stress? There are many satisfying aspects of jobs that require us to lead teams and d
Our View of Authority How you and I think about authority matters. It impacts how we go about our ro
What I Learned This Week We continue our experiment of short videos talking about an idea or observa