cover of episode Schroders CEO: Navigating industry shifts, family ownership and embracing risk

Schroders CEO: Navigating industry shifts, family ownership and embracing risk

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In Good Company with Nicolai Tangen

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Peter Harrison
我坚信Schroders能够持续经营两百年的关键在于家族的长期承诺式所有制。这种所有制结构使公司能够在金融领域不断适应变化,即使业务模式和市场环境发生了巨大变化。在过去的十年中,资产管理行业经历了翻天覆地的变化,包括被动管理的兴起、对私募股权的转向、管理费的下降以及公司治理的变革。为了应对这些挑战,Schroders 采取了与许多竞争对手不同的策略,我们选择投资增长而非削减成本,并积极转向私募市场和财富管理,同时大力投资技术和可持续发展。 英国资本市场的衰落是多重因素造成的,其中过度监管导致国内储蓄池萎缩以及风险规避行为增加是一个重要因素。此外,英国公司治理准则也对上市公司和国内资本市场的发展造成了不利影响。然而,近年来,英国政府开始调整政策,试图改善上市环境,吸引更多公司在伦敦上市。 成功的企业需要优秀的管理团队和与股东利益的一致性,减少代理问题。Schroders 致力于打造优秀的投资团队,这需要优秀的领导、合适的工具、合适的规模以及容错空间。优秀的投资团队具有人员稳定性、开放的思维方式以及优秀的风险管理能力。 私募市场在应对气候变化、生物技术等领域的创新方面发挥着越来越重要的作用,而公共市场在这方面表现较弱。因此,Schroders 积极发展私募业务,并认为这对于未来的增长至关重要。 人工智能将从根本上改变公司投资的方式,并促使投资流程发生重大变化。Schroders 正在积极探索如何利用人工智能技术来提高投资效率和决策质量。 Schroders 的投资理念是根据不同的市场和投资策略创建不同的团队,并注重内部培养人才。 从投资人到CEO的角色转变,需要克服继续以投资人的视角看待问题,并学习领导才能。优秀的领导力在于激励员工,并推动组织变革。 家族所有制虽然可能存在一些缺点,例如阻碍公司发展,但它也带来了巨大的资本纪律和长期战略视野。Schroders 认为保持独立是正确的,因为规模并非一切,为客户创造价值才是最重要的。 ESG投资的热度已经达到顶峰,但气候变化的重要性已不再被质疑。Schroders 正在积极应对可持续发展投资面临的挑战,包括成本、全球监管的差异化以及对公司利润的重新定义。 中国市场正在经历调整,但长期来看,能源转型和金融效率提升将带来新的机遇。Schroders 继续关注中国市场,并认为与中国在绿色转型和公司治理等领域进行合作至关重要。 我对年轻人的建议是不要盲目追求晋升,而是要思考自己真正想要什么,并打破思维定式,积极探索人生的可能性。

Deep Dive

Peter Harrison, CEO of Schroders, discusses the firm's 200-year history and its evolution in the face of industry shifts. He highlights the significance of committed ownership and the changes Schroders has made over the past decade, including pivoting towards private and wealth management, and investing in technology and sustainability.
  • Schroders, a European asset manager with a 200-year history, has adapted to industry changes through committed family ownership.
  • Key changes in the industry include the growth of passive and private markets, collapsing fees, and a revolution in governance.
  • Schroders has pivoted towards private and wealth management, invested in technology and sustainability, and adapted its culture to navigate these changes.

Shownotes Transcript

In this episode, Nicolai sits down with Peter Harrison, CEO of Schroders, one of Europe’s largest asset managers with nearly 200 years of history. Peter shares insights on navigating a rapidly evolving investment landscape, from the shift toward private markets to the impact of AI and technology on asset management. He also dives into the challenges of the UK market, reflecting on how changing regulations and global competition have reshaped the industry. Tune in for Peter’s thoughts on building resilient teams, risk taking and his advice for young professionals.

In Good Company is hosted by Nicolai Tangen, CEO of Norges Bank Investment Management. New full episodes every Wednesday, and don't miss our Highlight episodes every Friday.

The production team for this episode includes PLAN-B's Pål Huuse and Niklas Figenschau Johansen. Background research was conducted by Sara Arnesen.

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