Listen to riveting life stories shared by a diverse array of individuals, guided by Ian Bick whose o
Brian Suder shares his story as a former ecstasy drug lord and one of Baltimore's biggest players in
Garet Mclendon shares his story as an ex-Peckerwood gang member, revealing his life of crime and sur
Michael Wittenberg, a U.S. citizen, shares his harrowing experience of serving nearly two years in a
Heather Bishop's life changed when her husband, Ryan Roth, was brutally murdered in 2012. In this ra
Houston Smooth shares his story of being recruited into the Tango Blast prison gang and the realitie
Qwell, a former Rikers Island prison guard, shares what 60 Days In is really like. In this episode,
Chris Stroud's life changed when he became involved in a federal RICO case for selling methamphetami
Banky Pound shares his story of being sentenced to 33 years in prison for armed robbery, the realiti
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Brian Gabbard, a pastor turned jailer, shares his journey from the pulpit to working inside a county
Retired Criminal Investigator Charlie Roberts shares his journey from a life of crime to becoming an
Dr. Nadine Macaluso shares her personal story of being married to the infamous Wolf of Wall Street,
Sean Gunby, a former accountant turned YouTuber and content creator, reveals how he exploited the U.
Scott Nagle opens up about his 10 years working as a prison guard and the mental health toll it took
Steven Darr shares his story of navigating life inside Arizona State Prison. In this episode, Steven
John Reilly, a retired police captain, shares stories from his 35-year career in law enforcement. He
Jody Tripp shares her story of running drugs for the cartel and how she managed to avoid prison desp
Ness shares his experience of being incarcerated at Rikers Island during the early 2000s. He talks a
Edgar Asencio shares his experience of being wrongfully convicted of a violent crime and serving thr