The Kingdom Roots Podcast with Scot McKnight and Cody Matchett facilitates conversations about how t
Should the Church and its believers have confidence in the reliability of Jesus found in th
Who was Jesus in reality? This question should be central for those of us who have our f
Church leadership and structure in the New Testament is much more concerned with the charac
Ever feel discontent with your ministry? Join our conversation with Brian Zhand as he unpa
How did people learn in the 1st Century? What kind of school would Jesus have attended?
Meals and table fellowship were so significant in Jesus’ ministry that it has been said, “J
“When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die.” By living out powerful statements s
What was the message of the early Church and how did that message take root in those who we
Have you ever wondered how the new perspective came to be and the implications it has for t
Theology needs the Church and the Church needs good theology. This episode dives into the
Leading the church through change is one of the most difficult things a church leader can f
The good news of Jesus’ resurrection breaks the bonds and power of death. Jesus intended t
Is the God of Christianity and Islam the same? This divisive question is the topic of di
Dr. McKnight explains how remembering in the context of Eucharist is more than mentally rec
Singing seemed to be central to the early Christians formation as believers. In this epis
Dr. Barclay helps us understand God’s deep desire for a relationship with His people by sho
Why do we have the Bible? We play with fire if we force the Bible to do anything other than
The role of women in the Church is one of the biggest debates in Christianity today. Dr. M
What is the Kingdom? The biblical term “kingdom” is the most misused and misunderstood con