A podcast for post and nuanced Mormons seeking a joyful life as they navigate their faith journey ou
On this episode of Mormonish Podcast we bring you Part 2 with Laura Robinson, PhD, the author of sev
Is Tim Ballard Joseph Smith 2.0? On this episode of Mormonish Podcast, Rebecca and Landon explore th
In this late breaking episode of Mormonish Podcast, Rebecca and Landon read through the lawsuit file
In another comically insightful episode of Mormonish Podcast, Rebecca and Landon continue our conver
On this episode of Mormonish Podcast we talk with Laura Robinson, PhD, the author of several excelle
Mormon. We recently learned Monique has a connection to Operation Underground Railroad, where she wo
On this episode of Mormonish Podcast, Rebecca and Landon give updates on both the Cody, WY and Hebe
On this informative episode of Mormonish Podcast, Rebecca and Landon delve deeper into what is known
On this episode of Mormonish Podcast, Rebecca and Landon are joined by James Hofheins, a former 12
On this episode of Mormonish Podcast, Rebecca and Landon continue to dissect the events o
On this episode of Mormonish Podcast, Rebecca and Landon unravel the events of the past week involvi
In Episode 4 of Mormonish Podcast’s series with Dr. John Lundwall, Dr. Lundwall examines the "Caract
Have you read D. Michael Quinn's "Early Mormonism and the Magic World View?" On this episode of Morm
On this episode of Mormonish, we sit down with our two new friends from a concerned citizen's group
Were you shocked at the parallels between Mormonism and the "Shiny Happy People" documentary on Amaz
On this PSA short episode of Mormonish Podcast, we are so excited to talk with the amazing Carah Bur
On another collaborative episode in The Gospel Topics Essays Series with The Backyard Professor, Reb
Wondering what the new changes and updates to the BYU church school honor code are? On this episode
Can our cell phones give us a clue as to whether LDS memberships numbers are declining? As Dr. Simon
What is it like to search for community as a young post Mormon? Mormonish has a very special guest o