cover of episode Episode 536: The Murder of Gary Triano

Episode 536: The Murder of Gary Triano

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Mila: 本集详细讲述了盖瑞·特里亚诺的谋杀案,从他的事业起步、婚姻破裂、财务困境到最终被谋杀,以及警方调查的过程和最终将凶手绳之以法。其中,Mila 详细描述了盖瑞·特里亚诺的生平,包括他的事业成功、婚姻失败、财务困境以及与帕梅拉·菲利普斯的复杂关系。她还讲述了盖瑞被谋杀的经过,以及警方调查过程中遇到的各种困难和挑战,包括最初将调查重点放在盖瑞与黑帮的联系上,以及后来将帕梅拉·菲利普斯列为主要嫌疑人。最后,Mila 讲述了罗纳德·杨和帕梅拉·菲利普斯被捕、审判和定罪的过程,以及盖瑞的家人和朋友对案件的反应。 Lemon: Lemon 在播客中主要与 Mila 进行互动,对 Mila 的叙述进行补充和评论,表达了对案件的看法和感受。她对帕梅拉·菲利普斯的行为表示谴责,并对盖瑞·特里亚诺的遭遇表示同情。她还对案件中涉及的复杂人际关系和财务纠纷进行了分析和评论,并表达了对司法公正的期待。

Deep Dive

Gary Triano, nacido en 1943, se graduó en contabilidad y se convirtió en un exitoso desarrollador inmobiliario y financiero en Arizona. Estuvo involucrado en el desarrollo de casinos indígenas, invirtió en películas y llevó un estilo de vida extravagante con su segunda esposa, Pamela.
  • Triano se graduó en contabilidad en la Universidad de Arizona.
  • Desarrolló un proyecto de 97 viviendas a pesar de las protestas públicas y los trámites burocráticos.
  • Se postuló para el consejo municipal pero no cumplió con los requisitos de residencia.
  • Produjo la película "Matho Cage"
  • Se casó con Pamela en 1986 después de divorciarse de su primera esposa, Mary.

Shownotes Transcript

On the evening of November 1, 1996, Tucson, Arizona real estate developer and businessman Gary Triano got into his car at the La Paloma Country Club intending to head home, where friends and family were waiting for Gary’s surprise birthday party. However, before Gary had even put the key in the ignition, the car exploded in a ball of flame, plunging the club into panic and chaos, and killing Gary instantly. 

To investigators, the car bomb planted under Gary’s car had all the hallmarks of a professional hit, and with Gary’s business dealings and financial troubles, there were at least a few people who would have benefitted from his death. However, within just a few weeks, suspicion fell to Triano’s ex-wife, Pamela, who’d taken out a life insurance policy on Gary during their marriage that would eventually pay out $2 million dollars.

Despite being confident that Pamela was involved in Gary’s death, the year-long investigation failed to turn up any conclusive evidence tying her to the murder. Undeterred, investigators continued to pursue the case across the country and eventually around the world and in 2009, more than a decade after his death, the people responsible for Gary Triano’s death were finally arrested, but many years would pass before anyone was held accountable.

Thank you to David White, of the Bring Me the Axe Podcast for research!


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Huicochea, Alexis, and Enric Volante. 2006. "'96 bomb slaying is getting a new look." Arizona Daily Star, September 7.

Innes, Stephanie. 1996. "Gambling link eyed in Triano murder." Tucson Citizen, November 4: 1.

Limberis, Chris. 2001. "Requiem for a heavyweight ." Tucson Weekly, November 1.

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Pence, Angela, John Rawlinson, and Alexa Haussler. 1996. "Black powder pipe bomb killed Triano." Arizona Daily Star, November 7.

Sate of Arizona v. Pamela Anne Phillips. 2018. 1 CA-CR 17-0285 (Arizona Court of Appeals, July 10).

Smith, Kim. 2011. "Additional mental exams for murder suspect denied." Arizona Daily Star, March 8: A2.

—. 2010. "Life, no parole for killer in Triano case." Arizona Daily Star, May 4: A2.

—. 2010. "Triano case closing arguments." Arizona Daily Star, March 27: A2.

State of Arizona v. Ronald Kelly Young. 2012. CR20084012 (Court of Appeals State of Arizona , February 29).

Teibel, David. 1996. "Blast fragments studied ." Tucson Citizen, November 1: 1.

Tucson Citizen. 1973. "Realtor seeks seat on council." Tucson Citizen, June 15: 4.

Volante, Enric. 2006. "Detective: Secret recordings link Triano ex, suspected death plot." Arizona Daily Star, September 8.

—. 1997. "Triano assassination task force disbanded." Arizona Daily Star, August 2.

Wagner, Dennis. 1996. "Bombing death puzzles police." Arizona Republic, November 10: 33.

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