The Kingdom Roots Podcast with Scot McKnight and Cody Matchett facilitates conversations about how t
The Everyday Bible Series is a new resource by Scot McKnight he is creating to help anyone
Tov is a beautiful and mysterious Hebrew word that means “good.” Tov is about creating ab
In African American Readings of Paul, Dr. Lisa Bowens surveys a wealth of primary sources f
Award-winning journalist Katelyn Beaty has explored the ways fame has reshaped the American
📝 Sign up for the Taste of Northern at 📝 Cultures form the people tha
📝 Sign up for the Taste of Northern at 📝 Power is present al
Secrecy, hierarchy, and loyalty can easily mix together to create toxicity in a church.
Why are single Evangelical women leaving the church? Evangelical Christianity is often tho
No two people have the same route to serving in ministry. Ivan Ramirez shares his powerfu
Going through a difficult season like the Covid Pandemic puts enormous challenges on pastor
*Audio Warning* - Portions of Ernest's audio were corrupted in recording but are still audi
Pastoring in the midst of a pandemic has been challenging. Melissa Pillman (Pastor of Mis
In the famous words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, "When Christ calls a man, he bids him, come and
How did an idea to make a few videos about understanding Bible books turn into a vast libra
Throughout Holy Week, two competing approaches to peacemaking collide. Jason What if we've
Emotions are foundational to understanding every aspect of Life. Becky Castle Miller tal
How did a libertine who lacks even the most basic knowledge of the Christian faith win 81 p
It is traditional to think we should praise Abraham for his willingness to sacrifice his so
Racial tension is at a high point. The embodiment of the Kingdom found in the New Testamen
Dr. Barclay helps us understand God’s deep desire for a relationship with His people by sho