Every week, host Dan Benamor interviews a guest who worked on an under appreciated hidden gem of a m
Brian De Palma at his De Palma-y-iest. This movie is nuts in a fun, unhinged, anything goes way. Com
Sci-fi specialist screenwriter Matt O'Connell joins the show to talk Danny Boyle and Alex Garland's
Special announcement - a true crime podcast I directed/produced is out now! Based on a true story, L
Screenwriter Myron Ward joins the show for SHOT CALLER, Ric Roman Waugh's ordinary-guy to gang-kingp
GET SHORTY with series creator Davey Holmes. This show is currently available (every episode!) on Am
Screenwriter Michael Stagliano joins the show to discuss one of the more controversial films in the
There’s so much under the surface of this film, another thoughtful, subversive movie from JC Chandor
Don’t let the title intimidate you, this is one of the top 5 Westerns ever. I’m joined this week by
Micho Rutare, development executive, writer and producer of the SHARKNADO films, SyFy's Z NATION, an
I could not think of a better guest for PARANORMAL ACTIVITY: THE MARKED ONES, very explicitly the La
One of the best home invasion movies ever - Adam Wingard and Simon Barrett, the creative team from T
Three very accomplished producers of THE SKELETON TWINS, Jared Goldman (PALMER, THE DEVIL ALL THE TI
Breaking the rules of the show, I'm having on our first non-industry guest, my sister. Why? Because
Big guest this week! Top screenwriter Matt Cook - the writer of TRIPLE NINE, PATRIOTS DAY, ANGEL HAS
Screenwriter James Madejski joins the show to discuss the Justin Timberlake, Anton Yelchin, Emile Hi
Development executive, writer and producer Cam Cannon joins the show to unleash hell in one of the b
Former Korean resident, Jason Rogers, a screenwriter who had a pen-pal relationship with the real-li
Screenwriter Andrew Henderson joins the show to talk about a Movies I Love That No One Talks About a
Patrick Stewart plays a Neo-Nazi in GREEN ROOM, Jeremy Saulnier's no-holds-barred punk rock thriller
Two of our coolest guests ever join the show for this very special TV-centric episode, call it TV SH