cover of episode Episode 509: Alvin and Judith Ann Neelley Part 1

Episode 509: Alvin and Judith Ann Neelley Part 1

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@Elena @Milena 详细描述了阿尔文和朱迪思·尼利夫妇在1982年秋季犯下的一系列暴力犯罪,包括对 Ken Dooley 和 Linda Adair 的袭击,以及对 Lisa Millican 的绑架和谋杀。她们分析了这对夫妇的犯罪动机,以及阿尔文·尼利早年看似普通的生活与他后来暴力行为之间的矛盾。她们还探讨了朱迪思·尼利复杂的成长经历和她参与犯罪的原因。 她们详细描述了阿尔文·尼利与前妻琼·布朗宁之间的虐待关系,以及他如何对琼及其妹妹实施身体和性虐待。她们还描述了阿尔文和朱迪思·尼利如何利用 CB 无线电联系,并策划了针对青年发展中心员工的袭击。她们分析了这对夫妇的犯罪行为如何升级,以及他们如何最终绑架并杀害了 Lisa Millican。

Deep Dive

Alvin Neelley, una vez un niño encantador con una infancia "festival de alegría", experimentó un cambio oscuro en su personalidad durante la adolescencia, mostrando un temperamento explosivo y participando en delitos menores que luego se convirtieron en robo de autos. A los 20 años, comenzó una relación con Joan Browning, de 15 años, que estuvo marcada por violencia doméstica, paranoia y agresión.
  • Alvin Neelley nació el 15 de julio de 1953.
  • Su infancia fue descrita como idílica, llena de actividades de boy scouts y tiempo al aire libre.
  • Un cambio de personalidad en la adolescencia llevó a delitos menores y robo de autos.
  • A los 20 años, comenzó una relación abusiva con Joan Browning, de 15 años.

Shownotes Transcript

On September 11, 1982, Ken Dooley, a Youth Development Center employee in Rome, Georgia, was shot at in his home by an unseen attacker. The following day, Dooley’s coworker, Linda Adair, was also attacked when someone threw a Molotov cocktail at her house in an attempt to kill her.  Although neither Dooley nor Adair knew it at the time, these were the first attacks in the violent crime spree of Alvin and Judith Ann Neelley, a married couple whose brutality would shock in and around Georgia in the fall of 1982.

Thank you the the incredible Dave White of Bring Me The Axe Podcast for Research Assistance.


Anniston Star. 1982. "Woman seeks juvenile status in slaying." Anniston Star , December 2: 28.

Associated Press. 1982. "Probe covers two states in death, disappearance." Anniston Star, October 6: 10.

Birmingham Post-Herald. 1982. "Jury indicts Mrs. Neelley on capital murder." Birmingham Post-Herald, October 29: 2.

—. 1982. "Neelley's wife sits while he talks." Birmingham Post-Herald, October 22: 2.

—. 1982. "Suspect in canyon deaths gives details of 7 more slayings." Birmingham Post-Herald, October 22: 1.

—. 1982. "Woman killed 2, authorities charge." Birmingham Post-Herald, October 16: 1.

Columbus Enquirer. 1982. "13-year-old found dead." Columbus Enquirer, October 1: 7.

—. 1983. "Neelley jury suggests life without parole." Columbus Enquirer, March 23: 1.

Cook, Thomas H. 1990. Early Graves: The Shocking True-Crime Story of the Yongest Woman Ever Sentenced to Death Row. Boston, MA: E.P. Dutton.

Dunnavant, Bob. 1983. "Jury hears 'robot' defense." Birmingham Post-Herald, March 10: 1.

Judith Ann Neelley v. State of Alabama. 1985. 494 So. 2d 669 (Court of Criminal Appeals of Alabama, March 12).

Morning Press. 1983. "Neelley to get death penalty." Morning Press, April 19: 1.

Neelley vs. Alabama. 1989. 88-5806 (United States Supreme Court, January 9).

Thompson, Tracy. 1982. "Luck, guesswork led to suspects." Atlanta Constitution, October 16: 23.

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