On this episode of Mormonish Podcast, Rebecca and Landon unravel the events of the past week involving Tim Ballard and the LDS Church. In a statement in Vice Magazine, an LDS church spokesman publicly denounced Tim Ballard, founder of Our Underground Railroad and claimed he had very limited involvement with Apostle M. Russell Ballard, who Tim Ballard claims is a strong supporter of his organization and efforts.
What follows is an ongoing story with so many twists and turns it's impossible to keep up! We try to sift through the information and bring you what's current and relevant in a way that's easy to follow. In some ways, there are even more questions than answers the deeper you dig.
Just hours after taping this podcast, Tim Ballard made a statement to the press regarding the authenticity of the LDS church's statement. This situation is only going to get wilder! Buckle your seatbelts!
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