We're on double digits. This is episode number 10. So exciting. And our last episode.
separate if you guys have been following it's always the topic of like every episode but life will change very soon and we'll have way more to talk about I know we got to make it known that we're moving in together like we got to make it known I'm sorry if you guys are like sick of it at this point but we got some people that actually have no idea and look at me like wait what yeah I know it's like all
But, I mean, there is some other stuff. Like, I've been going to a new gym this week. That's kind of cool. New gyms are always fun. I really like it. Like, new machines. It's like a playground. Yes. Oh, my God, yeah. I was, like, saying that because Lyft has so much new equipment now. Like, it's insane. I can't wait for you to see it because, obviously, the last time you came was, what, last month? Mm-hmm.
Yeah. Beginning of July. And they like closed the gym down for a few days and put so much new equipment in. And I'm like, wow, I enjoy going to the gym and like working out. Yeah. I love it. I love all the different machines. Even today I use a leg extension, but it was like slightly different than a normal one. I'm like, this is so fun. Like this is like the whole workout so much more fun. Cause like something new and something different. And I just,
I like it. I'm glad like I decided to go to a new gym, even though like paying for a week pass for a gym kind of sucks because it's like more expensive than a month. I know. Honestly, that can be like a good point to like say to anybody, if you guys are feeling like super unmotivated and just like bored with the gym, like go to a new gym.
yeah the vibes of your gym have to be right yeah you need to be right if you feel uncomfortable and like you hate it you need to find something else yeah it's not it's not worth it like if you're working out and like let's say like an apartment gym yeah or like something that's really not it I think it's worth the money like you can probably spare like 30 bucks a month yeah most people could if you are like
someone that's like going out to eat and like doing stuff, I bet you could spare 30 bucks. I've been so bad with eating out lately. And I was like thinking about this week, I'm trying so hard because obviously we like move in together, like technically Saturday, but basically Sunday. And I haven't wanted to go to the grocery store. So like, I'm just kind of like living off of scraps in like my kitchen. I made the best like sandwiches earlier for lunch.
But I've been eating out a lot because I'm just avoiding going to the grocery store. I'm trying to like stay on it. I've been eating random stuff too though because even this week I didn't go to grocery shopping. My mom just went and I asked her for like three things just so I have some things to piece together but I'm not buying like a lot of stuff. But I'm trying to stay on it because I feel like it's just going to be like, I don't know, I'm going to want to go to like all the restaurants and like- Oh yeah, I already have reservations booked. Like I want to do everything.
Yeah, the first time my parents get here, we have this reservation somewhere. And then I'm going to ABBA again with my family, guys. We do our main reservation too. You did? Yay! What night?
I forget but it wasn't like I couldn't put a night one so it's kind of gonna be like a late lunch early dinner yeah you can only get it for like four but it's gonna be hot throughout the day and like just like walk around yeah walk around downtown there like it's super nice I was like I want you guys to go because it's freaking good so I just but that's the only one they had at like yeah damn I wish I knew that because I honestly because I had to switch my reservation
And they were definitely what they probably had that spot still open, like, cause I switched it.
But too late now, sadly, but guys ABBA in Austin, Texas. So good. You all need to go. We went for my birthday. If you want to go see what the food looks like, go to my ATX eats highlight. I post pretty much anytime I go out to eat, I will post the restaurant that I'm going to tag it, let y'all know what I got. So that's a good like resource for food. If you ever come and visit. So, so good. Like the food there is just amazing. I literally can't wait. I can't wait.
Yeah, I went to, okay. So, um, shout out to fuck mascara by Morgan. She's the bomb. We were talking about her last week, I believe, but she gives me all of these recommendations for restaurants. And she told me to go to Fresa's on Sunday. I went, it's this taco place. It's literally a drive through. It shouldn't.
The quality of the food, like the fact that it's a drive-thru and it's the quality of the food is immaculate. It was so good. And I was like sitting there, I'm like, I'm never going to want to like make my own tacos again because nothing will compare to this.
the tacos I had from that place. So me and you were going to have to go there like post-workout one day or something, or even just for dinner. Cause it was so good. That's a pretty like strong statement. Cause every single taco I've had in Austin, Texas has been like phenomenal. It's the best I've had. Like the cool thing about it too.
It's like, it's so healthy. It's there. There's no red meat there. Everything's either chicken, veggie or seafood, which I love because guys, I don't eat red meat. And you can substitute, like you could substitute any of the tacos for a vegetable. And it's like, so like if I got like the La Fresa, like chicken one and you wanted like everything in it, it says at the bottom of the menu, you can like substitute for like the vegan option, which is so cool. Yeah.
A lot of good Mexican options down here. Boston mass, nah. No, yeah, there's so much Mexican. Like, I could eat tacos for every meal. We freaking love tacos. We're big taco people. Yeah, they're so macro-friendly, though. Like, literally, the tortillas, like, maybe 10 grams of carbs per, like, a tortilla, and then it's just filled with veggies and healthy fats with protein. Like, so good. Yeah.
Yeah, it is really, especially when you go to a place like that, that sounds more like fresh and not so like heavy, not like a heavy like burrito, but like all the stuff just very like fresh tacos. Super. That's my favorite thing to eat out for like healthy. I know. It's so funny though. I haven't had Chipotle in so long. Like I just think I'm never going to go back to Chipotle. Well, because there's so many like cool Mexican. Different alternatives. Like it's crazy. Yeah.
Like here, I don't really have that. I mean, obviously there's lots of restaurants, but guys, I live in Miami, but I don't live in like the city city. Like people may think I live like next to the beach. I don't, I live in like the suburbs. So there's not like that many cool restaurants around me. So having like cool restaurants walking distance from the apartment is going to be just insane. Yeah. I think people used to do that the same with me. Like I put, when I lived in Boston, I put Boston mass like in my bio and people were like, Oh, where in Boston? I'm like, Oh,
the outskirts because like someone from freaking like Wisconsin is not going to be like oh what town in Massachusetts do you live in so I just put Boston so I can understand the assumptions of living in the city yeah people think I live like on like the beach or I'm like always at the beach or like famous people live next door to me and I'm like that's not where I live yeah it's 20 minutes away
But aside from basically moving, that's honestly our biggest life update. Everything around the last month has revolved around the fact that I'm moving and I'm very stressed, but
but I'm trying to keep it under control. I know I packed up the entire kitchen. So now for the rest of the week, like if I want like a snack or something, I have to like go into the bags that I packed. Like nothing's in the cabinets besides like plates, bowls, like silverware, stuff like that. Like all my food I packed away just because the rest of the week I know is going to be so busy for me with like work, going to the gym. Like this is the day I took the gym off today. I'm
Not going, unfortunately. And honestly, the reason I'm not going guys is because I had another lip appointment this morning I got a lip flip on my lip which I'll talk a lot about on my YouTube this week, kind of explaining like what that is but you're not allowed to work out when you get something like that so.
Can't work out today. Oh my God. We actually look at it. It looks like so good. Thank you. It's so much more full. Yeah. No, like I wasn't looking at it until like right now. Like I didn't notice I could tell. Yeah. I could tell the difference. Yeah. She's more, she's more even now. That was like my biggest thing was like, she, she wasn't even. So we evened her out and basically what a lip flip is. It's like,
not to like scare you. Like, I think the word Botox is so scary, but basically they just put a little bit of Botox like in your lip. So that way the muscle to your lip, um, doesn't like when you smile or you're making movements, it doesn't cause it to sink into your mouth and lose the actual lip itself. It keeps your lip up, like, you know, kind of like hence lip flip. So your lip is flipped up a
always hides itself when I talk and smile and stuff. So hopefully, you know, in the next few days, the swelling will go down a little bit, but it's now pretty even. So hell yeah. No, it looks good. They did a good job. I, oh my God, I had an energy drink for the first time in three and a half weeks today. And it was so good. It was so good. I saw your story. Yeah. I was like, you know what? Like I was going to like finish out like four whole weeks, but I was like,
I want to like have good workouts like it's my last time here like I really want to have a good leg day like I'm just gonna drink it like I don't really care so um I was like I really want a Celsius like they had a case that was like that sounds super good and that's like very like low-key I didn't have like a bang you know so I was like I have a Celsius yeah so freaking good and I can't wait to go back to drinking energy oh girl I got you covered I'm not kidding there might be like at least like
a hundred cans over there. Yeah. I'd say a hundred, like you could stock a gym and like sell that. Like you've like, yeah. Oh my God. When the guys came over, like when we pre-gamed at my house, uh, two weekends ago, um,
And I like told them all, I was like, please guys, take these energy drinks. Like if you want an energy drink, please take one. Cause I cannot finish all of these. Cause I just know like, obviously we're fortunate enough, like where companies send us energy drinks or just like anything in general. And I just know other companies are going to reach out to us like down the road. I'm going to be like, I'm going to have to like, be like, no, I don't, I don't have the room for it. Yeah. They pick up a lot of space. That's like literally anybody just take them. We need to get, I'm not even kidding. I saw, I think it was Chloe. Mini fridge. Yeah.
Yeah, like a wine for it, like meant for alcohol for all the- We should. For energy drinks. I saw one at Walmart for like $50. No, I'm not kidding. Okay, so you know how I went into the apartment, like I snuck in there? Right next to the door, there's like a little-
It's like a, it's a closet but it's like meant for obviously like coats and stuff but we're not gonna we don't have freaking coats. Yeah, so I was like we could put a mini fridge in there, and then on top of the mini fridge like put like a shelving thing, and then all the supplements.
Oh my God. Yeah. That'd be cool. We could also wear, so like our whole stash could be in the cabinet and then whatever we're kind of using more frequently in our little podcast work area, we could even- Oh my God, a shelving. On display. Oh my God. I love that. Like have it look like cute. Dude, I cannot wait to get the, like the desk and everything for the podcast. It's gonna be so cute. We need to start looking at tables. I know. I saw, I went to at home guys, everything I pretty much got for my apartment.
is from at home. Um, I don't, I don't know if there's like many of them around, but I know in Texas they're very, very popular, but that's pretty much where I got all of the furniture. I went there the other day. Cause I was looking for like organizers for the fridge and they had this super nice table. It was like, it went with the entire theme of like all the furniture I have right now. So I was like, Oh my God, I hope it's still there like next week. Um, and
but yeah that one was super cute I think it's like so much easier to like buy things in person rather than online because one if you buy it in person it could potentially already be put together and two you can't really see things like online yeah yeah we can definitely get one I'm so excited to like work there like I know like a neon sign that's gonna come like oh we have you know what we should do I want to do some type of like
I want to give back to all the small creators and stuff like that and figure out a way where we could get their art. I don't know. We got to figure it out, but I just feel like I want to fill the wall of just stuff. Oh, yeah. That'd be sick. I don't know. We're going to have to figure it out because I don't even know where in the apartment we're putting the table. I think it needs to be our creative space. Yes. Just fitness, podcast galore. Yes. Yes.
Oh, goodness. Really, really cute. Like people because even when we made like, when we announced the podcast, so many people made like little edits and like, yes, that's what I'm saying. Yeah, that's super cute. Okay, yeah. For that, we'll definitely post about it. We could do something with that.
Yeah. Oh, and another thing too, is I got a few DMS in the last like week or so super surprised because I've never even mentioned it on my story or anything, but I got a few DMS from like small businesses like asking me like what my like PO box was to like send stuff. So I was thinking we could do it in a way of like our podcast with like a PO box or something.
So, then we can give like little shout outs to like little companies and whatever they sent to us, you know, really cute. Oh yeah, stay on the lookout guys that that might be something really fun that we can implement even like bi weekly or something like have a business we work with or once a month. Yeah, something like that just for to help y'all out. Anyway, I think.
Um, we should get into like the juice, not juicy stuff. The juicy. Yeah. I mean, it can be juicy because it can give you a big ass. True. True. But yeah, we should get into it. We posted like a, what do you think the topic is for like two episodes ago? And so many of you voted for this one and said, you want this to be one and it's how to set up a workout plan. You walk into the gym. How do you know like what to do? Start to finish order of the exercises, all of that. And it's actually not that hard at all.
Yeah, it's definitely not hard at all. And it honestly can be really misleading on social media because like you can see all these different type of girls like working out, like putting together their workouts. And you're probably like, but I saw so-and-so do it this way or so-and-so do it this way. But this is honestly what has worked best for us and what we think is going to be the most beneficial for the gains. Okay. So do we want to just like jump into it? And especially with this, this is the most simple, like you're probably going to find some like very like
famous like coaches like on Instagram and stuff doing like more like weird things with like their clients but that's like they have their own reasoning for what they're doing you don't need to be confused by that if you stick to something so basic it's gonna work yes like that's kind of all you need to know so the basics are very important you yeah so it can get boring but yeah but you can keep because there's
I think what it is, is you need to know that there's like variations of the basics. Yes, exactly. But we'll get into that. So you walk in, the first thing you need to do always is like dynamic warmup. Always. Yes. Our favorite is walking on the treadmill for five to 10 minutes and then getting into the dynamic warmup.
Yep, that is it. So many. Oh my God, I literally had a client today. It was so funny. I mean, if you're listening to this, hi. Hi, girl. But it was so funny because I'm so big on the whole cardio after cardio after cardio after. Yeah. I had mentioned it, but I guess it kind of slipped through her mind. And she's kind of new. Uh-oh. And she was like, no, yuck, I'm doing really good on my steps. I'm doing my incline walk before my workout. And I was like, no.
and like it's just cardio after cardio after cardio after but you do your little warm-up warm-up and then you're basically gonna structure your workout probably shorter than you think yeah there's no need to be doing like eight to ten exercises in the gym you can get into the gym spend 45 minutes to 75 minutes in the gym doing like
four to six exercises and have a good workout. Exactly. The only time I do a lot of exercises is on a push day where I'm doing three muscle groups. Like if I'm going to hit chest tries and it could get a little lengthy because there's three muscle groups in there. So I can work out and do a lot, but those normally take less rest. So I'm still-
Not taking like three hours and then sometimes I'll do like an arm day where I do shoulders, biceps, triceps. So if it's three muscle groups, I might be pushing it on the amount of exercises, but for like a pool day or a leg day, I will not go over six.
Yeah. And another thing too, is if you guys are doing like a good amount, like eight to 10 exercises, super set them. So you're not in the gym for so long. Okay. Like you can obviously start off with your comp and movements, which we'll get into. But like, if you are doing eight to 10, super set them because you don't want to be in the gym for like two hours.
Yeah, no, that you need to superset things. I just superset today. They're great. Especially also if you're training at like kind of like a moderate intensity, I think it just helps so much because then you're resting for like so long. Yeah. Like you could be pushing your body a little bit harder by just cranking it out. If you're doing everything kind of like higher rep, like on an arm day. But yeah, like you said, compounds, the first thing we're doing in the gym is
Yes, compounds are super important compounds. Basically guys if you're not too familiar with what they are it's basically you're moving using more than one muscle group at a time so if you're squatting deadlifting, you're pretty much using your entire lower body for those movements. Obviously there's gonna be a dominant factor in, you know,
the whatever exercise you are doing. Um, but always do your compound movements first. And honestly, the rep range can really like vary. You can do a rep strength range of four to six, or you can do, um, you know, um, building size and you can do eight to 12. It does not matter, but you just need to know that you need to be consistent with, you know, tracking your weight and like progressing over time. You don't want to be like consistently doing the same,
weight and reps every single week. Yeah. And you probably also don't want to be, now I'm not like a power lifting coach, so maybe I'm wrong, but for, to not demolish your legs, you don't want to be constantly doing like, like set, like low heavy sets. Like you can't be doing like your max three to like one rep every single time you squat. Like
No, you are not billed for that. You are going to probably burn out quick. I personally really like to alternate between like a low rep day and a high rep day. I was just about to say that. Yeah, that's kind of how I do it. I like doing, you know, okay, last time I deadlifted, I did
five sets of five. So this time when I deadlift, I think I'm going to do high reps, push like eight to 12. Like that just feels best on my body. And I do that for pretty much every compound lift. And like Sam said, I just keep track of what I used. Yes, exactly. Super important for that. Now, when it comes to compound movements, you're probably like, well, how many of those do I do? It can honestly vary from two to three. You can do one if you want, but
Typically two to three is like a good amount to do. For example, on a leg day, you can go from your, you know, squats into your deadlifts, or you can do your deadlifts into, um,
like, I would say like a leg press is a compound movement, but it also is not a compound movement, but like, there are the big heavy lifts that you should be doing first. If you know, you're going to be going real, real heavy on your, um, leg press, put that first. You don't want to be putting that at the end of your workout. And then, yeah, go ahead. Sorry. I thought you were done. No, you're good. You're
Yeah, when we say compounds, a lot of the things you're going to do in the gym aren't necessarily like isolations if they're not like squat bench deadlift. And I think that's what's like confusing for people to understand. Like when we say compounds for this episode specifically, we are speaking like big three heavy things.
lifts or like something like that. Cause let's say a lunge could be your compound for that day. If you're going like heavy on lunges, but you could also do lunges at a lighter weight. That's totally just an accessory, even though it's a compound movement. So that can get kind of like complicated, but basically we're talking about compounds that you're pushing weight on. Yes. Like there are like, if you're doing
Like I like, so pretty much I like to do two to three really, really heavy exercises at the very beginning of my workout. You know, it can be a barbell reverse lunge, a squat, a deadlift, and then I can work my way into like a lighter lunge and it will be dumbbell based. Um, but it will probably be in the rep range of like 12 ish, like 10 to 15 in that range. And that's more of an isolation because, you know, you're really focusing on the contraction with your muscle and going higher, which, um,
you know, you're, if you're going lower with the weight, obviously you can with the dumbbells. Like I don't typically like to do like dumbbell movements that are like four to six reps, you know? Yeah, no, not at all. That's actually, so like,
Perfect example of that, like what you just said about how you do like a lunge and then like a lighter lunge. I did today front squats and hack squats heavy as my compounds. But then after that, I did a superset that incorporated reverse lunges. But those reverse lunges were very light. They were more of like a burnout. I did them after leg extensions just, you know, to keep my heart rate up, really fire up my legs. I did them very high rep. And I wouldn't consider that a compound for the day.
Yes, at all. And those leg extensions, I guess this is kind of like a segue segue aren't isolation so we got our compounds, those lighter accessories that can also be compounds and our isolation movement. Yes. Yes, maybe. How many accessories do you say you normally do.
Um, for usually lower body days, all it depends on how many compound movements I'm doing. If I'm doing two compound movements, then I'll probably do like three to four isolation. But if I'm doing three compound movements, then I'm probably going to do like two ish isolation movements. Yeah. And sometimes if I, sometimes I have to change my whole workout. Cause sometimes you might
gave yourself way too much like much credit yeah yeah and it's okay to realize like oh holy crap those squats took me out like I put all my energy into those squats like that lunge I said I was gonna do is not gonna happen yeah or you like look at your time and you're like holy shit 40 minutes just went by it's like maybe that's not gonna happen today so I'd say yeah um I do like
Today I did two heavy compounds and then like two other things and one was a super set. So I'll say, yeah, like two to three. Two to three is normally my ballpark as well. And those isolations are going to be things like leg extensions, hamstring curls, the abductor. I've been loving the abductor. I honestly wanted to say this on my story the other day, but I thought people would be like, what the fuck, Sam? But I've been like using progressive overload on my abductor.
There's certain things. So this is a good way you can guys can apply progressive overload, do the abductor once a week. Okay. I do it every single glute day, which is my Saturday. And I have been applying progressive overload on, I will do either two sets of 20 or three sets of 20, but I need to make sure I'm getting 20 reps done. And I've been increasing weight over time.
Last week I was literally banging out 130 pounds and I was like, I was like looking at myself. I was like, holy shit, Sam, like two weeks ago you were doing like 90 pounds. How are you doing 130 right now? It's just funny though. Cause like abductors, like who applies progressive overload on that? But you know, it just goes to show if you're really focusing on the weight that you are trying to push, you can actually progress quite quickly if you're paying attention to it. No, I actually think progressive overload on my,
minor accessories like that is I'm not gonna say more important than on your compounds but it's gonna be harder to every time you squat get a better squat yeah you're never yeah like that takes like a month of looking back and be like oh my god my squat went up 10 pounds
But it's pretty easy to be like, last week I like extension with 100 and today I did 120. But in all of that progressive overload is building up to get you stronger at everything else. Progressive overload, I feel like people just think compounds and they might always do the machines or like dumbbell things at the same weight. But I actually find it way easier to progress with exercises like that. And I feel like I even put most of my
thought into progressing on exercises like that, which might be kind of like weird.
I know it's really funny though. Cause like it can be something as simple as like, oh, okay. I'm about to go do my Bulgarian split squats. I'm just going to go pick up the 40, 40 pound dumbbells. And you're just like, sometimes you're not thinking about it because you just want to like they're Bulgarian split squats. They're fricking deathly. And you just want to get through them. But you know, it makes such a difference where if you do the forties and then next week, when you do them, pick up the 45s and just go till nil failure. You don't even have to really focus on like the reps that you're doing.
Just really focusing on picking different weight and just going until your body just doesn't want to go anymore. Yeah, that's a great point too. So in these accessories, maybe not in all your accessories, but like the isolations, like, like let's say on a shoulder day, like lateral raises, like where it's just straight fricking shoulders. You need to be doing those till failure. I think. Yeah. I really think if you're not doing like leg extensions until you literally have almost tears, like,
I like, you're not doing it hard enough. I did leg extensions today and I took my legs off and they floated up. Like they like went up in the air because like the tension and I literally almost screamed. Oh my God. I was in so much pain, but I couldn't do anymore. And I have been training every single isolation exercise I do till failure. And that's how I've seen progressive overload a lot because it's like, oh, I used to do lateral raises with like fives.
Isn't that crazy to think about? 15s for like 20. Yeah, it's so crazy. I did shoulder press, 8-pound dumbbells for 10 and struggle. I did 30s for 20. Yeah.
God damn. And if you're in this phase, you know, and you're like, well, I'm doing that right now. Guess what? In a year from now, you're going to be repping out the weight that we're repping out, okay? You just got to believe in yourself. If you follow this, because I push hard. Like, you should see us hit shoulders with our shoulder presses till failure. Like, they're not pretty. So funny. Not pretty at all. No, they're not pretty at all. They're horrendous, but we do them and we crank it out. So,
Those are pretty much going to be higher rep, all of those isolations. I do 12 to 15, really, for, like, every – Yeah, me too. Everything. And they're basically till failure. And then, like you said, with, like, 20, I'll do that maybe as, like, if I'm doing, like, a finisher. Yeah. Like, I'll probably go up to, like, 20s. I won't even really count. I'll just go till I die. But, yeah, so we got two to three compounds. I'm trying to think of, like, where we even –
What else is there even to do in the gym two to three compounds, two to three like accessories and isolations and then like a finisher, what do you do like do a lot of like finisher type things. I usually what I'll do is it will be like it can vary it will vary from like you know the abductor where I'm like burning out and doing like 20 reps, or I will do like a drop set, and I'm doing like.
three sets and I'm doing like the leg extension, for example, 12 reps, drop the weight, 12 reps, drop the weight, 12 reps. And then that's one set. So that's the, like typically what I do for like my last exercise. Yeah. So something like that, I'll definitely like, if like, if like extensions is my last one, I'll definitely do a drop set. I like to do walking lunges, like all the time on a leg day, even with no weight, like your whole leg day. And just, if you have like a turf section at your gym, just go back and forth. I'll play a whole song.
about two minutes and 30 seconds song I try to find press play walking lunge till the song is done I feel like people at the gym look at me like really weird because I'm just non-stop lunging but don't underestimate the first thing the first like 30 seconds or you're like this is easy you don't even have to add weight and then it'll get hard so I do a finisher like that if I'm feeling crazy I used to do like box jumps but
Absolutely not. Yeah. And I like how you mentioned drop sets because I know we talked about supersets, but I think drop sets are overlooked.
Yeah. They're much easier guys to be doing when you are have dumbbells like right in front of you, or if you have a machine that's like cable where you can just like easily fix the things. Like I don't really recommend doing it with like a barbell. Like that would take so long because you want to be real, real quick with it. Like hardly any rest between. So like my favorite is obviously doing it with like the cables. It's my preference. And when we say drop set, we mean you do an exercise, let's say 10 reps per
at your heavy working weight and then you drop the weight you could either do the same amount of reps or more reps never less reps yeah and then at a lighter weight so um drop it like in half and you're basically kind of like manipulating failure because it's like you failed once and then you keep going just at a lighter weight rather than just stopping I do a drop set almost every I
almost every workout honestly like maybe not almost every workout but like I do them a lot I like them a lot I think they to me I feel like it's what makes me feel like I exhausted my most effort is doing yes like I totally agree right like I think they're so overlooked
I'm like not enough people talk about them. I truly think they are one of the biggest keys to like making like, like hypertrophy training. Yeah. Even like there's other, there's so many different like ways of training too. There's also the pyramid sets, which are typically done in your, in your compound movements. So guys, what pyramid sets are too is basically you're,
you're taking your reps if you looked at your reps you're looking at it like it's a pyramid so you're starting off with like 12 reps then your next set is going to be about maybe eight reps and then your top set is going to be probably like four to six reps and then you work your way back down the pyramid so you're doing eight reps again and then for your last one you're doing 12 reps so that's gonna be five total sets sounds super confusing um if i'm just explaining it because i'm a visual person so i don't know if like people could like understand that but
um those can be done typically during like compounds um just kind of like a way to like add progressive overload into your training yeah doing those with hip thrust is really fun it's just kind of yes the weight off and on doing a hip thrust but um yeah doing those for compounds is fun i've been overlooking them but a way i do because i know we talked about drop sets with the barbell you can either do a drop set every single set like
One set is heavy light. That's one set. What I like to do with squats recently is like, do like, let's say I do four sets of 10, whatever. I like kind of heavy for my fifth set, do a drop set where I take the weight off and put like something lighter, maybe like one 35 or 95 and just crank it. I literally did this yesterday. Cause I like what I like have been, Oh my God, I can't speak. What I've been liking to do is like doing my like working weight. And then for my last rep, just burn,
getting as many reps as possible at 135. Yeah, that's another variation. Like, like the drop set could be like a whole other set itself that is like one set lower weight or every single set being heavy light equals one, which is like the leg extension that is ultimate death.
So, um, incorporating things like that into your workout routine is going to be super key, but you don't need to do crazy rep schemes like that for every single workout in that you write down. I mean, every single exercise that you write down, I feel like I'd only do one like drop set or pyramid set, like in a workout. Oh yeah. Like I wouldn't do that. Like a pyramid set of squats and like a drop set on the cables and like another drop set and like,
That just seems way too confusing and too much. I only really do like one drop set a week. Yeah.
And we don't want you guys to be in the gym for freaking five hours. Okay. Like another thing too, is like your like rest between sets, like keep in mind, like typically your compound movements, you're probably going to have like a three to five minute, like rest period just because it's a compound movement. You're using more than one muscle group, but then when you get to your isolations, you could literally rest for like 30 seconds between, I know we can sometimes get lost on our phones or whatnot, but, um, try to keep it shorter just because you're going higher rep and you really want to fatigue the muscle group.
Yeah, that's a great point. The rest periods. I get questions about that a lot. You will be resting a while in your compounds. And I even sometimes get people being like three minute rest. Like what? Like, what are you doing? I'm like, okay, you don't deadlift heavy enough. Like if you're squatting or deadlifting, especially so much weight, I need three minutes. I can't, I like, you need to catch my breath.
And sometimes the three minutes like isn't enough. I'm like, shit, like it's already been three minutes. I need to go. I know. And it's actually like, it's way, you're not being lazy by resting. It's actually safer for you. And you're going to get more benefit out of the movement because, and this is for everything, even the things that you want to do with a little less rest, even if it's just a minute, take that minute because you don't want to start using other muscle, like
you want to like keep your mind muscle connection and keep doing the movement how it's supposed to be done not exactly like let's say RDLs if you don't rest and you don't like give yourself a minute and you're doing them heavy like you're probably gonna like destroy your back because you can't like keep like the form and the weight and like keep it done how it's supposed to be done and keep the mind muscle connection because your body's just like toasted yeah
That's another thing too, super freaking random, but I feel like I get this all the time. Y'all are always coming into our DMs with like, oh, like,
My back hurts like do you know why like, I hate to say it guys but we literally cannot answer that question for you because we're not there with you but I do know if your back is hurting, drop the weight, record yourself drop the weight, see how your form is, and go from there. But I'm not going to say like, oh your back hurts a little bit like that's so on, like that's so not normal like it is nor like it happens like it happens to me all the time. But just know that like it's very hard for us to like give form advice.
through like not text message dms I guess or even on a podcast like you know everybody's different yeah I guess side note about the RDLs too and any deadlifts I I obviously get that all the time like it hurts my back if it's your first time deadlifting any type of deadlift um yeah
deadlifts are a lower back exercise as well they are lower back exercise so if you've never done it your lower back might be sore the next day even even my lower back after a sumo deadlift and the whole deadlift i will feel no back pain not at all don't feel any i wake up if i went heavy my lower back's a little stiff because it is a lower back exercise sumo deadlift works your whole entire body i will get a full body pump after a sumo deadlift yeah my shoulders too
When I, when I swim in the middle of the day. So your back may be a little sore and I think it's also differentiating. Like, are you a little bit sore or are you in pain? Yeah. Like two very different things. Another episode, but I mean, we definitely another episode, but we talked about RDL. So I just thought I'd throw it out because rest periods, whatever, what we were talking about, rest periods are very important and you want to be mindful with them. General rule, keep it easy as the workout continues. Your rest period should be getting shorter. Yeah.
Yeah, everything can go from hard to easy, which I mean, if you think about it, it makes sense. Why would you exhaust yourself and then go squat? Doesn't really make any sense. Yeah.
Especially like, those are the things like, which obviously I feel like progressive overload could definitely be another topic. We did cover a good chunk of progressive overload in this, but it's like, if you're really like, I'm sure everyone that goes to the gym, they want to progress in their squat. They want to progress in their deadlift, their bench, like all those things. Like who doesn't want to be a bad-ass like in the gym, pushing out this heavy weight. You're not going to want to do those like mid workout and your workout because you want to be putting in your entire effort into those lifts. And another thing too, random, but like,
We always get asked like, how soon are you going to the gym after eating breakfast? Guys, I go to the gym literally like I'll have breakfast. I change immediately after and I'm like on my way to the gym because you want to use like that fuel from your breakfast for those compound lifts in the very beginning of your workout. Yeah, exactly. And by that time, because you want to not, your body is using energy to digest that food. So you don't want to be using the energy to like get rid of that food in your stomach and be working out. So by the time we,
eat breakfast, change, make some TikToks, make some content, drive to the gym, walk on the treadmill for 10 minutes. It's been a minute. Yeah, it's been like an hour. It's been a decent amount of time. And we also are eating something that sits well in our stomach and digests really fast.
Yeah. So that's a, that's a good topic to pre-workout and post-workout food. Yeah. But I was going to talk about with the workout splits, cause people ask me how often do you change or not workout splits, but like the actual workout route. Yeah. Like let's say your quad day, how often do you change it? And I'm like, I personally don't do the same quad day. Every single time I hit quads, I'd get bored as hell. I'd get hell. And people are like, but don't you have to do the same things to like see results? Okay. Well, I squat badge deadlift every single week.
you know, maybe one day I might end up back squatting twice and one back squats like really light. Like maybe I'll do different variations of it. Maybe I'll bench twice, but when my actual workouts, I stick to the basics and do variations of the basics. So every single quad day, they're a little different, but realistically, if you look at them, they're very similar. There's squat or maybe leg press probably won't do a hack squat and a leg press probably pick one.
Some variation of a squat with the barbell, back squat, heel elevated back squat, something like that. Leg extensions always, maybe some type of lunge. Maybe it's a split squat, but it's a single leg lunge type movement. Walking lunges at the end, something like that. They're pretty similar, just different variations of similar movements. And that's pretty much how all my workouts look. So in a way you're doing the same sticking to the basics. It's just making it more fun. Yeah. Variations of it.
I agree. And if you do, um, if you do find a workout that you really, really like, like I personally keep my, my glute workout on Saturdays, pretty much the same every single Saturday, but I'll change like maybe one or two exercises, but everything is staying the same on my Saturday workouts. Well, like she said, keeping it pretty much very, very similar and also paying attention to the weight you're using. So like
Pretty much like if she's like switching, like, you know, um, what's like the hack squat or the, you know, heel of it squat, like you're pretty much pushing the same type of weight for those exercises, but just keep in mind like, oh, okay. Whatever you're changing it. Like maybe you're doing the hack squat or the, um, heel of it squat, um,
make sure you're paying attention to the weight that you are using each week you want to go up even if it's 0.2 or 2.5 pounds I know leg day you can obviously go up a little bit higher but just making sure you are changing the weight just because the workouts are changing doesn't mean you shouldn't change the weight you're using exactly and even if you don't have a clear like
like you did it like very recent and you want to go up like let's say today I did hack squat last time I hack squatted I don't have a good hack squat machine in my gym so the last time I hack squatted was in Texas and I think I had a plate on each side yeah we literally had a plate and we were both doing like 15 like reps for like four sets or something okay yeah so today I was like I want to push it because you inspired me because you posted your hack squat and I saw another video of um
Sarah from Strive to Thrive. Oh yeah. He posted her act squat and I was like, dang, she's strong. Cause like, I think there was two plates and I was like, I want to be able to do that. And then I used posted doing it and I was like, I can do it. It's so crazy though. And then we kind of did like a warmup set. Like I did one plate and my boyfriend did like two plates. And then it was like my turn to do a real set. And I was like,
I think I'm gonna leave it. I think I could do it. And then I did it for 13. It's literally one of those things where you just need to fucking put the weight on the, on the machine or else you're never going to do it. And I was a little scared, but I was like, I can do it. And it's like, yeah, I don't keep track of like my progressive overload hack squat, but like, I don't have that like written down, but I, I know like, holy crap, that was a PR.
Yeah. Reverse lunges on the Smith machine. I used to throw 25s maybe to, I put a plate on each side of the Smith machine and did reverse lunges. And I never do that. And I did it like one of the last times I did reverse lunges. And that's like, okay, I know that was a PR for me. Cause I've never done that before. Yeah. Like, cause it's easy to like be lazy and you could just little things like that, where if you could just recognize like, Hey, last time I used this machine, I did only this, even if you do it for one set.
Yeah. That's what I did with the hack squat. Cause I was like, there's no way in hell. I'm just going to automatically throw two plates on there. Like I worked my way up to it. So I did a plate, then I did 25s and then I did the two plates and I was like, Whoa, okay. Now I know I can, next time I come back here, I can do the plates for like sets. Yeah. It was nuts. Like it was crazy. And I like, like price is something I've seen myself progress on from being able to
be scared to go use a machine because the angled leg press looks kind of scary to like, I can crank out reps with four plates. So now every time I leg press, I think about how much I can do four plates for. And I know four plates for like four sets of 10 is like a good working weight for me. So I'm like, okay, like I know I can, we'll push for either like adding a little bit of weight on the sides or maybe cranking out 12 reps.
I have in mind what I do for each machine. You can't mindlessly go about using them. You need to keep track of what you're doing. Yeah. And I guess for us too, like it's super easy for us to track our weights because we're always recording ourselves. Whereas if you guys are not recording yourselves and like you don't have like that documented, like, oh, you can look back on a video to see like how much you are using. Put it into your phone notes. Like literally just dock it. Like I used to do this when I didn't film as much myself. I would literally just put the date.
I'd put something that I like PR on. Like if I was like proud of myself for that lift, like I would just documents like the weight I was using in the exercise I was doing. So that way, like a month down the road, I can look back on that and be like, okay, like I have progressed or, oh, maybe I haven't progressed. Okay. Come on, Sam, pick it up a notch, pick up something heavier.
Yeah, I love, love, love looking back and like just progressive overload. I love looking back. It's so fun, especially my squat videos, especially when you're getting hard on yourself because you actually see the progress, but
Yeah, you get hard on yourself so easily. I do. Like, I... No. A bad workout, guys, if I have a bad workout, like, I will literally pick up a dumbbell first exercise. If I hate it, done. I can't. Like, I will do, like, let's say, like, a back workout if my mind-muscle connection just isn't there and, like, my arms hurt, I'm really, like, over it. Like, yesterday when we were on...
Yesterday we were on live. You're like, I had a shitty bench day. I was like, I did. Like I was so annoyed because I just couldn't like do the weight I wanted to. And like, I just didn't feel good. And I just get so bothered because I'm like, I do it. Like I'm like eating right. Like blah, blah, blah. Like I just get hard on myself, but then it's like, we just don't have our days that sometimes, you know, it sucks. Even that bad. It just, it just like, I was not having it. I had a good rest of the workout though.
Yeah, that's good. There you go. Yeah, whatever. Damn, four freaking days, right? Four days. Yes. Can we do like a recap of everything we just said? I feel like we just went on progressive overload tangent. I know, we did. Recap, recap. So,
After your warmup, you're going to do your compound lifts, two to three heavy, heavy compounds. Always a big three lift, except for like a back day, unless you deadlift on back day. I guess you can do that. Like, you know, squat bench deadlift needs to be in there once. I say each one at least once a week. Yes. Yeah. And then...
Play around with the rep schemes for those always and then you go into your accessories could be other compounds and finish off with your isolations probably two to three exercises after your compounds rest periods getting shorter progressive overload on those isolations you guys will see the difference so fast.
Yeah. And if you guys want, you can obviously create your own workouts and base it off of like our workouts that we've posted, just kind of getting a visual idea. If you want to just kind of like look at our workouts on our Instagrams, like, okay, like, yeah, they're putting these things first. So now I know I need to put those things first and then work my way down. We obviously don't put the rest time between, but now you know what the rest time should be. Yeah. The rest time just gets shorter every time. And that's why you see my workouts or both of our workouts.
Maybe you didn't notice it before, but go back and look at our workouts. You'll probably be like, oh, they're so similar. Yeah. Every girl that posts weights, they're very much similar. And that's for a reason. If you follow someone and their stuff is just like funky stuff you've never seen before, that's like a little bit off-putting. Any fun new thing you want to try, try it. Try it at the end. Any like weird...
I don't know like isolation don't make workouts fucking complicated I'd like not I see way too many people out here like literally making workouts complicated as all hell just for the engagement of like eye grabbing like content like on social media like what's horrible with that what you know beach body is beach body no MLM like Herbalife
Like first form, like it's an MLM. I'll have to look it up after. So it's an MLM. So these people can sign up and be a coach, right? So random people just get recruited to be a coach. And the workouts are, they're like home workouts. Oh my God, they're horrible. Like they're like a kettlebell swing into an upright row into a tricep kickback in like one movement. Like they're horrible. I hate that.
Like, yes, it's like, we're happy you're getting your body moving, but the way they probably are labeling those videos too is like, okay, like time to like grow the booty or snatch the waist. But even that they're like, people are going to straight up hurt themselves. Like, yeah, they're nuts. Like it's nuts. It's like so wrong. So if you see something so crazy like that, just don't do it. If you see weird ways to use machines, like,
I mean, like try it if you want, but just try it at the end. Cause like I said, I'm all for the gym being like your playground. So when I see someone like using a machine, you know, maybe not the way I would choose to do some weird, interesting thing on it, but I mean, you want to do it. Do you like, just do it at the end. Don't put your time, like never start your workout with like a cable kickback.
Um, never. That's like a sin. Yeah, do that. Do the fun stuff at the end. If you want. If that makes your workout happy. I'm all for it. You're going to do strength first you can do push downs on the pull up machine on you want at the end.
Oh my God. Yeah. Don't get me started on that. What I don't get about that is just use a leg press, right? Like you don't need to be using a pull-up machine to push down your foot with it. Like you're just the contraction you're making is just like, so not beneficial. Like you can't like, yeah, just use a leg press and go fucking heavy. I don't understand. Like, cause the movement is like, just use a leg press. They have a machine for that.
Yeah. They even have the machine that you like kick your foot back. Yeah. Like why use that one? I don't know. I don't know. Or like the worst. Oh my God. The worst is the leg extension machine and you're hip thrusting it. Oh yeah. I get questions about that. I just do not see the point. Like unless maybe every other possible thing you could hip thrust with, even then that I think I'd wait. Yeah. No, seriously. I'd wait. Or I just wouldn't do it. I'd do something different.
Yeah, I don't really see the point in that, guys. A lot of people ask us about that. I literally don't see the point at all. Take the Smith machine. There's so many alternatives. A barbell. A dumbbell. A Smith machine. A dumbbell. A kettlebell. Body weight. You could do, like, yeah. It's more just, like, I see how it would work because you're placing weight on your hips and doing a hip thrust. I just don't understand why. Yeah. And there's other things you could do. I don't get why. And people are like, oh, but it's easier. And I'm like...
It's not the same. It's not the same. No. I'm trying to think of, like, what else? Weird things people do, like, random things. Yeah. I don't really know. Yeah, I don't really know either. I mean...
You can scroll on Instagram and find it though. Yeah, you definitely could. Very interesting. Don't get me wrong though. I've been there. I've done that. I've done those things, but that's because I just didn't know what I had to do in the gym. Yeah. And I think it was also hard for me. What I, I saw this girl do this thing one time. I forget her name on TikTok, but I love her.
She did. And I actually really liked it. She put a landmine and then put the landmine on her shoulder and was doing squats. And I personally loved it. I was like, that looks so fun. My quad. Oh, Erin. Yes. Yes. I love her. My quads were amazing.
On fire. I'm actually very like glute dominant. If I do a squat, I don't feel it in my quads. And I felt that squat in my quads like crazy. I loved it. And then people are like, people were like, why do this like stupid stuff? If it's a variation of a squat or deadlift or lunge, it's probably not stupid.
like yeah and like that's what we're saying before you can do fun variations of squat deadlift lunge on leg day but pushing down the push-up machine with your leg and doing a fun variation of a squat are not the same yep not the same all green but guys on tiktok don't know yeah guys on tiktok see a girl not doing a basic barbell back squat and they're like that's so dumb
I blocked that guy, whoever that man is. I block them all. I block them all. All of them. I have nothing better to do. Literally. They're, like, in their, like, little gamer section of, like, their house with, like, their little, like, AirPod, like, up to their mouth, and they're, like, talking to it. I'm like, all right, this girl needs to do better at this. I'm like, oh, my God. Has never stepped foot in the gym. I'm like, leave us alone. So gross. So that's basically...
The very just basic way to set up a workout how we set up every single one of our workouts that is exactly how the plan goes down every single time seems pretty like repetitive but that's just how it works.
and the best way you're going to get out of like strength training if you again if you find that boring you could also mix it up and if you want to do like one day instead of doing strength like that set up you can do like a circuit like I got bored of those in quarantine but I mean if you want to do that that's also kind of fun but I don't do that anymore but if it gets boring to you you know do whatever you want do what your heart desires but if you want to make efficient gains then listen to our advice yeah
Agreed. And eat effectively. And that's those episodes we've talked about in the past. Yes. Those are great ones. If you're doing something repetitive and consistently, you're probably going to make results and you're doing it right. Yeah. Like I've only gotten results from doing the same thing repetitively. Yeah, me too. But I guess next time we're together.
I'm so excited. We can start doing all these workouts we've been talking about, going past failure together, starting on Monday. So, so excited. You guys have no idea, like,
it's just like if you liked our content before get ready it's about to blow up because now we're now it's like in the situation where like when we used to get together like we were like so like caught up on content like trying to like squeeze so much stuff into like a few days of being together but now we can just like chill like go with the flow I feel like it's gonna take me a little bit to adjust
like yeah for sure but I feel like oh are you getting a car by the way yeah I'm gonna lease one like okay cool when I get up yeah um uh I feel like it's gonna take me a little bit because I'm very used to like oh we just did a workout like we must go take pictures and film TikToks like like we must right now and then it's like but you have me later in the day we can film for 13 months like yeah like there's no like
rush and like every time I visited it was like here for content picture picture picture picture content so that's gonna be that's gonna be interesting we're getting we're getting a lockbox too yeah I need to start we said this on the live though we didn't even say this on the podcast guys we we're gonna get a lockbox for our phones where we know now that we can hold each other accountable when we're together to get off our freaking phones because there's more to life than us being so
obsessed with our phones delete tiktok uh no i went through a panic attack when i didn't have it like you know what i would want to do honestly is literally have like an assistant that posts my tiktoks for me and i can just like make them on something else and i can not yeah but then you wouldn't know what like the trends are i know she would have to send me them she'd have to do it but yeah this is trending i'm not even kidding i debated i think i've said this on like my instagram or like i feel like i've said it
But the only reason I would, I feel like I'd want an assistant so bad to simply text me what TikToks I should make. Yeah. Because scrolling and saving things. Guarantee you're going to get so many DMs now. I want someone to DM me, like, this is trending. I think you could, like, use this sound. I think this idea is, like, really funny. Like, I need someone to, like, save sounds to my phone and tell me how I can use them because I hate doing it. I hate to find things that are trendy. Yeah, I agree. I'm just...
like I don't want to say bad at it but like it's hard for sure and like waking up and like the first thing you're doing is like opening TikTok and just seeing all the negativity yeah it sucks I need to stop but today oh if you were on the live I walked on my treadmill right when I woke up and scrolled on the yay I didn't because I had that appointment at nine o'clock so I'm
I was walking before the podcast. I'm actually gonna go back downstairs and walk again, but it's because I went to the gym late too. So I was like, I'll walk. But yeah, that was basically the episode for this week. How to structure a workout. I hope you guys liked it and found it informative.
as always send us whatever like ideas you have dm us comment on the instagram post whatever for ideas because we want to talk about what you guys want to hear yeah another thing too guys is do not forget to tag the podcast page i see a lot of the time you guys tagging just me and taylor but we want to be able to tag um or we want to be able to repost it on the podcast page so do not forget to tag the podcast page yes and
yeah um like I said um along with podcast episode ideas if there's things you want to see on the story like I follow a lot of people that do like um like polls like all the time like we like ask you guys questions and see what you guys vote or like maybe like story q a's like is that something you guys want to do on the story like I don't want to spam the story if you guys aren't interested so if there's just things you want to see from us let us know on the podcast page that is the most
um the most likely we're going to see it is if it's on the podcast because it's just like less people yeah so any requests in there we'd love to see your ideas because if not we're just talking about what we want to talk about exactly so which i'm sure they don't mind yeah it's our podcast yeah we can talk about whatever we want all right but thank you guys for listening we love you bye