The wisdom of God can be plainly seen in the days of creation for those who have eyes to see, just as Psalm 19 declares. As we reflected on Sunday's message, "Back to the Basics", that much is plain to see. What was somewhat revelatory for us was the ways in which the same wisdom that we see in God is supposed to be seen at work in us as his image bearers on the earth. Brothers Gabriel Stephens and Carlos Rueda led us in a soul stirring reflection over this rediscovered responsibility. This is a call to take up greater ownership of the putting the creation that he has given us dominion over. We are the solution, not the problem. Let this message spur you on to press into the suffering that is meant to mature you into the full image of your father so that you will spurred on to do what Jesus did on the earth in the limited time here on earth. The time is short, so let us get to work!