KnockBack: The Retro and Nostalgia Podcast

A weekly, retro-and-nostalgia-themed podcast co-hosted by brothers Colin and Dagan Moriarty. Video g


Total: 286

Sometimes, The Brothers Moriarty get a little too ambitious, and this particular episode of the show

#64: Breakfast Cereal


When you're a kid, you can't escape breakfast cereal. (And frankly, why would you want to?) You ate

Hey bud! Way back in 1981, Rolling Stone journalist Cameron Crowe wrote and published a book chronic

#62: The Pool


For many of us, being a child during the summer largely revolved around one thing: The swimming pool

#61: The Goonies


Way back in 1985, a most unusual flick came to the silver screen. It was called The Goonies, and for

#60: Childhood Homes


Let's face it: Nostalgia is often heavily rooted in locations, and not only events. Today's episode

#59: PlayStation 2


What can you say about the best-selling home video game console of all-time? PlayStation 2 -- launch

#58 | The Office (US version)


If there's one true reason why the American adaptation of The Office resonates so much with people,

Do you remember your first "girlfriend" or "boyfriend?" Your first date? Your first kiss? Today's ep

#56: Our Favorite Concerts


We don't often talk about music on KnockBack, which is strange, considering it's a massive part of M

#55: BioShock


Video games have unrivaled narrative potential, and 2007's BioShock is possibly the single greatest

#54: The Karate Kid Trilogy


'80s movies are a goldmine for a nostalgia and retro podcast like this one, but few films of the era

When we launched KnockBack, we didn't know what to expect. We had this idea to do a nostalgic, retro

Today's episode of KnockBack is very special, because it stars our mother, Betty Ann Moriarty. Our m

The 21st century has brought with it the slow-but-steady demise of malls across the United States (a

#50: Childhood Pets


For many children, one of growing up's great traditions is having a pet or two. (Or maybe even five

#49: The Ren & Stimpy Show


When Nickelodeon launched its original Nicktoons lineup in the late summer of 1991, it did so with a

There's probably no single trilogy more responsible for the trajectory of the video game industry th

#47: The Films of Don Bluth


If you're one of the many KnockBack listeners that loves when Dagan dives deep into animation, this

#46: Metal Gear Solid


For those of us that grew up with the NES, Metal Gear was a fun -- albeit strange -- game that kinda