cover of episode Battle of the Bastards: Achilles v Odysseus w/ Hermes Michaela

Battle of the Bastards: Achilles v Odysseus w/ Hermes Michaela

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Let's Talk About Myths, Baby! Greek & Roman Mythology Retold

Liv:奥德修斯比阿基里斯更糟糕,因为他擅长为自己的错误辩解,是一个糟糕的父亲,并且在归来后立刻杀戮。他为了逃离战争而不顾孩子的安危,他的所作所为对儿子来说是糟糕的榜样。 Liv还认为,阿基里斯虽然令人讨厌,但他对战争的看法比较清醒,并且坚持自己所擅长的事情。虽然他因为心爱的女奴被夺走而停止战斗,缺乏担当,但他对战争的厌恶和对自身能力的坚持,也体现出他并非完全的负面形象。 Liv最后总结说,如果考虑到阿基里斯英年早逝,没有机会犯更多错误,那么奥德修斯无疑更坏。 Liv还将奥德修斯比作古代的哥伦布,认为《奥德赛》可以被解读为殖民主义宣传。 Michaela:奥德修斯是一个糟糕的父亲,但他归来后立刻杀戮的行为,以及他擅长为自己的错误辩解,都体现出他是一个更坏的人。 Michaela认为,阿基里斯虽然令人讨厌,但他对战争的看法比较清醒,并且坚持自己所擅长的事情。 Michaela还认为,如果从儿子的角度来看,尼奥普托勒摩斯和特勒马科斯都是被父亲的形象所困扰的儿子,尼奥普托勒摩斯以可怕的方式超越了他的父亲。 Michaela最后总结说,奥德修斯赢了,他比阿基里斯更坏,甚至可以说是比哥伦布更坏。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why do Liv and Michaela consider Achilles and Odysseus problematic favorites?

Both Achilles and Odysseus are seen as flawed characters who exhibit problematic behavior in the ancient sources. Achilles is often portrayed as a whiny, petulant figure, while Odysseus is a manipulative, self-serving individual who causes significant destruction. Despite their flaws, Liv and Michaela have a deep appreciation for these characters, acknowledging their complexity and the reasons behind their problematic actions.

What are some of the key criticisms of Odysseus?

Odysseus is criticized for his manipulative nature, his ability to rationalize his own faults, and his lack of good parenting. He leaves his son Telemachus for 20 years, and when he returns, his first interaction with his son involves him committing mass murder. Additionally, his self-serving actions, such as taking credit for his role in the war, extend his absence, causing further harm to his family.

Why does Liv find Achilles annoying?

Liv finds Achilles annoying because he often behaves like a petulant child, going on strikes when he doesn't get his way and frequently crying to his mother. She also criticizes his lack of consideration for the greater good of the Greeks during the war, as he prioritizes his own grievances over the collective effort.

What does Michaela appreciate about Achilles?

Michaela appreciates that Achilles was aware of the stupidity of the war and only participated because he was forced to and because he was exceptionally skilled. She admires his honesty about not loving what was happening around him and his commitment to sticking to what he knew how to do, even if it meant being a bit of a petulant child at times.

How does Liv view the Iliad as a piece of literature?

Liv considers the Iliad to be an anti-war text that provides a deep psychological look at human behavior in conflict. She appreciates that the narrative doesn't portray the Greeks as wholly good or the Trojans as wholly bad, but instead shows a nuanced view of both sides, highlighting the complexity of human motives and actions.

Why does Michaela think Odysseus is a bigger bastard than Achilles?

Michaela believes Odysseus is a bigger bastard because of his manipulative and self-serving nature, which leads to significant harm and destruction. She argues that while Achilles may have been annoying and petulant, Odysseus' actions are more calculated and harmful, making him the bigger piece of human garbage.

What does Liv think about the relationship between Achilles and his son Neoptolemus?

Liv finds the relationship between Achilles and his son Neoptolemus to be a terrifying example of a father-son dynamic gone wrong. She notes that Achilles never even met his son, who then went on to overshadow his father in the most horrifying way by becoming even more violent and destructive.

How does Michaela view the Odyssey in relation to modern colonialism?

Michaela views the Odyssey as a precursor to modern colonialism, comparing Odysseus to figures like Columbus. She sees Odysseus as someone who sets everything on fire, destroys cultures, and then leaves without staying to deal with the consequences, much like how the West has historically colonized and then abandoned regions.

Liv and Michaela debate the relative merits and flaws of Achilles and Odysseus, their "problematic faves." They discuss the characters' positive and negative traits, highlighting their actions and motivations within the context of the Iliad and the Odyssey.
  • Achilles' petulance and disregard for the greater good vs. Odysseus' manipulative nature and questionable parenting
  • The influence of personal biases and modern perspectives on interpreting ancient texts
  • The complex and nuanced nature of heroism and villainy in Greek mythology

Shownotes Transcript

In a special, rambley holiday episode, Liv and Michaela look at who was worst Achilles or Odysseus?

CW/TW: far too many Greek myths involve assault. Given it's fiction, and typically involves gods and/or monsters, I'm not as deferential as I would be were I referencing the real thing.

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