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HIGHLIGHTS: Jens Stoltenberg

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In Good Company with Nicolai Tangen

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jens Stoltenberg
我最近结束了在北约担任秘书长的十年任期,在此期间,世界变得更加危险,但北约也变得更强大,以保护近十亿人口。从安全角度来看,我们正经历着全面的欧洲战争、冲突升级以及主要大国(美国、中国)之间的竞争,这使得世界变得更加不可预测和危险。 结束乌克兰战争的最快方式是让乌克兰战败,但这不会带来和平,只会导致乌克兰被占领。要实现和平,需要说服普京他无法在战场上获胜,从而促使他谈判达成一项解决方案,让乌克兰仍然是一个主权民主国家。 世界上的独裁者之间联系越来越紧密,西方世界需要团结起来应对。俄罗斯与朝鲜、伊朗和中国等国合作,对乌克兰战争产生影响,这使得全球合作变得更加重要。 我认为,如果方式得当,欧盟在国防政策中发挥更大作用是好事,这将加强欧洲防务,并最终加强北约。太空军事化日益严重,太空对地球上的事件影响越来越大,这其中也包括中俄两国正在发展可用于进攻性武器的太空能力。 人工智能将从根本上改变战争的性质,如同工业革命一样。人工智能已经开始改变战争的性质,其影响才刚刚开始显现。 在危机时期,保持冷静并确保睡眠非常重要。在危机时期,我会压制自己的情绪。领导人虽然孤独,但并非完全孤立无援。 与强势领导人达成共识的关键在于认真对待他们的担忧,即使存在分歧。与特朗普总统合作的关键在于关注双方都同意的核心问题,例如增加国防开支。与强势领导人打交道,要认真对待他们的担忧,专注于共同点。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

We've curated a special 10-minute version for those of you who don't have time for a full episode.


Here you can listen the full episode:


In this episode, we are honored to welcome Jens Stoltenberg, who recently concluded his tenure after ten years as Secretary General of NATO. He has had a long, impactful career within Norwegian politics, including serving as Prime Minister for a total of nine years. Jens shares his unique insights on global security challenges, the importance of strong alliances, and the evolving geopolitical landscape. From discussing the ongoing conflict in Ukraine to reflecting on how the world has shifted during his time at NATO, Jens offers thoughtful perspectives on leadership, decision-making, compromise, and his deep belief in the power of collaboration.

In Good Company is hosted by Nicolai Tangen, CEO of Norges Bank Investment Management. New full episodes every Wednesday, and don't miss our Highlight episodes every Friday.

The production team for this episode includes PLAN-B's Pål Huuse and Niklas Figenschau Johansen. Background research was conducted by Une Solheim. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.