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weird is I A and I milena. And this is more than.
This is .
morning morbid on my key's birthday.
So it's a mikey's .
birthday soon. So this morning we decorated the whole entire pod lab IT looks a little low budget .
SHE looking at the streamers at my home watches IT wasn't just about your streamers. My my work is interesting as well. I scotch taped the birthday side, but we got a cake, but we got to go just a tomor cake from the delicious Bakery that we know of that we ate for breakfast.
Yeah, we like. And I got this cool candle from tj. It's called the mega candle.
But cool is an interesting way to describe that can cool. I was going to explain you what I did while I was holding IT. Yes, so it's cool if you're like an arson.
What you're not no, that's rude. The arctic inst listening is like, um excuse me, actually I am tell me what this case a lot. So you like the middle of IT and there's like all these I like peddles .
with other candles attached so you like this thing in the middle and then slowly IT lights all the other candles, and then I shoot, saw the peddles out.
start working, go in around in a circle. And the fire was just as first, as soon as actually at this bond, fire erupted from the middle. And I like, all, all gonna a die, I thought I was going to have to stop, drop and role immediately.
And then I just shot open and all these little five, and I was like, what are we doing in here? Yeah, child game to started playing? I was Chris, oh my god.
I was like john, going to have questions when we burn to have the house down. A lot of smoke shot up right under no detector, but you know, birthday. And then IT wouldn't stop at, listen day at school, but IT ouldn't stop like coming a happy birthday.
IT was like a music box. yeah. So we had to rip the fucking in court out of there. Yeah that was our morning and it's not going to get less chaotic from here because the story I have is pretty fucking awful. Oh yeah, it's telling the story with like stamps and friends on the ground.
It's actually really upsetting thinking about IT that way, actually looking around like um this is going to be put in the two paths. She's got a two part A A A lot happening, luck going on and you know you're gonna absorb this in in two faces because i'm gonna sorb this in two phases. I don't like that you're using the word absorb yeah you know what? Sometimes we we've record a two party, multi party like in one day yeah like just release them spread and like abort again like I didn't want to say sorry like alerted palatable chunks for you guys and this one I was like we're going to record this in two different days because I don't want to talk about the whole thing at once yeah it's like that it's just step setting. It's it's not a nice situation on of these are but no but some hitch are just in different ways this is the story of alvin and Judith and nearly oh i've heard of yeah seven yeah yeah um well actually early eighties so but some of that happened in the yeah it's early eighties.
Crimes in like true crime have a certain field to yeah they .
do they have a vibe that yes, I don't I don't do well with for wild yeah like every decade was wild in its own way the eighties and have a certain it's like a grame wild because it's like the griminess of the seventies kind of like leaks into the early grammy's of the eighties and then they just mixes with some like daylight low colors and IT gets weird ah and I don't know together but they do in the eye they sure do to go for IT.
So on september eleven thousand nine hundred and eighty two can duly a youth development center employee in rome, georgia, was shot at in his home by an unseen attacker. He wasn't shot, but he was shot out and in his home, he said, in his home by some unseen attacker outside. In the following day, his coworker Linda, ada, Linda, Linda a dar was also attacked when someone threw a whole molotov cocktail at her house in an attempt er and his coworker at the youth development center in rome, georgia so obviously something is going on here.
And although neither duly nor a dare knew at the time these weather actually just the first attacks in a violent, senseless, in very confusing crime spray that was committed by alvin and Judith and nearly, oh, man, at the time they were a married couple who, I mean, their rutty is up there. And you wonder, like how people like this find each other. We say that all the time.
This one, when we get to find out how they find each other, when you see the entire thing, you're like, wow, yeah, this is just this is just like, especially judy SHE did not I mean, SHE didn't have a lot of chance here, but what he turned into is a monster. I mean, unthinkable. IT really is unthinkable.
yeah. I know that this is like a really early case, and I know the name of IT, but I definitely don't know all the details. And just like let you know ahead of time, there is like speak of sexual assault, there's speak of rape.
They're some really nearly stuff and here's so just like be warned yeah alvin though he's he's a very confusing case study, I would say because I am we're onna talk about IT that he can didn't really have any science in the beginning or nothing that we are being told of or confined. But when you find out certain things that happened in his teenage years and later, you like that just missing from his child hod here like some things off, some things are right. I don't know.
So elephant Howard, nearly junior, was born july fifteenth thousand nine hundred and fifty three and trion, georgia, a cancer. I had to look out how to say three on georgic because I didn't. I didn't want to mess IT up.
I was to do that. And if you guys ever used, because I I know like people are obsessed with pronunciations everywhere. So when you look IT up on the internet, you get several different kinds. One of them is pronounced named dot com.
And that wants very like, this is how you say that and and then you get a french guy, I love the french and me, you to say you like this name, is this my good day? You love IT and he has a very comforting voice, is very only, I love IT. And then there's a whole fucking role and then there's yeah there's A I there's just a robot and I got that one but IT tells you tree on georgia and if I try on George derful, but I said that's good.
It's weird. So that's tree on georgia. Um it's apparently a small, pretty rural community about two hours from atlanta.
Okay, you said rural, so good there. Ural, yeah, it's hard. Some rural. Jr, uh, alvin was the Youngest of three children, and his early life, like I said, pretty unremarkable, like very Normal according all the things we can find. Allegedly, he had a good home.
If he was well, like at school in the community, he ended up really getting a reputation for being very charming. He was like, a little joke ter low prankster. But nothing when he was Younger was nothing like, oh, he was a prank star.
He was piss on people off and was like, is just like a little joke. There is little charmers, you know, okay? And he was described as always having a smiling face.
So he was always happy. According to author Thomas cook, IT was a great childhood filled with days of hunting and fishing and hanging out with the other boy scouts. His childhood was a festival of joy.
Wow, a festival of joy. unreadable. I can relate about, say, whose? I don't know if i've ever experience.
Ed, a festival I like experience the festival. Just, would they find. Monkey raised to here today, today, this is an open sell, the joy boat festival. That so that incredible that sentence.
like you are, the entirety of your .
child breathing, never had a bad. No, I think that what you like never about, yes, that's what is something. By the time you went to fort meeny elementary school, he had learned that his charm and is very easy going personality, he smiled.
His nicest IT was the IT was a way he could people to, yeah, that's how he was gna get friends. And he also learned in elementary schools, and he could use that to his advantage a little while a bit. So he quickly became the class clown.
He really love to make everybody laughed. He would disrupt class a lot, but nothing like crazy. He wasn't getting into trouble really that much. He was just kind of he was that in .
I was always and I wasn't like .
a brain OK anything like I was a like i'm trying to listen to the people like those .
kids always pissed me off.
The kids that would like to have just shut the fuck up yeah that always pissed me off then and is still pisses me off now yeah yeah like whatever the the the girls will tell me about somebody who's like always fucked in around in class like honestly don't think out the fuck up like they're lacking ings yeah don't think and what you want like in school is like like you guys i'm just getting but yeah, he loved to make his cosmetic left.
And once he got into like adolescence, like really adolescence, he started using his charm and humor to pick up goal. Ladies and you know, they would go to the local swimming pool, do these like, really hold some things. And he would always, especially the local swimming pool, was like the big thing there, because there was not a lot going on in the towns.
So just like georgia, IT was a tree on georgia. I just said, what town was that? I was the town of georgia.
good. yeah. You know, small town. But this was a rural community. So it's like this, the town. Paul was like the thing to do in the late seventies, the checks.
And when he would go there, he was the center attention, of course, and apparently so cook that offer that I mentioned before also wrote, I got so the pool owner would let him in for free, just so the other people would show up, paid the entrance Price. wow. So he was a fucking in.
His dad was a fucking in. Festive, that is a festival of joy. I don't think anybody e's wrong.
I never had that. So this all sounds like a shit. Like he's even getting like he's a celeb. He's a ji k. They are.
They let him into places for they lend him into the club for free so that other people come no cover yeah and he's like early adolescent. He's an influencer. But then something happy he was when he reached tie school. okay.
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And I don't know what happened, but we can't figure out what happened. But he had high school, and he was still charming. So that reputation was still like thriving in that way. But he started taking like a dark turn in his personality. He was moodier.
He suddenly started developing, or at least finally showing a very explosive temper that didn't seem to be present before, okay? And he began committing petty crimes that eventually escalated the car theft. So like, we went from festival of joy to, like hitting high school and something really changing.
And there was like, no tragedy within the family. Not I could find. I mean, he was an active kids, so he was a boy scouts. Like, he was that kind.
I don't know if something happened in like some kind of I I don't know, really, really don't know so it's like I don't I couldn't I couldn't find anything and neither cave we were like what the fuck happened to the sky but that so he's escalating already doing petty crimes like, you know part fact is pretty big in in one thousand nine and seventy three, when he was twenty years old, he met a fifteen year old old old name, joan Browning. No, twenty years old. And if this three fifteen fucking and gross.
Joan was an academic of alban's half brother, Betty farington, who worked at the local grocery store and dolls in georgia. That's how they met. John found alvin so charming because, remember, he's still a charm, is a gender, you know, when you're fifteen and some motor go show interest in you.
And despite their wild age difference, they began dating. We were joan's parents. So this twenty year old men is dating a fifty year old girl. good. The fuck.
Do you guys haven't common nothing? So in the early one hundred and seventy four, not long after they had began dating to actually moved in without them, he became pregnant. What would be the first of the couple's three children? wow.
yeah. And at this point, he living on his own at this point, yeah. okay. So at first I I think he had he, at certain points, i'd gotten like an apartment by himself, and then he would move back in with his parents.
So at times he and his wife or wives, we will find out, will move in with sometimes OK. Now, at first, you know, they seemed like that a place and like existence together, like, I mean, not every happening in there. But IT didn't take long before joan's finally saw that violent temper, and SHE finally discovered that he he was very quick anger.
So years later, on the witness stand, john described the first time that alvin physically assaulted her, which had occurred early in her pregNancy. Now, according to jowin, SHE said, in this is like trigger warning, like this is pretty upsetting, SHE said, quote, alvin had beaten in her on the breast and arms and had stretched to the corners of her mouth with with his fingers. I looked that strong and horrible.
And SHE told the jury that this was the first of countless times that he assaulted her, stretched her melt, yeah, what? And he would assault her every time he got mad about anything after that, knowing full well that he was right. Oh yeah.
He went hurt. And now alvin and joe got married after this in val in tennessee, in genuine, in one hundred and seventy five. And this is when they moved back in with alban's mother at the time. That's just such a sad like dicon y or horrific as walking down the IO like that. You're knowing what he, knowing what he doesn't.
You're like, I think of IT like you're walking toward like your future happiness and like joy and you're the best guy I know and it's like you're walking for somebody that beats the show and it's convincing you like only like and i'm sure he's doing that. I'm walking in your head is scared. You're walking toward someone you're afraid of that's so fucked.
It's awful. I feel so hard for her. And what's worse, as they moved in with eleven's mother and even the presence of her didn't do anything to stop the domestic violence really this is this is where I say what happened yeah like how do you turn down in that house pregnant, that ideal childhood that like was a festival of joy, right?
But then he is move in in with his wife and beating the shit out of her while she's pregnant in front of you. And you're not saying anything I don't know about that. Look, i'm not saying anything because I don't know anything just saying that's strange to me yeah, that's a strange.
I don't know that doesn't that doesn't the math and math there for me, but I don't know. But alvin used to be super paranoid that joe was having affairs with men in the neighborhood that was like obsessive thing. And this was something that would send him to jealous rages a lot.
And he would physically assaulted because of the paraNormal anaya, and then would also drag her on wild goose chases to go search the nights hood for her. Imagined, like a fair partners like you would like, literally bring her every house. Something like of him is at him.
That's so scary that he was that here. yes. And he also insisted that he served him and be submissive in every way at home.
Oh, SHE had to bathe him, com his hair and ddi him. Why did you even want that? That's this is why i'm questioning his some what happened? Yeah, what happened sums off here.
That's weird. I'm i'm like, like, I live your life the way you want to and if two people are consenting to that, that's one thing. But but if you is off, man. And there were also times when he would just randomly ly become violent with her for no reason like there was no trigger even in his own mind um and he said he would sometimes hit me with this fish, sometimes just hit me with this whole ARM and of course I would run from him trying to protect myself by hiding other rooms but he would bust the door down oh my god so he's just like a raging bull like what the fuck is going on here?
And then to think that three children were eventually witnessed that is so far as horrific now although he may have felt powerful and dominant in his homelife with his wife and his children outside the home, alvin was just a complete fucking failure of a human being. Yeah, just elling cking loser. Uh, from the moment he began working, he struggled to maintain a job. He would travel from one town to the next in search of work, and he would just drag his whole family with them, of course.
And eventually he became so demanding that you um he he became so demanding that he finally agreed when he brought up the idea of committing robberies of convenience stores that he worked at indulge in kahn, georgia because he was like, well, I can't keep a jobs so it's just still money well, it's just rob places come on kids and he was so demanding and scary that that he agreed and SHE claimed out of fear for her safety and safety of their children I believe now at one point john couldn't handle IT anymore so he ran away and left the children with him, which like, why did you leave the children with them? Yeah and he threatened to like, kill them if he didn't return so he did a thing like, I was like that scary but SHE came back and again but we also have to remember she's a child. Yeah, like he was fifty, fifty, teenage, teenage.
wow. And so SHE brought her thirteen year old sister with her when he came back because like, I think SHE just thought I would be some kind of like comfort. I mean, you're A I can't even imagine this and if he thought her presence would maybe mitigate what was happening here, but SHE was mistaken because almost immediately alvin began physically assaulting join right her thirteen year old sister and attempted to sexually assault her sister.
That the fuck, he only stopped when joan threatened to kill him. wow. And her sister returned home to the her mother's house the next day. Completely tremendous. Of course, the cycle of abuse continued for several more months.
And john would like every now and then just flew her mother's house, but was always brought back by him until finally, in the nineteen and seventy seven, SHE left for good, and he left her three children. Him, ha, I don't get that, but that's just me. yeah.
But i've never been in that position, I don't believe. But i'm just saying personally, I don't get leaving leaving them with him. I would never leave my children with someone like that.
no. But through her testimony in court, IT was clear that joe Browning hated alvin nearly. Obviously, they had deep seated hate for him.
Finally, I think, I think IT took her a long time to get through that place. But SHE fucking hated him. I mean, who wouldn't? And but there there is no doubt that he is an abusive piece of shit, like for sure.
But I guess there was questions about that, like how exaggerated ated some of the moments were. Like the attorneys were questioning IT yeah because there was like times when I didn't add up. So they thought maybe he was being like like certain instances were being exaggerated a little bit, okay.
But either way, he was an abuse of pray just and I don't I don't really understand why like they felt the need to pick that because it's like even if he is exaggerating IT like, okay, whatever like you can really prove that either way yeah the other thing and it's like but either way, he's an abusive piece of shit yeah like he's an abuse abuse so it's like, you know and what this shows is that he's one violent his fuck, regardless of how like details or whatever any of the claims were what we if he is a violent, abusive so that is for sure one hundred person and we also know that this shows that he has an interest in teenage girls yeah, like he is clearly established a pattern of being a fucking pig right in every way. You can also tried to assault her. He tried to assault her.
Ster thirteen year old sister tried to sexually assault her, and he met her when he was fifteen. And that's the other thing that like like i'm like okay, that they're like trying to figure out the validity of the claims of each instance. It's like, okay, but either way that even her sister is claiming that this happens.
So it's like, yeah regardless of anything, he's fucked up clearly but either way, as IT like finally their relationship ended for good, which is which was a very good thing for joan but you don't keep the kids I think eventually he was able to also so yeah I don't I was unable to follow that all the way through. But so plica yeah but alvin had already found himself a new romantic interest and IT was a fifteen year old girl. And how old is he? This point he is one is this.
He met her in one thousand nine hundred and seventy three, right? yeah. And then I think three years later they got divorce and you say one thousand hundred and seventy six, one nine hundred and seventy seven.
So he's almost four years old and fifteen years old, so he's literally almost ten years or senior. yeah. And this girl was judice an atoms.
okay. Is this part of the reason why he was doomed? yeah. yeah. Now, unlike her future husband and eventually literal partner in crime, Judith did not have an idea of child. No, not a festival of joy.
Now he was born june seven thousand and sixty four in merthyr burgh, tennessee. SHE was the third of five children and older brother and two Younger brothers. So he was right in the middle. yeah. And they were a solid lead ddt class family you know their father had steady work as a carpenter.
He was a construction worker in things you know even got Better in one thousand nine hundred seventy three because father James adam started his own construction company well um and James worked a lot obviously he owned his own construction company. So he was gone a lot yeah and when he got home, he was kind of distant. He just wanted to have a few beers and go to sleep.
He wasn't really like playing with his kids. You know, I was such a different time too but by all accounts he was not um outward abusive from what i've read unless you know that didn't you know knowledge but according to duty SHE loved her dad SHE had a very close bond with him even though they didn't see each other a lot. He loved what he saw.
Okay um and that's one tragedy struck on march thirty first, first nineteen seventy four when James had a few bears and jumped on his motorcycle no and the the details of the accident aren't like completely clear but somehow he hit a highway guard rail or and he was dragged about a hundred feet between his bike and the garden and eventually he was flung into the air and died immediately when he hit the pavement yeah that's a brutal way to go. An awful way to go in the death of their father hit all the Adams children really hard. But duty was only nine years old when that happened.
wow. And he took at the harness stead of the album. Of course, Thomas cook said he had always been the quiet, but for a long time after that, he seemed to turn to stone. That's really sad.
And so, you know, her mother, barba, was left with her husband, small succe security pension and eight acres of land on the outskirts of my frees burrow and SHE kind of struggle to provide for five children at that point. Five kids. Yeah, the kids.
So SHE took a job at heat craft, which was a local refrigeration factory, and use the eighteen singers of a space for the double wide trailer or home that eventually housed the whole family. Okay, less than a year after James Adams s. Died, barba began dating.
Yeah, that's for the kids. Like, yeah, like, I understand needing to move on and that's her right to do so. But I can imagine that was hard for the kids, absolutely.
And of you, especially because he was so close to that. And IT was exceptionally horrible when barber went out on the date one night and got into a very minor car accident. But IT was discovered that night that her boyfriend, that he had been going out with for some time, was a teenage boy.
Oh, kay, do I don't think as a super Normal like Barbara just moving on after her husband dies, kind of think turns like SHE was kind of bucked up. yeah. So Barbara was charged with contributing to the delicate cy of a minor.
Oh, and SHE and her family were humiliated and he ended up having to leave her job and basically like hit herself away in her trailer yeah, which is nice that SHE um was a predator, got caught being a predator and then just decided to hide away from her children and let them fend for themselves. Yeah, I was really great to her. I was a really good, this story is so marked with and heard like barbers, a predator fucked up.
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Uh in judy, at a very Young age, being right smacked up in the middle SHE ended up taking over all the chores and the trailer like taking care for oner Younger siblings like he really took over yeah and after all this, the family were really slip and do a bad way because following their mother's horrible example, the older kids just grew lazy, started skipping school regularly. Following an example here said, don't nobody getting them in the middle trying? And so they all just spent days like hanging around drinking beer, watching T V, not really doing anything.
No and meanwhile barba continued to decline to the point where he spent most of her time using A C B radio like a truck radio kind of like can again um where he would meet men who would show up at the houses with beers and just spend time with her okay so just know this is so bleak yeah ah so duty spent a lot of her time outside of the home trying to escape. I believe that I would as well SHE focused on school SHE made honor wow. And join the cheerleading team and nath's grade.
And after school, he participated in four club in the future homemakers of america. Wow, I didn't you know that was a thing, did not know that either. And SHE just really focused on school, was trying to SHE wanted to become a nurse someday.
SHE was like SHE had dream. SHE was like ready to go. It's crazy that like in the shit storm, she's kind of thriving in end of areas.
But something was off or SHE was very SHE became like a harder person because he had to yeah out of her circumstances and I think IT LED to her SHE harden too much yeah SHE hardened a little too much and I think this peace, a shit man took full advantage of a slightly broken child yeah and it's really fucked up. And what duty ends up doing means that there was a monster inside of her all long. And when you look at, you know, her her mother, there sometimes is off there.
Obviously you. And so you know, there was something in there that he just happened to. I I don't know he ended up if he could see IT or if you just stumbled upon a vulnerable Young girl and he was able to pride this monster out of her.
But it's it's really upsetting all the way around. No, so one afternoon in early nineteen, nineteen seventy nine, alvin nearly and his friend, and hardly too grown as men yes, twenty twice we're driving out to meet a woman, then had made on the C, B radio, shut your fucking in paho. You shut your fucking and and his friends was talking to barber on the C, B.
radio. And dane spotted A, C, B, N, ten on top of the trailler, and he was like, here, IT is, this is where he is. So he likes like man with daughter.
Oh god, this is for, yeah. Don was very excited to meet this gale person, but IT was the woman's fifteen year old daughter, judy, that really called alban's attention. Oh no, yes, i'm so uncomfortable.
yeah. So judy came out to talk to them because he was always in charge of everything being like, need a beer yeah. In when dan and barbera, you know, dan and barber went often started drinking beers together in Barbara room and alvin SAT with duty in the next room of talking.
And apparently they had a lot in common, according to them, twenty six, which says a lot about alvin. Sure does. They spend all night and well into the next morning talking and laughing.
Uh, we have a grown ass man connecting and flooding with a fifteen year old child. So he later said, if anyone had stepped in between us, they'd had been burned up in the Sparks with a fifteen year old. Do you're pushing thirty? Like what the actual like the amount of predators around this girl right now are.
So now, after this, they became inseparable. IT was, this was the moment that they met. Like you were wondering, how do these people come together and will don't worry, they're just surrounded by predators, like she's just surrounded by predators.
So they were just naturally brought into her life. This story is futured. They did everything together.
They developed this weird and ten spoon that was like, obsessively, each other, like us against the world. H very much, very, very much from my. And he spilled about her troubled home life for father's death as he still grieving alving.
Listen, he didn't share a lot about his at first. But finally, they've been together a couple months in alvin, admittedly duty. Well, I am still married.
Oh, I forgot that he was still married. He just left. They didn't divorce. And his wife, he insisted, was, quote, a liar and a cheat and cheese still been married to another man when he married her, which is not sure he was ten years old.
Elephant insisted his relationship with joan had been over for a long time and he had every intention of divorcing her. Which duty was like, of course, on fifteen. Yeah, nothing about this. When judy went back to school for her soft more year h at oakland high school when he was a song man, yeah, a freshman in high school. Oh no.
He thought he was a full adult at this point, like she's feeling like he's doing a whole adult and she's spending all her time with album, especially since her siblings just hung around doing nothing and her mother was also just like a fucking loser in living with then heartless. Now he moved in. He just never left.
That's good. So now dan heartland is living in that trailer with her and all those kids. Yeah, exactly. yeah.
At the end of one thousand and seventy nine, alvin and duty discussed marriage, and SHE decided that he was gonna ve high school. Remember, he had all these dreams. SHE was going to be a nurse.
He was an on her student, a chill leader. SHE was in all these clubs SHE. SHE had the dreams of becoming a nurse.
And he leaves school for this fucking loser. That's awful. He finally ended up divorce, singing.
John and judy ended up moving in with alban's mother in cleveland, tennessee. Mother focus, still living with his mom. I got questions for his mom. I was a fucking question. If my future child at .
twenty six years old came home with a fifteen year old, he would be so far out on his ass.
That would be next wednesday. Exactly of, I don't know, all the cops may exactly. I hope you fuck in.
Creep, what? How did I fuckyou up this bad? yeah.
So SHE ended up moving him with the mom in clear valentine nesa and alvin stayed merfin y. spo. To keep working and making money. And then he was going to move in.
And she's like, how do you like my whole .
hello child? Like you just have a child living with you now, once alvin had saved up some money, he and judy finally moved in together. Like, they've got, they ve got a small apartment in rome, georgia.
And then they ended up moving to a small motel room in kennesaw, George. They loved a motel room that's upsetting elephant found work at a convenient store across the street from this place. Judy, again, had quit school.
Ls, so SHE just started just hanging out at the store, stoking shelves, hanging out, open out. Alvin was already back to his criminal bull ship because he could not hang onto a job in one night. After stealing the day is deposits from his job.
They just ran away to alabama to escape any other consequences. Registers money. Just never came back. Never came back. Now, alvin was shocked to see that duty was very willing to be in, accomplish all his criminal ideas, all of IT like you just say, okay, let's go.
It's like, yeah, because you have groomed her yeah and she's literally a trial yeah nowhere else to go, right? And after settling in dowson, georgia, they both found work at the zippy market until judy was robed one evening. But the store owner firmly believes that was an inside their lives were a fuck and mess together.
That winter, they would settle in some small town, find a job. Usually I like a convenience store sum market. They was deal from the register, and then they just hit the road again and get out of there.
Wow, they were like a stupid bony and client. yeah. And the routine was briefly interrupted in mid july because they stopped off in ringo ring hole, georgia, to get married.
And then IT was just right back to everything that they were doing before. More motel rooms, more convenient stores, just this grammy as exist truly. Gramme is the first for IT that fall duty learned to use six months pregnant oh no.
But there is kept on robbing, being assails, continuing their life. And she's like, sixteen, seven, yeah. And he found that he was six months payment. And so it's like, that's that's prety pregnant yeah that's more than half way there is a very, very pregnant.
You know that all this crazy has had to pause though, because the fall of thousand nine hundred and eighty, they were arrested when Robin, a woman at gunpoint in the parking lot of the river bend mall, h. Elvin, was sentenced to five years at the Walker correctional institute and laugh at. And judy was still under age, so he was taken to the rome youth development center, just pregnant.
All remember, I don't know if you remember at the beginning of this, the rome youth development center, that was where the two people, the guy that, the person that got shot out in is how the person who went a molotov cocktail from the house. They work there. Oh, okay.
Ah, well, he was there. He gave birth to twins just two days after arriving, he found out he was printed with twins six months in. Yes, as someone who has Carried twins in their body, I am so um I don't know.
I mean, six months I was I people were like, go, you you must be ready to pop and I was like, I am not people go like full flight yeah in full term wild alvin and duty scent letters back in fourth several times a week. Um they are correspondence. They mainly stayed like very romantic, very like we love each other, were obsessed with each other.
I got like kind of explosive. They were weird and like stressful. They was that don't look for them. Okay, with every known then alban's jealous paranoia would show through.
Yeah in one he said, i'll put my love where will be returned he said so he's basically I like threatening her, like i'll i'll leave you and go find someone else like you don't love me, okay? And then he said, you can't have me and play around too. And alvin wasn't the only paranoid ed one because judy also was accusing him of being unfaithful and said a lot in her letters.
He said, i'll take care of her when I get out, referring to like an imaginary woman, interesting. And he said, none of them are women enough to try to take you from me when I get out. I want to be clear, they were both in jail at this time.
So and they're not in code jail like they're like they're not talking about. She's not talking about a man that he's cheating on her weather. She's started talking. They're like accusing each other of cheating on each other with the opposite sex while in jail.
To be clear, like i'm very this shows you how deluded they both were you and how paranoid and like obsessive they were yeah it's like a weird I don't know, but again, very strange and they they had this like string and upsetting devotion to each other while also having this big disdain for the world and people around them, like you said before, very us against everyone else mentality. They believed everyone was out to get them. No one understood them.
They had to strike back at people. Judy was released from the youth detention center in november one thousand nine hundred and eighty one in return to clive lin tennecy to live with alban's parents in the twins to remember twin bed, twin babies. Unfortunately, I didn't take long for her to revert to that criminal lifestyle again.
And less than two weeks after he was released, SHE was arrested for robbing gas station and was sent back to the center two weeks. What the funk SHE was released in march one thousand and eighty two. But he went and he went back to living without in's parents.
But SHE seemed to be like, apparently they like, we're fine, like they were taking Carrier. But they kind of really represented them in a weird, like he wrote, and at one point, talking about his dad, I can't stand that son of a bitch. Your dad still raises hell every now and then, but he won't say anything to me.
If he ever does, he knows he will regret IT. This also leads me to believe, like what happened in that house? exactly.
This doesn't sound like a regular, like i'm very confused bits and pieces crums of then they went down there and i'm like, I don't know what's going on there yeah that's just like it's just weird. Yeah it's very strange and it's very and seeing her how she's talking like he won't say anything to meet her regret. It's like I can see what's happening here.
Like that's what I mean when I say like he had to be that way growing up. So SHE acts that way. But alvin was finally released from the Walker correction, instituted the end of April one thousand nine hundred eighty two, and duty metal at the bus station.
And, you know, I went right back to what I was before. They were obsessed with each other. And, you know, they would. They had this like, really, because he had, which is also like a red flag to me.
He had this very like, aggressively intense sex drive to which we see a lot these cases, where are couples full? Almost every case for its couples. Actually, we see that the man usually has a stranger like intial, an aggressive sex drive yeah like multiple times a day or he's going to be the ship at you.
And that's how I was. And she's a child. exactly. And soon, but soon reality set back in.
They had no jobs, so they turned right back to the criminal ways. And they would steal checks from male boxes. They would forge money orders. They would rob people in places I was like.
did I miss the part where they dropped .
them out so where they so good, but they're living with Elvis parent OK. Okay, so i'm sure they're just they are calling, raising them then randomly. One day eleven, just sick to judy and said, I don't want you anymore.
I don't know where, because SHE wasn't fifteen and he would say, exactly, probably turned twenty. SHE got a little older. Excuse me, SHE probably turned eighteen. I should exactly.
And as the summer of one thousand nine hundred eighty two came to an end, judy was now angry, desperate, willing to do literally anything to keep him from leaving her no matter what. Oh, no. So one evening in early september one thousand nine hundred and eighty two, and what we will see is like, he was like, going to want you anymore.
But they stayed connected. Obviously they had children, but they, like, had this still obsessive bond with each other. Even though IT wasn't like always a romantic bond, he was always trying to make IT one, but he would like flip fat.
okay? IT was very strange, I can understand, and I don't never want to understand, the Better that you don't. So on the evening in september one thousand nine hundred eighty two, can do I, who was a teacher at the rome use development center.
He was at home when his phone ranging a little after seven P. M. The voice on the under other end was a Young woman claiming to be a friend of ken's wife, Sherry.
I don't know. This person on the other end said he was going to be passing through the area soon. I wanted to drop into surprise Sherry.
So can was like, a, that's great. Like, here's directions to my house. Can, can, she's fucking great. This could be anybody, me and this person said, well, you tell Sherry that i'll when we get to room and then they hung g up sharing, really like, i've never heard of that bitch of my life.
Will Sherry do? They returned home a few hours later with the couple sun robby, and can sit told this way, if you know this lady Susan had called from kentucky. And he goes, well, that that's strange. I don't have a friend from kentucky named Susan, but glad you give them step directions.
How can now a few days later, because canvas, like I was weird a few days later, can return home from his sons football game and was met at the door by Sherry and Cherry said, I got a call. And when he asked to IT was he said he was, he was was a Young girl and he wanted know if he was home in ken's mine was like, okay, like, I teach girls that like Young girls of the development centre. But like, he was like, none of them have my phone number.
Like, I don't get my phone number out of these girls. And like, why would they be calling? yeah. So he was like, that just weird.
And he was, again, I know, I SHE wouldn't say who he was, so he had almost put IT out of his mind. But then the phone ring that evening again, and Sherry immediately was like, it's the goal again, I know IT. And so he answered, but he was a man's voice.
And the man's voice said, you've screwed the last girl. You're gonna screw. And then he just hung out, oh, and can was freak out. He was like, what the said, I love my wife by. And he tried to put IT out of his mind.
But later that night, as he was walking around checking locks, because he was like part of the point, and he was checking on the kids, like making sure everything was okay, he heard four, four loud pops that sounded like a car back firing as he went back to his bedroom. And as he was going in there, he heard his wife's voice screaming that someone was shooting at the house. Oh my god, so can run to his wife, then check the rest of the house.
And looked the window to the front of the house, and he saw the tail lights of a car like flying on the street. So the police arrived. But since no one identified the shooter and there was really no evidence, like no one even saw the car, they couldn't do anything.
They just told them, you probably shouldn't sleepwear tonight. Thank you. Like what the fuck he is, is now the next day, september eleventh, Linda dare, the assistant director of the the development center, notice that can seem a little off at work, but you didn't want to like pride too much.
So SHE didn't bother to ask what was wrong and just one about her day, but he said later, like, SHE very much saw that something was wrong. And SHE went, you know, SHE later that night, he went back home and her husband, gary, you know, they went out to dinner together. Then they came home and SHE just lay down on the coach, just relaxing a little.
Everything's Normal. Then the phone rings, and Linda could hear gary answer and respond to the collar, and he called out to her to let her know that he was for her. And Linda took the phone and said, hello, but no one was on the other end yeah and when he asked to IT was her husband said he didn't know, but thought that sounded like a teenage girl he said, SHE just asked if you were home creepy.
Now again, this couple was also freed out, but that evening they ve got ready for bed. Gary was in the shower, in the phone ring. Again, a little left, eleven thirty.
So IT so all of a sudden he can. When SHE answers the phone, SHE hears one of her neighbors yelling into the phone at her, sing, Linda, what's happening? Someone throw a bomb at her house.
Oh my god. So she's like, what the fuck? So SHE won't looked out the window in the dining room and he could see flames and gulfed their car port.
Oh, my god. And then the just interrupt in in the chaos. Linda got Carry out of the shower. He was in the shower. They fled the house for safety to the neighbors house and watched as their home went up in flame. Oh my god.
Now, after that was all controlled, linder told police that he heard the neighbor's dog barking and chasing a car down the roads seconds after the bomb must have hit the house. And IT turned out to be a molotov cocktail made from a soda bottle and gasoline, and he told them about the weird call that evening too. But again, there was not a lot to go.
I was not like color idea anything. And the police are figuring we're not going to have to find out who this is like, I don't know what to do. I'm sorry.
Is this without the same town? Yeah, so are they like, this is connecting? Well, a teenager who had just drop his day off at a house nearby did manage to get a look at the car, and he described the car is like early seventies model dodge Browne colour. With a White strike down the center. He said there was a man and woman inside, and when the headlights passed over the vehicle, he briefly got a look at the woman behind the wheel, who he described as being White, and he had long redish hair.
Okay, now if this sounds like a like duty, sure do us so yeah um neither Linda nor her husband can think of anyone who would want a molotov cocktail their house that's a good thing and as far as he knew he was like, I think the people at the youth development center like like me, I haven't any bad interactions in the recent past that I can think that would lead to anything like this like he really couldn't think of anything. And then as the police were interviewing them, both the phone ring again, and Linda answered, and he was the voice of a Young woman, and SHE said something about this. This is a random Young woman saying something about the shooting that can do this house the previous night.
And the fire at london, germs in london, was like, who the fuck are you? What are you talking about? And the girl said, you both will die before the nigh over and then hang the phone up. Oh my god.
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So Linda was like, what the fuck? Because he was shocked to hear about the at attack on can. He knew he was like, in a shit mood that day, but he was like, oh my god, he got shot out.
Like, and then why did what the fuck? And then the police asked to listen to a recording of a nine one one called the place that night, the girl on the recording of the nine one call and said to the night on one dispatcher that he was calling about the shooting at can do this house and the fire at the aai home. SHE said, quote, for the sex abuse that I went through in the Y.
D. C. And the dispatcher asked to explain and the colour said IT was, quote, sex abuse and for the abuse I took, they are both going to die and who knows that might be tonight and then hang the food like what the fuck.
So these attacks were obviously done by alvin and judy. We found out later um after they had done this they had IT to macon. I think IT is macon.
I think mac on you, I think I did a little more on you know, it's one of those guys this time. They went separate cars. He went in a Brown dodge and he went in a red ford granada a and they tried.
So after alvin had come at a prison, like I said, they had tried to reconcile like several times since he had been like, I just don't like you anymore and they did this together, right? They did this together even though, and like I said, even though their relationship wasn't the same that I was, they were still in that like us against the worlds like we have to punish people together. Everyone hates us, so we hate everyone kind of thing yeah.
So it's like very strange. And they were using A, C, B radio to connect with each other in the cars like very joyride. It's weird.
It's very strange. And like I said, they weren't the same, like obsessive, passionate relationship, like romantic quote on quote relationship there with each other. Their idea, again, they're shared the stain for humanity and the people around them with what was keeping them connected.
radical. It's very weird. This was just the beginning of their big plan.
And duly and a dare were only two of the names of the list of a list of Y, D, C. Employees that they were targeting. Oh, no.
Judy claimed that was for abuse. SHE suffered there. IT should be said, there is no evidence that duty was abused.
You're sexually assaulted during her time in juvenile detention, but there are countless examples of children being abused in similar institutional setting and having IT not be document. So IT is entirely possible, you, but there is no documented proof. yes.
So I just you need take IT how IT is none of us know for sure, but there is no way that we can say that that is not. I really hope he was an now once they reached their destination, judy placed a call to the home of Linda Allen, who was a staff member of the y. dc.
a. Judy told Linda that her husband had been shed. So judie was saying, like, it's me.
Like, I I was one of the girls there. And SHE said her husband had been leading her and he needed lda help. SHE begged her for help.
Now, believing duty to be in danger, linder Allen agreed to meet her the situation. The next day, one from y. dc.
Called to say that Linda had been called out of town and wouldn't be able to make IT. okay. Linda literally dodged a bullet because alvin judy planned to kill her.
Oh my god. But SHE somehow got called at a town at the last second. That's, yeah.
Think right there. So they moved on to the next name on the list. The next step was john Browne, who was a security guard of the y.
dc. Judy believed that this man had been attracted to her. That's all he said.
He didn't say he assault to her SHE just believed he had a crush on her okay um having found his number, SHE called the house and got Brownly on the phone and reminded him that he'd once told her if he ever happened to be in the area SHE should look him out um so who knows that sounds like that was the truth yeah and caught off guard Brown lee told judy he couldn't meet her because he'd just gotten married a few months earlier. He was like, got married now. okay.
So SHE decided to let that one go. The plane was derived ed interest. Yeah, that's all he. That's all he took. I'd to say, I know now they decided to go with a new plan because they were like, you know what, we got ta go big now, because this system working out how I wanted to do.
So they were now going to simply track down each of the men judy said had abused her, break into their homes, and then eleven, and had a plan that he was gonna pe their wives in front of them, or payback to what they're done. Oh wow, yeah. IT equated very quickly a lot.
Now, the more they talked, the more elephant and judy, just like fit each other and like word feeding each other, is fucked up this and just like rage and aggression and hate and all of this so much. And the problem was though that finding the home addresses and phone numbers for all the employees, that why D. C, was not easy.
Yeah, you don't have like google back. S, A good thing. And after a few days of driving around amuser, they decided to abandon this revenge fantasy, and they headed back in the direction of room and decided, we need a new terrible plan, and this one is really terrible.
So your morning on the afternoon of september twenty fifth thousand nine hundred eighty two ga ale henderson and six girls from the ethel hearts home, which was a facility for neglected and abandoned girls, arrived at the river bend mall in rome to do some shopping OK um after giving the five older girls very strict instructions to stay together while they were at the mall, gale took the Youngest of the girls with heard a one mars SHE told the other girls, the older ones meet her in front of the radio shack in one hour radio k. Gale regrouped about an hour later but one of them, the thirteen year old girl lisa militant, was missing. Now the girls told Anderson that lisa had become separated from the group somehow, but they figured he would just meet them, the radio shark, when he realized the time, they waited for about twenty minutes.
And then they split into two groups, someone in different directions to try to find lisa. They couldn't find her. So now gale was panicking, of course, went to mall security to explain the situation.
They split up against, again now, with guards to find nothing. So they called the police a more formal search happened nothing. He just disappeared ocd. Months later, investigators in rome interviewed several Young women who recalled that day being approached by a teenage girl on that afternoon.
In some cases, the teenager asked if their names were kim or fills, okay, indicating that he was trying to meet someone, and they hadn't shown up kind of thing. Most of them simply shick their heads and like, gay bye. yeah. But a woman's Susan plants, who was at the river and mall that day with her husband, had a longer in interaction with this girl.
This girl was, I figured, according to Susan, SHE said the girl was very dirty, like jen based in a while, right? And SHE said he was looking for someone named to him and he said the girl last Susana, if he was alone at the mall. And when Susann explained that he was with her husband, the girl seemed to lose all interest and just walked away.
This is so fuck in. creepy. So Susan had no way of knowing IT, but that afternoon of the river, but mall SHE was about to be abducted and killed.
But he had not been nearly if SHE hadn't had her husband with her. Wow, now least a militant, however, was not lucky. SHE had been lured in, abducted by alvin in duty.
She's thirteen. So they just completely abandoned the plan where IT seemed like there was targeting employees at this one who had wrong turn. And now they're just going but now they're just going after anybody.
And that's what makes me think that there's there was an A A total motive here, right? That's clear, even maybe to begin with, but exactly. So they objected, lisa.
They took her back to the chat hoti motel in rome in that night, the cladding ity said. He noticed them right away when they came, and he thought he was an odd trio. He said he was old fucking guy with two and was like the man and the Young woman seemed like they were a couple, like, clearly.
But he said that Young girl with not their child, like he was two olds, be their child like IT was very strange. And the next morning, when diorite want to check on the room that the three of them were in, they had already checked out. So the cans and Candy rappers were everywhere, and he said IT appeared as the only one of the two beds had been slept in.
Okay, now the scene repeated itself again. Over the next two days. They checked into five points motel lin scot spiral ama.
And on the morning of september twenty eight, the model's owner, he went to clean room twelve, where they were from the same kind of thing. cookie. Rapper, so like just crap everywhere.
Only one bed being used. okay. Later that afternoon, just before one P. M, A call came into rome police headquarters and was received by watch commander loni adcock the colors. So IT was a Young teenage girl that seemed to said, you're looking for leased and milica on the run from the herbst one and then claim to have information to help find her.
He said, go up to little river kenyon in alabama and then gave specific instructions where to find lisa the phrasing made them feel like to tube they were not gonna her alive yeah um they were sleeping al but they went out a little a river canyon to take a look OK as they um as officers from room were driving up look out mountain to reach the canyon. Jenny west, who was a news director at local station W. R.
G. A, received a tip from a Young woman who called her the collar, said lisa million, that girl that ran away from the hearts stone on friday. She's been killed in the room.
Police are covering IT up. I think what we're seeing here is this, us against the world, everyone's out to get us. Thing is just their shared delusion that they're using as an excuse to hurt people. Yeah, sounds like IT because now they're saying the room police are covering that when they have nothing to do with in the color.
Then gave some detailed directions to find these, his body and west interrupt IT and said, how was he killed? How was he killed? And SHE said he was shot by a female juvenile officer from the heard's tone this morning.
He was at the little river, kenyon and SHE still there. So now she's trying to blame the people from the home right now, unsure whether this was real a prank like A K A. Jenny west went to the room police headquarters and told them about IT and the detectives really yeah, like we also got a similar message from that. And you know, he had disappeared from the river bend mall about a week earlier.
So like that name is absolutely true and um but they let the reporter know that they had gone out to the kenyon and hadn't found any evidence of a murder or a body um and they also investigated everyone who work worked at the hearts stone and no one had a history of violence or criminality they're like no one's a suspect there like we don't suspect anyone there and in all likelihood they said we think SHE just ran away like that's the likely thing that happened here right? And you know hopefully you turn up eventually will keep looking into leads and try to find there. And but they wanted to put their reporter's minded ties and their own.
So investigators told her, you know, we're going to call the authorities into called county obama and let them note that a second tip has been received. Okay, so the next day on september twenty nine, the decode county share of office got a call from another Young woman wanting to know whether they'd found the body in the kenyon. But the officer was like, what the fuck like? No, we have in in the color just hung up.
So the Young woman called again later that evening and gave more precise directions, like, like go, like wanting them to find her, right? So the sheriff are all the sharif who were like, you let's go now and go. We got a look.
So IT took some time to get up the mountain to where the SHE said the body would be, and the sun was actually started to set. So it's getting dark in the canyon. But crawling on his stomach out to the edge of the mountain, alabama, alabama state trooper Tommy brock shines flash light down into the kenyon.
And he said he immediately saw a pair of genes hanging from a tree Brown. Oh, no. So he was like ocean.
So we swap the light across the canyon floor and illuminated the body of lisa and militant more than eighty feet below, thirteen years. So they did. They throw her over the side and mountain.
What happened here is horrific. And I just need you all to know that I had a time like, it's gonna rough. yeah. Now once they were able to retrieve her body from the kenyan floor, that the called county coroner, ronal barry, confirmed that the shit indeed been killed by a gunshot, wounded the chest, and SHE had been dead about thirty one hours when he was discovered.
Detectives from georgia contacted their parts in obama, and they confirmed that the voice of the color matched the same color that called into the decode county share of office. And so they started which, this is one of those instances where you like things together. They work together.
They coordinated and they did. They had a joint investigation. That's awesome. Now, with the body taken out of the canyon, a crime scene technicians began searching the canyon floor and all around for evidence.
They're found several items of clothing, a large amount of trash, because they're fucking pigs and criminals. John klb orne also found several disposable syringes, es near where the body had been discovered. Strange, they took a some tests and determined that the syringes didn't contain our codex.
They were sent in for more analysis, and he was determined that whatever had been in the syringes was extremely accident in nature. IT took some time to narrow IT down, but they found out that analysts eventually determined that the syringing es had contained too very common cleaning products, liquid drainage and liquid plumber. Oh no.
So this seemed pretty unusual to lab technicians. They were confused by that. Um but then when you look at the autopsy results, you see that this makes sense. Oh god. So the cause of death was obviously a shot to the chest. There was repeated sexual assault on this poor girl and the autopsy technician found six puncher wounds in her neck um so at some point before her death, lisa, an american, had been subjected to a form of chemical torture and at the point of injection, IT had boiled the fatty tissue beneath her skin, reducing IT to an odd language which were resembled burn cooking greece. So they injected .
dano in liquid plumer into her neck.
What they would learn afterwards after they had been arrested because likly these fuckers do get arrested um after they arrested, investigators learned that while he was in jail, alvin had heard from someone that I would be nearly impossible for investigators to identify a death as as a murder if the victim was injected with the city chemicals and that the death would be quick like it's an easy way to kill someone then you also shot her um well, of course because IT is entirely false that that would quickly kill someone uh, and it's entirely false that they wouldn't be able to detect IT but that didn't stop judy from injecting lisa with those chemicals.
He was judy who injected her with her dream. Now in liquid plumer, a thirteen year old, he had been tied. Lisa had been tied to a tree outside of the kenyon and injected by judy at least six times with dream cleaner.
She's a sick fuck. When the injections failed to produce, the results that he was looking foreign just caused unbelievable pain and suffering to lisa. Judy simply shot lisa in the chest and poster off the legend of the kenyon. Oh my god.
So they now knew how, and they also knew a Young woman was almost certainly involved at this point, the murder of lisa, because at this point they didn't know the study in album, but they knew was a Young woman involved, because he had called a hundred times to let them know. But they needed to find out who and also where lisa had been in the days between when he was abducted and murdered and what the fuck is going on here and what. Fortunately, this isn't going to be the last person and that dies from these two areas.
That's where i'm going to leave for part one because that's a lot because I have to take a minute after that because I am really heavy. It's the amount of abuse, neglect, horrible trauma is is that this is a tough one. It's it's been requested many times.
That's why finally I finally bid IT and did IT but like, oh, this is a tough one yeah everyone go hug someone you love hi five someone love make you know paper, someone's coffee and a coffee with something you had just like go do something that makes you feel a little warm of fuzz inside that doesn't hurt anyone else hurt people, hurt people. Hurt people wow don't do that and yeah and you know what could listen to an episode of the rewards er to kind of cool yourself down from them yes perfect person and once you do that you'll be ready for part two on thursday. perfect.
Okay, so we got you covered all the way around. And you can also listen, you know, scream, if you want to scream is fun. You can listen to strange and unusual podcast.
Go listen to Allison and her suthing voice. Yes, go listen to alone at lunch and get the fuck away from all of this. Just go listen to comedy.
Yeah, no, that .
unfunny, funny human beings with a really funny, funny. Guess if you need to totally disengage from anything dark. Yeah, you know where you covered, baby, we got you right. We hope you keep listening, and we hope you keep no hope.
love you.
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