LCM Sermons

Called to Change One Life at a Time!


Total: 1850

Unwavering Loyalty


Unwavering Loyalty. That is what is required at a time deep convictions on God's promises to Israel

Unapologetic Zionist


“Unapologetic Zionist” preached by Pastors Payton, Nik, and Judah is more than a title

Honored & Privileged


There are so many things we have to be thankful for as we reflect on the 2023 One Association Confer

Called to Change One Life at a Time!

Called to Change One Life at a Time!

Called to Change One Life at a Time!

Called to Change One Life at a Time!

Called to Change One Life at a Time!

“Sinners in the Hand of a Gracious God” preached by Brothers Treaster and Carlos, is t

Chosen and Unashamed


No fabricated fires here! When God chooses someone or something to burn brightly, the simple fact of

Great & Strange Sight


We are truly living in unprecedented times, and now more than ever it is time for the sons of God to

Pattern of Sukkot


We are truly a blessed people. We have been blessed with an abundance of God's favor in our lives. H

The Pinnacle Of Sukkot


Shouts of joy resound in the tents of the righteous! Today we are rejoicing and celebrating the feas

The Kingsmen


We are "The Kingsmen". We are those who have been atoned for & are now living for the will of the Fa

The Hour is at Hand


The momentum we are gaining as a body is not one that will be slowed down. The time is short, our da



What we heard in "Seize the Day" this past Sunday was meant to sober us up to the reality of the imm

Seize the Day


To describe this sermon in one word would not do the revelation that was laid out for us justice. &#

Beyond The Basics


The wisdom of God can be plainly seen in the days of creation for those who have eyes to see, just a

Back to the Basics


Like the sons of Issachar, we are learning to discern the times and seasons our Father has laid out

Anointed Nation


As we reflected on all that we've learned during our 3 part series (What is a Man? What is a Family?