Nir And Far, a podcast about business, behaviour and the brain by Nir Eyal. Support this podcast: ht
Nir’s Note: This book review is by Sam McNerney. Sam writes about cognitive psychology, business, an
Is the world more distracting? Sometimes it seems that way. With our digital devices buzzing, world
Nir’s Note: In this guest post, Sharbani Roy explores techniques she used to break bad habits relate
Nir’s Note: In this guest post, Ryan Hoover takes a look at Tinder, a red hot dating app. Ryan dives
Nir’s Note: This guest post is written by Max Ogles. Max is an editor for and heads ma
Nir’s Note: An edited version of this essay appeared in The Atlantic. Below is my original. It’s no
Nir’s Note: This guest post comes from Brendan Kane who has built technology for MTV, Paramount, Tay
Note: This post originally appeared in Techcrunch. I’m proud to have co-authored this post with Katy
“Successful entrepreneurs recommend reading this article about the persuasion techniques companies u
The first thing Don Draper does when he gets to his office is give his busty secretary a suggestive
Nir’s Note: In this guest post, Ryan Hoover takes a look at how new behaviors are shaping tech oppor
If you’re like me, you’ve had enough of the Facebook IPO story. For tech entrepreneurs struggling to
Face it; you’re hooked. It’s your uncontrollable urge to check for email notifications on your phone
The belief that products should always be as easy to use as possible is a sacred cow of the tech wor
“Nearly everyone I know is addicted in some measure to the Internet,” wrote Tony Schwartz in a recen
The first step in the art of building a company is understanding customer motivation. Unless you dee
Nir’s Note: Jonah Berger is a marketing professor at the Wharton School and author of the New York T
App makers are returning to the roots of what our phones are for. They are after all communications
Chances are you’ve experienced the following: You’re with a small group of friends at a nice restaur
The Hook Model goes beyond reinforcing behavior; it creates habits, spurring users to act on their o