Listen to riveting life stories shared by a diverse array of individuals, guided by Ian Bick whose o
Reed Byers shares how he went from dealing meth to being taken down by law enforcement, serving time
Cassandra DeGraw’s life took a dark turn when addiction led her down an unexpected path. After strug
Jim Weber started in state law enforcement before moving up to the federal level, eventually becomin
Robert Yarber shares what it was like to serve time in Oregon’s most notorious prison. From violent
Matthew Jamison reveals how stolen checks from the black market fueled a financial fraud operation.
Branden Terrell recalls the night he took another man’s life, the weight of that moment, and how he
Patrick Stork shares the struggles of his teenage years, from getting expelled from school to battli
Laura Whitehorn, a dedicated activist since the 1960s, shares her compelling story of radical activi
Rachel Mcintosh opens up about how she became addicted to alcohol, the impact it had on her life, an
Mason Balbier shares how drug addiction led to a shocking bank robbery spree, the high-stakes moment
Tim Ryan shares his journey from spending millions on drugs to surviving seven years in prison and t
Michael Bryant reveals how he robbed drug dealers through home invasions, the dangers of that life,
Mo shares the shocking story of a robbery gone wrong that led to a 15-year sentence in one of Florid
Jonathan Bittner, Army Veteran, explains how his deployment to Afghanistan led to addiction. He shar
Justyna Rzewinski, former Clinical Supervisor for Mental Health at Rikers Island, exposes the shocki
Jadon Russell shares his experience inside gang life, from street violence to surviving in maximum-s
Jose A. Saldana opens up about his life as a former Young Lord, committing bank robberies, surviving
Jamie Buford, a former undercover officer with the South Bend Police Department, saw his career take
Daniel Mishiyev shares his experience of getting involved in a criminal conspiracy, going on the run
Darren Monohan shares his experience working as a prison guard at San Quentin, guarding Charles Mans