cover of episode MELODY|疫苗护航,让旅途更安心!|健康星期四


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MELODY 健康星期四 - Radio Station [CHI]

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Jason 林振前
Vivian 汪惠欣
张洪健医生: 旅行前接种疫苗至关重要,可以有效预防在旅途中可能接触到的当地特殊疾病,例如黄热病或伤寒。 疫苗接种不仅能保护个人健康,避免旅途中生病,还能防止将疾病带回国传染给家人朋友。 接种疫苗的重要性体现在四个方面:减少健康风险(避免接触陌生的环境、水源、食物和蚊虫叮咬);保护他人(避免将疾病带回家乡);满足入境要求(部分国家强制要求接种特定疫苗);预防不可预测的疫情(例如新冠疫情)。 建议接种流感疫苗和肺炎疫苗,并根据旅行目的地选择其他特定疫苗,例如前往中国建议接种甲肝和乙肝疫苗,前往中东建议接种甲肝、乙肝和脑膜炎疫苗。 疫苗选择需个性化考虑,需根据年龄、既往病史等因素决定。 疫苗接种后可能出现常见副作用(局部疼痛、红肿、发热等,通常持续一到三天)和全身反应(发热、疲劳、肌肉酸痛等,通常持续一两天),严重副作用(面部或喉咙肿胀、呼吸困难、心跳加速等)应立即就医。 严重的副作用通常在几分钟到几小时内发生,很少会在几天或几周后发生。 免疫系统有问题的旅行者(例如器官移植患者、HIV患者和化疗患者)应谨慎接种活疫苗(例如黄热病疫苗、麻疹疫苗、腮腺炎疫苗和风疹疫苗)。 对蛋白质过敏者应谨慎接种流感疫苗和黄热病疫苗等。 慢性病患者在旅行前应进行身体评估,评估健康状况是否稳定,例如血糖控制、心脏功能和肺功能。 慢性病患者旅行时应携带所需药物和病史文件。 Vivian 汪惠欣: 过去人们认为只有去卫生条件较差的国家才需要接种疫苗,但实际上需要根据目的地和当地疾病情况决定。 Jason 林振前: 大多数疫苗需要在接种后两到四个星期才能发挥作用,建议在旅行前六到八个星期接种。 除了接种疫苗,还应采取其他预防措施,例如使用驱蚊剂、饮用干净水、避免食用街边食物等。 蔡婉儿药剂师: 人们常问的关于旅行前疫苗的问题包括:需要接种哪些疫苗、接种原因、疫苗安全性等。 新冠疫情后,人们对旅行前疫苗接种的意识有所提高。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is it important to get vaccinated before traveling?

Vaccination provides protection against diseases that may be uncommon in one's home country but prevalent in travel destinations. It reduces health risks, protects others by preventing the spread of diseases, meets entry requirements for certain countries, and prepares for unpredictable outbreaks like COVID-19.

What are the four key reasons for getting vaccinated before traveling?

The four key reasons are: reducing health risks by protecting against unfamiliar environments, food, and insect bites; protecting others by preventing the spread of diseases; meeting entry requirements for certain countries; and preparing for unpredictable global outbreaks.

Which vaccines are commonly recommended for travelers?

Commonly recommended vaccines for travelers include influenza and pneumonia vaccines. For specific destinations, vaccines like Hepatitis A and B, meningitis, and typhoid may be advised, especially for regions like the Middle East or countries with lower hygiene standards.

What are the potential side effects of travel vaccines?

Common side effects include localized pain, redness, swelling, mild fever, fatigue, muscle aches, and headaches, which typically resolve within 1-3 days. Rare but severe side effects, such as allergic reactions, may include facial or throat swelling, difficulty breathing, or rapid heartbeat, requiring immediate medical attention.

How long before travel should one get vaccinated?

It is recommended to get vaccinated 6-8 weeks before travel, as most vaccines take 2-4 weeks to become effective. This allows time for the body to develop immunity and manage any potential side effects.

What additional precautions should travelers take besides vaccination?

Travelers should use insect repellent, wear long-sleeved clothing, drink bottled water, avoid street food, maintain good hygiene, avoid swimming in freshwater, and carry preventive medications like antimalarials or probiotics, depending on the destination.

What should travelers with chronic illnesses consider before their trip?

Travelers with chronic illnesses should consult their doctor to assess their health status, ensure stable conditions like blood sugar or heart function, and carry necessary medications and medical records. Vaccines like influenza or pneumonia may also be recommended.

What are the risks of live vaccines for travelers with compromised immune systems?

Live vaccines, such as those for yellow fever, measles, mumps, rubella, and chickenpox, pose risks for individuals with compromised immune systems, including organ transplant recipients, HIV patients, or those undergoing chemotherapy, as they may trigger infections.

  • 疫苗提供防护,预防旅行中可能接触到的当地特殊疾病
  • 接种疫苗保护自己,避免把疾病传染给他人
  • 有些国家入境要求游客接种特定疫苗
  • 全球化疾病的风险,例如新冠

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