cover of episode MELODY|子宫是女性重要的器官,只要保养好子宫,子宫好,人不显老!|健康星期四


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MELODY 健康星期四 - Radio Station [CHI]

Grace Koo
Nicole Chiu
Grace Koo: 宫寒症状:痛经、月经量异常(过多或过少)、经血颜色异常(过深或过浅,甚至有血块)、怕冷、手脚冰冷、腹部温度低、白带增多、容易疲劳、脸色苍白或发黄、胃肠不适(消化不良、腹胀)。宫寒是女性常见问题,可能在生命中某个阶段出现,及时调理可改善,否则可能发展成其他妇科疾病。不保养子宫容易导致月经紊乱、痛经、阴道感染、不孕、早衰、子宫肌瘤、卵巢囊肿、子宫内膜异位症、多囊卵巢综合征甚至癌症。子宫健康会反映在脸上,子宫不好会引起内分泌失调,导致面部浮肿、气色差、皮肤暗沉、苍白、干燥、下垂和提前衰老。 生活方式建议:减压放松、保暖腹部和腿部、多运动、少吃寒凉食物(如生鱼片、苦瓜、冬瓜、绿豆)。红枣、姜茶、当归等食物可以辅助缓解宫寒,但需长期坚持,需注意个体差异和潜在副作用,食补不能解决严重的宫寒问题,只能作为辅助手段。 Nicole Chiu: 宫寒是指腹部血液循环不良,导致经血排出不干净,血块堆积形成血瘤,从而导致子宫代谢异常、荷尔蒙失调,最终可能导致子宫息肉和子宫肌瘤等问题。子宫健康需要良好的血液循环,才能保证营养吸收和荷尔蒙分泌正常,以及废物排出。 London Weight Management 的 Advanced Ginger 护理包括三个步骤:深层透热扩张血管、生姜精华荷尔蒙按摩、当归面膜敷腹,旨在改善血液循环、平衡内分泌、缓解痛经、预防妇科疾病、改善肠胃问题。此护理适用于有宫寒或肠胃问题的人群,可以改善气色和皮肤状态。子宫下垂并非只有产后女性才会发生,年龄增长、肌肉衰弱、肥胖等都可能导致子宫下垂,初期症状可能为打喷嚏或跳跃时漏尿,严重时可能出现器官外露。Advanced Ginger Treatment 通过促进腹部血流量,改善肠胃蠕动、酶分泌,从而改善消化不良、胀气、便秘等问题,很多顾客在护理过程中会有打嗝或放屁的现象,这是因为体内废气排出所致。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What are the common symptoms of 'gong han' (uterine cold) in women?

Common symptoms include menstrual pain, irregular menstrual flow (too much or too little), dark or light menstrual blood, blood clots, cold sensitivity, cold hands and feet, lower abdominal temperature, excessive vaginal discharge, fatigue, pale or yellowish complexion, and digestive issues like discomfort after eating cold foods or indigestion.

Why is uterine health crucial for women?

Uterine health is vital because poor uterine care can lead to menstrual disorders, painful periods, frequent vaginal infections, infertility, early menopause, and conditions like uterine fibroids, cysts, or polyps. It also increases the risk of cancer. The uterus is often called a woman's 'second face,' as its condition reflects on skin health, affecting complexion, aging, and overall vitality.

How does 'gong han' contribute to uterine tumors?

'Gong han' (uterine cold) impairs blood circulation in the abdomen, leading to incomplete expulsion of menstrual blood and abnormal blood clots. These clots can accumulate, forming blood tumors. Poor uterine metabolism and hormonal imbalances caused by 'gong han' can also lead to polyps or fibroids.

What lifestyle and dietary changes can help maintain uterine health?

Women should reduce stress, stay warm (especially the abdomen and legs), and stay active to promote circulation. Those with 'gong han' should avoid cold foods like raw fish, bitter melon, and mung beans. Warm foods like ginger tea, red dates, and angelica can help, but long-term intake is key. However, sugary ginger teas may lead to obesity or heatiness in some individuals.

What professional treatments are available for uterine health?

London's Advanced Ginger Treatment uses high-tech instruments to improve abdominal blood circulation and organ function. It includes hormone massage with ginger essence to regulate hormones and strengthen pelvic muscles, preventing uterine displacement. A ginger body mask with plant-based activators is applied to enhance blood flow, regulate menstruation, and prevent gynecological issues.

How does uterine health affect aging in women?

Uterine health directly impacts skin condition and overall aging. Poor uterine health can lead to endocrine imbalances, causing skin issues like puffiness, dullness, dryness, and premature aging. Maintaining uterine health helps preserve vitality, metabolism, and a youthful appearance, reinforcing the saying 'a healthy uterus keeps you young.'

What are the stages of uterine prolapse, and how can it be managed?

Uterine prolapse has four stages. Stage 1-2 involves mild symptoms like urine leakage during sneezing or jumping. Stage 3 includes a feeling of heaviness when squatting, while Stage 4 involves visible organ protrusion, requiring surgery. Early treatment, such as ginger-based therapies, can prevent progression and alleviate symptoms.

How does the Advanced Ginger Treatment aid digestion?

The treatment enhances abdominal blood flow, improving circulation to the digestive organs. This boosts enzyme secretion and intestinal motility, alleviating issues like constipation, indigestion, and bloating. The hormone massage also helps release trapped gas, providing relief from discomfort.

This chapter explores the common symptoms associated with uterine cold, a prevalent issue among women. These symptoms can manifest in various ways, including menstrual irregularities, excessive or insufficient menstrual flow, abnormal blood color, cold extremities, abdominal discomfort, and digestive problems. The condition may be temporary or persistent, depending on individual health and constitution.
  • Painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea)
  • Abnormal menstrual flow (amount, color, clots)
  • Cold extremities
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Digestive issues
  • Excessive vaginal discharge
  • Uterine cold can be temporary or chronic

Shownotes Transcript
