cover of episode CATL CEO & Founder Robin Zeng:  The journey to market dominance and powering the future of batteries

CATL CEO & Founder Robin Zeng:  The journey to market dominance and powering the future of batteries

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In Good Company with Nicolai Tangen

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Robin Zeng
Robin Zeng: 我是宁德时代创始人兼CEO曾毓群。我们的市场份额是37.5%,并非40%。我们的成功秘诀在于提供市场真正需要的产品和技术,特别是合适的化学物质和材料,这些产品完美契合了消费者的需求。这使得我们的产品受到消费者和原始设备制造商(OEM)的青睐,从而为数百万辆电动汽车提供动力。我们的主要产品是用于电动汽车的电池和用于储能的电池,后者用于调节来自可再生能源(如风力涡轮机和太阳能电池板)的不稳定电力供应,使能源供应更加稳定、可预测,并更好地满足工业和其他用途的需求。 我们用了近12年的时间达到了37.5%的市场份额,这并非一蹴而就,而是我们团队25年来在锂离子电池领域积累的结果。我们最大的竞争对手是我们自己,因为我们还有很大的改进空间,特别是在电化学方面。我们需要发明新的化学物质来满足消费者的需求,例如低温性能。我们欢迎更多企业加入行业竞争,但这种竞争应该体现在创新上,而不是简单的模仿,这样才能促进行业健康发展。 中国政府的支持体现在帮助本土原始设备制造商(OEM)快速了解消费者需求,并快速改进生产,以提供高性价比和高质量的产品。我们拥有超过2万名工程师,他们专注于基础材料、电池系统、未来化学等多个方面,其中包括数百名博士和许多硕士。他们致力于推动可持续能源发展,平均工作年限超过3-5年,积累了丰富的经验和技术。 中国在电池技术人才方面领先于美国和德国,这与中国大学对电化学专业的重视以及学生就业选择有关。电池生产中最困难的是理解真实的电化学系统,其次是规模化生产、降低成本以及保证可靠性和安全性。欧洲电池制造商面临的问题包括错误的设计、工艺和设备,导致规模化生产困难,并最终出现实用性、可靠性和安全性问题。 我们对未来应用趋势的理解,以及通过技术创新减少对某些原材料(如钴)的依赖,构成了我们供应链的优势。我们已经在中国和德国建立了工厂,并计划与挪威合作,利用挪威水电优势生产石墨。储能市场规模约为电动汽车市场的一半,但其复杂性更高,对电池质量和一致性的要求也更高。 我们的企业文化注重创新、对社会做出贡献,并为员工提供发展平台。我们融合了中国传统文化中的“修身、齐家、治国、平天下”的理念。我个人的理念是将财富与他人分享,并不断提升自我。我的农村背景培养了我的坚韧、独立和不追求物质享受的精神。我通过投资贫困地区的工厂来回馈社会。对年轻人的建议是努力奋斗并保持耐心。 Nicolai Tangen: 作为挪威央行投资管理公司的CEO,我对曾总的成就表示赞叹。我们很高兴投资宁德时代。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores CATL's remarkable journey to becoming the world's largest battery producer, holding a 37.5% market share. It discusses the importance of the right products and technology in meeting market needs and achieving success within the span of roughly twelve years.
  • CATL achieved a 37.5% market share in roughly 12 years.
  • Success attributed to right products and technology.
  • Company started with lithium-ion batteries 25 years ago for consumer electronics.

Shownotes Transcript

In this episode, Nicolai is joined by Robin Zeng , founder and CEO of CATL, the world's largest battery producer. The company has a staggering 37.5% market share, and CATL has revolutionised the battery industry, powering millions of electric vehicles and contributing significantly to renewable energy storage. But how does a Chinese company view differences between their home market, the US and Europe? Tune in learn more from Robin about the importance of understanding consumer needs, the innovative technologies behind CATLs success, and the companys vision for a zero-carbon future. This episode offers a true deep dive into the challenges and triumphs of leading a global battery powerhouse, the complexities of scaling production, and the critical role of research and development in driving sustainable energy solutions.

In Good Company is hosted by Nicolai Tangen, CEO of Norges Bank Investment Management.

New episode out every Wednesday.

The production team for this episode includes PLAN-Bs Pål Huuse and Niklas Figenschau Johansen. Background research was conducted by Kristian Haga and Arnab Seal.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.