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One Thing About Us

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Sam和Taylor讨论了坚持锻炼的十大好处,这些好处与减肥瘦身无关。首先,锻炼可以释放脑内啡,让人感到快乐,改善情绪。其次,锻炼可以增强自信,让你相信自己能够做到承诺的事情。再次,锻炼可以改善消化系统和新陈代谢,让你吃得更舒服。此外,锻炼可以增强力量,让你能够独立完成更多事情,并提升安全感。锻炼还可以增强社区归属感,让你结识志同道合的朋友。锻炼可以增强骨骼强度,降低骨质疏松的风险。锻炼可以改善睡眠质量,提升自然精力,缓解压力。锻炼可以降低患多种疾病的风险。锻炼可以改善皮肤状况,使皮肤更光滑有光泽。最后,锻炼可以改善性生活,提升性欲和性能力。 总而言之,锻炼对身心健康都有极大的益处,不应该仅仅为了减肥而锻炼。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


What's up, you guys? Welcome back to another episode. I am Sam. And I'm Taylor. Today we have a really cool, fun little topic. We're doing 10 reasons to get into exercising, build a workout routine that have nothing to do with getting skinny, with losing weight, with seeing physical changes in your body. Yeah, I'm excited to go into this because obviously I feel like everyone and their freaking mother when they're starting working out does it for looks, but there's so many great benefits outside of that. So...

We'll dive into it. Yeah. And it's like what keeps you going when you're not making maybe the looks progress you want to. Yeah. There's other reasons to keep going. So definitely stay tuned and listen in to that.

um way down the line i feel like the other day i think our episode started like 50 minutes in it was like an hour and a half episode dude yeah i mean i love the fucking catch up so much like especially when we haven't seen each other for a while and we are miked up talking because it's like oh shit like this is real authentic shit that we have not talked about in a week together well even last weekend and this weekend coming up we have like separate plans yeah which like

separate plans was never something we ever had ever and it's like kind of fun because i'm like the other day even it was like sunday i was like oh my god so like tell me about your weekend yeah like i haven't seen you like it's fun it's fun to talk it like makes a little bit more exciting yeah like what did you do like no i agree like tell me the news um

Yeah. Yeah. So Friday, what did I do on Friday? I had a very chill week during the week. I didn't have much to do. I got brow elimination and lash lift last week. So that was like really good for me because...

I don't know. I feel like I have my summer glow going on right now. Like skin is tan. Like I'm breaking out a little bit just because I got my period, but fuck that. Um, but I knew I was like, you know what? This is perfect timing. Lash lift, brow elimination, full send. And today I'm wearing makeup, but like my makeup during the week has not been like foundation, concealer, barely any mascara. I'm just putting like a little bit on cause I want my lashes to be darker. Cause I didn't get a lash, um, tint. I just got a lift, but I was like,

It just feels great. Yeah. I love it. I booked for my next facial. I added a brow lamination to it. Yeah. Because my eyebrows are very, very coarse and hard to brush. They're so thick and hard to gel like on my own. They really don't like to move. Right. Because they're so thick. Yeah.

And I was like, I don't know. I kind of just want you to do it. Cause she does it. I was like, yeah, add that. She was like, yeah, come in earlier. Like we'll do that too. I was like, yeah. Cause I hate doing it myself. Like it's so hard. I'm going to plug my, my girl Meg cause she's fucking awesome. And one thing too, like you can probably even say this too with, um, what's her name?

Jackie. Jackie. With going to them, I was like, when I go to appointments, I need someone that I can vibe with because if I'm sitting there for an hour, hour and a half, and I don't speak, I'm going to go stir crazy. Yeah, or when you're... I need someone I can vibe with. Or when you're speaking and it's just monotone. It's just weird. Yeah, just like, I don't really want to share my life with you. Yeah. So, anyways, my girl Meg, you can go find her on Instagram. Her name is Meg Coleman, and she's in my following. So, if you just go to my following and type in Meg Coleman, she'll pop up. She does...

makeup art so she does like wedding makeup she's fucking fire with that shit um maybe one day i'll have her glam me up but um she does brow eliminations lash lifts all all the goodies and she does it from home so like you can just go to her apartment feels nice and cozy you vibe with her she got a great dog so i had to plug it

yeah and i um if you i've gotten a few questions about is like what i'm doing for my skin my skin right now is like so nice especially because like you said with the tan yeah a tan will just it really doesn't do it to you okay speaking of that i realized like i need to go travel more like to warm weather in the winter because like i get like seasonal depression it isn't like considering i have like a full-on home in miami yeah what is stopping me what the fuck why am i not coming with you for thanksgiving what is what is stopping me from like

Going a week at home I don't pay to go there Yeah you know what I'm just coming with you next time Put me in the suitcase Well I actually want to stay home For quite a bit Around the holidays Because there's going to be new babies

so like i want to go home for like my sister's gonna have her baby by then yeah so and like living this far like i want to go home for like a while because like the kid's not gonna know me and i want him to have a connection with me from the day i want him to to know me as his aunt so i'm gonna go home for quite a bit i think for thanksgiving last year i didn't go at all but i think i want to go for like quite some time yeah

um but anyways that's so yeah that was so unrelated in case anyone's thinking about our thanksgiving travels no but i agree being in the sun like it's like why am i not going on like a long weekend vacation down to like somewhere warm yeah like doesn't it be crazy and i know guys we are in texas but like i'm talking like i want to be on a beach ass in the sands in the middle of the winter not yeah this is the first year first two years i've had like a winter where like it's

Like literally cold and I get pale. Yeah. No, it's not fun. It's awful. I moved even more south than I it's originally terrible but But yeah, we have so much fun like just being out in the sun and like the warmth Sweating our ass off. It's over 100 degrees every day and we work out outside and it's it's tough out here Okay, I only work out four days a week right now and I think i'm gonna keep it four days a week but like

I've been loving it. It's it's nice. It makes me enjoy going to the gym I feel like i'm working out for a different reason now like i'll do like one movement for strength But like and this is honestly just me being lazy So like I fully understand that because I know people train hard as fuck and that 100 degrees and like this is just me being lazy I just like don't have it in me to do like so much stuff for strength. You know why setting it up?

yeah i hip thrusted with a dumbbell yesterday because you're telling me in the sun i'm gonna load but also to like 300 pounds on a hip thrust in the blazing in this equipment at least a lot of the equipment that i need to use for like compounds like that like hip thrust and stuff that's all in the sun so it gets hot it's hot like you touch the machine it's like ow burn i leaned against a bench and i was like yeah so but that's the main thing for me if i had this is why i think um

I'm gonna start working out with like my boyfriend every single day I need someone to fucking do it for me like I genuinely was like I know I have it in me to push like 300 pounds on a hip dose right now

But I really don't have it in me to like walk the bar over somewhere and walk the plates over. No, I agree. It's too hot. But I was also thinking about it. And the machine was taken too. Yeah. They also got rid of that other hip thrust machine. Remember the other one that you see outside? I loved that hip thrust machine. And I was thinking about that when I went up to you the other day at the gym. I was like, oh, someone's using the machine. Like, I have nothing to use. Like, is there another abductor? No, there's nothing. And I was thinking about it. I was like, that old hip thrust machine we used to have. I used to use that every single glute day. Yeah, I don't like the new one. I don't either. It gets...

it's like doable it gets the job done but it doesn't hit the same other one that one would kill my fucking yeah no other yeah you know what i'm gonna look on facebook marketplace for the same one by myself and leave it yeah no literally i'm literally gonna like i mean we have donated equipment to lift before literally daniel's gonna be like where'd we get that i'm like i i put it there yeah you're welcome

yeah like that i wanted it there we we worked with titan fitness um last year guys when we lived in our like small ass apartment so we got um a bench a bench a box like a big like box that you jump up and down on um i got like a bulgarian yes like a lot like thingy so we just gave it all to lift because we're like we're in an apartment we don't need this no if we had an at-home gym maybe i'd keep it but

yeah no i'm literally gonna like search for the marketplace and put my own like machine in there i would kill for another one so yeah that's been like that's the only thing that really really sucks about um the heat for me is setting things up if i had a personal assistant to set everything up for me i'd be way way more inclined but i feel like i'm working out like it's kind of just endurance and i'm kind of just like maintaining my physique and i have my like

couple goals um but for the most part the fact that i get something done in that weather is a a win for me yeah like last wednesday it hit a feels like 118 and that's the record high all time in austin texas yeah like record breaking we just lived through that it's hot and they even have signs like what to do if you're having a heat stroke yeah like a heat stroke versus like heat exhaustion because it's

It's dangerous. Yeah. Like it's not anything to really joke about. Like you need to drink water. You need. That's why I'm like chugging electrolytes all the time. Yeah. It's tough. Exactly. And another thing that's kind of like related to like fitness and wellness that I've been doing is chiro therapy slash like the red light therapy. I've gone like three times now.

and I need to start going because I've been doing it. So right now, I'm going to be completely transparent and honest with you guys. I'm working with Restore, but we haven't started my partnership with them because they want me to try out a bunch of the stuff. And I was like, okay, so I'll try out the stuff. And I've been doing the Cairo red light thing, and

guys the like natural energy and the boost and like the endorphins that i just get from it for the rest of the day after i do it is insane so unfortunately the one that i'm working with is like 25 minutes south of me but we have one literally like right down the street from where i live so they're like hopefully after we do this like little like test trial with you like we can switch it so you can go to the other location because if i can go to the other location that's literally right down the street

I will be going to do the red light Cairo four times a week because they recommend they're like, you better do it like three times a week. And I'm like getting all the way over to like South Lamar. I have them in my DMS that I never answer is so hard. Yeah. This is from last year. Um, which location is South Lamar South Lamar. Yeah. But there was another company I was talking with him. It was called something different, but same, same vibe, same vibe of a place. And like, I'm just the worst. And yeah,

don't go yeah but the cool thing about restore um which like this is not paid at all because like i'm not working with them yet but um maybe down the road i will be is that it's like a membership thing so you can get a membership and you can go as many times as you want to use any of the treatments so they got like the pressure bags they got a sauna they got red leg chiro they got massages they got iv well you have to pay for the ivs you have to pay for like the

IV product but you don't have to like pay for the service yeah so I don't know it's just pretty fucking cool yeah it's cool I don't work with them I honestly may get a membership because of how beneficial I feel like the Cairo red light thing has been for me yeah

I need to answer them. Yeah. I need to answer them because there was like literally a company I was going to do it to and I just like really never went. So that's been another little cool wellnessy health thing that I've been doing. Yeah. I like it a lot. And then other than that, my caffeine cleanse is over. I ended that last week. I don't really feel like I need caffeine day to day to be honest, but I just do love the taste of it and I love the little extra boost it does give me. It does crack me out way more now, which is good. I went three weeks without caffeine.

caffeine so yeah i'm gonna definitely do it every three months i think because i got through it no problem there was like literally there was no pro or no cons to my caffeine cleanse whatsoever sick yeah i am starting i'm getting an aura ring which is so beyond awesome they're actually like gifting me one which is like insanely sick i might still have to pay for like the membership i don't know because you have to pay like yearly to like use it like a like a whoop

yeah um but the ring itself is like 500 bucks so this is like the biggest like fucking blessing because you guys know i was doing natural cycles y'all i've not remembered to put that thermometer in my mouth for days because you have to like wake up at the same time and if you it's difficult to wake up and like do it right away and like put it in your phone it's hard to remember to do and if you wake up different times it messes it up

it's not the most convenient but you can do it with your aura ring so i would say it's worth it to do if you have a ring or another type i don't know if any other type of tracker can take your temperature and do it for you but that will be like insanely better like yeah game changer if the ring can do it because the thermometer is a bitch and like sometimes if i sleep with my boyfriends i don't bring it it's it's just really hard to do the thermometer thing it's like really just not

that like practical but connecting into the ring i think is gonna be like game changer so i'm really excited about that and i'm really excited to look more so like my recovery and stuff because my goal right now is to get my period to be regular because i don't like that it's not regular and i want it to be like great and i don't want my phases to hit me as fucking hard like i feel like obviously you're still gonna feel them but i feel like

How low I get in like the lower ones like I could maybe like balance out and not be so roller coaster of like instead of being like I'm on like a high like right now I'm on a high and then it's like in two weeks. I don't want to be like in the depths of hell. Yeah, rather just like have it be like a little roller coaster. So I'm like been taking a lot of vitamins and I really want to try cycles thinking my workouts more in the sense that like

In my luteal phase, after I ovulate, I will be lifting less. I just... I don't want to force myself. I'm already not lifting a lot anyway. You're lifting more than me. So it's like... I personally don't feel that, but I definitely think it would help. I just want to...

do a little bit less and then i'm also taking advantage of like right now when i feel great and i have more energy like going to dance twice a week like i always teach once but i have more energy like going twice and then it's like in those weeks like not going like cutting back on the cardio um just doing like different stuff like i'm fine with my movement for the day like

out my yoga mat on the balcony and like following a YouTube video because like I used to work out like that in COVID and it did make me feel so good before I started lifting weights and I just don't

I don't want to like stress my body out. You should try the seed cycling too. Might as well. Yeah, maybe. Yeah. I feel like I'm going to do like one, like, um, like I want to know what is the thing that worked kind of thing. Yeah. That makes sense. Like rather than being like, I have no idea if it was the seeds, the workout, the vitamins, I'd rather be like, okay, I did the vitamins and cut back on my training. Did it work? Yeah. Okay. I did this. Did it work? Yeah. Cause I did the,

I didn't well I cut back a lot on my workouts and but that was more of like I kind of had to force myself to you got surgery because I got surgery but at the time when I did like in January and then I got my first period it was the workouts because I obviously had to and then I did the vitamins and I also did the seed cycling so there was like three things I feel like because I also know like I'm very lean right now yeah and all those things that people you know they always ask like did you ever lose your period working out and I know I eat a lot but

But I am very lean right now and I was always on birth control. So I never like lost a period. But like maybe it is to the point that like my period isn't like as regular or like I don't want to like lose my period. I don't know. I just want to like make sure that's all in check. And then when I'm in my low phases and I have bad workouts and I'm not in the right mindset, I get even more down on myself. So it's like why put myself in the position to go to the gym when I'm not feeling it, have a bad workout, be pissed at myself that I didn't want to be there when I could just like do like

yoga and an ab workout on my balcony exactly and get on and be like that was good yeah it's like crazy like speaking the way we do now about the gym compared to like two years ago is like so insane oh my god i would have like cried oh my god if i had to take a week off less if i was like a week out of the month i'm only gonna lift twice a week i would have been like

You are gonna Lose So much progress Everything You're gonna get fat And you're gonna Literally be Now you can't have Any sweet treat During the week No carbs Like and now I'm like No it'll like Just make me feel better Yeah Like literally Literally

So hopefully that's a little bit of a call out to anyone listening right now. Love you. But yeah, should we get into the weekend? Yes. So yeah, that was everything we do to be healthy and amazing. And here's everything we do to offset. Here's everything we do to offset every single thing we do. Someone tagged me in a TikTok and it was some girl. She was like, all these bitches be acting feral as fuck on the weekend, like getting fucked up. But then they go, oh yeah. But then Monday to Friday, like I'm like a wellness queen. And then they say that they're drinking green juice and going hot girl walks.

and like someone tagged us it was like you guys i'm like literally us but that's fine but it's also like it's me for right now yeah it's me until i'm 25 yeah i'm not saying like for the rest of my life like every weekend is a bender like i'm just let me be in my early 20s this summer is literally my 2016 summer yeah and also let it be summer yeah y'all like this will not like this is gonna take a back

It's already, it's literally not even July and I'm already dead. Like the amount of shit we planned. I'm dead. Literally. And then the other day someone said something like, oh, should we go to this? I forgot what it was. I don't know. We get sent so many things that I couldn't even tell you. It was the tubing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And someone was like, well, it's just something to do. And I was like, oh,

honestly i don't we don't have another weekend bro i don't need anything else to do like they're like it's something to do on a sunday i'm like i don't want it yeah i don't want something to do on a sunday we've been like just for the love of god yeah i don't want to go friday saturdays we are booked and busy and then sundays we are chilling we are all getting hung over brunch and we are regrouping for the next weekend like someone being like do you want to do this i'm like

Which is like the biggest blessing to have so much fun. But yeah, like give me my early twenties. Dude, I'm having so much fun. Clock is going to hit 25, which is crazy. Cause you're turning. Yeah. Stop. Don't say that. When my clock hits 25, I'm done with this shit. Like I'm literally 25. My 25th birthday. I will rage. And the next day,

that's it yeah maybe maybe i'll do that who knows and then you'll be like 28 and well no dude because i got my my boobs this year i feel like i'm like 21 that's how i'm acting it's like you just hit puberty i know literally like oh my god i'm 21 now i got boobs yeah but think about it like i'm gonna have to stop earlier anyways because all of you will be older yeah so like probably like less people will want to do things yeah but yeah anyways the weekend my friday i went paddleboarding which is like weird for a friday but it was very chill

I wasn't with, like, people that I, like... It wasn't, like, the most, like, enjoyable circumstance for me. So... Explain further. I would love to hear why. You would love to hear why. Yeah, I haven't heard this before. Should I tell them? Yeah. Fuck yes. Bro, stop restricting shit you say. Although your boyfriend listening right now is gonna be like, no, shut your mouth. He's gonna be so pissed. He's gonna be like, what the fuck are you saying? He's gonna be so pissed. Okay, so, like, um...

um there's one my boyfriend has this friend that was visiting and i just like don't fuck with her i think she's shady um they like used to have a little bit of a thing and i don't like her i feel like that's totally okay though like every girl's gonna agree with you yeah i don't like the situation uh sketchy uh something i had to deal with it's better now but i didn't fucking like it it's uncomfortable like who wants their

Boyfriend's like ex hookup around like no one wants that. No, I didn't like it. So I had to but I had to put up with it. And so I was like, if I'm going to be here, I need a little drink. I need some drinks. Got me some spritz. And I was like, do I have another one? And I just know he was trying to keep me happy. He was like, yeah, you're not driving. Like, who cares? I'm like, you're so right. I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I

I'm not driving. I have no responsibility. Sure. I have no responsibility whatsoever. I have no reason to, yeah. Give me my silly little drink. Give it to me. Um, so like, but I just an excuse to get tan. Yeah. Got a nice tan on. Great. Um,

Crazy and then like a few days later another body was pulled out of that river. Yeah, dude No, we can't talk about that. Okay, but I was just in the river. I know but we also yeah, no crazy So stay safe out there stay safe tonight. So I went paddleboarding. It wasn't anything too excited There's not really much to say about it Um, and then I came home and took a nap which I never do but we had so much time and I was so tired Yeah, I was like maybe an hour nap maybe and then I sent jonah to get me makeup wipes and a celsius and

And I drank my Celsius and I was ready to rally to go out. And I was like totally like sober now. Like it really just felt like four days in one. And then I went to West, which is so weird because like I don't go there very often. Yeah. But it was fun. It was a good vibe. It's a good way to change up your weekend. Yeah. Something different. Different. Different street and bars. And it was funny because that night was a cooler night in terms of like I could wear my hair down and not die. And West is overall cooler weather wise. Yeah. Yeah.

cooler than east those backyards at east are saunas like they trap sardines in there they're sardines and they just trap and there's food trucks in there too yeah they're hot it's so hot back there on west like it was way cooler like my hair was down and i was maybe we need to go to west this weekend i was totally fine and the people from out of town were like it's so hot i'm like i hate to break it to you

This is a cool night. Yeah. My hair's down right now. Easy breezy beautiful. Like I'm not even sweating. This is easy. Not to mention you're wearing my whole wardrobe. Literally. Literally. Guys, I gave Taylor. So we cleaned up. Both cleaned out our closets last weekend or last week.

and i had like a few things i gave you the rest of it i just donated because i was like i literally just like don't feel like going through this right now and i need to toss three bags of clothes into things to donate but i gave her some stuff in all weekend bathing suits dresses shirts she wore my whole wardrobe yeah because i was having to pack a bag for like two days and it was all like right there like it was right in front of my face and i was like okay two bathing suits a dress i

here perfect that's what i'm wearing i got so many compliments on that dress you did yeah i posted i wish i could have worn it it's so cute i posted it it is really cute i posted a tiktok in it and the search is like summer dress like the search is about the dress really every comment's like what's this dress speaking of the tiktok search bar that shit can call you out bro like i literally don't understand how like that generates the shit it generates but some of the stuff i'm like

I was just scrolling on like a happy old video of mine on TikTok and the search engine is Sam Taylor drama. I'm like, what the fuck does this mean? You fucking people. Like I'm literally just talking about like my espresso martini and y'all are saying Sam Taylor drama. Like get out of my face. Don't call me out like that. Get out of my face. But yeah.

um so i went to west and had a pretty no not an early night i got home at like one oh shit we were like vibing and then we went across the street and we almost went into another bar and we had to be up at we had to be at the pregame for a boat at 9 30 oh hell no we were in line for the other bar and then it was like second thought maybe we go home yeah it's like

Correct. Yes. Happy you thought that way. Get me out of here. And then I went home. What'd you do on Friday? Um, Friday was the day where I went shopping shopping. You did. You want a little date? Yeah, guys, I had so much fun. Um, I brought launches too. I know little soft launches here and there, which you guys are really starting to catch on and scaring me. But, um, yeah, so I told you guys last week,

Sneaky link like his style is just not there like it's it's pretty bad So I was like let's go shopping like I would love to go shopping. He's like alright. Let's go thrifting So I found a bunch of places in Austin to go thrifting We just kind of like a lot of them are on the same road So I parked somewhere and then we were just walking down the road and we're out the more no Guadalupe got Guadalupe Street so we went thrifting there. We got a lot of good stuff and

I actually stumbled upon one of you guys that was visiting from Dallas. And she comes up to me and she's like, oh my God, Sam. I'm like, yeah. And then Sneaky Link heard. And then Sneaky Link like ran away. I was like, yeah, good job. Oh, I met someone on Friday too. I was like, skirt away. Get out of here. I met someone on West too. But yeah, I didn't even like, I like actually, I was like, I actually like by myself. I was like, yeah, like just thrifting, you know, with some friends. And then like I found him again because I like lost him because he was hiding. And I was like, yeah, like.

I was like, we got to keep it low key. We can't be getting called out right now. But yeah, so we went thrifting, got him some good things. And then I went back to... Well, we came back to my place first because I bought stuff to make Aperol Spritz for home. And I was like, you know what? I want to get a little buzz going. A good buzz when a Friday night, you're not doing anything. Just the two of you. There's nothing better. So I was like, I want to make one. And then we went back to his place because...

He wanted me to like look at his shorts because we were like we might need to order you some shorts online He's like no, I got good shorts. I'm like, I don't believe you have good shorts, but we'll go look So I brought mac with me too and the three of us had a slumber party me mac and so cute Um, I almost just said his name sneaky link had a slumber party and he was doing like a little try on like modeling walk back and forth from his bed like showing off all his outfits and stuff and yeah, and then we ended up going to bed and

Waking up the next day to rally for our Saturday fun day. Yeah, I had quite the Saturday fun day. I went on a boat on Lake Austin, which, oh my God, we feddy. We got picked up right under the 360 bridge. Okay. You have to pay $5 a person cash to get through like the gate to get to the boat. Interesting. I'm sorry. Who carries cash? Yeah. Who does that? Thank God. Other Marina down in Lake Travis. Yeah. Thank God. A person though. It's per a person.

yeah five dollars per person that's what they're making cash luckily a few people had 20s and do that yeah a few people had 20s on them so like it worked and we could just venmo each other but we were like bro yeah what the fuck um crazy so lame i just thought that was weird and the boat started off so tame i was like i'm not gonna drink a lot because we're going out at night and i just don't want to

Oh, your Snapchat stories. I was like, oh, this girl's getting fucked up. But the vibes were like so floor. I didn't even drink that much. I was a little hungry.

I was a little hungry. So that did it. Oh my God. Coolest thing. Speaking of food. A guy on a jet ski. Dude, I saw that. I saw your boyfriend's stories. Selling sandwiches. I thought like he knew the man, but then I put two and two together that that guy was literally just had a cooler and was like selling shit. He was selling sandwiches. Half a pound of brisket for 20 bucks. That's crazy. You can get like two sandwiches for like 20 bucks. Yeah.

And I was like, this is genius. Yeah. So many people bought because hello, drunk, hungry people in the sun. Dude, does Miami have that? Like at least up north, we have that. We have like people that will like turn their boats into like restaurants and like drive around and like sell shit. Well, this guy was like, that would be clever to do here. He was just on his jet ski. And I was like, how many like you make good money off of this? Like you do well. And he was like in a day, like sometimes I could do like 500. Yeah. I'm like, shit.

shit, good for you, dog. That's crazy. But he's like, then it depends. Like if I have jet ski problems, like it's a whole, like, yeah, it's a whole thing. But I'm like, that's fucking sick. So that's just cool. Shout out to the guy on Lake Austin that sells brisket sandwiches. You had brisket and pulled pork. That's pretty cool. But I was hungry and I ate pickles on bread. Yeah. There you go. He was like, how many buns do you want? I was like, get two. Cause I wanted to just like literally eat the bread because I needed food. Um, but we, they had little shooters, which,

I don't like that you call them shooters. Little nips. Yeah, they're called nips. Okay, no, hold on. I'm literally going to make a graphic on Instagram for this and I'm going to say shooters or nips, what do you call it? And I want to see which ones.

Yeah, I mean, it just depends. Like, I mean, nips was only a thing I ever got from you. Yeah, nips. Nips is so much better. But regardless, a little nips, like a little fireball one. And then one of them was lime flavored vodka. Oh my God, it was so good. Ew. Okay, that makes me sick to my stomach. No, it was so good. It tasted like a lemon drop. Lime vodka? Tasted like a lemon drop. Okay. It was good. Like, it genuinely was good. And then these random dudes from the boat next to us came over with a cooler, like a...

Kind of like a Gatorade one. That sounds so sketch. Yeah, but it wasn't. And like where you push the thing and like the water comes out. Oh my God, that even sounds way worse. So that you were drinking out of the cooler? Like bare cooler? That's fucking disgusting. That's like worse than someone coming over with like a twee bag. I mean, they weren't like sketchy. Like they were like...

it wasn't sketchy. Like it wasn't like they were like roofing us. Which speaking of, um, speaking of twisted teas, was there ever a situation where I was twisted tea? What are you talking about? Oh, the bags. Yeah. Just like in general. No, this just like came to mind the other day. Was there ever a

ever a scenario where we were all talking about alcohol and i was talking about how i absolutely hate twisted teas because sneaky link when we were talking about getting alcohol somewhere he was like he was like oh should i buy you a pack of twisted teas like fucking with me and i'm like how did you know i hated those so much yeah but how did you know i hated those so much i'm like i feel like i only said that on the podcast i feel like you might have said it in real life did i i wouldn't oh my god does he listen to the podcast fuck i wouldn't doubt that you said it in real life

but i like twisted teas i don't know i hate those they taste good when you drink them it's just pure sugar right on the lip or your teeth like i have like a sugar coat that's how i feel about schmirnoff ice yeah well those two but who willingly drinks those me in high school yeah if you're in high school i guess it's like sugar and calories just don't fucking matter me in high school now it's like if i have any sugary drink i'm like the hangover is horrible it's

yeah i could do like i've had only like one or like i've never even drank a full oh no like you're drinking a whole pack of them oh yeah no um but yeah we had a lot of fun on the boat um just hanging out vibing chilling at like the cove on lake austin little lily pad you know fun vibes cool vibes basic vibes got off got ready and met all of our friends at a pregame

Yeah, which that pregame, it was first our friend's birthday. And originally I was going into the intentions of like, oh, there's gonna be a keg here because the boys said that they were gonna buy a keg. But I told everyone there was gonna be. Yeah, dude. And so I'm like showing up luckily with alcohol. Like I wasn't gonna bring alcohol. Oh, I was like, I'm gonna be a beer girl tonight. Fuck. Yeah, like beer girl to the max.

and I was supposed to go to like a pool party during the day but I just told myself I'm like you know what Sam no don't do it like I want you to be like coherent enough for your friend's birthday event so we're not gonna go to the party so I just laid back tanned all day out front and then around like three o'clock I got ready because the pregame started at like six um

and then went over to the pregame get there no fucking keg i'm like what i was like you guys are lucky i showed up with an espresso martini on the rocks and some canned wine because if i didn't i don't know what the fuck i would be drinking see i didn't bring alcohol like well one i thought there's gonna be keg but the main reason we didn't bring alcohol is i was convinced we weren't

like staying i was not drinking at that point i was convinced i was like we don't need like the thought of bringing alcohol was like not a thing i'm like we already literally drank like just just didn't need to bring the alcohol premium didn't need to drink it but then i really started hitting the wall yeah and hayley was like like you can have a white claw i was like yeah this was the one this was the first time in like three weeks where every single one of our friends in that group chat was there so our group chat it's called trip balls because um

The reason we're all friends is because of some edibles that happened and our friends and Taylor screamed and it was like, oh my God, are they going to trip balls? And then ever since then, that just stuck. And that's the group chat name. But so there's like, I think 19 of us in that group chat now. Is there? Or 20 now. Yeah, 20. There's 20 of us in that group chat. Wow. I know. And so everyone in that group chat was there besides one and a lot of outside people. So there was probably around like,

30 40 people there there was a good amount of people there i with you we went into like a room for something and i came back out and it was packed it like tripled in size yeah so i'm trying to get our our friend group to be more comfortable in front of the camera so especially on tiktok because like i find it so fun like making tiktoks with them because not because of like content reasons but because of memories like i want to look back like three years from now and like look at that tiktok we did the other night and be like oh my god like remember this night this was so much fun and also it's like

yeah our tiktoks have like people following them and it's like more of a big deal but if i didn't i would make the tiktok anyway exactly you know what i mean like i would make that tiktok on just my like regular page yeah so i want them to get more comfortable with it and i told all of them that i'm like here guys we're gonna do this one and then after that like from weeks coming like i want to be like at the bar doing like really funny drunk ones like you know the one the audio it's like

how much do I owe you? Oh, I saved that to do. I want to be able to do that with like our guy friends and like, I need to get them to be comfortable in front of the camera. So I'm like, we're going to start small and then we're going to work up to the big things. Yeah. I saved that one to do with Jonah. So we did the, the Tik TOK and you probably saw it on my page of like, I'm, I'm Sam and I think Taylor's going to get the drunkest. So all of us did it and I posted it, whatever. And sneaky link was actually in it. So if you guys want to go watch it, it's fucking hilarious. Go watch it. And, um,

That was fun. But after we came out of the room from that, it was packed. And everyone was saying I was going to get the drunkest in that video. I think probably like 70% of the people that went... I'd say you did. Yeah, but... Okay, so that's why I got so drunk. Oh, yeah.

no i'm dude i'm not even kidding like i looked at i think hayley or genie one of them and i go guys everyone keeps saying me but now i feel like i have to be the drunkest not the peer pressure no like literally it was so bad i was like fuck it we're getting fucked up so i go back out there and i grab one of the cans um wines and i crack it open these things are 10 percent the fact that you were doing it no no i need everyone to go to sam's tiktok and watch us trying the whipped cream i don't know if you saw my comment on it i did you're pouring like that's a

How many servings are in that? Two. Okay. Yeah. That's fair. I put half of it. It just seemed funny because it's like a martini and like to just pour like a cup full of martini is just funny. Like it's just funny. Like it just was like a funny like now I'm going to have an espresso martini in a cup.

cup like not like not a two ounce a martini if you're unfamiliar with alcohol it's normally like two ounces of of alcohol a little amount of alcohol so it's just funny that in the video it's

it's a cup full of martini it just made me like it just looked really funny it made me laugh no yeah it definitely i when you commented i was like yeah you're so right people probably think this is like a fucking handle funny like it's just like martini yeah in a glass yeah i tried to be good and pour half of it because it's two servings so i was like here we go um but yeah so i had a canned wine and after that like we were leaving for the pre-game

So the pregame was from 6 to 9. We make sure to get to Latchkey by like 9.30 because the line gets so long. We left at 9 and from there on, I hardly remember much. Not much happened, really. Oh, bro, I'm missing a big part of the fucking night. That pissed me off. I got food at Latchkey. Yeah, dude. You did? At the food truck? I did not notice that. We were starving because we had a long day. Yeah. And I think before...

So many of the days of the weekend are meshed up in my brain. Okay, I don't think we ate before. And I was like, we can get food at Latchkey. And I was like, we'll just do that. Easy peasy. And yeah, we did that. It's cheap, too.

Yeah, no, it is cheap. We had it that one time like a few months ago. Yeah, because sometimes... It's good, but it's not like my favorite. No, it's not my favorite. It gets the job done. Because sometimes what happens is I'm like, oh, let's order food before we go out. And before you know it, you spend like 40 bucks on Uber Eats because it'll add up with all the fees. Yeah. And I'm like, okay, rather than trying to Uber Eat something before we leave, we could just...

grab food when we get to latchkey if we're in a pinch no that makes sense yeah so i grabbed food yeah did not even notice that but yeah guys okay we need to talk because i have been like obviously with sneaky link hanging out with him like he's like we're basically fucking dating there's just no label that's your man and like i don't know what to do taylor like i even need advice for you on this is like

Like, how the fuck do I, like, have that conversation? How do I, like, move forward? Like... You've already had the conversation? I just think... No, not even, like... I haven't broadened the words up, like, boyfriend to him. Like, I... I've broadened up, like, okay, we're on the same page. We're seeing where things go. But it's, like, now it's literally come to the point where we hang out during the week. Like, slumber parties during the week. Mac is sleeping in the same... Like, we're literally, like, boyfriend, girlfriend, but not the label. I don't think...

during summer he will call you his girlfriend i know that's what i think too i think that's gonna be like an a late august problem or even just an august problem i feel like july is like balls to the walls and then maybe after that like yeah maybe but i wouldn't stress that too much like i my last like whole entire three-year relationship started without a label on it yeah okay and here's the thing too is like if i can

If he doesn't ask me to be his girlfriend until like August, that gives me so much time to be so nitpicky on what I want within the relationship, like manipulating it in terms of like, okay, like you act this way, but I don't like that. And if you want me, like you need to act. So here's an example. So this past weekend, guys, I've made it very clear to him. I'm very like independent. I'm very like, I like to do my own thing. Like,

I'm not going to stop doing what I want to do, like, for somebody else. Like, you can add into my life and not take away. Like, literally, I, like, have said that to him. Speaking of, our last episode was all about that. Yes. So, last episode, give it a listen. And so, this is, like, a prime example of last episode on, like, what to do. Because we even talked about this at the end of the episode. Is, like, so...

We were at the pregame. He ends up showing up. We didn't go to the pregame together this past weekend. We went differently. I went with a bunch of girlfriends and he went with a bunch of guy friends. We showed up at different times. I had already been there for like 30 minutes before he shows up and I'm like having a good grand old time talking to everyone, mingling, whatever he shows up. I didn't even realize him come in. And then I kind of like locked eyes with him for a second. And he did not come up to me for like probably like 20 minutes to say hi. And I'm like, and then I look at Taylor. I'm like,

Taylor, what the fuck? Like, he hasn't even said hi to me. Like, we were literally, like, I woke up in his bed this morning. This is so fucking weird. Like, what is going on? And so then I pulled him whatever. We said hi. We were talking. And I was like, oh, so, like, you didn't want to say hi to me? And he was like, what do you mean? Like, I don't know what you're talking about. Like, blah, blah, blah. Like, was being, like, super apologetic. And he ends up saying, he was like...

He's like, I know you said you want to do your own thing and you like just being alone and doing your own thing. But I was like, no, I don't mean it like that. I mean it in the sense of if I have plans, I'm doing my plans. But if you're showing up to the same pregame as me, say hi to me. Don't ignore me. Yeah, he doesn't have to follow you around like a puppy dog. I think that's what he thought was going to...

I think that's what he thought. I thought it was going to feel like if he came right to me like a puppy dog. But like, no, like I like that. You can do that. Come right up to me. Say hi. But don't ignore me. Yeah. He doesn't have to follow you around. Like we go outside to take pictures, like follow you every step right behind you. So, yeah, that was like something that I dealt with. And then the next morning.

I was like, so I was like, I was like, I'm still pissed you he's like, let's go get food like Like let's go get food. Let's talk about it so then we had like a whole conversation about it and like I literally like Now I know like he's gonna be like good about it Like he's gonna say hi, like I fixed the issue But like I just know till august like if or any time like no fucking timeline But like I just know like these little small things like that I want in a relationship like I could Manipulate and get what I want. Yeah, it's definitely like

With, like, the early parts of a relationship, too, for me, like, my big thing is, like, seeing how, like, problems are handled. Because, like... I feel like that says a lot about a person. Like, how they... Do they get angry? Like, do they... And, like, recently, like...

like nothing extreme but just like relationship problems occurred like you know it's just like it's almost three months now it's out of the like yeah he like one month of dating it's like okay like now i've been dating for a little bit and like and i literally told him i was like remember we started dating and i was like you could never bother me i was like nothing you do bothers me like now i gotta listen now i'm like literally you drive me up the wall fucking breathing literally um but it's like things are like handled really easily and

Like, they have not caused, like, fights, which I'm like, to me, that's just the biggest green flag. Like, things are just talked about and they're not, like, a fight. Yeah. Which is so, so nice to just be able to communicate properly. So that's nice. Yeah, that is good. Okay.

um and then yeah my night was like boring on saturday other than the fact that when sam got dropped off in an uber she had no idea where she was and i had to go on a hunt in our neighborhood to find her and sneaky link drunk confused not sure where our house is because our neighborhood like low-key the streets are confusing yeah they're so confusing and every house the streets are confusing before we lived here for a while i was like

If an Uber came like a different, if we came in our neighborhood another direction, I was like, where the fuck, where the fuck are we? Like, I did not know. Yeah. So our neighborhood's a little bit confusing if you've not, if you're not used to it. Mind you, Sam lives here, but you know. Okay. Just put, so like I've said a million times, Sneaky Link is the boy version of me. So picture me fucking hammered and then him also fucking hammered. Getting dropped off. It was only 1130. Yeah.

But we were plastered. I get out of the thing and all I remember is just like the world was spinning and whatever side of the street that I got dropped off on, I was like, that's not my house. And I just walked the opposite way. You were very, very close. But you did walk far the opposite way. So when I got up...

You know, comfy in bed, got up, put my shoes on, went for a little walk, found them, retrieved them, got them home safely. Oh, yeah. Great. And then I get inside and I immediately get the spins. I'm like, fuck. And when I get the spins, like I need to go into fetal position. I am laying down.

curled up in a ball, in a blanket, on the ground. Like, I'm not laying in my bed because I don't know what it is when I'm, like, in the spins. Like, I can't lay in my bed. I've never got the spins. Dude, I hate the spins. They suck. But anyways, get the spins. I'm laying on the ground. And I'm propping my head up on something. So for me, that was my little, like, ottoman thing in my closet. Sometimes it's the toilet. Yeah. Sometimes it is the toilet, which is gross, but it happens. So I'm in fetal position. And then Stinky Link, I just know, is fucking...

shoving me pushing me around like sam wake up come on wake up i'm like i'm like screaming i'm like stop it like i've got the spins like leave me alone and i kept screaming i'm like get out of here leave leave leave so he actually leaves because he's like oh she's pissing me how dare like how dare he leave when i tell him to leave like no don't leave doesn't he know that leave means stay but just don't touch me don't fucking touch me so whatever um

I wake up in my closet and it's like two in the morning whatever so I wake up in my closet and I go crawling into my bed and then I wake up at like 9 a.m and I'm like what the fuck happened last night like I literally don't remember yeah and you're like no like he left I was like you you did tell him to leave yeah I did leave I definitely did hear that yeah so that's fair yeah yeah because then I called him the next morning I'm like what the hell like because they

he was like oh like jokingly he was like oh were you expecting me to be in your bed like when you woke up like were you sad like were you upset i was like yeah i was so upset i woke up like i turned over and you weren't there i was like where the fuck did you go and he was like you told me to leave and i was like i don't remember that i'm so sorry like next time say but also at the same time if i'm in fetal position do not fucking touch me like i am staying there and i am staying until the spins go away or i fall asleep and then in the middle of the night when i wake up and

spins are gone. I will go to my bed, but for now don't touch me. So yeah, he learned two valuable lessons last this past weekend. Say hi to me when you see me at a bar or a pregame and don't touch me when I'm in fetal position. Good. Yeah. Slowly, slowly learning. Train them. I love it. Um, my Sunday, my new Sunday thing is pickleball. Pickleball is so fun and it's a sport that I can actually do and like not be horrible acts. It's really easy. It's,

So easy and my boyfriend's apartment has courts So we literally just played for like an hour and an hour will get you in the Sun we do like two games Oh my god. Mm-hmm done toasted sweaty and it just feels so good to get like that little extra movement in and then we hung out in the pool all day and we're just like

laughing and talking and having a good time having a great fun date yeah just like fun yeah fun fun time fun wholesome time yeah which i surprisingly wasn't hung over like at all the next morning i don't know if that's because i got back at 11 30 and was asleep by midnight and i got like

Nine hours of sleep. So that's probably why I wasn't hungover. I had a little bit of a headache. So I popped some Advil. But then, like I said, Sneaky Link picked me up for some brunch. He apologized to me for his actions. Where'd you go? Cisco's. Right. Yeah. Super good. But definitely, like, I'm more of, like, a texture eater when it comes to tacos. Are you not? You like crunch? Like, I like a mix of mush, crunch. I love it all. Like, I love a lot. Were they mush? They were mush. And so...

Okay, so a few weeks ago, we brought them to this place called Veracruz for some tacos. Veracruz tacos got a lot of texture, a lot of taste, a lot of crunch. They got chips in there. They got chips in them. So then they were like, oh, this place stinks. It's so expensive compared to Cisco's. So I'm like, all right, whatever. Bring me to Cisco's one day. So this past weekend, we went to Cisco's.

and we got the egg and chorizo taco which is the same as the cisco's one but it was just pure mush and i'm like at least with like the veracruz one like it is just egg and chorizo but there's a little bit of texture to it it was just pure mush i was like i was like i'm not the biggest fan of this one um so some tacos are like that and especially some it's just kind of like it's almost like just like refried bean kind of yeah that's what it was yeah literally refried bean in a in a

yeah i don't hate that but like the chips and the tacos man really yeah those do it for me elevates it yeah so we went there and we got some food they didn't have coffee which i thought was weird but then they came back and they were like we have hot coffee we can pour on ice i'm like yeah give it to me give

it to me. I need it. So yeah, we did that. And then he has a cold plunge. So we did a cold plunge mid-afternoon in the boiling heat in his backyard. And a few of our friends came over and we were all just hanging out doing a cold plunge. And then after that, we went inside because the sun is obviously killer. And we watched a bunch of movies, did some Uber Eats, and then went to Trader Joe's and got some food to cook. And we cooked together.

Like a married couple and he dropped me off and I went home and went to bed Yeah, I ended up sleeping over there on sunday because I was like i'm going which I was shocked by I was like i'm going home like i'm going home. Yeah What three? Of the normally every weekend we like live together. Yeah, but like that was a lot I know but this weekend too. It's a four day like

Dude, not even... Dude, Sneaky Link has Monday and Tuesday off. So it's five days. Five days. Yeah, I told him I'm going to like...

It's going to be crazy. I sent him like a meme of this girl. I love weekends. This girl like evil laughing with fire. I was like, Friday to Tuesday, you're never getting rid of me. But that's why I haven't seen him during this week. Yeah. Like, I'm like, leave me alone. Yeah, I wasn't going to sleep over, but I was like, we ordered food and it was already kind of late because we stayed in the pool till late because the sun doesn't go down. It's not completely dark until like nine. Yeah. So we stayed in the pool for a while. Then I...

The time we showered and stuff, I was like, dude, I don't want to go home. And he's like, so don't. I was like... Like, obviously, he wants you to stay. But don't. Because he was, like, falling asleep. And I was awake, though. Like, I was down to stay later, but he was, like, falling asleep. I was like, you're going to bed. I was like, I don't want to leave. Like, I just didn't want to... He's like, so just stay. I was like...

fair good night yeah i hung out with sneaky link last night at his place like on a fucking tuesday and even like with that he was like oh like stay i'm like no i knew i'm not staying yeah the thing is that makes me like a little bit more inclined to the sleepovers when it's like a worked i like like a school night yeah i still like to call it a school night when it's a school night

Is because he has to go to work. I will be back home by nine because he has to go to work. If it was the possibility, like I'm going to sleep over and we can just shoot the shit till 1 p.m.

Yeah. That makes me like less motivated to go. But it's like if I'm going to get up and going like then I have to get up. Yeah. I think the opposite on it like last night when I wanted to sleep over I knew he had to be up at 645 and I was like but if I sleep in my own bed I can sleep in because we stay up late like talking to each other.

So like I don't go to bed until like super late and then we got to wake up at 645 like nah. I just really like sleeping in a bed with a person. Dude we cuddle. Oh my god I'm so calling him out right now. You cuddle the whole night? The whole night. That's crazy. Like he loves to cuddle. You fall asleep cuddling wake up cuddling. Yes.

That's crazy. I love it. We wake up back to each other on opposite sides of the bed. That's crazy. I cannot. He loves cuddling. I don't fall asleep cuddling. Really? I guess maybe. Oh my god. I love putting my head on his chest. No, I'm a big little spoon. Oh my god, but he loves being little spoon. Ew! Ew!

Ew, the call-out. Stop. The call-out. Not, like, barely. Like, I can't. I won't. Like, I only do it when I have an intention. Like, if he's still sleeping, I'm like, wake up, give me attention. But I know he... Boys are big old babies. Dude, we also, like, hold hands, too, while we're cuddling. Do you sleep like that?

Handholding But like when we're Watching a movie Like we'll be cuddling But then we also do Like this We're just like Oh yeah yeah yeah Like we're just like Doing this the whole time Yeah then you like Rub your thumb Like your thumb like this Yeah

But no, what I was going to say is like, are you ever like when you're cuddling like with him on the couch, like he'll sit up straight and then you put your head on his lap? Yeah. So last night he decided to do the other way around. Okay. See, I was like, what the fuck is this? I like how when you're like, when I said like he wants to be those wouldn't be like ill like

give it give it a second take a while no take a while to be a sim yeah no like you put it not very often well it's like he like or when you're laying down like they put anytime they like put their head on you yeah i'm just oh no he did that a lot i'm literally always like fuck i was like i'm putting my head on you not the other way around like you're such a baby and also like i'll like i'll like tickle his head or like his leg and like if i stop he'll grab my arm and then start

doing it to himself. I know, literally. I called him Mac last night and I go, you're literally acting like fucking Mac right now. What is this? That's so funny. You know, boys are like big old babies. See, but I like can't with like...

I can't be Big Spoon. Gross. They call it too. It's a jetpack. That's what it's called. The jetpack. Ew. No. Because I'm smaller than him. That's exactly. My face is in his back. That's what I tried to say. My face is literally being suffocated by your back right now. That's what I tried to get. That's what I tried to say. But he knows I only do it when I'm like looking for attention because sometimes he'll be sleeping. So I like. We'll grab him like a big bear. And then he wakes up. I'm like, perfect. I'm like, switch.

Yeah, he does. Dude, I love cuddles. It's so fun. Yeah. It's my favorite activity. I don't get how people aren't, like, touchers. Yeah, but I'm so surprised. I thought you guys cuddled all through the night. I guess not. No. That's sweaty and nasty and uncomfortable. Well, the thing is, at least my room gets... His room kind of gets hot, but my room's freezing. My room's cold, yeah. But if we wake up in the middle of the night, we'll, like, maybe go back. We'll, like, rearrange, yeah. But, like...

i wake up facing we've we wake up facing like yeah and if we ever like if we ever separate like go separate ways it's always him waking up in the middle of the night and like grabbing me what a sip literally do you guys sleep on the same side of the bed in both beds um i do yeah i think i have a side that we do that yeah like i'm the right side of the bed if i'm laying on the bed i'm on the right yeah

we when you look at the bed or no when i'm laying on the bed i'm on the right yeah me too word farthest from the door too always in my room i'm closest to the door but that's the side i sleep on in my my my room setup is the same as his room setup so i'm always farthest from yeah i mean i just sleep on that side like i'm not gonna and sometimes if i'm like really drunk when i wake up and i'm on the wrong side of the bed i'm like

what the fuck i'm like why am i over here no but especially like if i always sleep on my side of the bed no matter where i am like if i'm on vacation another bed right right because if you wake up thinking like you're not on vacation you're just in your normal bed because it's the middle of it like it's dark and then like you start to get out and you're like wait hold on where's the bed end and you're on the wrong side i've never felt that too when i went home this past week where does the bed end

When I went home this past week, I slept in a friend's bed on the wrong side of the bed and I forgot I was on vacation. And you crawled into him? Yeah, basically.

I was like, oh, wait. I have to get out of the bed this way to go pee in the middle of the night. It was so confusing. No, I've never really felt that. But yeah, comment down below on our Instagram or something. Do you cuddle all through the night? No, I'm going to make graphics for this because we have a lot of questions we've got to ask. Yeah. For Monday's thing. It's going to be a lot of graphic questions. Yeah, I'm not an all-through-the-night cuddler, but I am a cuddler nonetheless. I'm a big PDA gal. Who...

There's people that are always like stop like telling us like stop. Is it our friends or his friends? I think it's our friends. Stop what? Like making out or like being gross. Oh dude, I can't wait until I can be like What is it? PDA. PDA. I love PDA. Like not like full on PDA but just like I can't wait until he like wants to willingly kiss me in public. Because we used to do that when we first started like hanging out when it was like Oh yeah. Dude, when I would be like

guys this is so bad but like i am like so like i am no filter whatsoever but when mancy like first starting out in like february and march i would literally go up to him in the bar and be like i cannot wait to have sex like like very out loud like and everyone would hear it yeah or we would just start making out but now it's like now it's like loki loki but not really like we still like touch each other like but we don't make out in public yeah i don't know

So crazy. I've been hooking up with him for five months. Like, what the fuck? Yeah. Five fucking months. That's crazy. Oh, my God. Feelings? Who would have thought? Relationship time goes by so fast. I know. Especially when I went into the whole, like, sneaky link, like, situation being like, I'm never going to have... I'm picking him to be my sneaky link because I know I'll never get feelings for him. Yeah. And then look at me. I have feelings for him. It's like by the end of summer, like early October, we'll already been dating for like half a year. Yeah. Yeah.

What? Like that's just like it goes so fast. Anyways, we should shut the fuck up. Yeah. No. Also, someone did a TikTok. I don't know if you saw because they tagged us in it.

and it was like she was doing like a come with me for my second to last shift um like as a nurse 12 hour shift and she was clocking every hour and then like at midnight she was like oh i'm listening to the f word podcast like it's literally my favorite ever like podcast it gets me through my shifts and i was like i commented i was like no fucking way like this made my entire day like and i wish i could give you way more episodes because like

Now when we record, I think of the fact that there are girls listening to our podcast while they're at work trying to get through work. And I'm like, I want to provide like a three hour long episode for them to get through work. Literally. Because I listen to my podcast and when they're over, you're like, fuck. Fuck.

like why is this over so like literally i don't know like i really want to start pushing for like the hour and a half mark podcast i love an hour and a half mark someone also caught made a video being like can you recommend a good podcast that's not self-help i'm sick of listening to the same 10 like songs and i feel like every piece of advice in the world like i've heard and people tagged us and we're like like they're literally like just girls yeah

with some fitness mixed in no yeah i love getting tagged in all these little it just makes me like so motivated to come and podcast and talk to you all and it's also cool to see the perspective of where people are listening from yeah like this girl's on like it's midnight and she has a 12-hour shift and she's listening to us yeah that's crazy and you know what's crazy too when i listen to like the toast they they recap a lot of tv that they watch and they can literally be talking about a show for 20 minutes i've never seen the show

And you feel like you also have listened to it. But I just like them and I like their show so they can be talking about something that I give negative two shits about. And you'll listen to it. I'd rather that be in there

then the episode would be short. Exactly. Me fucking too. I'd rather just hear. Yeah. Because sometimes there's something, like, sometimes it's a little bit funny. Or, like, I don't know. I agree. I would just rather hear. 1,000 fucking percent. Yep. But, yeah, even next week's episode is going to be so fucking long because we have a long weekend. It's 4th of July. Different plans again. Different plans again. Dude, and we're going to have to record. I think us doing different things is...

the key to the podcast i don't think we can hang out anymore no we can't but also speaking of that with this coming weekend uh so we have a group chat now for the mansion but like the mansion party thing if you keep talking in that group chat um after the party i'm gonna throw a hissy fit no so we have the group chat for it and i told sneaky link i'm like taylor's literally the only girlfriend that's not coming because all the other girlfriends are coming and he was like are you gonna cry i was like i'm

I might. Oh, that makes me feel good. Yeah, dude. I was like, I literally might. He was like, just try convincing her. I was like, I'll try my best, but I don't know if it will work. No. I know it's not going to work because I was like, I bring it up to her every day. She hasn't budged. No, I don't even have FOMO. Guys, we're going to a mansion party and the tickets are $100 now. And you don't even get free tickets.

literally anything included. But to be fair, there is a concert. Like, there's a concert going on. So it's like... Yeah, but like, that band plays live music at like bars. I know. That you can get in with no cover. I know. I'm just trying to justify it. I just... Yeah. It's just... It's truly just not for me. Yeah, so... I'm just... I'm taking the... I'm just not going.

But yeah, we got them like at that party. I got the I got the early access tickets, which we didn't realize early access tickets were going to sell out. So it was sixty five dollars for early access. And now it's one hundred dollars because the early access sold out, which a few people to get the early access and a few people got the hundred dollar ones. But anyways, Taylor's the only one not going. So me and her don't even have the same fourth plans. And I don't really have fourth weekend plans. And here's the thing.

I don't like doing shit for the sake of the fact that it's a holiday. Yeah. I don't even really love 4th of July because I'm just like not the most patriotic gal. Yeah. Whatever. And like I like 4th of July in the sense that what you do on 4th of July is typically go by a pool, go on a boat. Yeah. That's a fun thing to do. Go by a pool, go by a boat every single weekend. You know what I mean? So I don't feel like it's anything like...

special for me not be like having some crazy fourth plan because i have literally a plan on a boat like for some people the only time they're doing something like that this month is for the fourth yeah i'm doing that literally every fucking day so i don't but my boyfriend loves the fourth of july he's literally like i'm waking up before july like 6 a.m and like i play the national anthem i'm not my god yeah

I'm like, you're insane. For the actual fourth, which is on a Tuesday, I don't want to drink alcohol. I want to sit by a pool and do a barbecue. That's all I want to do. I want to be casual, doing nothing, relaxing because it's Tuesday because that following weekend, that Saturday is my birthday boat. And like, I just know the next starting Friday till next Saturday. So like eight days.

Jonah has a really nice pool to have people at. We should. They're not very strict and it's huge. We should. You know, we can also do... It's huge and they have like two different... They have like four different covered areas, like a fuck ton of chairs and it's a massive pool. Yeah. Grills? Yeah. I'm so down. It's huge. Yeah. Maybe then that way we can intertwine the friend groups of his friends and...

They met some of... Oh, they did? Not that many. Like, it was only the night when Dayton and, like, Haley were there. Oh. But that's when his friends were there. But, yeah, he has a really good pool for having people over. Word. I'm so with it. And there's pickleball. Yeah. There's so many things to do. It's a great place to have people over. I know. It's nice. But... Speak so random. One last thing is I need to start doing pickleball. Like, I need to start, like... I need to set times in my week where I go and play. Sunday.

Sundays are so hard. You want to go be active, hungover. That's so hard. We do it at 3 p.m. Okay, maybe. We've already given ourselves the morning. Last time it was hard because I already was doing plans. Yeah, well, having the courts is clutch. They're literally like,

fair use like right there okay i'm with it okay all right an hour later he's gonna be still listening to this of me just like inviting people to his apartment i know i'm like yeah an hour later we're gonna get into the episode wouldn't you believe it yeah

Um, so 10 reasons that you should get into exercise and start that workout routine that have nothing to do with losing weight, nothing to do with getting skinny, nothing to do with seeing physical body changes, because that's not something to rely on, especially like you never know what's going to happen in your life to make a bodily change. Like you can get hurt. You can like,

Like illnesses you get pregnant like things like change your body that are out of your control So to put so much weight into how you look Is just it's not really a place to put yourself worth. Yeah, and honestly it is the sad truth though That is like where like 90 of people come from when they are getting a gym membership getting into the gym But yeah, yeah, we'll look into other outlooks on it because I never realized any of these great benefits um

for like a year and a half, two years into my fitness journey when I started to realize all these other benefits that were coming along with working out in the gym. Yeah. And also working out for a set of sense to look a certain way is totally fine. Yeah. We definitely do that too. But it just can't be your one and only. Yeah. So the first one is the most obvious one and that's endorphin release, meaning you are literally releasing chemicals in your brain that make you happier. So any sort of mood issues that you have, like,

It is just literally science that getting up and getting moving literally just like releases happiness into your brain, which is...

insane that there's like not like a cure because like for those like when you struggle with mental health like it's not like all day lasting or it's not like it stays all the time but it gives you that little like boost that you need and yeah it's something to definitely take advantage of yeah and i feel like everyone kind of will even say on social media like the gym's my therapy like it's blah blah my therapy like which it really is like a lot of people will go to the gym and like

Clear their mind from a workout like even like runners like people will get runners high like they literally just like it's very therapeutic to get yourself into the gym putting on some music just kind of like Letting go of anything else that's around you. I personally do that when I have my bad days I feel like i'm on my period and i'm pissy or i'm mad I'm, like I just need to get to the gym because it literally clears my mind so well, so That's like obviously the most important. Yeah, because exercise is also kind of meditative because if you're

pushing through a heavy set of squats your mind can't think about anything else yeah same thing as like when i go to dance like if i look back on i just went to dance yesterday we were learning such a hard combo i literally like no other thought was in my brain yeah like nothing it was only that hour focused on what i was doing um so yeah just releasing those endorphins just clearing your head so crucial if you are struggling with any sort of like if

If you just feel like you do that extra happiness extra stress relief. Yeah Um number two is going to be build mental confidence. So This can come from like a few different ways is taylor. You were saying how like yeah What was yours yet? Like it's keeping promises that you make to yourself ed Mylett said this on a podcast and it really stuck with me even though I don't follow it very often I do think about it very often Um that confidence is keeping the promises you make to yourself and trusting yourself um

Like for example, if you had a friend that you were telling to do something and they never did it You wouldn't have comp like you wouldn't have trust in that person You wouldn't be confident in that friendship the same way if you tell yourself I have xyz workout routine If you never do it, you won't have that confidence in yourself. You wouldn't have that trust in yourself. So

that is like just a reason to build a workout routine and stick to it. Whether it's one day a week, two days a week, doing what you say that you're going to do for yourself. Yeah. And I feel like even, even though we said like in the beginning of this is like, these are 10 reasons for an outlook that don't really have anything to do with your like looks per se, but like your inner confidence as well. Like yes, appearance wise, but like,

I feel like I appreciated my body more, if that makes sense, when I started to work out. Like, I appreciated more my, like, strength. Yes. My, like...

You're more confident in your ability. Yeah. And you're more confident in yourself to get through something hard. Yes, exactly. Even if hard in terms of being confident enough to finish a hard movement and also confident in the fact that you did... Showing up to the gym is hard. Going to a new gym is hard. Trying a new workout class is hard. Confident in yourself that...

You can show up and do that. Yeah. Like it just, it just makes you a tougher person because getting into the gym is very, very hard and a very vulnerable thing to do in so many different ways. Yeah.

So just the fact that you show up for yourself and do it, I feel like you just get a lot of like personal confidence in yourself to be able to handle hard things. Within like now, we've been working out for like now three years is like my confidence as a person three years ago, like in social settings with like speaking up my like my...

voicing my opinion like was very minimal back then and now like i'm very much gonna voice my opinion i have more of a social life like i don't care as much of what other people think and yes the gym plays a huge role with that yeah especially like i don't care to try something new in front of a whole room of people i don't care to look ugly in front of a whole room of people i don't care to like do something wrong in front of a whole room of people like i can

do stuff like that in front of a large group. And I have confidence in myself in that. Exactly. Shake ass on a picnic table on the weekend. Fuck yeah. Would I have done that three or four years ago? Probably not. Literally. Everything comes back to shaking ass on a picnic table. No, literally. It's truly like life's greatest joy. It really is. The next thing, it's going to get everything literally moving through you better. Yeah. Everything is going to move through you better. Better digestion. Your metabolism is going to speed up.

let's say you want to start going for walks a little post meal walk get the digestion going little digestion walk dude i love those those are my fave i bring mac on a little walkie walk literally and like if you have issues like you can literally see for yourself if you're like constipated like going on a walk will will make you take a shit yeah it's like you'll see it real life happen yeah and there's nothing worse than feeling like

bloated and gross not in a looks way and like my stomach hurts like that is like the worst feeling when you need to

fucking take a shit you can't like that's the worst when i first like before i even got into the gym my thing was i was always like for anyone new here and doesn't know this um taylor and i both come from a background of like under eating um and then slowly working into like over exercise with under eating and before all that like my digestion my gut like i would flare up from like the smallest little thing and like i would heart i thought i was eating like all whole foods like i would literally eat like a salad with like not much on it

For food, but it's like, yeah, in the moment you think that's, like, healthy and whatnot. But, like, I wasn't really working out. I was just doing a lot of cardio because I was a college athlete. And then now, three, four years later, like...

my digestion is like i have a stomach of steel is that the word like the quote you use right yeah i guess something along those lines whereas like i don't get affected as much by like certain foods and like flare up and get bloated or get gassy because now my metabolism my gut is so happy with the way i'm treating it um

Now, if you I'm just going to put like some not like science behind it, but like facts behind it is like the more muscle mass you have on your body, the more calories your body will burn at rest, which will also allow you for have a better metabolism, faster metabolism. So you're going to be able to eat more.

throughout your journey of exercise so like when i first started working out i was eating probably like 1200 calories nothing now i eat like around like 2000 like 2200 calories like which i don't track anymore but it's like over time i've been able to eat more food and not flare up yeah i was always fucking bloated who doesn't love to be able to eat more comfortably literally you have to eat more comfortably which is huge and yeah i don't know the last time i got like a painfully like

bloated or yeah see i can't really remember and it used to be literally every day um now definitely over exercising can cause this too so this is definitely keep that routine nice and kind on your body because if you over exercise you will feel the exact opposite but exercise in general if you're living that sedentary lifestyle trust me like going for regular walks will help everything

everything go did you mention how like it literally mac needs to walk to poop like it's literally like yeah like like mac literally needs to go on a walk mac needs to go on a walk to poop like if if i take him outside just to the front yard and i expect him to go the bathroom he's not gonna go the bathroom like he needs to go on a loop yeah literally um this one is like kind of for most of our girlies listening um

being able to like be strong enough to do shit without a man there's like really cool feeling behind like do you need me to carry that no no i got it i got it i literally got it when i started working out

I couldn't move the 45 pound plates in the gym. I couldn't move the bar. The bar in my little college gym was kind of just up against the wall and you could take it and move it. I tried to move it and put from up in a corner of a room to laying on the floor where I wanted it to deadlift. I couldn't fucking move it. Yeah. I couldn't pick it up off the ground and move it around 45 pounds. It was like attacking me.

And now being able to know that I can move something like that freely, I can pick that up and walk with it five miles if I had to. Like I can move that. I can put it over my head. I can lift it and put it over my shoulders with ease. And before I literally struggled so hard to move it and like would need help. It is so just good to know that.

are more than fucking capable like yeah we moved into this house like we can move the boxes we can build things we can like we are strong enough to do it it's a really good feeling and then the other point you brought up is like literally for safety yeah like i feel like safety things are really important like you never know whatever predicament you could be in like not to

live life in fear but i think it is really good for every human to know how to do a push-up do know how to do a pull-up like the basic things for like survival reasons because you never know what if you're hanging off the side of a fucking building one day and you need to pull yourself up literally like another realistic example is like if you're on a boat and you're going on the back of the boat to go pee and you need to pull yourself back up like are you gonna be able to pull yourself back up no like

Why do you want to have to ask a guy like, hey, like help me pull me up? Like no, pull yourself back up. Like I think it's like along with just being like a girl being able to do your own things, but also safety reasons. Like it's good to be strong, be able to do like the basics for your body and be like not necessarily like I would say more like along the words of like athletic because I feel like push up pull ups like that's more like an athletic thing to like know how to do, but just like

Being able to like have more things under your belt for safety reasons is always good. Or cardiovascular health, you know? Like you don't want to be the last one in a, like what if there's a zombie apocalypse? Yeah. Like you need to run, bitch. Like you just, you got to be able to like, don't live in fear. Like, but I'm no, I'm just saying, I picture myself. If you guys have ever heard me say on here, I want to go on survivor. So bad.

bad i want to do survivor so bad that is just like on my life bucket list of an activity is to fucking go on survivor um and i know i could carry my weight in those challenges like i could pick up things and move things and sometimes i see when i'm watching obviously typically if there's like parts of it where there's like one part of the challenge is moving something heavy like the guys on the team are gonna do it because you know you're gonna try to get faster quicker but

there are some times where i watch i'm like i think i'm stronger than that dude yeah yeah i'm like i'm just like let's be real like and i think like i want like i feel like if i was listening i'd be like no i want to do the carry part like yeah i can fucking pick that up like easy peasy i'm probably better than like that dude like i don't know just like that feeling of being like i'm i'm literally capable like i'm literally capable and i'm strong enough yeah exactly just feels good carry all the groceries in one trip you know oh yeah yeah

Then number five, guys, is your sense of community. Huge. Huge. Like, if you're feeling alone or just feeling like you maybe work a nine to five from home and you have no fucking social encounters all day, I bet you, I best believe if I was working a nine to five, no social encounters all day, my favorite part of the day is going to be going to the gym. Even if I don't talk to anyone. That's kind of how I feel right now. No, yeah. Even if I don't talk to anyone all day,

And at the gym, like just being in the present surrounding of like other people, like working towards the same type of thing. Like there's no better feeling, no better feeling. And there's a community for everything. There's hot girl walk groups. There's dance classes. There's Pilates. There's yoga. There's, there's like the gym community, the gym community, which this even made me think, cause we have the best gym community. Like,

ever yeah um and i made a video tiktok i actually thought it was pretty funny i was pretty proud of myself for the idea the audio is like on one side perfection on the other side perfection and i did it with me doing three different poses and i was like me hyping myself up after a thing like it was just funny and someone commented

imagine you're trying to work out and someone's doing this dude our gym would never like our gym would be like fuck yeah i literally want to comment i literally pose and then daniel the owner's like you look you look great t like good job or like they're reposting it well you put it on tiktok yeah they but if it was on instagram they would repost it they're reposting it people are like oh my god you look great someone will always be like oh my god sorry for getting in your shot like and then i'm like no please like i'm in your way like we're so fucking grumpy like

everyone is so happy to watch other people be better yeah now look there's cringy ass shit people be filming in the gym but let them do them but taking a picture filming an exercise so normal and literally all i ever get is like hype for it because the our mirror is right where all the staff where you check in

so i'll literally be like doing something and then i go to like i finish and like someone tells me like oh my god you look great blah blah blah and not to mention we go to a gym where a lot of people are bodybuilders so standing in front of the mirror and posing is quite literally part of their like they're like workout split butt naked literally you got men like pulling their shorts up posing i see their ass crack and they are posing cheeked up the

Double cheeked up. Literally. Like they put high heels on. It's a whole thing to pose in front of the mirror. It's so normal. So I just know like that person. I'm like, you need some like gym community in your life because that's not what people in my gym think. Yeah. You need to respond back to that comment on TikTok. They literally, I was going to make a video talking. You should. They put that mirror there because people needed bigger mirrors for themselves.

Literally taking pictures in it. Yeah, that is why that mirror is there. Yeah, that is the literal sole purpose of that mirror It's not like another mirror in a gym that you're it's in front of the equipment To like watch yourself literally always someone. Um, no like that mirror is for a picture I bet if I went to the gym and I was like daniel, what is that mirror for? That mirror is for bodybuilders and bikini girls Yeah tangent, but the reason of that tangent is just like the supportive community it's really really nice that

Just to feel like you have people that have your back and are like rooting for you. And it's nice to hear. It's nice to just like have people that have your back. Yeah. And make you feel part of something. It's really nice.

The next one is working out obviously strengthens your muscles, but it also strengthens your bones. It like decreases your risk of osteoporosis, meaning it's just going to be harder for you to break a bone as you get older. It's like that's why you hear like, you know, you get older, you fall, you break something. When if you're younger, you fall, you get back up. But as you're older, your bones get weaker and you're

exercising will directly combat that yeah and keep your bones strong and that's why you see so many like older people like not in like like re like rehab like strength stuff but like like exercising like if they haven't been like exercising like later like early on that's why like a lot of the times like they get recommended to do those things later on yeah so that my grandmother does like

little exercises there was a guy always at the la fitness that i went to at home that would always literally just do um around because in one section was all the machines that were like the like the cable loaded machines like the plate loaded machines like just like chest fly shoulder press with the thing like those kind of machines and he would literally just do like the rounds i feel like at every commercial gym that's there's always that one elderly i think that's what i will do as an elderly person no same

Literally like two sets of ten on every machine. Yeah. Because it keeps you like...

doing the motions yeah like which is great i think i think that's genuinely going to be me as an old person unless i can unless i still get dude there's i can get under the bench still at like 70 dude if i'm benching a plate at like 70 please no there's an elderly person at my home gym that's literally like she would deadlift next to me period and i'm like and i one time i had a conversation with her and she has like grandkids and stuff i'm like i'm trying to get like you literally yeah it's just like i'm trying to get like you my girl i'm like nah nah nah like stop yeah but

But strengthening your bones like is really, really so important. It's very self-explanatory. Like that's just going to prevent you from having a fall at 50 and breaking a hip or knee when that's like young to be doing that. You know, you just want to prolong that. And bone health is very important. Number seven, better sleep, natural energy and less stress. Okay. All of these go hand in hand. We obviously know like, at least for me, I don't like,

like to work out really early in the morning but if i get an early ass workout in the morning like my i'm so level-headed clear-minded my natural energy for the whole day is like spot on if i have like an early ass morning workout um but yeah overall not more natural energy we always love that feel great from it and less stress yeah um now obviously the natural energy too is also because you're

sleeping better like if you sleep better you have more natural energy if you like it all it all goes hand in hand i'm trying to look up that goes hand in hand like the less stress you have on your body and your mind the better you're gonna be able to sleep and the better you're gonna be able to sleep the better natural energy you're gonna have throughout the day so keep that stress on a1 and guess what you're gonna have good sleep you're gonna have good workouts

You're gonna have good astral energy throughout the day. Yeah, and I have really good sleep Um, my dance classes are later at night. So i'll do cardio like around like eight and Right after i'm kind of awake because it wakes me up and I have a little bit more energy after that But oh my god, give me like two to three hours. I sleep like a rock Like I sleep so good when I do cardio later in the day It's crazy

I sleep literally like a rock. I mean, I guess I kind of feel that in the sense of when I was like an athlete and all my games were at like 7 p.m. and I'd come home and just fucking pass out. But like I haven't really worked out that late in the night. I realized I like a later in the day cardio sesh.

fucking hits for me when I used to work at um it was kind of like a orange theory berries type um I guess now that I've done berries it was way closer to berries and orange theory it was just like berries um

and when i'd work there i could go take the class but i wouldn't do the weights part i would just go on the treadmill yeah and i would do the treadmill and i'd get off work at like seven or something and i would do the treadmill and oh my god just like that nighttime cardio fucking hit for me damn it would it just puts me to sleep so good i love that for you tuck in like a baby literally really does

uh number eight um lowers your risks of so many things like cancers diabetes heart disease you name it and i feel like this is just obviously like self-explanatory and i don't personally want to get into it because i don't know the yeah i'm not a doctor but i'm not a doctor but cardio exercise obviously it's called cardio because it is for your cardiovascular health it's literally for your heart health diabetes um that can go hand in hand with weight loss um

But it's kind of just like a reason to lose weight besides looks or a reason to just to get healthy is to prevent diabetes. Not to mention diabetes too can also be like reversible. Like there's health conditions that are reversible that you can come back from. Maybe you have like high blood pressure. I don't know. So many things that you can really like.

totally do a 180 and get in check just through just through exercise and nothing better than just like lowering lowering the risk you want to prevent that you want to be around for kids great grandkids all that exactly

Um this next one Sweating, um, which I wanted to add in here because obviously you work out you sweat sweating can give you glowing skin when you sweat My skin feels so much better when I sweat a lot because you are literally pushing shit out of your pores The sweat's coming out of your pores. So whatever's in your pores you're getting out not to mention You're also getting out some things within your body, you know, if you're like us drinking a little too much on the weekends Uh your body sweat is one of your ways of getting shit out so

That is why if you drink and then you sweat, you will literally smell like alcohol because it's straight up coming out of you. So you're getting shit out of your body, but you're getting shit out of your skin, out of your pores. And then also sweating is just going to keep you more moisturized. You know, my skin, it doesn't feel as dry because it's getting that moisture. So your body will just be glowing and your pores will be a little more emptied. Yeah. If you sweat. Agreed. Love that. Everyone loves better looking skin.

um number 10 taylor thought it would be funny to put this on there i mean funny but important yeah but i mean it is okay so better sex life baby all right and i feel like this comes from so many different directions so many main reason like that was put on there is because of obviously like your mobility your flexibility when i first started working out i couldn't fucking touch my toes guess who can touch her toes now period i can

Better sex life. Flexibility. We get more splits up. More fun in the fucking sheets. Um, your cardiovascular health. Like, hello. Like, yeah, I try to be like winded in a dude. I fucking had a link. Like you need to go on runs, bro. Guess who goes on runs now? Once a week, I'm going to get them whipped. Sneaky link goes on runs once a week. Now, uh, working out will also increase your libido too.

um obviously this is also touchy because over exercising and being underweight especially as a woman will decrease your libido so healthy amount of exercise y'all because if and with any of this if you turn any of this into over exercising now you fucked it up yeah this is reason to get a healthy amount of exercise increase that low increase that libido you don't want to be like having like no sex drive

And I could be wrong. So don't quote me on this because I'm not a fucking doctor. I think that's because like you're increasingly your testosterone, right? When you like lift weights and gain muscle. Are you not? No. I don't like increasing your testosterone if you gain weight. When you gain weight? When you lift weights. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Women also produce so much testosterone and it... Hardly, though. Fuck. And it appears that boosting testosterone levels in females improves their sex drive and well-being. Weight training is one of the most effective ways to naturally elevate testosterone levels in both males and females. Hopefully females don't take this. To me, they will suddenly get all hairy and grow a beard just because they hit the iron a few times a week, but it's slight elevation. No, you would literally have to hop on a... Yeah, no, it's like slight elevation. Like, you're not, like, becoming a dude. It's, like, slight. Yeah.

um so yeah better sex drive that's always fun keep your relationship better yeah that's so healthy for a relationship but yeah i think it was funny that because we were just like doing a little research before this and it literally said like better sex life for flexibility i'm like that's so funny yeah yeah like do handstands and shit go crazy dude literally like go wild like do it's a it's a fucking circus like what if your man like couldn't like pick you up

oh no no because it's like we're not like light frail little girls no you know like we're not like five foot 90 pounds yeah so like you don't know what me around yeah like you know what name is the thing that 135 challenge yeah like curl it press it squat it yeah it's like okay that's me yeah you best be no i made a take talk about that some people didn't understand that

like i made like a tiktok it was like like when i see him like tossing around 135 like in the gym like oh damn oh damn like and it turns basically saying it turns me on some guys didn't understand that but i'm like being dead ass like if i see a guy throwing around 135 like that's crazy yeah i don't find it like crazy i find it like bare minimum no yeah definitely bare min but like i'm just like i think about it i'm like that that bar is i have to test this with what

Bring the boys. I don't know if my man could do it. I've never seen it. I'm not saying he can't. I'm just saying I've never... Yeah. I've never seen it, so I'm going to need physical proof. Let's do the 135 challenge. I'm almost there. Yeah. I can't curl it. Yeah. Or shoulder press it, but I could bench it and I could squat it. I was going to say something else about sex, but now I forget. I love talking about sex. Yeah, me too. What the fuck was... Oh, someone asked me, so I...

I can't answer a lot of these like really juicy questions on Snapchat because my mom has me on Snapchat and my brothers. But someone asked me, they were like, are you a giver or a receiver in the bed? Receiver. Yeah, but like also I was wondering, I'm like, do they mean like giver as in like I'm doing the work? Yes.

Okay, I think I'm definitely a receiver, but I also like no, I guess I'm a receiver. I'm literally a desert. I always like I always um, what's the word I'm looking for? Like manipulated is like, oh, yeah, I'm I'm giving to you right now, but I'm also giving to myself because I'm also like I enjoy this. If that makes sense. No giver being like, are you always like giving head and like being on top? Yeah. Okay, I guess then like that's a giver, but I like being on top when he's doing the work.

Oh my god, yeah, so true. But... What was I going to say? I just can't do it the whole time. I get tired. Yeah. No. I'm just a girl. Yeah, I'm just a girl. I'm just a girl. I get tired. We'll just forget what we said earlier. I'm just a girl. I get tired. Um...

But what was I going to say? No, I'm definitely a receiver, but I'm trying to work on being better to be a little bit more like just like better. Yeah. I agree. Be a little bit more well-rounded. Yeah, me too. I want to listen to more because I listen to Sex with Emily. She does a good podcast. It's very high up in the charts. You've probably heard of it. No, but I want to listen to it. Okay, well, she has a podcast, but I've never really listened to hers. I've only listened to her on other people's. So I'm like, maybe I should listen to her own show considering I like when she's on other people's because I just want to like

Just want to be a better girlfriend. Yeah. You know? 100%. You know what I'm getting bored of you? I'm not a girlfriend yet, Paul. I agree. Maybe that will make him fall in love.

yeah you're just going nuts and then i joke and i say things that are like just like speaking of that are like chat me i say things that are so out of pocket i'm like i'm gonna do this like out of pocket and he's like yo i'm like look you want me to be you want me to be crazier and then you want to tell me that i'm out of pocket and be like be careful what you wish for careful what you wish for because i'm about to come in here and go nuts selfie

um i'm not even in it but yeah we put that sex one at the end because we knew we would like talk about random shit and wanted to give us time to go off we should have another like sex therapist in the podcast yeah we should maybe sex with emily i was actually thinking that we should go back to guests not often not not often not often but just like yeah we kind of took a break from that just because like we kind of like

It's hard to think about things to talk about just the two of us that are like valuable. Uh-huh. Like, because... I agree. We are just like, we're just here for vibes. We're here for vibes. So I feel like maybe every now and then, every now and then throw a... Someone good though. Like only someone like worth it. But I feel like maybe we should... But I want to do guests that we can swap with. Mm-hmm. Like I want to do a guest that we can also go on theirs. Yeah, I agree. Yeah.

If you guys have any like... Actually, no. Every time we ask you guys for guests, y'all say the same people. No offense. But you do. Yeah. No offense. Let's get away from like the fitness industry influencers and let's go more geared towards like specific like specialists and shit. Specific specialists and like someone more so in the industry like we had Shelby on. Yeah. Someone like a her. Yeah. Like that. I don't need someone that just isn't...

sponsored athlete for a bunch of brands i just if they've ever gone to alpha land we don't i'm good thank you though i'm good thanks though thank you next thanks though um but yeah i think guess could be fun oh god i'm so happy we're out of that fucking i know like when i got the thing like are you going to summer shredding i was like you would have to literally like kidnap me and drag me by my hair yeah like did you just put that lip gloss like in your mouth no

why not that was scary okay you don't say i don't like like i feel like ending this podcast is like you hang up no you know like i don't hang up you hang up no you know i literally don't want to hang up like it makes me so sad i know i can sit on here and just like open tiktok and tell you guys like my opinions literally like just like if we wanted to like talk just just to talk talk the shit like i would totally do that me too yeah so i need like a patreon

a Patreon. What were you going to say? That like I could literally just sit here, open my TikTok and give y'all all my opinion on every single thing I see and like trends wise. No, literally. We need a Patreon so we can talk shit on it. Dude, you know who I wish we could have on the fucking podcast is Brianna Chicken Fry and Grace O'Malley, but I know they can't because of their fucking barstool contracts and it makes me so upset. They can't do other podcasts? Nope.

And if they can, they have to get like paid out, like bought out. They can't even be a guest on other shows? Well, a lot of the shows that they're guests on is already a part of Barstool. But they can't go on other shows? It has to be within Barstool. That's lame. Yeah, it's just how their contract is. And if it's not, like it has to like... I don't know. Their contract is like so weird. That's so weird. They were talking about it on another podcast and I was like, I'm not even gonna bother asking. Yeah, but that's so bizarre. I know. That's... Same with...

What's her name? Drew. That's so weird. Yeah, some people just have weird-ass contracts and can't go on other shows. Yeah, because like Dear Media and Podcast One aren't like that. Yeah.

Weird weird. Okay. Well, I guess we'll leave. Yeah because it's been Like fucking two hours an hour and 37 minutes. Fuck. Yeah. Okay all you people listening At work this got you through work for a while literally shout out to the girl. That's a nurse I know you really motivated me to speak a lot today. Yeah. Okay. Bye guys. Bye pick up that glass of pina grigio your drink of choice and

And come have some fun with us on Turtle Time. We're going to do more than just drink and party on this podcast, Mom. I know, I know. Okay, if you don't know who I am, well, I'm Ramona Singer, and that's my daughter, Avery. And you probably know us best from The Real Housewives of New York. And now you'll get to know us even better on our podcast, Turtle Time. Let's make more iconic moments together every Wednesday. It's Turtle Time. Follow us on Twitter.

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