Listen to riveting life stories shared by a diverse array of individuals, guided by Ian Bick whose o
Mo shares the shocking story of a robbery gone wrong that led to a 15-year sentence in one of Florid
Jonathan Bittner, Army Veteran, explains how his deployment to Afghanistan led to addiction. He shar
Justyna Rzewinski, former Clinical Supervisor for Mental Health at Rikers Island, exposes the shocki
Jadon Russell shares his experience inside gang life, from street violence to surviving in maximum-s
Jose A. Saldana opens up about his life as a former Young Lord, committing bank robberies, surviving
Jamie Buford, a former undercover officer with the South Bend Police Department, saw his career take
Daniel Mishiyev shares his experience of getting involved in a criminal conspiracy, going on the run
Darren Monohan shares his experience working as a prison guard at San Quentin, guarding Charles Mans
Emanuel Lewis shares his experience as a correctional officer and exposes corruption inside Dallas C
Zak Williams shares his experience as a bartender, the impact of alcohol and drug addiction, and the
Anthony "Nippy" Ames, a former college athlete and aspiring actor, became involved with NXIVM, an or
Marc Smerling is an American film producer, screenwriter, cinematographer, and director. He co-wrote
K – Locked up young after street fights and family struggles, shares what life was like inside juven
Norge Mastrangelo, A former money launderer, shares what it was like inside a criminal organization,
Dr. Robb Kelly is a world-renowned addiction expert, often referred to as "The Addiction Doctor." He
Shelley Winner, a former meth trafficker turned corporate success, shares her journey from surviving
Raquel Bryant, a former corrections officer, shares what it’s like working inside the Arizona prison
Rico is a Brooklyn, New York, resident who survived a harrowing attempt on his life orchestrated by
Matthew Griffin – Former undercover narcotics detective and author of Journey to Midnight - shares h
Cassei Ricci shares her story about life inside a Connecticut women's prison and how strict drug law