cover of episode Why Doesn't the Government Just Print More Money? Some Economists Are Arguing for More Money

Why Doesn't the Government Just Print More Money? Some Economists Are Arguing for More Money

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Money Rehab with Nicole Lapin

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Nicole Lappin
Nicole Lappin: 本期节目讨论了美国政府为何借债而不是直接印钞来解决财政问题。视频开头引用了Jared Bernstein在一次采访中对于该问题的含糊其辞的回答,以此引出话题。Nicole Lappin详细解释了美国政府发行货币的方式,指出财政部印刷纸币,而美联储通过购买债券等证券并用新创造的美元支付来创造数字货币。她还解释了政府通过发行债券和征税来获得资金,并指出直接印钞的潜在问题在于可能导致通货膨胀。她回顾了美元的历史,解释了美元曾与黄金挂钩,以及这种制度的弊端。她进一步解释了现代货币理论(MMT)与传统经济学在处理政府财政问题上的不同观点。传统经济学认为政府应该像家庭一样,保持收支平衡,而MMT则认为政府可以根据需要印钞,但需要控制通货膨胀。Nicole Lappin总结了两种理论的异同,并指出选择哪种理论取决于对通货膨胀和债务风险的权衡。最后,她还给出了应对通货膨胀的投资建议。 Jared Bernstein: 视频中,Jared Bernstein在回答政府为何借债而不是印钞的问题时显得犹豫和困惑,他的回答含糊不清,未能清晰地解释政府的财政政策。 Stephanie Kelton: 作为现代货币理论(MMT)的代表人物,Stephanie Kelton的观点在视频中被提及,但没有直接引用她的具体论述。她的理论核心是政府可以根据需要印钞,但需要采取措施控制通货膨胀。

Deep Dive

A viral clip shows Jared Bernstein struggling to explain why the government borrows money. The clip is from a documentary about Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), a new school of economic thought. This episode aims to clarify why the government borrows money and explain MMT.
  • Jared Bernstein, Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors to Biden, struggled to answer why the government borrows money.
  • The viral clip is from the documentary "Finding the Money," which features economist Stephanie Kelton.
  • The documentary explores Modern Monetary Theory (MMT).

Shownotes Transcript


So recently I started looking at my wellness routine and I wanted to see if there was any way I could enhance my results. I looked at my vitamins and I realized they were not as clean as I had thought. The list of ingredients was long with things like gelatin and artificial flavors, which obviously have no added value and can cause some digestive issues. After doing some research, I came across Vimergy. Vimergy makes liquid vitamins and supplements that use clean ingredients and are not loaded with unnecessary fillers and binders.

like citric acid. And because they're liquid, they absorb faster than tablets, gummies, and capsules. And they're much easier to take if you have difficulty swallowing your pills, which I always have. It's a whole process. I've tried putting the water in first and then the vitamins,

And unlike multivitamins, you can actually customize your vitamin routine so you only take what you need and nothing you don't. They're honestly so easy to integrate into my day. I just add them into my morning juice or smoothie and at night in my tea before I go to bed. Right now, Vimergy is offering my listeners free shipping using the code MNN. And you can save up to 12% with their Mix and Save program. That's, with code MNN.

MNN, as in Money News Network. Try them today. I can't wait to hear what you think and more importantly, how you feel. One of the most stressful periods of my life was when I was in credit card debt. I got to a point where I just knew that I had to get it under control for my financial future.

and also for my mental health. We've all hit a point where we've realized it was time to make some serious money moves. So take control of your finances by using a Chime checking account with features like no maintenance fees, fee-free overdraft up to $200, or getting paid up to two days early with direct deposit. Learn more at slash MNN. When you check out Chime, you'll see that you can overdraft up to $200 with no fees.

If you're an OG listener, you know about my infamous $35 overdraft fee that I got from buying a $7 latte and how I am still very fired up about it. If I had Chime back then, that wouldn't even be a story. Make your fall finances a little greener by working toward your financial goals with Chime. Open your account in just two minutes at slash MNN. That's slash MNN. Chime feels like progress.

I'm Nicole Lappin, the only financial expert you don't need a dictionary to understand. It's time for some money rehab. ♪

So a bunch of you tagged me in this clip that's been going around on social media. It's this really cringy video of Jared Bernstein, who's the chair of the Council of Economic Advisors to Biden,

stumbling over his words as he attempts to answer this question: Why does the government borrow money when it could just print more money? Now, we do not know what happened in this edit room, but Mr. Bernstein does not look great. He says a lot of "uhs" and says the question is confusing and says the government borrows money through bums and then says, "Is that what they do?" But I'll link the full clip in the episode description in case you haven't seen it, but

But it's not a really good look. The clip is from a documentary called Finding the Money about a new school of economic thought called Modern Monetary Theory, featuring the economist Stephanie Kelton. The scene in question goes down in the first 15 minutes, so it's super secondhand embarrassing to watch.

So today I'm going to help Jared out and break down why the government borrows money and modern monetary theory in a way that is crystal clear. Let's start with a look at the current money-making machine in the U.S. in 2024.

The U.S. government prints its own money. Remembering that fact is key to everything we're going to talk about today. The Department of Treasury prints the actual bills, but money is digitally created when the Federal Reserve buys securities like bonds and pays for them with newly created dollars.

Yes, money is also created by banks when they loan out money that they're holding in their reserve, but we have plenty to cover at the federal level today, so that's a rabbit hole for another day. In some ways, it would be pretty cool if the US could just print money whenever it needed money. Because instead of doing that, the US gets money from bonds or taxes. Bonds are great because if you buy a bond, the government gives you your money back and then some. Taxes are less of a crowd pleaser because that's essentially the government taking some of your money away,

So if the government could just print money instead of mandating taxes, that would be pretty sweet. But that would also be problematic. And the reason it's problematic actually goes back to the origin of the US dollar itself.

The US has a fiat currency. Fiat currency is a type of currency that isn't backed by something physical like gold, but instead the US dollar is backed by the goodwill and credit of the US government. Which sounds really corny, but the whole financial system is built on trust. When you tap your phone to pay at CVS, you're trusting that they're gonna charge you for your granola bar and not stick you with a bill for 700 bucks.

You're trusting that the bank will have your money and then send it to CBS. I mean, what's a little more faith in the process, right? For a long time, the US government did actually back their money with gold. They limited the amount of currency in circulation to the amount of physical gold in a vault. Until January 30th of 1934, you could, in theory, turn in your dollar for the equivalent amount of gold, and then the government would shred your dollar and you would have the gold. The end.

The government would have to shred the dollar because you would have the gold and the dollar would be unbacked. Putting aside the issues of storing the 60,080,816 pounds of gold needed to back the current amount of US dollars in circulation, basing your currency on the number of shiny rocks you can get out of the ground has some even bigger drawbacks.

If someone discovers a gold mine, for example, the amount of gold in circulation would increase, driving down the price of gold and decreasing the value of currency, which is essentially inflation. And on the flip side, if the government failed to snag more gold as their economy boomed, it could drive up the value of the currency and cause a period of deflation, which could be totally catastrophic.

So while gold sounds stable, it's actually not. As a result, the whole world decided gold was so last century and ditched it for fiat currency. And that scenario of discovering a mine? That's why the government can't just print currency when it needs it. It leads to inflation. Let's circle back to where all of this started with the video about Modern Monetary Theory, or MMT.

Conventional economic thought says that we can't create more money to solve problems or we will cause inflation. MMT says we can create more money to solve problems, but it will also cause inflation and we need to prevent or fix that.

But both schools of thought agree on this core question. If the United States government created more money whenever it needed it, it would cause inflation. Let's double click on the difference between those two schools of thought and why or if this difference matters. Traditional thinking is that the U.S. government is like a house.

Ideally, it would be debt free and only spend what it took in as income. In this case, taxes would be the income. The traditional goal is a balanced budget. This is why a government debt of over $35 trillion freaks out the folks on Capitol Hill. But MMT says we've got this all messed up. The government is not like a household. And the only way you could compare your household to the government is if you happen to have a money tree in your backyard.

Under MMT thinking, the government should just flip the switch on the money printer to on and fund everything. And all that debt? MMT doesn't believe in that either. Every dollar of debt the US government has is a dollar they spent and didn't tax back from you. It's actually a credit on your side, which kinda, yeah, it is.

Here's where things get tricky. Imagine if the government went too crazy with that money printer because an irresponsible government could just keep printing money. Need a palace for the president. No big deal. Print more money. But as we've already covered, this is where the cautionary tale of hyperinflation comes in. Hyperinflation is totally jacked up inflation. It's when prices skyrocket by more than 50% in a single month.

That exact scenario has caused problems with hyperinflation around the world. Germany, Ecuador, Zimbabwe have all suffered from hyperinflation as a result of reckless governments going crazy with the money printer. MMT doesn't say hyperinflation won't happen. MMT agrees that printing money leads to inflation. MMT also doesn't say hyperinflation, no biggie. MMT agrees that hyperinflation is a problem.

The real difference between MMT and historic economic thought is that historic economic thought basically says that the government should not make money when it needs it. It should borrow money and then deal with the debt problem. MMT says the government should print money whenever it needs it and then deal with the inflation problem. No train of thought is problem free. It's more a matter of choosing the lesser of two evils.

For today's tip, you can take straight to the bank. If you're worried about inflation taking a bite out of your retirement savings, make sure that you hedge your portfolio with holdings that thrive in inflationary environments. Gold, for example, is priced in US dollars. So that means that during inflationary periods, gold tends to increase in value to help you keep up even when things get more pricey.

So recently I started looking at my wellness routine and I wanted to see if there was any way I could enhance my results. I looked at my vitamins and I realized they were not as clean as I had thought. The list of ingredients was long with things like gelatin and artificial flavors, which obviously have no added value and can cause some digestive issues. After doing some research, I came across Vimergy. Vimergy makes liquid vitamins and supplements that use clean ingredients and are not loaded with unnecessary fillers and binders.

like citric acid. And because they're liquid, they absorb faster than tablets, gummies, and capsules. And they're much easier to take if you have difficulty swallowing your pills, which I always have. It's a whole process. I've tried putting the water in first and then the vitamins.

And unlike multivitamins, you can actually customize your vitamin routine so you only take what you need and nothing you don't. They're honestly so easy to integrate into my day. I just add them into my morning juice or smoothie and at night in my tea before I go to bed. Right now, Vimergy is offering my listeners free shipping using the code MNN. And you can save up to 12% with their Mix and Save program. That's,,

with code MNN, as in Money News Network. Try them today. I can't wait to hear what you think, and more importantly, how you feel. Money Rehabbers, we know all too well that financial worries can pop up at any time. Am I planning for retirement properly? Am I taking advantage of every tax deduction I possibly can be? I mean, the list goes on

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Don't wait for those important financial questions to finally get answered. Head to Money Pickle now and schedule a free meeting to figure out your financial next steps. Go to slash MNN. That's slash MNN. Money Rehab is a production of Money News Network. I'm your host, Nicole Lappin. Money Rehab's executive producer is Morgan Levoy. Our researcher is Emily Holmes.

Do you need some money rehab? And let's be honest, we all do. So email us your money questions, moneyrehab at to potentially have your questions answered on the show or even have a one-on-one intervention with me. And follow us on Instagram at moneynews and TikTok at moneynewsnetwork for exclusive video content. And lastly, thank you. No, seriously, thank you. Thank you for listening and for investing in yourself, which is the most important investment you can make.

So recently I started looking at my wellness routine and I wanted to see if there was any way I could enhance my results. I looked at my vitamins and I realized they were not as clean as I had thought. The list of ingredients was long with things like gelatin and artificial flavors, which obviously have no added value and can cause some digestive issues. After doing some research, I came across Vimergy. Vimergy makes liquid vitamins and supplements that use clean ingredients and are not loaded with unnecessary fillers and binders.

like citric acid. And because they're liquid, they absorb faster than tablets, gummies, and capsules. And they're much easier to take if you have difficulty swallowing your pills, which I always have. It's a whole process. I've tried putting the water in first and then the vitamins.

And unlike multivitamins, you can actually customize your vitamin routine so you only take what you need and nothing you don't. They're honestly so easy to integrate into my day. I just add them into my morning juice or smoothie and at night in my tea before I go to bed. Right now, Vimergy is offering my listeners free shipping using the code MNN. And you can save up to 12% with their Mix and Save program. That's, with code MNN.

MNN, as in Money News Network. Try them today. I can't wait to hear what you think and more importantly, how you feel.