Leading a Remote Team Increasingly project managers tell me they are responsible for a team that is not completely co-located. Whether it's just a few people who are remote or the entire team, thriving in a virtual environment is critical for you and me as we seek to lead and deliver in the years ahead. To help us further develop our ability to lead virtually, we're joined today by one of my favorite voices on the topic: Emily Luijbregts. You can contact Emily with follow-up questions at Emily [DOT] luijbregts [AT] gmail [DOT] com
Invest In Your Administrative Assistant Administrative Professionals Day is celebrated by companies around the world each April, and I have an idea of how you can celebrate the admins who serve your area! Check out our Effective Administrative Assistant Webinar Series). It's a 5-week course that I've shared with admins around the world, and I would love to help the admin who serves your team. We help your admin grow in areas, such as influence, conflict management, time management, and even project management! Visit https://PeopleAndProjectsPodcast.com/Admin) today to learn more and sign-up.
Introduce a Video Episode! In this episode, I invite you to send me your favorite breakfast spot in your town (it will make more sense when you listen to the episode!). Also, I invite you to send me a video of you or you and your team introducing an upcoming video episode! Let's do this! Just email me an .mp4 file from your smartphone--no editing or high-production value required! Include your name, where you're from, and a welcome to the podcast. That's it! Email the file to show [AT] peopleandprojectspodcast [DOT] com. Thanks!
Listener Survey I'm constantly looking for ways to improve the podcast. Would you be willing to take 2 minutes and share your thoughts? Go to https://PeopleAndProjectsPodcast.com/ListenerSurvey) and help me know how I can help deliver exactly what you're looking for. Thanks! Related Episodes In this discussion with Emily, I mention the following episodes:
Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!
LONG DISTANCE CALL by Muddy Waters).
CRYSTAL ECHOES by Sergey Cheremisinov) Licensed under a Creative Commons: Attribution License.)
BRIAN REGAN LIVE FROM RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL by Brian Regan) available on Amazon).)