cover of episode Cleetus McFarland's Near Death Experience Flying, Dangers of Drag Racing, & His Key to Success

Cleetus McFarland's Near Death Experience Flying, Dangers of Drag Racing, & His Key to Success

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Life Wide Open with CboysTV

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Cleetus McFarland
Cleetus McFarland 坦言,组织大型赛车活动曾是他生活中压力最大的事情,尤其是 Freedom 500 比赛。最初,他会对比赛周感到恐惧。然而,现在情况发生了改变。由于团队成员 John 和 Ryan 的出色工作,他不再像以前那样感到压力重重。John 和 Ryan 负责赛道的运营,他们的高效工作使得 Cleetus 可以在比赛当天放松身心,这对他来说是前所未有的。Cleetus 非常感激他的员工,认为他们的出色表现是他成功的关键。

Deep Dive

Cleetus McFarland discusses the stress and success of organizing events at the Freedom Factory, the importance of finding reliable employees, and the logistics of hosting large-scale races and influencer events.
  • Cleetus used to dread race weeks but now relies on a strong team.
  • He poached a key employee from his own business, highlighting the importance of commitment.
  • The Freedom Factory employs around 25 full-time staff and 30 temps during busy periods.

Shownotes Transcript

Today we are joined by Youtube and Racing star Cleetus Mcfarland. We chat about what it takes to put on insane events at the Freedom Factory. His obsession with Hate it or Love it by 50 cent, The insane highs and lows of having Kids. Maturity, and its role in flying, and seeking out positivity instead of hate. Cleetus has become one of our good friends in the last year or so and we hope you enjoy what its like spending time with our group.

Cleetus's socials




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