Kateryna Ivashchenko) is a Senior Demand Generation Manager at Teleport, an organizer of community events, and a supporter of the developer community in her home country of Ukraine.
Do you have something cool to share? Some questions? Let us know:
News of the week
Introducing Ambient Mesh in Istio)
Istio 1.15)
Linkerd 2.12)
Linkerd and the Gateway API)
Cuber) nay-tace
Reddit discussion)
VMware Tanzu announcments from VMware Explore)
Isovalent raises $40m Series B)
Kubernetes Blog:
PodSecurityPolicy: The Historical Context)
Pod Security Admission Controller in Stable)
CSI Inline Volumes have graduated to GA)
cgroup v2 graduates to GA)
Kubernetes was never designed for batch jobs) by Kurt Schelfthout
7 years of GKE General Availability)
Links from the interview