cover of episode Cleetus McFarland's Near Death Experience Flying, Dangers of Drag Racing, & His Key to Success

Cleetus McFarland's Near Death Experience Flying, Dangers of Drag Racing, & His Key to Success

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Cleetus McFarland
Cleetus McFarland 坦言,组织大型赛车活动曾是他生活中压力最大的事情,尤其是 Freedom 500 比赛。最初,他会对比赛周感到恐惧。然而,现在情况发生了改变。由于团队成员 John 和 Ryan 的出色工作,他不再像以前那样感到压力重重。John 和 Ryan 负责赛道的运营,他们的高效工作使得 Cleetus 可以在比赛当天放松身心,这对他来说是前所未有的。Cleetus 非常感激他的员工,认为他们的出色表现是他成功的关键。

Deep Dive

Cleetus McFarland discusses the stress and success of organizing events at the Freedom Factory, the importance of finding reliable employees, and the logistics of hosting large-scale races and influencer events.
  • Cleetus used to dread race weeks but now relies on a strong team.
  • He poached a key employee from his own business, highlighting the importance of commitment.
  • The Freedom Factory employs around 25 full-time staff and 30 temps during busy periods.

Shownotes Transcript


Some people bring the share.

some people come to win. I can see why yeah even writing us back.

Yeah the amount of recklessness watching you guys all trying anyway just did bad because no one like truck. I don't ever told this, by the way, the helicopter is sitting there ready, because it's so life for death of something goes wrong.

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com eight thirty .

one one .

minute bad, really good. Are we gone? Are we good?

I mean.

that's a miracle for me. The first thing he said was just tell your boys not to be too late today.

And then you said the earlier the Better.

That's just me out. great.

Well, clear file, and thank .

you for having.

brother. Yes, we're actually sitting in this is hanger right now on his compound. So thanks for one having us to your compound and your hanger, but two having us to the race tonight.

I'm excited. You know, I just tell me, you guys, I cannot believe you guys come and in the whole crew, that's an Operation. So thank you so much for coming.

Yeah, man, we're roll in deep. Oh, my guys. We've got right now like in the airbnb, it's always tough when you get to the airbnb m, we got like ten guys because we're always like who gets what room and where's everyone stay and who has to stay with each other and nobody wants to sleep together. And with evan always like a race to figure out who's where was .

sleeping the garage last night.

he was a pretty dub garage yes, I mean, it's got a nice culture stuff. But the problem with evan is he he really likes egg salad so if you know i'm going .

that yeah now George is like terrible to sleep with so they're kind of like.

man, I don't know about that.

I mean, George nors like you might also have this airplane running in your room with you if you sleep with George yeah.

that's always tough. Well, we know you got a busy day. That's why you wanted to start .

going to a crying ker.

So like, what does I like when you put on a an event for all these people come in and you've got a paper view and then you got a coral, what? Forty different races and influencers? Well.

I can tell you that I used to be the most stressful thing in my life, like by far, these race days, this race, and then the freedom. Five hundred, like the most amount stress have ever experienced in my life, was like the covet. The first one I would dread these weeks.

But you do when we, they are now, they successful, they're blast. But now they're not stressful because they have john n. Ryan, those two guys who run the track, only smokes.

Now i'm like, and i'm stressed, like to do this on the day of the races, unheard of for me. But they're so good. My employees are so good, I can do IT how you find them.

Well, josh, the head guy for the race tracks, I hosted a track clean up day, like a month after I bought the free in factory. The dude showed up with his entire long crew, you know, company, not like charging anything. He was just a volunteer day.

So there was like, random people just help and clean up the weeds because you, like, every crack in the track had. We adds up to hear shows up with the national commercial law company, moors, all commitment real employees, and just stayed for two days straight and knocked out out T A ton of work, and then he just kind of hung out like, came all the event. Sounds like, do this guy is like, so committed to making the track great for no reason one day, and there was like, do you want a job? Like, would you work here? And he told me he has a successful business.

He said, how? You know? What would you take? He came up on the number and done.

He poached, if you want to do IT, I poached him from his own. Yeah, shut down his own business. He shut IT down.

He owned the business. That's pretty crazy. He must have definitely seen, you know, the potential and where was going to duty?

Sold his trucks, found other jobs for his employees. He probably was like.

where do I want to more loans at a race track and like manage this whole race tracks and record in whatever liquid ranch were in?

Yeah, I mean, I don't know what that was like. Somebody has two kids and a wife, and he made a big changes that puts .

more pressure on you too. Though I make a work.

I never was scared have that pressure, but I know he was worried about IT like going to work for a youtube, or as you guys know, doesn't sound like the most promising thing, because youtube s are one incredible bly unstable. Like, just inherently because I like were like square ls, but too late. How do you tell you if okay, i'm A i'm going to shut down the company to go work for youtube. That's probably pretty scary. But he did IT and he is the greatest.

greatest guide.

How many guys got around you? I think the freedom factory right now, and I know others like twenty five people in the rup. Jt, so that's full time, is a full Operation that's between freedom plus freedom factory in the race shop and that's just those full time employees and then merges probably like thirty oh.

now it's always cool to see the the backend Operations of other youtube channels know because a lot of times people watching might just think it's just you and George and the and the boys at the shop, right? But like little do they know there's so much more yeah that goes into the back end.

emerges like pride hand full time and then twenty temps like when it's busy.

it's a lot of tempts yeah. We've actually with with our Operations and our merch guys, you know we've taken a lot of advice from just what you've done with your Operation and how you've set him up and really appreciate that.

Or I was this, we could help more.

We're in you're the man. You're not like you're not one of those guys that has the mentality of like there's a scarcity to competition and viewership and like you merge success like since we met you, you've wanted nothing but success for us. And I think that that says a lot because we met other youtube s that think they complete .

opposite oh yeah, we all know. But you know I can just give you quick thing. Like the guy office who brought me up, started my career, his theory was like, bring everybody up with you.

And like, when I wanted to start my channel was never like, oh, I want twenty percent to help you like, I was like his top guy for social media and he was never like, hold on, what's this clear thing about he started IT. I mean, he's going to help me started. He was always like, let me help you that's from thirteen, twenty yeah.

Kal loved this. He's like, let me help you. He helped me the whole way, never a hesitation that way.

Still have thirteen twenty as your instagram using them ah like you still cannot to pay homage to IT before I came from.

And like that mentality, I use IT everyday. That's just how I learned to be around people. And like careful people is like just help everybody. And IT actually just works out way Better in life than worrying about so much yeah people like.

yeah, rising tides, rise, rises, all boats. Why do you think that a lot of youtube s or creators are just business people in general? Don't think that way.

I think they're just scared, you know, they're just scared of what other people could potentially take from them. I do understand that mentality. If you have a lot of obligations, high overhead, something like that, you might be worried about what someone could take from you.

But so good, lack confidence in yourself.

maybe cared that you probably the lifespan of your said channel might be shorten because someone who is doing Better.

I think that's also why you know you can get forty people show up and support you on these races. And it's definitely not just like they're just support you input money in their pocket. They have something gained by showing up and making content to what is .

still sane that all you guys like guys like you take four, five days other scheduled to come do this. I think it's insane. Forty forty drivers will be here tonight from all walks of life and motorsport. I'll still never understand that how i'm Lucy enough .

to get you like insane less to like really big names. How do you go about getting .

them when I was raised? My mom, like who you're racing against, like all national car drivers, action sports legends, like celebrity, is just everybody you just like .

and you yeah IT really doesn't make sense. I think to put like the most tangible things down, it's the car cost you nothing you you don't have any set up, require no obligation on time. You don't have to promote their zero requirements besides are arriving in racing.

And you know as us, youtube s and other guys that we don't want any obligations. We hate that, at least I do. And so for you to just show up, do whatever you want in the car and then walk away, it's kind of nice.

So I think that it's .

not like your text in you guys. Like he can you promote freedom? Plus it's literally just if you mention IT great. If not, like what is half to have your name on the drivers of list? So that works out good.

And you know now it's grown to a level of viewership that I think some of the races who are actual races they are allowed to say to their sponsor like him i'm amErica is race and it's legit enough. And IT has more exposure than ah ninety eight percent of other races. So it's for like their brands love IT, so works out good for them. That's how we get the big dacres like the mask are guys. And so I think that those are probably the reasons they show up.

It's really cool as obviously the streaming is gigg antic. But every time we mention that we're going to the free in factory, someone in the airport go, hey, me too, from all over three different airports where and people are coming from like around the country. I'm sure there's some guy from australia coming over here for this thing yeah like people come from all over and that they aren't and they aren't like people that probably attend every weekend race. They are like i'm going to close this risk because it's cool.

I bet half the people here, well, i'd say third of the people here, as we can have never been to a track in their life. This would be the first time I A track like, it's kind of like disney on ice of racing and that is like, you know, along go into the track yeah you don't .

really like skating but you like disney yeah .

your disney or .

you at the ice just .

you know the whole shot like you don't have to like ice skating to go to disney on ice with your kid and and think it's just a cool show so like all these wives and stuff that i'll come with these guys who we were just hard for car guys like this is the best track experience i've ever had because the bathrooms are clean. And it's not just our race to be like R, C. Planes flying. There's going to be shoot jumpers from the goolden nights monster, monster try. I'm telling you, the fireworks we bought for this are heavy top .

your birthday though.

because that was that wasn't sane.

Way bigger with four like safety sections for that one, the nine .

section in areas like launching .

zone yeah yeah .

just thought .

and now I know it's already nine yeah one .

thing dimension is is much more than just a race like, and the last time we .

here for your birthday for freedom .

IT just blew my mind yet over and over and over and over. Oh yeah, a helicopter on the light. Well, I mean.

that that was just one of many things. A helicopter after you guys need go home and train somebody, there's a sick prize for the April race.

We're so fucked.

Need to we need to get even track on the simulator.

What do you think the key is to winning one of these races? Because IT seems like it's Normally not the like as car guys .

even it's like I went back and watch know you've been trained.

I mean, that's about all dude.

He was laser last race first.


So it's like other .

people you can he's just a big .

red neck and .

I know a everybody like .

going to be race.

I don't know how anyone so what .

do you think the key is?

The key for this one is, you know how you guys know about the kidney being layout, right? You know that the .

race goes down and yeah the bears, he was the most and I know sometimes .

see that thing. Some people bring the show, some people come to work.

I can see why. Yeah, you keep inviting us back yeah yeah. Because it's any for the competition aspect of IT.

I love the sea voice, but if you can protect the car who's driving first.

we have figured that out.

I figured out .

i'm probably the most .

around faster.

a little IT.

But yeah, but i'm going to break the car car. I like .

you cook me in your prediction video. Personal, it's nothing personal. And then you just go in on me for five minutes.

I an then in Michael, my boys are not.

I mean, Better in a tree. And then I was, as his brakes there all last thirty years.

I really go.

This is no personal office, the sea boy's break.

guys, the day they do not know how to dry.

Fact .

that no brakes. I was all.

Poland, I didn't work at the beginning. So I come in, I go to initiate IT. The ebrahim doesn't lock him up. And then I black got panda.

so I didn't put .

me sideways. And I was like in my brain, that goes, I was supposed to be sideways at this point. What were you?

Because I love that video. So by the way, my household, me and rip are big sea boys fans for rip. I think i've sent you guys all videos. Appreciate my son watches like, I think a lot of parents do this.

We try to like limit Green time for a but also when the little guy won't eat like kids just won't eat like those today, i'm just not to eat. They really rattle the, you have to eat honey you know, we throw on sea boys do he loved IT so much you can just like feed him in the whole time. No way.

This is stuff you as learn when your parents. But what youtube channel put on go, it's guaranteed sea boy for us of twenty boys video, where IT opens up and evan crashes their bike into the frozen lake. Oh, you like if you show that the rap is like .

man got in peace.

he's in and then he was just feed in the .

guy that's funny actually heard somebody else is telling us the other day that there are little one just watches that video of ever going through the ice on repeat like that, going to be OK good for the Young brain.

little bit brain.

I got an email about that, but is specifically hot dogs. They're like, I just show, show me the video of you with your hot dog stand and then I feed him hot dogs because .

the thing it's bizarre todgers don't make a lot of no, why I don't want to skip over this break situation.

Now we're done .

so we're done. So we're, you know, we're big fans. So when we watched this video, IT was so funny.

like I i'm glad, glad that me hitting a tree was in who the corner was .

funny that I was like when I got my race track, i'm out there, no helmets bombing around, just been an idiot. And i'm watching them like these guys are being completed as with no helmets, so stupid i'm not going to back and guys you like the amount of recklessness watching you guys all .

trying to and then we got trees .

everywhere. You you know you guys can jerious but like the separation crazy and then ban is just i'm watching him like, oh no, I have to seen the title on watch oh, just yanking the break and then for turn a tree tough break.

Yeah, a tough break. You can have that. But i've never claimed to be a wheelman. I've never clad to you will and do so go into this, go into this race.

I'm like the previous sea boys that have rated in IT set in insanely low bar. You're good. And too it's like everyone that sees me out there is just like, holy shit, which walls he onna hit?

Well, the crown vex are easier to drive them. What you are trying to do on the day you .

are drifting there is a very hard.

super hard to drive. But yeah, I wasn't have oh, that's true.

that's true. But it's just that car is off. Probably harder to drift. In a typical drift car you have a trees no hell met like, all that was just IT was hilarious to me.

And then I watched guys all learned the lesson the same time like, oh, dam. And I did the same thing. I spent out a lambo that a guy let me drive right here in turn three.

No helmets went within inches of the wall, like hAllen, not like down. That was the moment at all clicked. And I saw that happen to you guys. I had a bag on a little bit because you pull the brace card out.

Ah, yeah, but what else was .

I onna do something .

that was all that. Yeah.

that tree was there for twenty years.

That's the thing though, band is what the other drivers are gonna scared of is that you're just a complete wildcard. They don't know what you're going to do. Yes, I don't even know what I mean.

couple people have showed up and one on their first race. So bran digin h big .

difference .

between brian digin. And then I .

don't know what could be. Man, might be your night, be your night if I win.

Boys, we say this every time, but we're getting a private jet. We're going going .

straight to .

the you come on and go fuck you will come with I guess .

I think you'll be right .

and I will tell you this, your car and qualifying and like I should double check, but i'm pretty sure your car, like we all fifteen lives like you do to go to set in the bar for you the best car.

I'm pretty sure that we've been getting we've been getting some lemons.

I don't think so.

Yeah, right. We might be the problem.

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how much money in crown vxl U. F?

I don't know. I heard there's one hundred and forty on property.

Oh my, got one hundred.

I think I heard, what do people?

They're all back there. Oh my, got what the problem do.

Don't let event see that this is dream one day. He wants to have, just like every vehicle that is ever broken, lined up in one spot, but don't have a big enough .

spot to put a ton back there. You should walk back there at some point.

Have you driven up the Prices on crown vicks? There's no way you find a crown vick on facebook.

mark place or on I don't know. There's a million that's called the painter jc. There's over a million of them between grand market, the moral and all of them, i'm sure, for peace.

Seven one, like police car crown vectors got to be three hundred and four hundred thousand. I don't know the number and way. If I only have one hundred forty, I driven out the Price. They're just such a good vehicle Price.

So don't people try drive up the Price on you if they find .

out they are mind? Yeah, you'd freking local auction and jacking me really. Yeah, I have to secretly buy them .

now like they were they were solum you or they were just like making of outrageous Prices.

Bag auction company, I was my cravats online. Normally I would go in person, but I was so busy as bind in my line. So i'd bit on like twenty and one day and I just set the Price like fourth.

You know how you can set the hibbing. Then someone bids IT just automatic. Was one hundred dollars above him. I said the Price four thousand for all twenty of them. Guess how much all twenty of them sold for one thousand.

one thousand?

Four thousand .

max been?

So tim and a guy called me, he goes, did you said all your max bids at something? He goes, yeah, someone ran, ran all your cars to the max bid. And they were different. They were like, actually like thirty eight hundred and then like twenty eleven and die like forty four hundred. And so in one option, I got smoked and yeah, they ve got me bad because I was buying up like twenty five hundred and three thousand and they just screwed me.

Yeah, we kind of have the same situation on a much less scale. But with our sixties.

people know they're like they need .

IT bian stuff as youtube. They see you pull up, they can and they know you it's not a great negotiating that yeah yeah.

it's really bad, especially when they see mike because they know this guy's money. Mike, you know he can. You might even pay a more, might pay more. I've seen i've seen do that.

It's bad.

And trying to sell stuff is not good either.

impossible. I don't know we've ever .

sold anything selling you br just socks yeah because you don't know someone's going to start a youtube channel based off of what you sold them. And like you just going to have to deal with that for months coming. Like i'm a terrified to sell anything because sometimes we do have job stuff under the really if we have to like if I got to get a car out to go race, there might be some little sketching on like you rewilding a control on brackets to the frame rail and then someone comes along like, does garbage work on this car and i'm always about that.

See, I was going to compare your collection. Everything seems to run really nothing works anymore after a video.

I think they're actually the same style collection most of myself.

Ves broke to fix IT use that leave a broke until you need an next.

Yeah, will use IT and then it's just like put away and left to die. Yeah.

you forget about IT because you've got to just keep going to the next under the next thing.


A D A terrible habit. It's like clean up your .

mess the harder part, because haven't fun with that is easy. But I saw you many T R X dude, man, that hurt .

to see A O I looked .

real fun when you .

to do that, just to do the single.

Okay, I killed them over and I D up thirty thousand and health and killed in the dunes.

Yeah, the doors eat up. motor's. Man, we figured that out.

We brought two Normal bills there. Who would have thought those were grown up? That's raz. Honestly, I was a little surprise though. Did you ever figure out like .

why I do that now having just so it's just sit in there the corner .

yeah project for another day second.

motors blown up help motor.

You said you still got the original how cat motor .

to put in IT man, we would have .

slept at at how cat motor in something like the next day that didn't need to help. Cam order. I think you might .

just be a super chargeable. See.

do you think if I was a rapper? R, what made IT mini rapper?

I think of what IT comes down to is the air filtration. So I had sand to go through the engine.

Yeah you can have that the sandrine crazy that we can send in the motor.

Yeah, you know, we're just kind of idiots.

So you were given that many tax away. yeah. And I remember when we were hanging on glamis last year, you were telling us that you were have that T R X built.

And then when you dropped that you were kind of getting, yes. So I remember you saying that you hate when people hate so much that you went out, you bought one hundred thousand dollar T R, X. To have as the second option if people want to best, which the winter ended up taking, right? But you don't like getting hate.

yes. Well, some people like breaking jake pn was on this old, like those two examples, like they kind of let IT. They love time to ride in the hate.

I hate when my comments section is like just positive. You when he gets real toxic in their last year and a diet, you know, I usually take that in your account. I'm like, okay, maybe I am. Maybe I did make a bad call here, so i'm well on to fix IT plus you know the gavel just did d because no one like the truck I got do something big to save this promotion .

and like .

double up which yeah I guess in my opinion like watching from the outside was probably .

the most notable giveaway because of that move.

IT actually .

overall and IT was down probably sixty percent in the start. And then I came back to be the best one ever.

Do just funny that the whole thing was over a mini t act like when you just look, every time I look at IT, I would just laugh. I see you promote .

you bad call. The people were like, they just hated IT. They hated IT so much like you took a perfectly good ninety thousand hour truck cut the doors off and now looks stupid, not like day. I didn't think about that.

I looked like a year. Remember last year you were talking about that. What sucks you probably pretty excited .

to do that then spent about twenty granda short and the right way because I wanted to be super legit and then do like messed on the job and just snowball bad.

I get what you're saying though, how you do listen to the comments of like know if there's an overwhelming amount of criticism. You do take that into account of like I I don't know everything and these people are here to keep me in check, right? And I think that if you're creator that just completely disregards that and you're like, no, my followers are are stupid and they don't know I know Better.

I think you're just delusional in that aspect. But yes, I think there is like a fine line of like giving people what they think that they want versus maybe what they need, yes or not. They thanks .

giving the content they need, not that they want.

There's there's two ways also like the content of westland makes, for example, IT brings hate, which brings more reviews. The things that i'm referring to specifically like paper view or give away people are spending money on IT. So if you then screw up, if you sell people bad t shirt, obviously bad business.

If you advertise a paper view, they spent ten dollars on IT and then it's just awful in the stream cuts in the website crashes, you will receive a rosing like you've never had in your life. You can play around the situation. You have to owit immediately refund.

You know, we're necessary and makes a major changes because if you do IT twice in a row, like for the same reason, you're pretty much toast. And I think in the merch world too, like you you guys do good job of your merch, but some is youtube dude just born the bridge with their customers. Like six months later, they ship out their limited edition hoods and they're just garbage. Yeah.

we talk about that all the time. I mean, for the last like part two years or i'd say year, we've been just like experimenting or like trying to come up with a with a product or another way that we can bring some value. But like every time, okay, we do this need to do IT right and perfect because like we can't you don't only have so many shots really at like hey, like i'm bringing this and you guys can and can buy IT if they buy. And in its shady, you're take two, you're going to a have much less of a pool and then obviously take three.

you probably probably added there.

but you yeah you struck .

out but yeah so on the content side, you can do that. You can screw and then come back. But when they're paying money, you got to treat them right. You let us say all about how you .

fix the problem. Let's talk about dragon. You have come a long way and and that's not just coming from me. That's coming from A A you know some of the old time is i'm around and watch you. They're like, dude, he is big time and and now when IT comes to dry gracing.

I I have a car that I am setting up for you really anyone to drive. And I was almost done for this. But whenever you're down here next, I had like one to let a couple you guys, we'll put that like tensions ly out there, but do in some passes idea you have and you just have to go straight.

I want to to beginning .

and .

will make sure .

the brakes are dial, make sure the brakes they work or not. But drag action, yeah, do, is to a great sport. You just got to to try IT out a little bit. You probably ve IT. You probably get hope.

I think I would love .

IT been in .

ridden in a few. But so like what I mean as of reason, like what you you're in the .

fives yeah one of five eight at two fifty .

what you .

like that's not brothers .

fast I mean from zero to two fifty and five seconds IT is fast. It's it's stupid. I your dog is zero sixty and like I think it's point eight.

What like what does your body feel like?

You feel that more than anything.

but you.

yeah. So like.

so does anything .

feel fast after that? Like you happen?

Other things feel slow.

i'm sure. Like you happen. This super, what does this have? Like.

thirteen hundred hours power are probably that.

Was that like driving just a super room now?

Is that actually helps you? Because when you're in a really fast car, your brain gets to that level. Because now I can drive the pycke car, and I understand that as traveling down the track, I understand the feelings of, okay, the tires are off the ground and they're on the ground and they are just touching.

I'm going to laugh or right. Like you get you catch up with IT, then you get in the slower car, a second slower. And like unlike fully locked in every part of the car. So actually helps you, I think because you go, we slow down.

And I think I know what you're saying, a much smaller scale.

say your driving four fifty dirt bike on the track, it's probably a little more bike than like I can handle. Then I go down to my one ten, right? And like i'm on to then I can just like i'm wide open through the burns, like you ripped totally difference. What is actually more fun driving of a slow car fast then driving a really fast car fast is just.

I think the super is like the fastest car i've ever been in, honestly and it's your street car yeah.

things turned. I mean, it's fast, but it's like, doesn't whole of flame to what stuff does .

would you ever do a nature car?

So I don't fit in top putting directors unless there was a custom chat and like I will do the .

rest of reward too .

fast or thirty yeah three hundred thirty minor from three thirty here.

That is a good question though like you're climb ing the latter of you know you're the tense, the nine exactly so that that is what I was wondering like pop fueled just seems like you got to make IT here like your life I guess .

it's a big risk like you're going on three hundred and thirty million that puppy blows over whatever you going for the right your life .

yeah can you read my mind around that?

They keep a helicopter here when they run up. The helicopter is sitting there ready because it's so life for death of something goes wrong. That kind cares .

me yeah no kidding.

Feel like no like easy crash and that like no matter what.

at that speed yeah like if your parents don't come out or something like you only a few things after you are, you blow tire. And that's good question. I don't know when we'll stop that.

I might be there.

We might be close .

and that that doesn't mean necessarily stop. I mean, there's so much fun to be had in the in the five yeah.

just five yeah. I've been willing to run at a top view to the eighth mile. And then i'm sure if I ran into the eighth, I feel comfortable enough just to .

the quarter.

But raza O.

A thousand years do they have like like if your parent doesn't go, there's no way do they even have breaks on IT .

is just a part breaks. But you're going off the track, you're going off the end at probably hundred and thirty, I would think, is what you .

could get down to if your parents e doesn't .

go yeah what is crazy because that's about twice the legal limit on this inner state.

So yeah, go twice there. I mean, there are really cmp le zone like that thing depend on on what you hit. You're just gonna take the brunt of IT not going .

to slow you down.

I don't know. I ve been I actually just as last weekend, where was race and eagle? One of the cars in my class pair just ripped, dried off, IT through the shoes. Both came off immediately roled and slit on a troof like more than a quarter mile.

Yeah, it's good things, man. He was good. You don't really think about I guess if you're doing that, you do but to the general public of how many people racing IT versus how many people probably ly get injured or die like the percentage got been insane, right? Got be pretty, I like.

higher than most programs really good because for the most part of a ntia that remains in one direction and can't be stopped immediately, you know what I mean, unless you go over the wall, there's nothing I can stop you. So your nerva IT doesn't have a an immediate change. You know I mean like no trees no, no, no trees in drifting, I think to have probably more high impact hits than most drag is.

But if you blow over, you know which is like if you're doing a power really and you get up in the higher one fifty, like maybe close to the two hundred, and you fly, yeah and you go off over the walls and find something that can stop all your inertia. That's where people really get hurt or fires. You know, if you're going to fifty and a fire breaks out, you can't get stopped for another two years seconds. That's where your suit, like my suit is twenty layers. It's supposed to be able to survive those twenty seconds while I get the car hopefully stopped or it's slides to stop .

or whatever your wife like get worried.

Well, I mean, we're talking about this in the worst case.

And no, I know. But even when you're doing like five second.

I think SHE is nervous, but we have the best equipment, so that helps. I think she's pretty comfortable. And now we've been graduated for a long time and I think he gets worried when i'm raised in those real short, real base cars that are crazy there. Like, you know, there is a lot of idiots with fast cars too. That's something you got an account you freaking pull into this guy that you know crash last weekend that .

sucks all like up against him. You're looking at them. Do people .

will rash and then fix their car in the staging lanes?

That's what bands got going from the night. People are going to be scared. They're going to be .

scared to you just drive, aggressive, let them pass. Let him pass. OK.

What if his best go out? Those what i'll do, like I saw guys as last, we can crash, fix their car and the pitch and then be right back on the stage, lads. And I like, I don't want to rise him .

yeah because that's a patch job .

like you're throwing them together yeah maybe oh yeah no. I mean.

they do IT. It's just so sketch question for you .

in the song love hate. I just when I turned that song on, IT hits so damn hard. Yeah, I I listen, do IT on the way to work. Listen to IT this morning, really. So he, the dogs on top.

That's part of make that answer is that IT wasn't some premeditated all. okay. So the reason I use that song, you should think .

I just love IT love IT couple. Pick a new song. I said, you know what? Hey, you love me.

I love this. I'm posting this for the rest of my life. This.

do you know how many times you post IT? No, you post that one hundred and three times. The main audio just on classic violent, not on all the other ones, not on stories. That's pretty just main audio thing .

I would thought was .

more IT makes sense .

when .

you say not count.

stories are sing. I'm trying to get .

fit cent rice, yes, you could .

have a performer, something hard .

just on repeat. That is just one song like to keep.

What if we got him for the three and five hundred? I wonder with fees, I wonder if someone could reach out to his team.

He's probably for a discount just to be here.

Yeah your boost .

in his charts and think .

I had a few people on follow because of do what I mean.

Yes, the comments are pretty funny though. Like judging by what he said are there in the podcast, I would have thought that you would have switch because there is so many people that are just like to seriously stop.

Yes, see that something. I don't care about that opinion because like you know, I guess goes back to the things like it's a free instant count. It's not that the unplayed all hey.

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Well, right now, one of my wish this is, I want a bike for my condo in the oki. And I would love to rigg IT up on a Polly in the ceiling because I have one of those like lofted ceilings. But i'm so scared to try that on my own, and I has twenty years of home experience.

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I don't want to blow your spot like I bought a the rights to chill bill. So I was wondering if you did that with hated to love IT like you you bought some of the streaming rights for and now .

you're like pushing IT out there. And but you should do that possible. You know, if I could buy IT a little point.

You just only like point one .

percent of the public even think that, yeah, genius. Now i'll keep walking IT probably till I die.

Well, tell you this much every time I hear the song, I think of you. Yes, so one percent, you man or something.

actually. I mean.

you were the first one to tell me that back when I you would add IT a little bit of the videos would try to use I mean, it's all just admitted, like I just use no good songs and I would try to use a different songs every single time and then C J was like, dude, so what we're trying to do is like if you use a good song.

kind of he's good music.

but yeah like we find our song and like use IT over and over then people recognized IT and then I was like, yes, yeah. You do have a point and then there's a hundred percent route to that like danny duncan has his transition song and that's kind of you use that as example and you just know, yeah, you guys have ve done a great job of that. So I think using the same song over and over goes way farther .

than using a different songs I after so yeah really yeah.

Do you got to have one of the most like, loyal fan bases on youtube for how much you post and how it's always like over million? I .

finished lucky. Like I like the easiest 对 to work with of all time。 I think like they're very responsive.

They're cool. They're not like insane. Like if I meet someone of the grocery stores, it's a great experience. It's not yes, it's not like know I know that some people, I don't have stalkers and i've had a couple crazy people that have come to my house, but I don't have like crazy people that I like interpret my dinner to tell me to help me you know i'm sure some people to have that imagine in politics like how much people can hate you over an yeah ah i'm sure we .

share IT quite yeah we are is the same experience honestly but yeah it's just it's just crazy watching your work ethic. I feel like we work really hard, but if there's another person I worked hard and .

us IT to you for sure, I mean, I know work really hard and actually sometimes I want to talk about, why do you guys only post once a week?

I can't read up those numbers .

is they're gonna ve hearing .

you say that like .

six guys making these video. You where the content? Where's the content? I mean.

look at the content. Look at the content. I mean, great. Every thursday it's just jam act and it's as high equality as we can while still keeping IT consistent. I mean, we're film up to wednesday to make thursday happen.

Then we added in one day, you know maybe we don't .

have good answer for you.

And one .

day when when .

we have .

say this, it's hard enough to do one a week for us. Honestly.

we literally couldn't. Ah I mean, we were we were uploading in the airport last night. We were editing at the airport on plane.

So talk me through a week here, what time of you guys get to the shop?

Well, I mean, yeah, we'll get to the .

shop if you're Michael noon.

I don't know nine if it's a monday, if it's a monday to day, wednesday.

good film .

on monday, tuesday, wednesday is a lot of saturday. We got a coral, a crew, so we might start filming at ten, eleven by then. We're also working on projects.

You know usually when we do a project is not like we put some in one video and then some in the next. It's like one one project is one video, right? And some projects to take two months.

So we'll film a bit for that project that we got going on and then we will film a podcast and then we'll film another bit for another video that we got going on. And then we will sit down and i'll edit the video on thursday. So C, J, N, i'll show up at like six, seven A M, and then dot will edit all day on thursday like seven to eight, seven to nine. So it's like a thirteen, fourteen hour.

It's just a lot of a lot of footage because, I mean, you are mentioning the five, six guys. But like when you just run in the camera, you have so many people talking and it's like you have so many jokes, you kind of got to sit through and you try and keep IT consistent and moving forward at least as so we do. But a lot of IT like band set is is like we're working on projects that are a month or two hand your film and you're picking up.

So like often times, we we're working on like three, four videos at one time. Yeah but then you got, of course, like calls and shit and whatever else, but we could up our numbers. We used to do two week and we just found that we could make a video by just doing one a week.

Everyone does have a different yeah and you have to post more than once a week. I just feel like nobody .

posts more new though. Like if you look at us compared to most other youtube s poston consistently once a week in terms of like bigger youtube s most people aren't doing IT. I know. So like you are not Normally you really are. And I mean, i've watched the work you show up, you just on IT, dude and you have such a good crude like everything is ready go and yeah yeah.

that's huge. Employees is probably the number one thing to make you able to post a lot. But every youtube channel has a different strategy. And if once a week maximizes your guy's ability to reach your audience and yeah.

I mean, we just focus on the one video we make IT as good as possible that just has been working for us. And honestly, the biggest thing is we're just trying to mitigate burn out too, like with all of us, you might not believe IT, but like we are all like strong do like very, very really do. We work less than six days a week, seven days, a lot of weeks.

Also, evan lived four hours away and he's got to hold another life, right? So we got to keep that mind two of of his time and when he's at the shop. So you know, a lot of different moving parts that we know try and juggle, and that's just kind of what we found works for us.

I'm that for not trying to criticize I no, no on how so like.

do you even take a day ever?

All the really how .

do you ever have time to take a day?

I mean, we have .

great employees too, but I have you .

know here's the thing now I try to edit you know what on network or I just edit when everyone to sleep. So that just solves that problem .

like I so you just don't sleep well.

I mean, in our reality, it's like how much sleep do you need?

Couple hours is good .

if you're again six and night as pretty solid I mean, I think elon sleeps true if you have a sacrifice of sleep that I get back ahead as i'm just well to do that yeah like what you said about my guys get stuff for ready and that's crucial IT really doesn't matter how much suppose, I guess, if you've analyzed this is going to be the most watch time for the channel period, and that makes sense. You don't have to post. You might lose money by posting twice a week.

Is our videos costs a shit on the money, nothin worth anything at the end of IT. So everything is totally out. It's on fire. You you can't sell IT.

Um but something I think about a lot which goes back to you I give two kids and eventually, like i'm going to have kids. These guys love kids. How much is having kids change the way that you Operate in terms of a business? Obviously change your personal life.

But like i'll tell you this. So like the first four months of having a kid, your first kid IT will take you and your wife to rock bottom just because of the situation of losing all your sleep. You will lose that because you know me.

So turn out about keeping the thing alive long term, as long as you can set your wife up correctly to have like help IT. We've grandmas that help a lot, and you can get her that free time to like spend time with you. I can.

Not affect your worklife too much and you definitely have to sacrist worklife first to be with mom and baby because there was certainly a point where I didn't prioritize them enough that doesn't help anything. And like the baby, just multiples all your issues. So if you have first, say, a drinking problem the baby is, and take whatever your issue in life is and multiply by two thousand percent because that's what they do.

They just make your life complicated because of the loss of sleep and what that does to your wife and things like that. So what I would encourage you to do is get to your point where you're not strong out and the businesses ran really well and you can rely on those trust for the employees, then have a baby. And it's really it's great process.

But no matter what, you're going to hit rock bottom at some point because of a lots of sleep or any outlying issue you may have in your life, like that's what babies do. I think it's actually designed. Part of the process is they're so difficult to raise.

We in particular, I think, had a tough baby, our first one rip. For some reason, they just don't want to sleep or they don't want to eat. What IT does to your wife is unbeliever, because their members is, I have to keep this baby alive and I love you so much.

They won't prioritize anything but the baby and you're time prioritize other stuff. And then it's a slight boom. It's crazy once you get through those difficult times. Like right now, I know the kids are set. I don't stress about IT at all the whole day, certainly processed IT .

to that point.

It's great advice. yes. I was quiet on this when we've got so I mean.

i've i've seen a matty just like, no, yeah obviously she's always around and and she's got the kids with and she's some mom. I don't know what was your mom or her mom, but they came up to us and and told us last somewhere yeah, rip. Love is watching the I don't know whose mom IT was.

but was either like grandmas or absolutely. I mean, obviously some people don't have the luxury of having a grand m like you have to find someone that really cares for the kids to help the mom special with you. And I will tell you guys this, whether it's the helicopter, the fricking the coolest thing you've always wanted in your life IT will not hold a flame to the words dadda.

When your kid says data, there's nothing that touches IT not the greatest fricking starward powered for ri with wings you've ever seen in your life. The first six months is like this little baby, can I get IT? I'm a dad when you walk home and that little guy says .

that nothing touches.

that were you scared to have kids?

IT was scary .

when we found out we are from when we were excited. And then when we went to the hospital, that was pretty scary. We waited too long so that I was in the labor in the car. Oh, not awesome and then he was like, really in hard core labor during chicken and they're like to the valley guys, Young and at me just take IT not to the value guy. You can park you and what car did you take .

and we got all our stuff right?

Like you packed for this so you just load that stuff and then you do mattis like screaming the valley guy, i'm trying to get her stuff because it's crucial we have her stuff. You SHE has spent weeks organizing the stuff, not onna. Let the ballet guy jumps in the ta hoo and just starts move in IT.

He's like all parked. Worry about your wife, brother, let me get my bag in her phone you know, I mean, the valley are beaten that screaming and then they always come in and rips on as well. They take your wife into a room.

Well, this is this particular hospital. They ask your wife, are you like safe? I don't know why. It's probably because people be their wives or whatever, and they people are addicted to drugs.

Are children travel? I have no idea, but they take your life and they want to ask him if they're safe. They also wanted to the science and paperwork and stuff.

And that is like screaming through all this. So that experience for us was just not good from the moment the labor started. That was all really scary until the baby was out in life and then were like, now it's amazing again, but it's got to .

be one of those things to where when you're going into IT, you don't know what to do. You don't know what to expect. This is your first time. You're like my pregnant.

Where do I go? IT how I work or do you you to the hospital?


you know, I never.

But IT is .

incredible experience of your life to see your child come to life from your wife. That made IT it's not. It's the most.

Like, what is he like? See, it's you fork. It's also like IT takes you to like you you feel like like this is real life stuff. No, no, nothing else matters. Like your wife made this baby and here that so i'm not trying to be can't wait the experience.

I can't wait to see rip run around this freedom factor or you .

do when he's older. Yeah, he rips. I know. Is that really know? Two, just turning wednesday, you'll ll be bombing around with his own helicopter. Just live in his life.

He will be here. Yeah, you can get a helicopter today.

I mean, he's got, he has a toy helicopter that he's held. Be rockin today. Be shocked if he didn't have IT on him.

But love pride in the helicopter. Him and I cruising IT together. He ride up front by himself. Now, no, mom.

that's awesome. Like some kids get a first car when they turned sixteen.

He's in the helicopter. He will too. I don't think going to let him fly and sold over a long time, but he lives for that thing.

Do you have to be sixteen to get your helicopter license or your icenway?

Like, yeah, i'm precisely I think you can solo at fourteen, but you can ride with pat. You take passengers as a solo pilot. There are sixteen.

It's kind of having a farm permit.

right? yeah. When I turned fifteen, I couldn't figure out how to eat to school because I was outside of a district. And my parents, who know what to do, should just got a helicopter there, imagine.

But this do use to drive himself to school with no license.

Or yeah.

no, that .

there might .

be increasing.

Yeah, you'd know my parents and let them do IT. No, I lived outside of where any school buses went. My parents worked fifty minutes the opposite direction, and, you know, only worked nine to six. And so yeah, I would just drive with my permit .

for was for me. No, h IT was completely .

illegal driver, Normal driver. And I would drive to my boddy's house and then help with my body that lived outside of town a little bit. yeah.

And then we would ride to school. The other, yeah. I did that for a while. We can person .

in a brasses. So I drove to middle school. You .

drive, or is, oh my god.

what is dangerous? You know, you started to understand, like Young people so much more on your kids, like, and the end of the same stuff as you. So it's just so fun. Like, we have only love helicopters because I love him if everyone has a kids going to .

love dirt bikes and I feel like haven't got around, I want Young .

people share. The world does really love you.

Love that is awesome. It's still the cool thing that you taken up in the helicopter. I mean, like, evan is girl man. He can't do that stuff.

It's even flying for even like just flying in a commercial plane like, I mean, yesterday I was a nightmare for him, but he was even a nightmare for us because he so nervous that he starts you know drinking a little bit. We had three different planes. You get to hop on, dude.

We felt bad for the whole plan. This guy, not like in a mean way, but he's just happy. Hey, C. J.

we and he's also .

defined year, so he's already little loud. Oh my god, I thought kenn was gonna strangle the guy and then my cat to sit next, we hop off the plane and might just go. I have .

a headache.

Well, evan said that he had eight or ten drinks and they were all doubles. And then can added to the point that when you're in the air, it's like one drink equals three.

Ah the oxen lower yeah .

so so hit .

a little hard. Everyone had sixty. No.

I don't know those numbers are accurate, but it's prety proud of IT as you can tell.

Yes break. yeah. Can did string GLE them a little bit, actually. Pop, I yeah, I didn't know my flash on so you can only just imagine what happened in the dark, but can get two hands on his neck and wake him IT .

looked like homer simpson. Embark, you really pissed them off when you took your skateboard out in the L, B, N, B, and you were insisting on skate boarding on the hard wood floors.

Our B, B, so my.

no, he just act to Normal.

But yeah, he was drunk too. Okay.

but IT is funny though, because like you're really only a year too older than most of us. You don't necessarily feel older, but you just so much more mature than us.

I know that I feel like .

you are I mean.

I think that you guys might catch me in a certain environs. I mean, like glamorous, we are all having a blast there. It's like world.

I mean, I think you guys are certainly more mature than you think. Like you guys are run enough working massively successful company. You very almost .

professionally immature like our job is to stay in mature and don't slip up and start like act and serious. You know it's baLance .

because you gotten be serious and then he also got to loose.

That's why it's great to have and charters because and if you have to, all cards would come crashing down.

So yeah the bounce, dude. I think that you're in a lot of situations too where you got to be mature, like when you're flying that helicopter.

Do like I watch the video when you were in north CarOlina and you were doing all the rescue missions with the helicopter and you are delivering the water and like you are landing on the sketch est landing pads in roads that were broken up people's yards and you were giving them rides back like the whole time I watched and I was just like, man, this is one outstanding and guy but too so dial do like, you were so laser focused and I was just, I put myself in that situation and I was a god. I don't know if I could do that. I know if I could .

put many people's lives in the. Be like it's there are and like you have to understand like that thing will yards tell if IT touches a stick, you know what I mean? So it's like there's just zero room for air and you learn a lot of that. When you start flying them, you has been around enough to see people like some people heg pretty hard. They take IT like d'd do some sketchy stuff magine a .

lot of like the .

body that like our only other friend that has a helicopter.

Well, I think they've definitely pushes IT. But you know, I think there are some guys out of the cabin of the other helicopters who were ripped and like some guys just are willing to sh to push IT pretty foreign helicopter and IT depends on the helicopter you have if you have a really good one like a black OK, which is one of the best ever, you can push IT because that poppy would get you out of most everything.

Talk about these, uh, cheaper helicopters that I know you've seen a been around those things. You don't have really any room for air. It's like because you're .

Operating at the limit.

you're Operate you already Operating at their max weight and horsepower. And it's like at that point, if anything goes wrong, everyone's toast. And the pilot on board sometimes doesn't take that as serious, says I would. So it's it's like anything you have to set your own limits. Minor, pretty strict in the aircraft because they aren't death trap if they're treated actually .

is the true that a helicopter is as safe, not safer than an airplane? Airplane safer OK? Because people always have the argument like, no, you can hover down to the ground but like in my mind, i'm like, dude, I just picture a brick falling out the air.

Yeah, I can for surely in no engine we could go do IT right now. Yes, I saw you're testing, but I mean, I can do IT turn out to ten times great confidence if we were all in that thing and dad and died, I can tell you that if just the engine failed and there was a field underneath us, I feel hundred percent confident I would land in the helicopter would be completely OK. H why do we just need the engineer relied?

So where do things go wrong when you're in like sketchy environments they can land, feel like in the mounds when I say.

like I could save IT, yeah, perfect scenario were fine at five hundred feet, hundred notes strain, the engine fails. I got IT when you're covering fifty feet off the ground above bunch of trees with a small landing, you know zone underneath the in the and fails that outside the profile in which you can save IT. There is a velocity chart.

And basically you have been going a be at certain attitudes successfully atropine. Are we going to die now? Maybe break our backs.

Have you had any sketchy situations.

I believe, a remain seal and an r forty four, which is like, you know, Robinson, evacuate all the oil. And when I landed the oil, I came on so that one wasn't too bad. I did fly in fog one time.

See, this fog are right here. This is just overcast. If we popped in that thing and flew up three hundred IT would be perfect.

Blue skies on top. I was at my house and IT was broken, which is where there's gaps. And IT was perfect blue guys, I kind of popped up.

And I like all like, well, I ve got to go to north, is going to meet up trust astronaut as I went north now, among top of the clouds, and they're starting to not be broken. So there more, they're tighter together. I only have my license for maybe six months.

As i'm going more and more north. I can still see the ground through these gaps. I called the guy ahead, which was where I was going, about thirty minutes north.

I said, hey, can you see this guy and he said, yeah, you can see this guy should never have trusted that when you if you go stand straight under neath this and look up, you'll will see see some blue and people like just talk that as all these guy, whatever. So I keep flying north. Keep by the north.

Now I can like they really see the ground. Oh, well, he says it's good up ahead. So it's called vfr on top.

So i'm still vfr. I can see everything visual virals. I'm on top.

It's all good. Get to the destination. IT is the exact same as what was below me. Like you can see the ground now flying a helicopter in the cloud is really difficult. It's like closing your eyes and standing on a bowling ball.

You know, like if you guys all on in there, I said, close your eyes, I could put the helicopter and basically like a ninety degree bank, really softly, and then you open your eyes and not have realized we shifted into that because so unless you are really good at reading the instruments, you shouldn't be fine. The clouds. And to fly in the clouds and helicopter, you have to have an instrument specified.

Helicopter, you've been different. And fishing pilot and IT has autopilot has a lot of equipment required to do that. So anyway, now i'm above the clouds.

I said, oh, shit, i've got to go south. I'm known back. I get back. It's socked in.

We have about thirty months of fuel now and we fly in the near airport. I've got a really good friend of mine that I trust with me, not a pilot. But I said, hey, like, i'm going to line us up with the runway.

This helicopter, by the way, as zero equipment for fly instrument. And now I have instrument ratings as a helicopter pilot. This point I had none of that.

So an approach allows you IT IT tells you on the dash a guided line to follow, and IT brings you down really gently and in line with the runway to a minimum altitude of like two hundred feet. So if you follow IT on the gages, it'll bring you all the way to the end of the runway. That's how planes and helicopters can fly.

Bad weather. So anyway, I have none of that equipment. All I was my phone, which has APP on IT that that was my GPS at the time.

great. So I get to the airport. I decide we have to go in and try and land here because of our fuel reserve.

I line up. We fly in like eight hundred. We go in and i'm watching attitude indicator to slowly going down like you're shooting an approach. We get down like one hundred and fifty feet on the gage still can see the ground. IT is like that. They guess I have a picture of IT from the day have so I fly back out and I felt like we're in the fog for any ternate is everyone in their tween? No one saying .

a word is IT because everyone knows what's like going down.

It's my wife and then my two friends and me I had told chad, my body said, tell me when you see the ground, you know, like you look down, I have to stare the dash i'm locked on the dash we buy back in and do IT we're in there for IT felt so long and i'm flying. I'm making a senate two hundred feet a minute, which is like really slow yeah and he just screams out, I see the ground. I looked down.

We're over the top of the forest. Miss the airport by over a mile White. I'm telling you, brother, you can't see anything.

So and I literally, like instinctively, I pulled back and I pulled in all the power and drop to the router, which is when you pull so much power and when you're heavy in a cheap helicopter, this router speeds slows down. I don't ever told the story on line, by the way. And this lazer goes up.

It's like, it's a horn, oh, man. And instinctively I lower the collective, which is what you're supposed to do. And I kept flying on top of the tree tops, and I found a hole, and I went in and landed and waited out the fog.

You get really just sit here .

in the middle. Thirty years later, red neck in all, came up with a rifle. Some helicopter took .

back .

off on .

reserve and go to the airport.

Yes, so we were a mile from the airport. Luckily in some guys field, who knows where that's scary. Yeah, they say everybody at some point will like, scared themselves with weather. And I did that, and I can tell you that I have never touched weather like that in a helicopter ever again.

And you deal with crazy weather around here.

but all and stuff I won't touch .

IT do I always think about, like when you buys above the clouds, like you can described IT like you ever just see, like another helicopter and you just like wave batum. Do you really just like you get up there is bunch helicopter is like just driving on the road.

Oh, it's yeah for sure. Sometimes you will get with a guy and fly them for like .

you just taken A D tor cruizing around .

and like there's a there's channels for helicopters. So like if I could see the man you can share if is flying. Like I just jump on to talk for a little bit and it's up yeah like you just crew, like all the new stuff, like we traffic so we can see where everybody's that in this area and so you can just see somebody say what's happened. It's pretty insane.

That's so you said that you kind of treat your helicopter like a like an uber around here like you'll take you to lunch yeah take you out to dinner. You and matter, you'll just pop around florida.

Like do I think that's like the biggest flex and .

I want want so bad, bro, like I said earlier, like getting yourself just so dial.


you got to be died. Like I don't have an alter eco that's smarter than I am. Like you can always you have bad. You was like, i'm so do IT i'm .

just always bend when you is really like you IT and you start to love IT, you'll just take IT seriously. Ly, naturally, I think there's only a few outliers who like just our savages with them, like you'll just naturally realized the seriousness of the situation.

I want to go up with you. I want to go up real bad and experienced.

I would love you to try and fly IT. It's one. The most difficult thing you will ever do is trying other helicopter. What did you compare IT to? I mean, it's like standing a bowling ball but it's just it's so weird to fly on because it's like imagine you're like hung by a string, but you have to stay under that string and so you have to give input to the top of the string.

Yes, it's hard to wrap my mind around driving anything would be comparable to .

that nothing. And i've always thought like i'm pretty good to jump in and stuff we will drive them. sure.

We all are like you get in almost anything, right? Skid steer. A bacc, whatever, and drive IT probably with almost no training. So one thing i've ever not enable you into, and IT took me a lot like a to be able to hover, couple training session.

Did you buy your own and then figure out how to fly?

I went in flu a couple lessons, and then I bought and are forty four Robinson that I was on story about and trained in that gamma license and sold because like they're just horse power, limited a lot of water. And florida kind of scares me to be in like a piston engine deal in the sky.

So I think one reason that so many people love you is because you're very related. You know, when they watch you, they feel like you're kind of just, you know, one of the boys. And obviously, as your channels grown, you know, you became more and more success and you can afford things like these helicopters or the planes are boat behind us. But how do you manage to you grow your success but continue to stay grounded and and stay that that guy that people you tune back to every single week?

You know that true and nice. You say I tried to like stay humble and like connected with the people just like you guys do, and like the money spending thing is definite. It's a hard thing to do because like I personally want the helicopter, but I also don't want to be uneatable if so, say I didn't buy the helicopter because I want to stay little like, I don't know, I have a hard time just like what do I do?

Put the money in the bank and like hide IT, I don't think that's what they I think they watched because they want to see cool stuff. I don't know necessarily if a helicopter is like what they want to do. The views are pretty good.

So I think people are excited about that. For example, it's something I battle with like how do you buy this cool stuff but stay related? I don't know.

I think you've done a really good job at IT, especially buying this helicopter and then showing the like restoration process of IT. But you also last time we were hanging out, you were like, yeah buying this airport and i'm going to build my dream home on the airport and i'm going back and fourth and I want to show that or not and I told you, just like know as a friend but as a fan, I think that is so much cool to see somebody that you watch and support and look up to, you know, living like the life that a lot of people dream of, right?

So it's like, I think that you do in a tasty way of showing IT where it's not not bragi, it's not in your face, but it's like people want to see you win. It's all harder. And two, you're not reduce to and I think it's just so cool where I was a problem. You have to show building the most insane house because that's what everyone in your position would also do.

So bad. I I ended up just post on a video asking them if they thought IT was something theyd wanted, see. And IT was overwhelming.

Yes, but like I I don't get off on the feeling like showing off, like sometimes I feel guilty posting pictures of the helicopter because I don't want to like, brag about, but I love that thing, so I genuinely care. So like, I think that thing is the coolest thing in the world, and I love sharing that with people. So like, I really want to post picture.

But I also don't know if people, their own idea that, like, it's all I care about, and I I really just like to have fun and do IT with cool toys. So I guess people get IT down on that. That's why the sick rounds.

But some people, i'm sure, have left because of all the money spending. But what am I going to do? Not spending like you guys are giving us this money by viewing our channels and being a part of IT. I want to burn IT to keep you enter time.


you're given back. And if they of that, they were never true fans. But luckily for you, you're not run into the dealership by a brand helicopter and you're not run up to your housing.

Yep, everyone built in my house is done like you are dig in the concrete like that was fun to see. And it's same for this. This was a journey to get .

to so help brought .

your viewers to feel like they're connected to a two because you like my favorite .

youtube about helicopter and about like flexing is and really that's definitely .

not thing you lex yeah like I used to .

have a needs .

on GTR and like just posted like a picture that I felt I was flexing, which like realistic, like a pick up costs as much as a GTR but like people perceive IT as a super car so yeah say.

yeah yeah no I know exactly what you're saying. I posted a picture of your other helicopter that you have on my story and there was a response that said, the forbidden helicopter, or like the secret helicopter, I was like, oh, people yeah people don't know about is other one.

That one I don't show, particularly because of people tracking. It's just nice to be able to arrive somewhere and it's never a thing like you if I got anywhere. And that one IT really is a thing.

Be like put in create stickers, all romantics.

Car, no, yeah, I just kept IT on the dl for the honestly the reason of like not flexing and can swallow has her own story. So she's just I love genre off. She's the cool thing I think I owe and it's just different body in my life.

What time are we have? Guys just had a curiosity.

right right there, a rap we should wrap.

I know you got a busy day.

Yeah, we all crazy busy.

You are much.

much more busy. And you guys have the greatest guest of all time coming. Yeah, the greatest human being, all I think I personally have .

ever met my life.

Be strong. Tp.

it's like without travel strong, even we'd be doing and probably for you even like such an inspiration, just growing up watching him.

the single biggest inspiration for me and to get in the other sports and he's the exact same person. You think he is bit Better in person?

Yeah so kind.

How many people can say that about like .

he's to say the same about you though yeah, when people ask, I always say that you like the nicer youtube .

meet so doesn't like you. But travis, like if we told them to like, get on the stark far right now and like we'd make like a jump and do a backlog, he'd probably do yeah.

I just have to ask about the electric what he thinks sweet will be taken both these starks home will have some more for the fleet. IT will probably put him in like a .

snowy or something. But great, all things I appreciate CIA.

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