cover of episode Learn English While Discussing the UK Food Advertising Ban Ep 788

Learn English While Discussing the UK Food Advertising Ban Ep 788

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Learn English Through Listening

Hilary: 英国政府计划于2025年10月起禁止晚上9点前播放垃圾食品广告,旨在解决日益严重的儿童肥胖问题。这一禁令涵盖了各种各样的食物,其中一些是英国的传统食物,例如烤土豆和约克郡布丁,这引发了人们对传统饮食和现代健康观念之间冲突的讨论。 禁令中包含的食物种类繁多,既有快餐,如麦当劳和汉堡王,也有许多传统的英国家常菜,以及早餐食品,如麦片、煎饼和燕麦粥。甚至一些被认为是健康食品的蛋白棒和酸奶(含糖)也被列入其中。此外,一些法国糕点,如羊角面包和巧克力面包,以及其他传统食物,如松饼、蛋奶沙司、丹麦糕点和热十字面包,也都在禁令之列。含糖饮料和果汁也同样被禁止。 Hilary认为,这份清单反映了人们对健康饮食的认识在不断更新,也反映了最新的科学研究成果,即饮食中过多的碳水化合物是许多长期健康问题和肥胖问题的主要原因,而非过多的脂肪。她赞同政府将医疗保健的重点从疾病治疗转向预防的理念,但同时也对一些传统食物被列为垃圾食品表示遗憾。她认为,预防胜于治疗,改变饮食习惯至关重要。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is the UK banning junk food ads before 9pm starting October 2025?

The UK is banning junk food ads before 9pm to address childhood obesity by reducing children's exposure to unhealthy food advertisements. The ban targets foods high in refined carbohydrates, sugar, and low nutritional value, including traditional British dishes like roast potatoes and porridge.

What are some surprising foods included in the UK's junk food advertising ban?

The ban includes traditional British foods like roast potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, porridge, and crumpets, as well as breakfast cereals, fruit juice, and even protein bars. These items are now classified as junk food due to their high carbohydrate and sugar content.

How does the UK government define junk food in the context of the advertising ban?

Junk food is defined as food with little nutritional value, often high in refined carbohydrates, sugar, and unhealthy fats. This includes items like roast potatoes, breakfast cereals, sweets, crisps, and even some yogurts and fruit juices.

What is the nutritional rationale behind banning foods like roast potatoes and porridge?

Roast potatoes and porridge are banned because they are high in refined carbohydrates, which can spike blood sugar levels and contribute to obesity. Despite being traditional foods, they are now considered unhealthy due to modern nutritional science.

What is the broader goal of the UK's junk food advertising ban beyond reducing childhood obesity?

The ban aims to shift healthcare focus from treating illnesses to preventing them by promoting healthier eating habits. It aligns with the idea that prevention is better than cure, addressing long-term health issues linked to poor diet.

How does the UK's junk food advertising ban reflect changing attitudes toward nutrition?

The ban reflects a shift in understanding that excessive carbohydrates, not just fats, are a major cause of obesity and health problems. It incorporates modern nutritional science to redefine what constitutes healthy eating.

The UK government is banning certain food advertisements before 9 pm to combat childhood obesity. The list includes surprising items like roast potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, and even porridge, highlighting a shift in understanding of healthy eating.
  • Ban on junk food ads before 9 pm in the UK from October 2025.
  • Foods banned include traditional British dishes like roast potatoes and Yorkshire pudding.
  • Aims to tackle childhood obesity.

Shownotes Transcript


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Hi there and welcome to this podcast from Adept English. Do you like to eat junk food? That's J-U-N-K. And do you worry about whether you eat too much junk food? And what is junk food anyway? Well, this week, the UK government issued a list of foods which will be banned from TV advertising after 9 p.m.

from October next year. That's 2025. This is an attempt by the UK government to solve the childhood obesity problem. That's O-B-E-S-I-T-Y. And obesity, that means someone is overweight.

So we're talking here about the problem of children who are overweight or obese. And it's really interesting to see what's on this government list of junk food. There are some very standard foods on there, things that we would consider typical British dishes. So attitudes to food are changing. And I think this is a good direction.

But let's have a look today at what foods are going to be banned from TV advertising before 9pm. What's considered junk food, in other words. And some of it's quite surprising. This podcast will be opportunity for you to learn and revise your English vocabulary on food.

And much of what I'm going to talk about is just the sort of food that you might want to try if you come to the UK. Our national dishes, in other words. Hello, I'm Hilary and you're listening to Adept English. We will help you to speak English fluently. All you have to do is listen. So start listening now and find out how it works.

And that's a great opportunity to remind you of our course one, Activate Your Listening, which includes five hours of listen and learn material. It's like the podcasts, but more in depth. And one of the topics I cover in that course is food. So parts of that course are rather like podcasts.

But I also do tutorials, vocabulary explanations, and much of the course is in the form of conversations between two people. You also get opportunity to practice speaking as well. So if you want to take your English conversation forward, then Course 1, Activate Your Listening, is a brilliant course. And it will take you even further than today's podcast in your understanding of

food in English. So some definitions, first of all, junk, J-U-N-K. It means things that are of little value and often things you end up with, but which you don't want. So we talk about junk mail that might come through our letterbox at home, or it might be junk email. You probably have a folder in your email app called junk mails.

This is where all those rubbish emails that no one wants to read, that's where they all go. And in our homes, we may have junk. We may have items cluttering up our rooms, which once had value, once were useful, but not anymore. And we really ought to get rid of them. That's junk. And when it comes to junk food, generally we mean food that

might be enjoyable to eat, but it has very little nutritional value. It's not doing good to our bodies. I tend to think of places like McDonald's and Burger King. That's classically what we think of as junk food. It's food I don't particularly like either, but I know lots of people do. So what's

counted as junk food is definitely changing. On the government's list of junk foods, which must not be advertised before 9pm, are all kinds of foods which you would be unlikely to eat when you go out or have as takeaway. They're foods that we eat at home in the UK.

For example, roast potatoes must no longer be advertised before 9pm. If you're familiar with the idea of the British roast dinner, that's R-O-A-S-T, you may know it as roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, or it could be a chicken roast dinner.

Well, part of this meal will be roast potatoes. And if you roast something, it's a verb to roast, you put it in the oven and you cover it with oil and you cook it that way. It's a bit of a sad day when the roast potato is considered junk food.

food because it also forms part of our traditional Christmas dinner as well. But nutritionally, it is correct. Roast potatoes are not that good for you and should be kept to a minimum. And guess what? The same goes for that British staple, the Yorkshire pudding, now counted as junk food too. Oh dear.

Again, in terms of what we now understand about nutrition, that's N-U-T-R-I-T-I-O-N, we see that refined carbohydrates are the real problem in our diet. That's correct. But what a shame. Carbohydrate, C-A-R-B-O-H-Y-D-R-A-T-E, that's things like bread,

rice, pasta, potatoes and anything with white flour. When it comes to breakfast,

What's considered junk food, what's considered quite correctly now to be unhealthy, includes many traditional breakfast items. For example, the government advertising ban includes pretty much all breakfast cereals, that's C-E-R-E-A-L. That includes things like muesli, cornflakes,

pancakes frosties shreddies it may be shocking but it's absolutely right to ban advertising of these foods and even good old porridge p-o-r-r-i-d-g-e that's on the banned list too made from oats that's what lots of people eat for breakfast but now porridge is a junk food so what should you eat for breakfast

Well, for many people, an egg on toast or avocado on toast or mushrooms on toast, that's a much better choice that doesn't send your blood sugar sky high for the rest of the day. And I guess fairly predictably on this list of banned foods that mustn't be advertised to children, ice cream is

sweets and chocolate. But the list also includes crisps and snacks, cakes and donuts. That's D-O-U-G-H-N-U-T-S. And biscuits and even protein bars, which are advertised as healthy. But of course, they're not really. So the advertising ban is correct. Also on the list of junk foods, I'm afraid,

The French croissant and the pain au chocolat. I'm sorry about that. But these are now on the list, not what our children should be eating. If it makes it any easier, there are foods which we're very attached to in the UK. There are traditional foods which are also on the list. Things like crumpets, sandwiches.

C-R-U-M-P-E-T. If you've ever had hot buttered crumpets, they're delicious, but they're on the list alongside custard, Danish pastries and hot cross buns. What will we do at Easter? And surprising to some people, not only are sugary drinks on the list,

but actual fruit juice too. When I was growing up and my children were growing up, it was considered healthy to drink orange juice or apple juice in the morning as part of your breakfast. Not anymore. There's too much sugar and not enough fibre in those drinks. Much better to have a cup of coffee, it seems. And it's the same with yoghurt, Y-O-G-H-U-R-T. If it's got sugar in it, it's considered junk food.

only unsweetened yogurt is okay. In many ways, I'm glad about this. I look at this list of foods which must not be advertised before 9pm and I'm pleased because I can see that more recent science, more recent knowledge about what's healthy and what's unhealthy, it's been factored in. It's been taken on board. I don't know if you've ever listened to my podcast 605,

From January 2023. In it, I talk about having a cholesterol test.

C-H-O-L-E-S-T-E-R-O-L. And I talked about getting very frustrated with the very questionable advice given to me by an NHS nurse who told me to eat a low fat diet to keep my cholesterol down. She also said I must only follow advice from the NHS website, not look at any other websites, which I thought was a bit patronising.

Well, at least the UK government seems to have caught up with the latest knowledge, the latest food

food science and the idea that many of our long-term health problems and obesity problems are to do with too much carbohydrate in our diet, not too much fat. And I do agree with the idea put forward by the new health secretary, Wes Streeting, who said the advertising ban will deliver a major change in the focus of healthcare for

from sickness to prevention. And it's certainly true. Prevention is better than cure. The word prevention, P-R-E-V-E-N-T-I-O-N. It means stopping something happening. That's prevention. And we say prevention is better than cure. It's better not to get the illness or the condition in the first place than it is

to cure it. Cure, C-U-R-E, means making illness better. So I do agree, we need to eat differently and prevention is better than cure. But I am a bit sad.

about roast potatoes, crumpets and Yorkshire pudding being considered junk food? Is a similar thing happening in your country perhaps? Are some of the traditional dishes in your country now being considered junk food? I'd be really fascinated to hear. In the meantime, if you would like to help Adept English grow,

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