Every week, host Dan Benamor interviews a guest who worked on an under appreciated hidden gem of a m
Screenwriter Ian Shorr, who sold a futuristic version of THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO to Warner Brother
The writer/director of ARBITRAGE, Nicholas Jarecki, joins the show to discuss his stunning Richard G
The director of THE SKELETON KEY, Iain Softley, joins the show to discuss this perennially underrate
Mark Wahlberg, Tyrese Gibson, Andre Benjamin, Garrett Hedlund, and Chiwetel Ejiofor anchor this deep
Shane Black at his best, channeling pulp crime novels in Hollywood with Robert Downey Jr, Val Kilmer
The screenwriter of FRAILTY, Brent Hanley, joins the show to explain how this stunningly bold thrill
Screenwriter Brian D. Young joins the show to talk about the nightmare riff on the 80s, John Carpent
The director and co-writer of HAMLET 2, Andrew Fleming (THE CRAFT) joins the show to discuss this wi
Screenwriter Matt O’Reilly joins the show to discuss the radically stripped-down, surprisingly soulf
The co-writer of this film, Chuck Pfarrer, sold this as an original spec script for a million dollar
Literary manager Jarrod Murray returns for David Mamet’s SPARTAN, the cinematic equivalent of a punc
Legendary producer Lucas Foster (FORD V FERRARI, BAD BOYS, CRIMSON TIDE) joins the show to discuss t
Entertainment lawyer Sam Strantz joins the show to talk WALK HARD, the saga of Dewey Cox. John C. Re
Screenwriter Nelson Greaves details the wild genesis of his screens-only horror film, and how he ess
Russian screenwriter Michael Arkof joins the show to talk Viggo Mortensen’s accent, nude fights, and
Screenwriter Todd Farmer joins the show to discuss his tendency to appear as a nude character named
Martial artist and screenwriter Joshua James (POUND OF FLESH w/Jean Claude Van Damme) joins the show
Development executive Harris Kauffman joins host Dan Benamor to discuss Jim Mickle’s backcountry noi
Former Cruise/Wagner executive Jeff Buitenveld joins the show to talk Tom Cruise and JACK REACHER.
Oscar-nominated screenwriter Josh Olson joins host Dan Benamor to discuss his Viggo Mortensen / Davi