cover of episode #104 Importing Foreign Content & Experiences

#104 Importing Foreign Content & Experiences

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Middle Earth - China’s cultural industry podcast

Aladin Farré
Marion Bertagna
Yoyo Sun
Aladin Farré: 尽管中国市场因其严格的政策法规和独特的观众口味而被认为是难以进入的市场,但一些人成功地将国际内容带给了中国观众。这表明,只要内容足够优秀,就能跨越时间和空间的限制,获得中国观众的认可。历史上,即使在清朝时期,像《福尔摩斯》这样的外国优秀作品也能在中国获得广泛的传播。 目前,中国对外国电影的进口配额有限,但一些外国电影仍然取得了巨大的票房成功,例如《异形:罗慕路斯》在美国和中国的票房都达到了1亿美元。在出版领域,2021年有超过3600万册外国图书进入中国市场,总价值超过2.5亿美元。在线音乐平台上,像Cardi B这样的国际音乐家也拥有大量的中国粉丝。这说明,外国文化产品在中国市场仍然有一定的发展空间。 本期节目将重点讨论线下活动,如展览和音乐会,探讨将外国文化内容和艺术家带入中国的机遇和挑战,并分析中国观众的口味变化。 Marion Bertagna: 我在中国生活了15年,期间参与组织了各种文化项目,见证了中国观众对文化内容的接受度不断提高。一线城市,如上海、北京、广州等,对外国文化内容的需求尤其旺盛。大型展览和知名艺术家的演出更容易获得成功,但对于知名度较低的项目,则需要付出更多努力来寻找目标受众。 在与中国博物馆合作的过程中,我发现很多新成立的博物馆缺乏馆藏,需要从国外引进展览。这为外国文化机构提供了机会。但同时,将大型展览带入中国需要处理大量的文书工作,需要与经验丰富的机构合作才能顺利完成。 中国博物馆的观众群体比法国年轻,更渴望学习。他们对艺术的热情很高,也愿意带孩子一起学习艺术知识。 在经济下行时期,人们可能会更加谨慎地选择文化活动,但博物馆行业仍然有增长潜力。博物馆可以通过举办更具沉浸感的展览等方式来吸引更多观众。 Yoyo Sun: 我曾经在医疗行业工作,后来转行成为一名制作人,致力于将外国音乐家带入中国市场。在一线城市举办音乐会更容易获得成功,因为目标受众更集中,赞助商也更容易找到。在二线城市,售票则比较困难。 将外国音乐家带到中国需要经过严格的审查制度,需要审核歌词、音乐风格、服装等各个方面。与外国音乐家合作时,需要评估他们的知名度和在中国市场的粉丝数量,以便制定相应的营销策略。 对于知名度较低的音乐家,需要投入大量的资金进行推广,才能吸引足够的观众。社交媒体和音乐平台是重要的推广渠道。 在经济下行时期,需要更谨慎地选择音乐家和演出项目,并做好市场调研,才能降低风险。选择合适的目标受众和独特的文化项目依然有市场机会。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is there a growing interest in foreign cultural content in China?

The Chinese audience has evolved over the years, with a stronger appetite for foreign cultural content, especially in larger cities like Beijing and Shanghai. There is a growing demand for diverse cultural experiences, and foreign content often attracts a younger, more curious audience.

What is the annual quota for importing foreign films into China?

The annual quota for importing foreign films into Chinese cinemas is 34 movies per year.

How much did the movie 'Alien Romulus' earn at the Chinese box office?

The movie 'Alien Romulus' earned $100 million at the Chinese box office, which was the same amount as its U.S. box office earnings.

How many foreign books were introduced to the Chinese market in 2021?

In 2021, over 36 million foreign books were introduced to the Chinese market, generating over $250 million in revenue.

How many fans does Cardi B have on the Chinese music platform NetEase?

Cardi B has nearly 1 million fans on the Chinese music platform NetEase since September 2024.

What are the main challenges in bringing foreign musicians to China?

The main challenges include finding the right target audience, extensive marketing, and ensuring that the musicians are well-known enough to attract interest. Smaller-name artists require significant investment in promotion to gain visibility.

Which cities are most suitable for organizing concerts and exhibitions in China?

Most concerts and exhibitions are organized in tier-one cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, as these cities have a more developed market and a higher concentration of potential attendees.

What role does censorship play in organizing cultural events in China?

Censorship in China requires that all materials, including lyrics, music, and stage performances, be reviewed and approved by the government. This includes checking the content of dances and the attire worn on stage.

How has the Chinese audience's knowledge of foreign art and culture grown over the years?

The Chinese audience's knowledge of foreign art and culture has significantly grown, with more people attending contemporary dance shows and exhibitions. There is a younger, more engaged audience that actively seeks out cultural experiences and educates themselves online.

What is the significance of the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between France and China?

The 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between France and China has been marked by over 400 cultural events across China, highlighting the long-standing cultural and diplomatic collaborations between the two countries. These events are supported by a wide network of institutions and individuals.

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Despite China's reputation for having difficulty selling cultural products due to local regulations and the audience's taste, some do manage to bridge the Chinese audience with international content. Where do such opportunities lie, and how has the Chinese audience evolved over the years?Featuring- Marion Bertagna: MB Projects - Founder & Director- Sun Wenxin (aka Yoyo): Global Concert Organizer

To go further- Middle Earth episode #87 How local government & foundations sponsor culture in China)- Middle Earth episode #77 Big in China: Bringing Foreign Creators Onto Chinese Platforms)- Middle Earth episode #60 The Golden Age of China's Museums?)- TWOC's article Can China’s Detective Novels Finally Make Crime Pay?) by Jesse Young- International dancers mentioned : Rachid Ouramdane, Pina BauschMiddle Earth is made by China Compass Productions and hosted by Aladin Farré). If you have a China-themed cultural project, like shooting your next documentary, or are looking for a specific talent, please get in touch! 

Chinese speaker? Follow our Bilibili account 阿拉丁_说电影)With thanks Li Muyuan for research, and Sean Calvo) for music support.

The World of Chinese Magazine)A magazine about Chinese society, culture, history, arts, language, and more.