cover of episode Why Doesn't the Government Just Print More Money? Some Economists Are Arguing for More Money

Why Doesn't the Government Just Print More Money? Some Economists Are Arguing for More Money

logo of podcast Money Rehab with Nicole Lapin

Money Rehab with Nicole Lapin

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Nicole Lappin
Nicole Lappin: 本期节目讨论了美国政府为何借债而不是直接印钞来解决财政问题。视频开头引用了Jared Bernstein在一次采访中对于该问题的含糊其辞的回答,以此引出话题。Nicole Lappin详细解释了美国政府发行货币的方式,指出财政部印刷纸币,而美联储通过购买债券等证券并用新创造的美元支付来创造数字货币。她还解释了政府通过发行债券和征税来获得资金,并指出直接印钞的潜在问题在于可能导致通货膨胀。她回顾了美元的历史,解释了美元曾与黄金挂钩,以及这种制度的弊端。她进一步解释了现代货币理论(MMT)与传统经济学在处理政府财政问题上的不同观点。传统经济学认为政府应该像家庭一样,保持收支平衡,而MMT则认为政府可以根据需要印钞,但需要控制通货膨胀。Nicole Lappin总结了两种理论的异同,并指出选择哪种理论取决于对通货膨胀和债务风险的权衡。最后,她还给出了应对通货膨胀的投资建议。 Jared Bernstein: 视频中,Jared Bernstein在回答政府为何借债而不是印钞的问题时显得犹豫和困惑,他的回答含糊不清,未能清晰地解释政府的财政政策。 Stephanie Kelton: 作为现代货币理论(MMT)的代表人物,Stephanie Kelton的观点在视频中被提及,但没有直接引用她的具体论述。她的理论核心是政府可以根据需要印钞,但需要采取措施控制通货膨胀。

Deep Dive

A viral clip shows Jared Bernstein struggling to explain why the government borrows money. The clip is from a documentary about Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), a new school of economic thought. This episode aims to clarify why the government borrows money and explain MMT.
  • Jared Bernstein, Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors to Biden, struggled to answer why the government borrows money.
  • The viral clip is from the documentary "Finding the Money," which features economist Stephanie Kelton.
  • The documentary explores Modern Monetary Theory (MMT).

Shownotes Transcript

You may have seen the viral clip of Jared Bernstein (former Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors for Biden during the Obama Administration), fumble through answering the questions: if the United States just makes its own currency… why would it ever borrow money or go into debt? Why doesn’t the government just… create more money? Nicole taps in to answer this question today and along the way, explains the new economic school of thought— Modern Monetary Theory— that is turning this question on its head.

As promised, here is the cringe-y clip: