A weekly podcast focused on what's happening in the Kubernetes community hosted by Abdel Sghiouar an
Kateryna Ivashchenko is a Senior Demand Generation Manager at Teleport, an organizer of community ev
It’s release day! We discuss today’s Kubernetes 1.25 with release team lead Cici Huang, Software Eng
Three years after they were first proposed, the new Kubernetes Gateway APIs - the evolution of the I
Ian Miell is a partner at consultancy Container Solutions, and an author of books on Bash, Git, Terr
Why does a car manufacturer own an IT company? How did that IT company end up running 900 Kubernetes
Gone are the days of working at the same company for 50 years. Consultants and contractors bring spe
As we move further up the stack, we rely on many foundations – including storage. Alex Chircop is co
What is configuration as data, how is different from infrastructure as code, and why can’t anything
Live from Valencia, it’s KubeCon EU! Craig talks to conference co-chair and CERN computer scientist
Docker CEO Scott Johnston joins us to talk about the announcements from this week’s DockerCon, the t
Gaze into the stars with Kubernetes 1.24 release team lead, James Laverack. James is a software engi
Big week for Istio! Craig talks to Mitch Connors, Istio user experience working group lead and Istio
Divya Mohan is a Technical Writer with SUSE, a CNCF Ambassador, co-chair of Kubernetes SIG Docs, and
Bruno Andrade is founder and CEO of Shipa, delivering applications and policy “as code” to Kubernete
When is it safe to run software? When is it safe to drink orange juice? Are we a better judge of one
ThreatMapper is an open source tool that hunts for vulnerabilities in your production Kubernetes env
The Argo project is a set of four tools to help “get stuff done” with Kubernetes: Workflows, CD, Rol
The fourth horseman of the apocalypse observability, according to Frederic Branczyk, is continuous p
Six years after its creation, Kubernetes is the subject of its very own documentary film. Job platfo
Anna Belak learned about containers and security as a Gartner industry analyst. She is now the Direc