KnockBack: The Retro and Nostalgia Podcast

A weekly, retro-and-nostalgia-themed podcast co-hosted by brothers Colin and Dagan Moriarty. Video g


Total: 286

#45: Holiday Memories


For a podcast about all about nostalgia, we'd be crazy to skip the so-called Holiday Season, the sec

#44: SEGA vs. Nintendo


In the early '80s, the home console vanished as quickly as it arrived. But only a few years later, a

In the early-to-mid '80s, Michael J. Fox was a household name because of his work on Family Ties, th

It's not terribly uncommon for Nintendo fans to feel that The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is

In 1937, Walt Disney and his fledgling animation company executed a quantum leap when they released

#40: Caddyshack


There are a lot of classic sports films, from the somber and serious to the wacky and insane. Caddys

#39: The Music of Our Youth


For many kids, music is a gigantic part of life, and the bands, albums, and songs we grow up listeni

#38: Lunchtime and Recess


For virtually all students, lunchtime (and the recess that often followed) was a pivotal moment of e

It's almost always true that "the book is better than the movie." But when it comes to the 1971 film

For a decade, Castlevania fans knew their beloved series as something traditional. You'd go through

#35: Random Childhood Memories


Almost every episode of KnockBack is focused on something: A topic, or a product, or a place and tim

#34: Akira


In the late '80s, Katsuhiro Otomo changed animation forever with the release of Akira, the film adap

#33: Calvin and Hobbes


From late 1985 until the very end of 1995, immensely talented artist Bill Watterson produced Calvin

In 1954, J.R.R. Tolkien -- British writer, scholar, and Oxford professor -- released the most import

#31: Guilty Pleasure Movies


There are films we really love. Other flicks we totally hate. And a mass of movies in the middle tha

In 1983, the original Star Wars trilogy wrapped up with Return of the Jedi. From Jabba the Hutt and

The three movies in the Christopher Nolan Batman Trilogy are widely considered to be the best superh

#28: Saturday Mornings


In the Analog Days, nothing was more important to a kid than Saturday morning, for it was there that

#27: Mad Men


The 1960's in the United States was a turbulent time of upheaval and reform, and Mad Men -- which ra

#26: Nintendo GameCube


In 2001, Nintendo followed up the poor-selling Nintendo 64 with a console that would barely do 60% o