Interviews with Oxford University Press authors about their books
On August 8, 2008 many Americans learned that Russia had gone to war with a mysterious country calle
You’ve probably heard of the “Age of Exploration.” You know, Henry the Navigator, Vasco da Gama, Col
People will often say that “this land”–wherever this land happens to be–is theirs because their ance
My uncle fought in Vietnam. He flew F-105 Thundercheifs, or “Thuds.” He bombed the heck out of an ar
What to think about the Vietnam War? A righteous struggle against global Communist tyranny? An episo
The term “totalitarian” is useful as it well describes the aspirations of polities such as Nazi Germ
Here’s something interesting. If you search Google Books for “Hitler,” you’ll get 3,090,000 results.
Here’s something remarkable: at some point in the future, something you believe to be just fine will
Try to imagine having never seen an airplane. It’s hard. Aircraft are an ordinary part of our daily
I have a (much beloved) colleague who calls all history about things before AD 1900 “that old stuff.
I have a good friend who grew up in East Germany in the bad old days. The East German authorities su
In the 1940s, the United States military performed an “experiment,” the substance of which was the f
Historians don’t generally like the idea of “human nature.” We tend to believe that people are intri
The past is always with us, but it’s really always with politicians. Once you put yourself up for of
Sometimes when you win you lose. That’s called a Pyrrhic victory. But sometimes when you lose you wi
Here’s something I learned by reading Joel Wolfe’s terrific Autos and Progress: The Brazilian Search
There’s a concept I find myself coming back to again and again–“speciation.” It’s drawn from the voc
When I was in high school I had several friends who went to Wichita’s only prep school. They were ni
This is the first in a series of podcasts that New Books in History is offering in conjunction with
It’s hard to be a Christian. It’s even harder to be a good Christian. But being a good Christian on