In Conversation: An OUP Podcast

Interviews with Oxford University Press authors about their books


Total: 1602

Daniel Kreiss is an Assistant Professor in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the Un

Extraterritoriality was not grafted whole onto East Asian societies: it developed over time and in a

Do social values belong in the sciences? Exploring the relationship between science, society, and po

It is difficult to overstate the importance of John Rawls to political and moral philosophy. Yet Raw

When I was in Seminary I was assigned many theological tomes to read and one was especially difficul

David Karpf is the author of The MoveOn Effect: The Unexpected Transformation of American Political

According to a view familiar to philosophers, reasoning is a process that occurs within an individua

How do ideologies shape foreign policy? That is question Dr. Mark Haas examines in his new book The

Should we really believe what our best scientific theories tell us about the world, especially about

The basic problem of free will is quite simple to pose: do we ever act freely? One of the traditiona

Justice requires that each person gets what he or she deserves. Luck is a matter of good or bad thin

Ask any student or aficionado of the Vietnam War (1965-1972) for a top ten list of artifacts “unique

Imagine this: a young African girl, barefoot but wearing a dress and head wrap, clenches her fists a

From the time we are children, we are encouraged to see our lives as in large measure aimed at findi

Mark Twain called it “pious hypocrisies.” President McKinley called it “civilizing and Christianizin

Kevin Whitehead‘s highly readable, informative and entertaining Why Jazz? A Concise Guide (Oxford Un

Chris Mole‘s book, Attention is Cognitive Unison: An Essay in Philosophical Psychology (Oxford Unive

Richard Blechynden came to Calcutta in 1782 as a twenty two year old, and stayed there for the rest

It’s a sobering thought that, but for the spread of English, I wouldn’t be able to do these intervie

This week we have Geoff Dean on the show to talk about his new book Organised Crime: Policing Illega