Listen to riveting life stories shared by a diverse array of individuals, guided by Ian Bick whose o
Retired NYPD Detective Tom Smith, host of the Gold Shields podcast, shares his remarkable 17-year jo
Chris Sharpe, a former skinhead prison gang member, opens up about his journey from gang life in a C
Dane Gentry shares his story of escaping prison, evading law enforcement, and spending a total of 20
Capo shares his journey of survival as a Vice Lord in one of America’s toughest federal prisons and
Alexander Cordero, a former gang member, shares his unique story of turning to witchcraft to protect
Tony Hernandez, a former NYPD transit cop, shares his insider knowledge on subway crime, how to stay
Clever shares his journey from a life on the edge to becoming an artist in the music industry. Known
Caitlin Burchill, an NBC Connecticut Consumer Investigator, joins us to dive into the documentary Tr
Matt Wagner shares his journey of founding his own motorcycle club, gaining recognition from the Out
Hank Carisio shares his story of going from a hockey star to a life of crime that eventually led him
Victor Abraham shares his powerful story of being wrongfully accused and framed for robbery by NYPD
Jeffrey Feller shares his journey from being an inmate at Rikers Island due to a misunderstanding to
Jeff Grant, a former lawyer who served time in federal prison, shares his unique journey from a succ
Donnie Worley, a former gang member, breaks down how prison gangs operate inside Texas maximum secur
Nino Breeze shares his story, from a million-dollar drug bust that led him to federal prison to secu
Jessica Renner shares how she got caught up in cooking meth, racked up criminal charges, and survive
Boston’s Bean Shooter reveals how he got caught up in a life of crime, robbing banks, and eventually
Nathan Carter, a seasoned county jailer, sat down with Ian for an in-depth interview inside the cour