cover of episode MELODY|孩子也会有压力?从心理学了解青少年心理健康!|健康星期四


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MELODY 健康星期四 - Radio Station [CHI]

王诗柔: 青少年面临的压力,一部分源于社会环境变化,但压力本身并非新问题,关键在于察觉、探讨压力源,并找到适合的应对方法。现代青少年更注重心理需求,而非物质满足,而父母因工作繁忙,难以给予充分陪伴,加剧了这一问题。 常见的青少年心理问题表现包括情绪波动大、易发脾气或沉默寡言、不愿上学或出门、以及身体不适等。长期焦虑会引发躯体症状,需要先排除生理疾病,再考虑心理因素。 发现问题后,家长应首先改善沟通,调整孩子的作息和饮食,以稳定情绪。通过与孩子建立轻松信任的关系,而非等级森严的家长式关系,并根据孩子的需求调整时间分配,可以更好地帮助孩子。 心理咨询可以有效帮助青少年改善抑郁、焦虑、自伤等问题,并逐步建立生活规划和健康的人际关系。一个成功的案例中,青少年通过持续的心理咨询,克服了过度睡眠、抑郁、焦虑等问题,最终改善了与父母的关系,并对未来有了规划。 Jackson林珍倩, Vivian温慧欣, Jason林振前, Vivian汪慧恩: 节目讨论了青少年心理健康问题,并邀请临床心理师王诗柔解答家长疑问。节目中,主持人与嘉宾共同探讨了青少年心理问题的表现、成因以及应对策略,并分享了具体的案例,旨在帮助家长更好地了解和帮助青少年。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is it important to understand the psychological needs of teenagers today?

Teenagers today face unique pressures due to changes in societal and educational environments. Their psychological needs extend beyond material satisfaction to include emotional care, attention, and companionship, which are often unmet due to parents' busy work schedules.

What are some signs that a teenager might be experiencing psychological stress?

Signs include sudden emotional sensitivity, mood swings, reluctance to attend school, physical symptoms like headaches or stomachaches, and a noticeable decline in academic performance.

How can parents effectively communicate with their teenagers about mental health?

Parents should focus on building a trusting and comfortable relationship with their teenagers, rather than enforcing a hierarchical parent-child dynamic. Open communication and understanding the teenager's perspective are crucial.

What steps can parents take if they notice their teenager is struggling with mental health issues?

Parents should first ensure their teenager receives a thorough medical check-up to rule out physical causes. If the issues are psychological, seeking professional help and adjusting the teenager's routine, such as improving sleep quality and dietary habits, can be beneficial.

Can psychological stress manifest as physical symptoms in teenagers?

Yes, prolonged anxiety and stress can lead to physical symptoms such as chest tightness, difficulty breathing, and other somatic complaints. It's important to address both the psychological and physical aspects of these symptoms.

  • 每个时代的孩子都面临压力,但压力源和应对方式不同。
  • 当代青少年更注重心理需求,而非物质需求。
  • 家长应关注青少年情绪波动、行为变化和身体不适等信号。

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