cover of episode The Effects of Microplastics on Your Health & How to Reduce Them

The Effects of Microplastics on Your Health & How to Reduce Them

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Huberman Lab

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Andrew Huberman
本期节目讨论了微塑料的定义、来源、对人体健康的影响以及减少接触的策略。微塑料无处不在,存在于空气、水、食物等各种环境中,并可通过呼吸、摄入等途径进入人体,并在人体器官和组织中积累。研究表明,微塑料可能对神经系统、生殖系统、心血管系统等造成损害,并可能与某些疾病相关。但目前尚无确凿证据证明微塑料与特定疾病之间的因果关系。为了减少微塑料的摄入和积累,建议采取以下措施:1. 避免饮用瓶装水,尽量使用不锈钢或陶瓷水杯;2. 选择非海洋来源的盐;3. 避免食用罐装汤等可能含有双酚A等内分泌干扰物的食物;4. 避免使用塑料容器加热食物;5. 避免使用纸杯盛放热饮;6. 使用反渗透过滤器过滤自来水;7. 摄入足够的膳食纤维;8. 多吃十字花科蔬菜或补充萝卜硫素;9. 避免使用不粘锅等可能含有有害物质的厨具;10. 经常出汗;11. 减少购买和丢弃衣物;12. 避免食用微波炉爆米花和塑料牙膏;13. 接触收据时佩戴天然手套。总之,虽然完全避免微塑料接触是不现实的,但我们可以通过采取多种措施来减少暴露和促进其排出,从而保护自身健康。 本期节目还讨论了微塑料对发育中的大脑的影响。虽然目前尚无确凿证据证明微塑料与自闭症和多动症等神经发育障碍之间存在因果关系,但微塑料的存在及其可能造成的损害,尤其是在怀孕期间和婴儿期,值得关注。孕妇和幼儿应特别注意减少微塑料暴露。

Deep Dive

Introduction to microplastics, their prevalence, and common sources of ingestion.
  • Microplastics are found in the air, beverages, and various containers.
  • They can be detrimental to human health, especially in vulnerable populations like pregnant women and young children.

Shownotes Transcript


Welcome to the huberman lab podcast, where we discuss science and science space tools for everyday life. I made huberman, and i'm a professor of neurobiology and optimal gy at stanford school of medicine. Today we are discussing microplate tics.

Microplate tics are an extremely interesting and important topic that everyone should know about. And the reason is microplate tics are indeed everywhere they are in the air, they are in beverages we consume. They are lining the inside of soup cans.

They are lining the inside of paper cups made to hold hot water, coffee and tea. And there are a lot of animal data, and indeed some human data, showing that microplate tics, which consists of particles of different sizes, can be very detrimental to our health. At the same time, it's important to realize that as of now, we don't have any causal data linking microplate tics to specific human diseases.

That said, there's a lot of correlative data, and today, we are going to review those correlative data. And most importantly, we are going to discuss the various things that we can each and all do to limit our exposure to microplate tics or at least to facilitate the removal of microplate tics from our body. Because as well soon discuss, you have microplate tics in essentially every organ and tissue of your body right now, and you are constantly being bomb boarded with microplate tics.

So the chAllenge for me, and indeed for you as well, is to frame this topic of microplate tics accurately. It's important that we understand they are out there, they are in us, and indeed, they can cause serious issues for our health. However, we also need to take agency. We need to understand how we can limit what's called the bio accumulation of microplate tics in our organism tissues. And I don't want to be alarmist.

Today's epo de is not about getting you to be petrified or about developing some sort of hyper country react is about microplate tics is designed to inform you about what they are, where they exist, where they exist in particularly high amounts in the things that you can do to limit their impact on your biology. Because I think it's fair to say that we are not going to rid the earth of microplate tics. They are just too pervasive.

Now the one caveat is that there are certain populations of people, in particular people that are pregnant or people that have Young children and those Young children themselves, that should really strive to limit their exposure to microplate tics. So by the end of today's episode, you can be confident that you'll understand a lot about what microplate tics are, the impact that they are currently having, some of the potential impact that people are starting to investigate in ways that you can limit their negative impact on your brain and bodily health. Before you begin, i'd like to emphasize that this podcast is separate from my teaching and researchers at stanford.

IT is, however, part of my desired effort to bring zero cost to consumer information about science and science related tools to the general public. Keeping with that theme and like to thank the sponsors of today's podcast, our first sponsor is element. Element is an electorate drink that has everything you need and nothing you don't.

That means the electoral lites. Sodium, magnesium and potassium in the correct ratio, but no sugar. Now I and others on the podcast have talked a lot about the critical importance of hydration for proper brain and bodily function.

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Today's episode is also brought to us by Better help. Better help offers professional therapy with a license therapies Carried out entirely online. Now I ve been doing weekly therapy for well over thirty years.

Initially, I didn't have a choice. IT was a condition of being allowed to stay in high school. But pretty soon I realized that therapy is an extremely important component to overall health.

In fact, I consider doing regular therapy just as important as getting regular exercise, including cardiovascular lar exercise and resistance training exercise, which, of course, I also do every week. Now there are essentially three things that great therapy provides. First, IT provides a good report with somebody that you can really trust and talk to about any and all issues that concern you.

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There are best with whom you really resonate with and provide you with these three benefits that I described. You'd like to try Better help, go to Better help that calm slash huberman in to get ten percent off your first month again, that's Better help that come slash huberman. Okay, let's talk about microplate tics.

What are microplate tics? Microplate tics, as the name suggests, are little edibility bits of plastic, how edibility well microplate tics range in size from one micron, which is one one thousand of a millimeter, all the way up to five millimeters in diameter. So anything in that size ranging is considered a microplate tic, anything smaller than that, so anything smaller than one micron in diameter, one, one thousand of a millimeter in diameter, e is considered a nano plastic.

And indeed, there are lots of microplate tics floating around in the air. There are lots of nano plastics floating around in the air. There's lots of both of those things in the ocean.

There are lot of those things in food, especially package food. There are a lot of those things lining cops. There are a lot of those things in everything that we consume, essentially.

So what does that mean to have all these microplate tics and nano plastics floating around in our environment and going into our body through fu foods at setara? Well, there is some serious concern because these microplate tics potentially can disrupt cellar health, organ health and could potentially lead to certain forms of disease. We'll talk about the ways they could potentially do that.

However, I want to also emphasize that your body is incredibly good at dealing with foreign invaders. It's very good at getting rid of stuff that isn't good for IT. However, microplate tics and nano plastics have been shown a lodge with specific tissues and stay there for long periods of time.

So you'll notice during today's episode, i'm going to go back and forth between the stuff is really scary and then reassuring you that we're not sure whether not we need to be that scared about these microplate tics and nano plastics yet. Okay, what I wanted do is give you the evidence so you can decide how much effort you put into limiting your exposure to these microplate tics and any plastics, and how much effort you put into trying to rid your body of them. I'm not here to paint the picture one way or the other because Frankly, the data just don't line up with one argument or the other that they're extremely dangerous or that there is nothing to worry about.

Let me give you an example of something that you might have heard in the media and on recent podcast out there that very scary. The argument, based on what seems to be a pretty high quality publication that you may heard, is that every single week we adjust up to a credit cards worth of microplate tics and nano plastics. You might have seen that in headlines and in other podcast, and indeed, there was a paper arguing that, however, a more recent paper looked at the quantitative analysis.

They used used a different quantitative analysis and claim that they vastly over restituted the amount of plastic that we in just every week. What do I mean by vasily over estimated? The newer analysis of the same data claims that the credit cards worth of plastic that he was argued we consume every week.

Well, that was an over estimate by a million fault. And in fact, IT would take twenty three thousand years to consume enough plastic to lead to that credit cards worth of plastic in our bodies. okay.

So now we have very description data, or rather, we have very description and analysis of the same data. So you're starting to get a picture of just how this whole field is. But we're gonna pass IT a little bit further by saying that it's also very clear that microplate tics and nano plastics are everywhere, okay, they're just everywhere you look.

In fact, if I were A P H D adviser for somebody in toxicology or A P H C advisor for somebody in environmental science, and they needed to have a shore fire publication, i'd probably suggest that they work on microplate tics and go out there and try and find yet another source of microplate tics and use a Better analysis. For instance, OK doing a graduate thesis just about getting a publication. But what i'm trying to refer to hear is that wherever people look for microplate tics, they find them.

This is true in our environment, and this is true and food, this is true and water, and this is also true for our tissues. So in the last couple of years, there has been an explosion in the number of scientific studies expLoring which tissues of the human body. So not just animal models, but the human body contain microplate, tics and nano plastics.

okay? So by examining postmortem tissues, that is, tissues from people who are deceased, it's been discovered that there are microplate tics and nano plastics lodged in the brain. So if you take the brain of a deceased adult human, what you find is that they have about point five percent of the total weight of the brain from microplate tics.

So this is about at tea spoon of salt or sugar worth of microplate. Tics might not seem like much, but if you think about how little neurons are a typical neuron, we will have a cell body. This is the air that contains the nucleus with all the DNA and so forth.

That cell bodies of neurons vary in size, tremendous. Ly, there can be as small as you know five to eight microns across too as much as gosh, i've seen some neurons down the microscope that are um you know fifty microns. Es, i've seen some that are one hundred microns across IT.

Depends where you look in the nervous system. okay? So if you start to think about a half tea spoon of powder of microplate tics and nano plastics, that's a lot of microplate tics and nano plastics that could be distributed in lots of different places in the brain.

And a little bit later we'll talk about what the potential impact of these microplate tics and nano plastics on the function of particular types of neurons that may impact things like neuro developmental project. Tories, okay, the argument has been made. I'm not making this argument, but the argument has been made that microplate tics and nano plastics may corporate with things like autism, may correlates with things like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

I don't actually believe that the data there are strong enough to make those arguments at all. However, I will tell you that the presence of microplate tics and anal plastics in the brains that is post modern tissue, okay, so disease people taking the brain, chopping up the brain, look at down the microscope and sing microplane s and then quanto find the a mount of microplate tics in different compartments of the brain and distributed across the brain. That is concerning to me, in the sense that there is enough of IT in there, and the function of neurons in the nervous system is precise enough that you could imagine, given that these microplate tics and nano plastics are lodged in particular categories of neurons that do in fact impact things like reward and motivation, things like movement eeta, that they could be impacting the function of the nervous system.

But there's no direct cause of relationship, at least not in humans. Some interesting data in animal models. We'll get back to that a little bit later.

So there's microplate tics in nan plastics in brain. You'll find microplate tics and nano plastics in other tissues that have a blood board in a barrier. What do I mean that? Well, the brain is incapable later in the social bbb, the blood brain barrier.

And that's because your brain to tissue, because IT doesn't turn over across the lifespan. You don't produce many new neurons, are a few places. You produced new neurons like your factory bub. The then take driver of the hip campus, a few places. But these are far and few between.

Most of your brain tissue that you're born with is the brain tissue e that you're going to die with, provided you don't lose that brain tissue through the course of your life span, through a headed injury or something like that. The neurons you have when you are born actually are far more numerous than the neurons you have at the time when you die. This is important, and it's one of the reasons we have a blood brain barrier.

Nature is very smart. IT designed a barrier so that molecules that might be dangerous to the brain cannot enter the brain. And that's what the B B.

B is. Microplate tics and nano plastics are making IT from the bloodstream into the brain. Okay, this is what I mean when I said they can cross the blood brain barrier.

And if we take a step back and we ask ourselves, what are some other tissues in the body that have a very robust barrier from the blood? A lot of things get into the blood, and that's not necessarily good, but it's not necessarily bad if you can excrete those things, right? We have a lot of detoxification mechanisms that include our liverage toxification eeta.

But if these particles are getting from the blood into the brain, what are some other tissues that they are getting into that have these thick barriers? Are these very stringent barriers? As you can imagine, two other tissues that have very stringent blood to organ barriers of the blood testicular barrier.

Why would that be? okay? Why would you protect the brain? Well, I can't renew.

You don't want those neurons to get contaminated with things. So you put A B, B, B in a blood brain barrier. You also put a blood testicular barrier in males.

why? Well, that's where the DNA are. That's where the so called germ cells are.

So you don't want things getting into the testicle and mutating the DNA there, because then those mutate DNA could be passed on to offspring. Guess what? Microplate tics and any plastics can cross the blood particular barrier in.

In fact, there was a lot of press this last year about microplate tics and anal plastics being present in every human testicle that was analyzed in where, I should say, from postmortem tissue. Likewise, there is a blood follow barrier in females. Okay, this is where the eggs come from.

And microplate tics and anal classics can cross the blood folicur barrier. So this is why people are starting to get concerned, right? I suppose we shouldn't be so surprised that we're inhaling microplate tics, given that they are everywhere.

I should mention that there wasn't much plastic around or in use prior to the one thousand nine hundred and fifties, if any of you've ever seen the movie that graduate with us. And hoffman says the only time you'll see somebody driving eawt across the bay bridge, right tored from CSGO tod burke, on the top deck that actually runs on the other direction, they shot down the bag. That's in the graduate.

The other thing that's in the graduate is this famous scene, you're old enough like me to remember the movie, the graduate, dustin hoffman, lying in the pool. It's after his graduation. He's lying in the pool.

He doesn't really know what he's going to do with his life. And sky comes up too many. He says, you know, the future is plastics.

And he became this kind of famous line, or super famous line. Now that movie takes place at a time when plastics were really booming as an industry. And indeed, Polly ethie polythene.

These plastic materials were developed because they were very durable. They were long lasting. In fact, they're not biographical y're, not broken down very easily, if at all, and certainly not within biological tissues. These plastics went from essentially nonexistent in the one thousand nine hundred and forty years in prior to in pretty much everything involved in manufacturing.

Okay, even in different aspects of surgical implants and things of that sort of plastics are indeed everywhere that started in the one thousand nine hundred and fifteen hands that line from the graduate. So it's not surprising that microplate tics and nano plastics would get into our body, right? They're everywhere in our environment and we're inhaling them all day.

Then of course, they'll get into our lungs, and then small enough, they can get into our bloodstream. But as I mention, the body has these closing systems with these detoxification systems to remove things. But they're not removing the microplate tics, or at least not all of them, from brain testicle and follow. And I should point out that microplate tics and nano plastics are also found in all the other tissues of the body.

In fact, I don't think there's a single investigation of human tissue or animal tissue for microplate tics or nano plastics where they didn't get a positive result, meaning where they didn't find them in the tissue, you can find them in not just the upper lungs, but in the lower lungs, so they are going deposit in the lower lungs. You can find them in the bloodstream from from a blood raw. You can find them in human pressure, and you can find them in what's called the mcconnell, which is the first tool that a baby takes.

This is typically ken within the, or the stool is given, given, taken. It's taken by the doctor, is actually analyzed for very things that contains bio and a bunch of other things is actually important indicator of the health of the child. Um IT turns out that this first tool that happens in the first twenty four hours or so after birth, when that's been analyzed for microplate tics, there are two, you find microplate tics and nano plastics.

And that's really got people concerned, because what this means is that microplate tics and nan plastics that mothers are interesting, or that they somehow have lodged in their bodies, are making their way to the feed. Now you could say, well, is IT really a problem? Well, a few years ago, I was at least concerning enough that B, P, A, you will talk more about B, P, A, B final a, which is a component of microplate tics.

This is unknown. Indecent disrupt IT disrupts certain estrogen like pathways will get into this in a few minutes. This final A M, B, P, S were banned from sippy cups and kids and from any food containers for Young kids.

So the fda in the united states and the european countries as well had enough date on this, or enough concern about this to say, listen, we are going to make IT illegal to have B P. A line, sippy cups or food containers for Young kids, in part because the B, P, A is correlated with microplate tics and nano plastics. So what i'm saying here is that the government has taken pretty avid measures to restrict the amount of B, P.

A exposure through microplate tics, nano plastics, two Young kids. And yet the feast clearly is being exposed to microplate tics in nano plastics. This is why at the beginning I mentioned, if you are pregnant or you have Young kids, or if you are a Young kid, you want to go out of your way to limit your exposure to these microplate tics and nano plastics.

But if you're an older adult, you probably want to do the same and will talk about ways that you can do that. So I could go on and on about the various tissues besides present in your bloodstream. Brain test, these fall to lower lungs, you can find nano plastics.

In the liver, you can find microplate tics and nano plastics in pretty much every tissue that you look for them. The real question is, how detrimental are these microplate tics and nano plastics? And then, of course, we can talk about where they're coming from, specifically in ways that you can control and limit.

And when I say control and limit, what we're really talking about here is, yes, trying to limit your exposure to these things. If I were to rattled off the different sources of microplate tics in nano plastics, you would go wide, wide. And you would probably also just say, okay, I surrender.

They're truly everywhere. In fact, i'll do that. Okay, I can't help but do that. But keep in mind, you do have some control in terms of the end result of the medical plastics and nano plastics on your health. So here I go. Plastic bags, storage containers, bottle caps, rope, gear, strapping utensils, cups, float coolers, containers, wrote, fishing, that textiles. Sorry, i'm not laughing because it's funny.

I'm laughing because it's just pretty much ever where late text, paint, coatings, medical devices, automotive parts, tires on the road, degrading, giving off little microplate tics into the air, microplate tics raining down from the sky, literally pipe film containers, laminated safety glass, car when shield, great, even the car when shield. Drinking bottles, text out, fivers, resids, paints, vanish construction, automotive parts, OK. So basically everywhere are these things are everywhere.

So what are we to do? Well, what we are to do is to limit the long term accumulation of microplate tics and anal plastics in our system. They're always that we can limit their introduction to our system. But as long as you're breathing, as long as you're walking around, as long as your neo road, you are exposed to microplate tics.

So until there is a huge movement to make Better tires that don't degrade as quickly, where to create filters in our home environments that remove the microplate tics, which Frankly, I think both those things are not reasonable expectations, at least not in this lifetime. Well, until then, what you can do is you can try and limit their entry and accumulation into your body. So rather than list of all the ways that you can limit so called bio accumulation of microplate tics and plastics at the beginning, at the end of today's episode, i'm going to intersperse them at times that are relevant to what I just discussed about how microplate tics get into our system and the tissues they are lodged in.

So i'll told you right now that a few ways that you can really do yourself a service in limiting your exposure to microplate tics is to limit your consumption of water from plastic bottles. That might seem kind of obvious, but check out these data, this is pretty wild. There was an analysis of the number of microplate tic and nano plastic particles in bottle water, and IT was estimated that there were about thirty thousand of these particles per leader of water.

okay? And those data stood for quite a long time. Then imaging techniques for measuring the number of these different particles in, particularly the really small nano particles, the ones that are less than one micron in diameter. The imaging tools for those improved. And i'll explain a little bit about that a moment.

And there was a paper published in the proceeds of national adem of sciences 4 that showed that the amount of nano plastic, in particular, but microplate tic and nano plastics that are present in bottled water was actually vastly underestimated in that previous study, rather than thirty thousand particles per leader, the reanalysis with Better methods show that IT was anywhere from a hundred and ten all the way up to four hundred thousand particles per leader, and the average was two hundred and forty thousand particles per leader. So that means to the amount of microplate tics and ano plastics in bottled water is actually much, much higher than we initially thought. And a very simple way to limit your exposure to microplate tics and nano plastics is to avoid drinking water from plastic bottles, in particular plastic bottles that have been heated up.

Now you might say, well, I don't heat up my plastic water bottle, right? But you don't know what happened to those plastic water bottle in root to the store you bought them at, or in root you refrigerator, right? They in the back of a hot truck, that in the back of a loading dock, any number of different things.

Now this is not to say that if you drink the occasional water out of a plastic bottle that you going to harm your health. And absolutely not saying that. However, it's pretty clear that there's a lot of microplate tics and nano plastics that are completely avoidable, at least avoidable in terms of your in gestion of them in plastic water bottles.

So IT makes sense to me why you would want to avoid those. Also, as a consumer able that's not very reused able, I supose, you could reuse those plastic bottles, but most people don't, at least they don't use them for very long, get pretty film msy pretty quickly. You're much Better off having either a strain's steel bottle or some sort of ceramic mug or using glass or using some other vessel for water that is reusable and of course, that is not made of plastic.

And then of course, the question arises how much microplate tic and ne plastic is in tap water and IT? Turns out there's quite a lot of IT. Now IT varies according to location, but they're a way that you can get those microplate tics and nano plastics out of your tap water.

The best way turns out to be a little bit expensive, admittedly dly, and that to use a reverse smos is filter. So reverse osmosis filters will get rid of all the microplate tics and nano plastics. Of course, IT will also remove some key minerals from the water, so you'll have to remineralize that water.

If one looks at the Price of reverse osmosis filtration systems, they're not cheap. They can range anywhere from three hundred to five hundred, even six hundred dollars for a home unit. And many of those units will remineralize the water.

So basically the water cleaned out, the microplate tics, nal plastics and a bunch of other bad stuff that you don't want. And then it's going to reminisce the water so that you're getting enough minerals in your water. Now, if you look at the cost of a reversal of this filter, I like you gonna go White.

D, i'd like that a lot of money for water. But if one thinks about the total amount of money one spends in a given year on plastic bottled water that we consume, and in throw away essentially the bottles, or even bottled water from glass bottles, i've in the habit of trying to drink water from gas bottles. And when you go out, you buy those, you feel Better that you're not consuming a lot of microplate tics and nano plastics, but they are very expensive.

So the cost probably line up pretty well in. When I did that analysis, I realized, well, actually the home reverse smos filter with remineralize ation as he will save on costs, provided that one is good about filling glass bottles or seeing less steel bottles with that water and making sure to, you know, when you leave the house to take those bottles with you again, I don't think it's possible for everyone to avoid all consumption of water from plastic bottles. Is just not reasonable to expect, right?

You don't want to be that person is Carrying around water everywhere you go to friend's houses at dinner at set. I don't think we need to be that concerned about the amount of microplate tic and nano plastic in water sources IT. Certains wouldn't want to avoid drinking water from plastic bottle.

The point you dehydrate yourself put yourself at risk. I'm not trying to create that kind of concern here, but i'm trying to say is, if you are concerned about microplate tics and ana plastics and you really want to lift your exposure, one of the best ways to do that is to limit your consumption of water from plastic bottles. And because microplate tics and any plastics are present in tap water, you're going to need some way to remove those microplate tics and any plastics from your tap water if you're very concerned about them.

I'm not here to say everyone should do this. I'm certainly not saying that saying that if you are concerned about microplate tics and nano plastics and will talk about some of the reasons one might want to be concerned about them, well then installing a reverse mosses filtration system on your homework might be a good idea, and it's likely to save you costs if you look at IT in comparison to buying disposable bottles of water. Now, there are a lot of other ways, besides drinking water plastic bottles that microplate tics and other plastics make their way into our system.

And I can list off many of them, but i'm trying to create a hierarchy here of the things that are potentially the major sources and the ones that we can most easily avoid and that are likely to save us costs overall. So one thing that's very clear that there's a lot of microplate tics and nano plastics in sea salt, who would have thought. But then you think about IT and like, well, this stuff is getting out into the ocean.

There is a lot of plastic in the ocean is a super depressing scene when one sees the pictures of all the plastic floating out there. Fact, there is a book that I read in preparation for this episode. Uh, I I was so depressing, but important for me to read. Maybe you want to read IT as well. It's quite good, although IT IT will be a bit of a downer.

Ah the title of the book is a poison like no other how microplate tics corrupted our planet and our bodies by matt Simon and I listened to this book in gasha really convinces you that there's microplate tics everywhere, both on land, in the air and in the ocean, unfortunately. And of course, sea salt comes from the ocean. So a simple solution to this is if you're gone to use salt and a big fan of salt, not overdoing IT, but salt has its role.

I did a wonderful substance, both for sake of taste and for sake of health. I an episode about salt. Again, don't overconsume salt. Don't blast your blood pressure, don't blow basket.

But many people would do well to have a little bit more salt, especially if you're eating a really clean diet, especially if you're hydroid very well. Focus on something like pink hima in salt or salt that comes from a non marine source, right? It's very simple to do is some of the best salt out there.

It's not terribly expensive and you would do well to avoid seased and get your assault from those other sources. In doing so, you're going to lower your exposure to microplate tics and nano plastics. There's some pretty scary pictures of sea salt under the microscope and all the little bits of plastic that are in there.

You only have to see those once or just here for me to make the shift to homeland sea salt. The pink salt is pretty IT looks nice. IT tastes great.

So that's an easy, very low cost shift that you can make. I'd like to take a quick break and acknowledge our sponsor, ag one. Ag one is a vitamin mineral probiotics drink that also include probiotics and adaptations.

Ag one is designed to cover all of your foundational nutritional needs. And IT tastes great. Now, i've been drinking A G once since two thousand and twelve, and I started doing that at a time where my budget for supplements was really limited.

In fact, I only had enough money back then to purchase one supplement. And i'm so glad that I made that supplement ag one. The reason for that is, even though I strive to eat most of my foods from whole foods and minimally process food, it's very difficult for me to get enough fruits, vegetables, vitamins and minerals.

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I also notice, and this makes perfect sense, given the relationship between the gut microbiome and the brain, that when I regularly take A G one, which for me means a serving in the morning or mid morning, and again later in the afternoon or evening, that I have more mental clarity and more mental energy, if you'd like to try A G one, you can go to drink A G one dot com slash huberman to claim a special offer. Right now, they're giving away five free travel packs in a year. Supply of vitamin d 3k two, again, that drink A G one dark com slash huberman to claim that special offer.

Okay, so we've talked about bottle water sources and filtering your water. We talk about sea salt. Another major source of these microplate tics that was very surprising to me is from the lining of canned soup. I don't think i'm never gna eat can soup again unless I absolutely need to, sorry, can sup companies.

But there was a study, the study was entitled, can soup consumption in urinary this final A A random zed cross over trial? I describe a little bit more about what biz final is a little bit later, but bisphenol a is a known indicate disruptor myrick estrogen in ways that can activate or block estrogen c pathways. So IT meses up permon pathways, either by activating them or blocking them.

IT can also bind androgen receptors potentially, and cosme issues there. This final a or B, P, A is not a good thing. Turns out there's lots of IT in the lining of soup cans.

The reason is soup tends to be a little bit fatty. So even if you get the non fat tup, IT tends to have some lipid in there, and IT also has some acidity to IT. And the lining helps maintain the flavor and the fresh ness of the soup in those cans.

In this study, what they did is they gave people either fresh soup or can soup for five days. Then they did us so called two day wash out, where they took a break from soup, and then they reverse the conditions. I'll cut to the chase here because the conclusion this study is wild.

What they found was the consumption of one serving of cancer daily over the course of five days. Here i'm quoting, by the way, was associated with more than a thousand percent increase in urinary B, P, A. In this fine.

All now that you ary B, P, A. So people are executed, I want to emphasize that. But a thousand fold increase in B P, A from canap.

I don't know. I'm not alarmist, but I only have to read this once. Think about my love of cancer. Not that great done. I'm not even can. So gan, unless i'm absolutely starving and I need some soup very, very badly, my suggestion would be, unless you have a powerful reason to consume cancer, don't consume cancer.

The one covey at being that if you can find cancel, that does not have any B P A, that is IT says no B P S on the container will then go at IT have as a much can sup as you want. But I should be very clear that a lot of can products now say no B P A, but they contain other underground disrupters. And the amount of microplate tics and nano plastics in those soups is still unknown.

So part of my hidden motivation of this episode, and perhaps the motivation of other pod casters in the health space that are talking about microplate tics now, by the way, doctor on a patric did a really wonderful podcast about microplate tics just recently. We didn't ordinate. That's why we both ended up doing IT roughly at the same time.

We talked about IT afterwards and talked about that. I guess, you know, we're both interested in some of the same themes. Of course, one of the perhaps hidden agenda is that some of these food manufacturing companies and beverage manufacturing companies will start to include more thorough descriptions on their labeling of what is and is not contained in the various products, such as can soup and water at sea, not just no B P.

S, but hopefully some of the other things problems that will talk about in a moment, such as B, P S, which is another indication. por. So if you see no B P S, sometimes there are still B P S in there OK. We will talk about B, P, S, as well as that s, which are something that make plastic and other containers more durable and more flexible.

And sales have been discussed by people like doctor shen swan, who will soon be a guess on this podcast and has shown up on other podcast talking about how feles are known, endearing disrupters in development and likely in adult od as well. So I guess my push for you to never consume cancer again might be a little bit harsh. That's just my decision.

Here's what i'll do. I make a bargain with the can suit companies. If you all start putting a more thorough description about what is and is not contained in those soup cans, right? Not just no B P A, but is there truly also no B P S? Are there no flies? Set a, then maybe make the move back to can at soup.

And of course, most of you have probably heard that you're not exposed to microwave plastic containers. Now you'll see microwave safe on a number of different containers. That just means that it's not going to melt in the microwave IT does not mean that you aren't being exposed to microplate tics in nano plastics at B P S, B P S salts at seta.

So in general, it's a good idea to avoid putting any kind of plastic into the microwave. At least you're going to make food and then consume that food. The other surprising, at least to me, source of B P S and B P S S of these underground disrupters and microplate tics and nano plastics that's very robust, is paper cups goods questions.

I would have thought paper cups are safe, but you know, those paper cups that you put hot liquid ds into, they're often have a plastic lid. Well, even if they don't have a plastic lid on them, the lining of the paper cup, which makes those cups drawled when you put hot liquid ds in there like a coffee or hot tea. Well, that contains typically, unless IT says no B P A and no B P S, IT contains lots of B P A, B P S, microplate tics, nano plastics.

And so putting hot liquids in there, actually there is an analysis that showed that if liquid that heat IT up to hundred degrees farenheit is put in those containers, IT starts to reach out, IT starts to pull those microplate tics, nano plastics, B P S and B P S. From the cup linings. So the other day went across the street and body cup coffee, of course, they sold IT to me in a paper cup, and I forgot to bring my model steam.

c. Did I not purchase the coffee? No, I had already ordered the coffee. I didn't walk back. What I did is as soon as I got back, I took the coffee and I poured IT into a straw c mug. So i'm not extremist.

I'm not somebody who's going to completely avoid these things, but in the future, i'll trying to remember to bring my mug over some places, even give you a discount on your coffee. So again, these are cost saving approaches. You're certainly limiting or reducing the amount of waste that you're creating in the world, so that can only be a good thing.

okay. And the plastic lids, probably a good idea to avoid drinking through those plastic lids too often. Again, I want to emphasize i'm not one of these people. It's onna freak out about drinking a hot liquid through a plastic. These microplate tics and nano plastics are everywhere. We're consuming them all the time we can remove them from our body later will talk about ways that you can accelerate or increase the amount of removal of them from your body.

But if we're just a little bit more conscious about how they get into our body and we're a little little bit more conscious about the elevated cost and the elevated amount of trash that's going to recycle into land filling, so on that a good idea that just bring your mug with you, your travel mug with you. Try to make those mugs and travel mug ceramic stainless deal or some other vessel t that doesn't contain B P S or B P S S before we move on to talk about what happens when microplate tics and nano plastics make IT in to, say, the testicle or the brain, like what the consequences of that is. And R, I wanted just briefly return to something that I flew past a while ago.

And that's the analysis of microplate tics and other plastics particles that are in bottle water. Remember, initially was thought to be thirty thousand particles per leader than later, IT was discovered using Better techniques that it's actually more like two hundred and forty thousand on average particles per leader. How did that huge discrepancy and data arise? Now I realized this is not a data analysis discussion, but I wanted talk about this just briefly, because IT illustrates for you something really important about science, which is, as tools for measured get Better.

So does our understanding about what's going on in our brains and bodies. And it's a very simple and kind of cool thing related to the light. So you can imagine that the first paper was looking under the microscope at a drop of water taken from a bottle that was plastic, and then image the number of little plastic particles in there.

There is a particle, there is a particle. There is a particle. And there are tools that can count those particles.

Well, what if you have two particles that are really close together, right? If you recall, microplate tics are anywhere from one micron in diameter, all the way up to five millimeters in diameter. But nano plastics are less than one micron in diameter.

So how do you know that when you see a cup of stuff under the microscope in that drop of water, that you're looking at one big piece of plastic versus thousands and thousands of little pieces of nano plastic, or even just much smaller pieces of microplate tic? Well, IT has to do with what's called the point spread function. And I don't really want to get into this in too much detail, but basically when you shine light on something, you get, uh, kind of a little hill of light, if you will, there's a peak at the center.

And then he had drops off with distance. The reason why the numbers jumped from thirty thousand to two hundred and forty thousand is not because the researchers got much Better. It's because the tools got much Better.

Okay, there are new imaging techniques, and i'll put in a reference to this for those either into this kind of stuff entitled rapid single particle chemical imaging of nano plastics by S R S. microscopy. Okay, pretty nerdy stuff. It's fun if you're interested in light and how light can illuminate things and show detail or not detail. But basically what we're realizing is that there a lot more particles.

Of plastic in different tissues, in different things that we're ingesting at sea because we're getting Better and Better ways of separating those plumbs of light into lots of little column s of light and realizing, oh, that look like one particle, right remember its particles per leader. It's not one particle. It's ten thousand particles.

Now you might say, okay, well, what's the difference between a bunch of little particles and one big particle? Oh, there's a big difference. What's the big difference? Little particles can make IT across barriers that big particles can.

These little nanoparticles of plastic are especially concerning because those are the ones that you find in greatest abundance, or I should say, among the plastics that you find in different tissues, the ones that aren't greatest abundance in the brain, the testes and the local against tissues that nature and evolution have gone to out of their way to protect with these very stringent barriers, like the blood brain bear, like the blood testicular bear, like the blood follie barrier. Those are the ones that are getting across because they're very, very small. They can sneak through little holes in those biological enses.

They're getting deposited in those tissues, brain testicle and follow. And they're staying there at least until people die, which in the case of the analysis of postmodern n tissue is many, many decades later. okay. So i'm not just raising this discussion about ways to die bigge large particles from small particles just to be nurdin and technical IT turns out to be a really important issue with real biological implications. Okay, so lots of eighty beauty, little pieces of plastic getting their way into tissues like brain, follow testes, liver, long is set up.

What are some of the implications of this? Now there are a lot of animal data, data in fish, data in mice eta, that have explored how microplate tics in nan plastics can disrupt any number of different biological functions. But it's probably worth looking at how nano plastic and microplate tic accumulation in specific tissues correlated with specific health detriments in humans.

Even though the data are correlative right, it's much harder to get caught data from human studies because the animal studies, Frankly, are hard to translate to humans in this case, in particular, because a lot of the features of animal biology, while similar to human biology, humans are animals. But you get the point they don't core response or easily when looking at microplate tics and nano plastics. For the following reason, let's say you have a little fish.

That fish is a couple thousand meters long and IT turns out there's, uh, I don't know about an aspirin size of microplate tics and nano plastics in that fish. When that fishes analyzed postmortem, you say, okay, well that's kind of a lot right in aspirins worth in a or an aspin size batch of microplate tics and nano plastics in that little fish. And then you look in humans and you realize, okay, well, there's more microplate tics and nano plastics, but not that much more.

How much of a detriment is they're really onna be. Can you look at the study in the fish scene? For this has been demonstrated that you have disruption in neurological pathways.

The formation of those pathways like brain development is altered. Reproductive function is altered, is that it's hard to translate. We don't really know what IT means in terms of humans.

So we will turn to the corner of data in humans, and i'll look to the strongest data at least that I could find out there. And they're going to three major cases that I think that we're the highlighting in. The first one is that there was a studied done in humans.

This is publishing. Twenty twenty one is publishing the journal of environmental science and technology that found much higher levels of microplate tics in the store, samples of people that were diagnosed with edible bel syndrome. Okay, urda baLance drom is very disruptive to people's well being.

There isn't an obvious cure for urda balloon drom, although some people find relief by improving their gut microbiota, by limiting boy wide and gut inflation tion through any number of different things, improving sleep and eating a low inflation tion died at of this is something i'll probably covered in a future episode of the human and lab podcast, gesture and technical chAllenges, that is. So I want to be very clear. There was no direct causation established, but he was clear that there were higher levels of microplate tics found in the stall tissue coming from people who had erdal balls syndrome, then in individuals who did not have erdal baLance system.

And while no study is perfect, they included a number of important controls in the experiment to control for age range into some other features. So it's reasonable to assume that the accumulation of microplate tics in the gut or somewhere along the G. I.

Tract had somehow LED to or related to erdal baLance OK. Now you could also imagine the reverse. This is very important. understand. You could also imagine that people who had edible balloons drome perhaps are less good at filtering microplate tics and nano plastics from the food and liquids they consume.

There are people who don't have a mobile syndrome, so the causes, if IT exist at all, could run in either direction or both. Nonetheless, I think it's an interesting study. And if you're somebody who suffers from gastro testino distress, such as erdal baLance syndrome or otherwise, I think you'd be wise.

I did all people would be wise, but I think you'd be especially wise to take into consideration some of the two deos and not to do that i'm covering during today's episode, such as avoiding consuming water from plastic bottles. So this stuff we talked about earlier, avoiding can soup and B P A, B P S containing containers and things of that sort or things that come from those containers. The other area where there is some really interesting correlative data relates to reproductive function and hormonal health.

And this is where we can start to get into a bit more detail about B P A and B P S S N S and some of their roles in disrupting indian, that is, hormone pathways. So there is a study i'll put a link to in the shown of captions that's entitled urinary salt metabolizes are associated with decreased serum test cost. So that's in blood in men, women and children.

Okay, this is an interesting study for a number of reasons. First of all, IT emphasises something that everybody should know, which is that tests astroland plays key roles in men, women, in kids. okay?

IT is not the case that testosterone is just present in men and boys. It's also present in women, in girls. And IT plays an important role in everybody OK.

It's involved, of course, in some of the things that we Normally associate with, such as muscle mass, bone density, strength. That said, a but teston can be converted to estrogen. 我 stone is involved in label in both men and women, is involved in brain development, in boys and girls, in janitorial development and on and on.

So it's an important hormone. And IT was clear from this study that elevated levels of that that is delay metabolizes are associated lower test astern levels in all those populations. They point out, quote, that the strongest and most consistent inverse relationships between level sales and to stop one that is elevated elementary oids lower testosterone were found among women ages forty to sixty years.

This is very important. If you saw the episode that we did with dr. Mercer haver on parole mental pause SHE emphasize that para mani, pois maniap, which typically sets in somewhere between once late forties and sixties.

Okay, there's huge variation there. Sometimes as early as one thirties that would be early. However, more often in once forties and fifties, sometimes as latest sixties involves reductions in estrogen, but also in testosterone.

One in this has major implications for creating less feelings of bigger, lowered libido, less recovery from exercise in other life stressors in things of that sort. Now the study also interestingly shows that, in quote, adult men, the only significant or suggestive inverse association between valid meta lights stores one were observed among men forty to sixty years old. Now there are a number of different ways that we can interpret those data.

One is that many Younger than forty have high enough levels of test. One that, or the ranges of test strone are great enough in that sample of Younger than forty years old, that somehow that was able to swamp out any reductions, testosterone, that were caused by the metabolites, or rather that once men get from forty to sixty years years old, that they are somehow a vulnerability of the testosterone pathways to salts. Or in none of these are mutually exclusive, of course, that the thoughts had built up in those men system over a number of years, and then were having their major effects on those men between forty and sixty years old.

I do find IT interesting that the major effects were observed in both men and women forty to six years old. And the interpretation of those data that makes the most sense to meet least is that there's a cumulative effect of these valid over time that reveals itself at the statistically in men, in women, once they reach a forty to sixty years. So what are these stalled? Well, these stalls are things that are included in plastics, that house liquids and foods that we eat or that we cook with, or that simply exist in our environment, are getting broken down in that we're inhaling and then are making their way across the blood, testicle barrier.

Blood follow barrier, or into any number of other tissues. Those stylites are there, of course, to make plastic more flexible and durable. But their known and disruptors, shaina swan, has done beautiful work showing that Young animals, and potentially humans who are exposed to salts from things like pesticides in particular, can actually have a fairly major disruption in what's called the ino genital distance.

Okay, with, hold your chuckles, the distance between the penis and the aim is in people that have been exposed to the light, or mothers of boys that have been exposed to the lets, those boys are born with a shorter penile to anal distance. okay. Typically it's of a certain distance and there's a correlation with reduced ano general distance that is a external marker.

okay? It's not that that itself is necessarily a bad thing. Um that's what we're saying here, but that's an external marker that can be measured in mice.

And there are some studies that are expLoring that in humans as well that correlate with the number of other things, including lower sperm counts, reduce per motility and things of that sort. Likewise, B P S, the best fund a and B P S are known underground disrupters. I talk about this little bit earlier.

They are known to bind estrogen receptor of the mimic estrogen. Sometimes they activate those estrogen receptor dependent pathways, so they literally mimic estrogen. Sometimes they block those estrogen receptor or so the emerging cannot have the Normal role of docking in those receptors ors and causing their Normal functions and B, P, A, into some extent.

B P S, and potentially sales conduct to androgen recept tors as well. Sometimes refer to us to stop one receptions, androgen recept tors. So the point is that B P S, B P S S and toilets are not good for indecent function, and they are present in basically all plastics, unless IT says no.

B P A or off styles remove their present in urbi des sea in of real concern. And it's very clear, as I mention earlier, that you can detect microplate tics in human testes and I didn't mention the solar and in seam and and IT is now very clear that that's correlated with reduce sperm counts and lower sperm motility. Now I also want to be very clear, remember, i'm not an alarmist.

I want to be clear that just because sperm council are significantly lower in people to have a certain amount of microplate tics and nano plastics potentially in their testes or that they have been exposed to, does not necessarily mean that they are in ferd. Le IT is true that total sperm count and sperm mortality, forward motility being an important indicator form health, are correlated with one's ability to fertilize an egg. Okay, this was covered in a quite long but quite detailed episode that I did about fertility in both males and females.

There number things one can do to increase firm counts, or to this limit sperm count depletion, the number of things that one can do to improve sperm motility. I encourage you to check out that epsom, provide a link to and the shown of captions impacts, or link to the specific time stamp in the shown at captions that gets to those particular. But the point here is that microplate tics and anal plastics are found in human testes, and that's correlated with reductions in sperm count and reductions in sperm mortality.

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S. A, canada, U. K. Select countries in the E.

U. In australia. Again, that sleep, that com slash huberman. Another study that got people's attention that I think is worth mentioning, which relates to microplate tics, nano plastics and cardiovascular disease. This was a study polish in the new england journal medicine and twenty four. So this fab ously good journal.

And what I found was that Polly ethical, which is a component of many plastics out there, we're detected in the crowd ded artery places of, in this case, a one hundred and fifty patients, which is approximately fifty eight percent of the ones that were including the study. And they also found, using a technic called electron microscopy, today's phones, we get to talk about different types. Cross copy electron microscopy allows you to look at things that are smaller than a micron.

You can look all the way down into the nanometer range, right? You can start breaking up that one, one thousand and of a millimeter into nanometers, and you can start to see things that are really, really small. And in the study, electron microscopy showed that there were these jagged edge foreign particles among the black microphones of these cardiovascular lar plax.

Okay, macrophages are part of the immune system. These are cells that going and trying to eat things up. They're like ambuLance ces later we're going talk about microgrid, which are the brains resident microphones or microphones, depending on where you live in, how you like to pronounce IT.

But the point here is that when using a technic like electronic crosby, the last you look at really, really small stuff, IT was very clear that the places that form these now, basically exclusions within the arteries. These are not good as one of the reasons you want to eat properly and do car die, vascular exercise and take great care yourself. The electron microsys made very clear that there were little plastic foreign jagged particles deposited in some of these places.

Now, where they the cause of these places, did they contribute to some of the conclusion caused by those places? unclear. But it's reasonable to assume that they form part of the physical substrate that could include blood flow through these arteries, which, of course, leads to cardiac lar events, which, of course, are not good.

So i'll put a link to the study in the shown of captions. Again, these are correlative studies in humans. Correlative studies are only that they're just correlative.

But i'm trying to provide a patchwork of things that suggest that IT wouldn't deed be a good idea to try and to limit your injustice, or at least facilitate the removal of microplate tics and nano plastics from your system. Another reason to do that relates to the so called p faces. okay? These are a group of chemicals sometimes refer to as the forever chemicals, because they are very long standing once they get into your system.

These things have names other than P, F, S, which is an acronym. Things like per fluor alcoa, things like poly flor. I don't know how good my pronunciation of those is, but if you look up the p faces, you'll see that these things are known to cause liver damage that can damage the immune system.

They are considered forever chemicals because they are not broken down. They last forever. Then again, some of the other components of microplate tics and nano plastics are also known to last forever.

So you're starting to get a picture of these little, tiny bits of plastics and tiner than others deposit themselves in our tissues. They are everywhere out there. They are most prominent in certain sources, but they're going to get into our system. now.

Does that mean that we can get rid of them? No, we absolutely can get rid of them. In fact, we have a number of different ways that we get rid of toxins and foreign vats in our body.

Some of those include the immune system, right? Even if you have just some sort of foreign object like a splinter, your immune stem has a reaction to that. Typically, it's and push around its influence ation in that post information is part of the process of isolation that is foreign der, that splinter and then eventually creating some tissues that executed allow you to exclude IT.

You, of course, also have what's called your adaptive immune system, which doesn't just react to the presence of something foreign that creates antibodies, which can combat that and so on. And so far, see, your body has these Frankly maculate ways of dealing with foreign trade of different sorts. But IT does seem that microplate tics and nano plastics can deposit themselves in their tissues and stay there.

Does that mean that you don't have any chance of getting them out? No, you have a liver. Your liver, yes, contains microplate tics and any plastics, very likely if you've been alive for any amount of time.

But he also has what's called phase one and phase two detox fiction processes that allow you to break down and get rid of certain foreign products, including microplate tics and nano plastics. So let's talk about liberty toxicity and the some of the things that can facilitate liberty toxic ation you actually have control over. Okay, so let's talk about liver detoxification.

The liver is surgical organ. IT does so many cool things. It's not just about detoxification. By the way, IT does all sorts of things related to blood. Thing is just an amazing, amazing organ.

We should try to do an entire episode about the liver and not just eating liver. I'm not a fan of eating liver. I do at every once in a while because i'm told it's nutritious, but stuck about the living functioning liver.

There are two types of liver detoxification processes. okay? So this is not about detoxing your liver.

You make about detoxing your liver. That's a whole other discussion I don't want to get into. Let's not here.

There's type one in type two liberty toxicity, okay? There's type one so called. Face one, liberty toxification is also called the oxidation phase.

IT involves on the gold set crime p fifty n zs, okay? So enzymes are involved in the breakdown of different things. IT converts toxins into less harmful components that ideally are greeted from the body.

Okay, type two or phase to liver detoxification, this is not detox fiction of your liver. This is detoxification by your liver is also called the conjugation phase of detoxification. IT involves in designs that attach molecules to talk, okay?

IT makes us toxin, water, soil and easier to excrete from the body in the form of your own. Okay, IT neutralizes reactive intermediates from phase one, okay, so phase one and phase two detoxification work together during face two of liver control. Detoxification is where toxins are broken down, and those broken down components are prepared to be removed from the body.

okay? IT is thought that deliver plays a primary role in the removal of microplate tics and nano plastics. Bps and B P S S. And by the way, I realized I didn't say this earlier, and I should have these.

B, P, S and B, P, S, S are sometimes chemical components within the microplate tics, nano plastics at they sometimes attached themselves to the microplate tics in nano plastics. I should have said that earlier. Forgive me, the microplate tics and anal plastics can act as what are called vectors or Carriers of things like B P S. B P S is felled and forever chemicals. So I should have mention that earlier.

So type two, that is phase to of liver control detoxification, is where these toxins that are in the body, and potentially these microplate tics themselves and nano plastics themselves, or necessarily broken down, because some those things can't be broken down, but where they are prepared to be executed, the body, and we have some degree of control over face two of liver controlled detoxification. Again, i'm calling a liver controlled detoxification so that this doesn't get misconstrued as detoxing your liver, which Frankly is a very controversial topic and may not be possible at all, although simply by saying that i'm probably be going to be get attacked. But here we're just talking about your liver's ability to break down and remove things from your body that you Frankly don't want in your body.

One way that you can enhance face to liver control, detoxification processes is by increasing your intake of something called so throwing, which is present. Increase fous vegetables such as broccoli and color flower. Now, is there enough so forehand in Christopher's vegetables such that you could eat reasonable amounts that you wouldn't to over crisp er vegetables in order to get this enhancement of face to liver detox fiction processes potentially?

Yes, the animal studies that were Carried out so this would be enos like rats, used supplemented Sophia pan at dosages that were comparable to the amount of Sophia pan that a human might ingest from a large serving of broccoli or a large serving of college flower. So this could be a few cups of rob brocket or rock colly flower, although, Frankly, if you're like me, that basically translates to gastro and testing al distress. I can tell you how many times i've gone to a party and there some like, you know, broccoli and color flower maybe with some dip or something like that usually avoid the dip because i'm not really in the depth, but we'll have a few pieces of broccoli.

Y and boy does disrupt my got, I know about you, and most things don't disrupt. My god, that's not something that I strugling with. I prefer to cook brockley and to cook collie flower.

If you cook broccoli, color flour lightly. okay. So you don't just turn into a complete math. You don't boil at such that a lot of the nutrient are reached out into the water around IT.

So if you do sort of a light boil or a steam or something like that or you pan pan cooked IT, maybe in some oil, oil, this is making me hungry. By the way, you'll still maintain the sofa in in those Christ vous vegetables, meaning they will still be beneficial to you. Now, some people, including me, don't tend to eat that many Christmas vegetables.

I don't know why I just somehow don't make IT a point to shop for them enough. I ought to for people like me. Or perhaps you're in the same boat you can supplement was so hering.

And what you'll find is that IT sold by various companies and it's available at a quite wide range of dosages. You'll see, for instance, two products similarly Priced. One products will contain fifty milligrams of so horRobin.

The other products will contain two hundred and twenty five milligrams of so forth. Me now if you go to what I consider a really excEllent website for thinking about and evaluating this kind of stuff, which is examined that com, i've talked a lot about this. I'm site on the podcast before on examined at com, they talk about the translation of the road distance studies to humans.

And here's what they say. They say supplementation of point one to point five milligrams per kilogram a so forehand in rats has been noted to be bioactive. Okay, just bioactive. They're not getting specifically at removal microplate tics or nano plastics.

And they translate that to a human dose of, okay, if you one hundred and fifty thousand person, then that's going to be anywhere from one point one to five point five milligrams for one hundred and fifty pound person. If you're a two hundred pound person is approximately my way. I think right now i'm sitting somewhere around two fifteen.

So about hundred kilograms to fifteen, I don't know. Somewhere in there stood on a scale in a while. It's one point five to seven point two billion ms for a two hundred pound person. Now then you think about the typical dosages that are found in supplements of fifty milligrams preserving versus two hundred and twenty five milligrams per serving in in either case, you realized that that much, much higher than what's being discussed here.

So what that says to me is that I would probably go with the lower dosage, although according to exam that com, they say these low quantities are likely attainable through rob rocky or confer vegetable products. So that's great. What this means that you don't need to supplement with so forth in if you're willing to eat rob rocket.

They are specifically saying rob rockley or other crucifiers vegetable products, while higher dosages may be further beneficial. So this is a still a bit of a vague space. I realized there some discrepancies when i'm describing here.

I said you could lightly cook the brockley or color flower. That's my read and understanding of so forcing that it's not broken down at low temperatures, but perhaps you just decide me to eat IT raw if you can bear IT. I can't.

So I don't. You could supplement IT if you choose what dosage will. That depends on your weight. And IT seems that, in any case, most supplements are going to more than cover the amount of so foreign that describe here, translated from the rat studies. So in my case, after researching this episode, I opted to start taking fifty milligrams, five zero milligrams of sophy per day to see how that goes. I guess fair to say that i'm sufficiently concerned about uh, microplate tics and nand plastics given them in forty nine years old.

All my biomarker are seem fine, but hey, i'm always interested in doing something for my healthy or to promote my health that is if I can and it's pretty clear to me that if one's thinking about liver control detoxification on both for sake of offsetting a removing B P S, B P S is, but also other potentially toxic metabolizes from microplate tics and no plastics and other environmental factors, that taking fifty milligrams of so forth in predict perhaps can be beneficial. So I don't think it's necessary for everybody. In fact, I think everybody should probably be getting some Christopher vegetables in their diet anyway least once a week or a couple times a week.

So you're not interested in supplementing. That would be the road to go if if you are interested in supplementing, i'll provide a link to this particular location in the examiner campaign so that you can translate some of these dosages to your potential sources of supplemental forms of so forcing the other way that microplate tics and nano plastics can be excluded from the body is in the bail in one way to potentially increase the amount of microplate tics and anal plastics, B, P S, B, P, S, fillets and forever chemicals. Those p, fs.

Is from your body, is to make sure that you're getting enough dietary fiber. Most people can do that simply by eating a fair amount of fruits and vegetables, which I always make a point to do. I also in just starches.

okay. So i'm not your kind of all right things like rice, like open al. I like fresh pastas, although it's mainly rice and oatmeal for me these days in terms of starches, plenty of fruits and vegetables, but something I just really make IT a point to do.

Why is fiber good at doing this? Well, they combined lipp illic molecules. Okay, combine molecules that are able to cross sell membranes. And earlier we were talking about the fact that B P A in B P S is mimic estrogen and combined estrogens settings, and potentially to android recept tors as well.

Keep in mind that one of the reasons why those so called steroid hormones, pathways, I know people here the words steroid and they think performance enhancing stories. But no, turns out the starter gen are both steroid hormones. One of the reasons those are interesting is that because of their structure, they're able to bind, sell surface receptors and have effects on those cells.

They're also able to pass through OK the hormones OK here. I'm not time about bp a and B P S, but the hormones testosterone en can actually get to the nucleus of cells and can control gene expression. These steroids, hormones, stores one and estrogen work in a very coordinated fashion to create what we call secondary six characteristics, which are the characteristics of the external body and brain changes and internal changes all over the place, right over these tests.

That said, a, that are what underlie what we call puberty. And that's because these molecules can actually control gene expression. So when we talk about these molecules, like B, P S, and B, P S is impact in these pathways like estrogen and androgen pathways. This is serious stuff, because what you're doing is you're potentially activating the blocking pathways that are involved, not just in the function of those cells, but actually the genes that those particular cells express.

And this is particularly concerning for any kind of hormone dependent cancers, right? It's perhaps not surprising to you, based on what you now know about how hormone to work with gene expression at sea, that many tissues that turn over cells a lot, such as the testis, right, producing spare pretty much throughout the light spin, the follow and eggs, right? Breast tissue, right? These are common sites of cancer.

okay? There are other cancers that can form, of course, in other tissues, like the pankau in brain. That said. But tissues that turn over quite a bit because of the involved of the cell ycl and because cancer is, among other things, the disregard tion of the cell ycl and over production of cells that we call tumors. Those are pathways that are particularly vulnerable to integrate or hormone disruption.

And this is why there is additional concern about microplate tics and nano plastics, perhaps increasing cancer rates, in particular in tissues like the over, in particular the tests, in particular any tissue where there's a lot of seller turn over. So the point here is that eating brocket, eating college flower, potentially supplementing with four fame here on summarizing a bit what I talked about earlier, avoiding drinking water from plastic bottles may be in a reverse as moses filter, avoiding those diabolical can soups. I had no idea about these can soups, or ensuring that the can soups that you're eating are safe ways we discuss earlier avoiding sea salt, avoiding and throwing a few other things in here that I haven't mentioned yet, avoiding nonstick pans, trying to cook mainly with cast iron or ceramic and making sure that those are B P A, B P, S and P, F S.

free. Just look at the packaging. Do a little bit of homework there. Get this one.

This is a really surprising one, or at least was surprising to me. Carbonated water. Okay, mineral waters. A few years ago, there was an analysis of different popular forms of carbonate water, which is sold in glass containers. Okay, IT turned out that topic.

KO, which I happened past, happened to love topic o at nine point seven, six particles, petrillo of these p faces, these forever chemicals. Okay, that was in the analysis done in peria one point one san pa reno, zero point three one. So we're comparing nine point seven six versus one point one versus point three one, which tells me i'm avoiding top chico.

I might even avoid peroa. I'll probably drink sand pilGreen O I am probably buy a Perry and drink a Perry every once in a while. Not crazy about carbon water, by the way.

This was an analysis by consumer reports. And IT caught some attention such that the coca cola company, which makes total chico, said that they were gona fix this problem. And they claimed, okay, I don't know they've done this right. I don't want to get the folks at coa cola anger with me.

Coca cola claimed that by twenty three they were onna cut the amount of these particles in half, but that would still make them four point five parts parrilla, still much higher, at least four times higher than any of the other brand. So I have to be direct. I'm just speaking from my own experience and choices until I C data, that topic o has reduced the amount of these foreign contaminants to basically less than zero point three one.

I'm going with same pa gro or peri K. I don't tend to drink a lot of mineral water. But given that you're ordering in the glass in the glass container, that is given that these things are not particularly cheap, right, and that you have choices, you can either decide to avoid carbonate water all together, or if you're going to be smart about IT, you probably ly want to avoid the ones that contain more these foreign contaminants because of their ability to get large and different issues in your body.

So that was very surprising to me that you would have these forever chemicals in carbonated water. What IT tells us is that the water going into those products contains either microplate tics, nano plastics, pee faces for other sources or something. And so I think that we should all be aware of this.

If you're going to drink carbon water, probably going with a peri or same plug o will be Better than going with topic eo because even they've have the amount of these forever chemicals in there is still quite high. okay. Ay, so i've mentioned some two deals to reduce your microplate tic nano plastic P P A B P S and P F S exposure, such as in just inclusive for vegetables, potentially supplemented with still forever trying to avoid drinking out of plastic water bottles.

There are few other things or just listed off here to keep IT relatively short. Talk about making sure you're getting enough dye tary fiber. I talked before about using a glass or steel vessel and reverse, as most, this water, using himalaya, avoiding sea salt.

The other thing that you can do, oh, and I mentioned using cast iron in ceramic as a, was a nonstick coire whenever you can. And if you're going to microwave food, making sure that you're doing that on plates are in containers that does not or do not contain plastic of any kind, even if that says microwave safe. The other thing is to sweat.

Okay, we vastly underestimate or downgrade the power of sweating. Sweating is an incredible mechanism. Now I realized that as sooner somebody says sweating is a great way to remove toxins from the body, that a bunch of people out there are get really inflamed, pun intended.

I'm not saying that what I am saying is that there are a number of different ways for foreign products to leave the body, including eun fees, but including sweat. okay. So i'm not saying that's going to detox you completely.

That's not what i'm saying. okay? I don't fall into that camp. However, there a number of beneficial aspects to sweating, and also there are a number of beneficial aspects to doing the things that make you sweat. So i've done entire episodes about deliberate heat exposure. So the things like sona done anywhere from once a week to four times a week, put impressive data in terms of reducing all cause mortality, improving cardiac klar function. It's also, for most people, pretty pleasant to city nesa.

If you don't have access to a sana taking a hot bath, not so hot that you burn yourself, but a hot bath that also will activate some of the same pathways, things like hot yoga, things like going out for a run in a hood, trying to get your body to sweat pretty robustly at least once a week, is a good idea for all sorts of reasons. Also just your ability to thuma regulate. By the way, for those of you that don't sweat much, sweating is actually something that you can get Better at, right? You can get Better at sweating by what? By sweating, by exposing yourself in safeways to heat.

And I talk about that in the deliberate heat exposure episode. We all have a news letter on deliberate heat exposure or put links to those in the shown up captions. And those explain safeways to encourage sweating.

Why my talking about this? Well, sweatings may help remove some of the things that are attached to microplate tics and anal plastics that connect as underground rupture. It's very, very unlikely that the microplate tics and nano plastics would actually be removed as whole particles in sweat.

I think that's very unlikely. Frankly, what's more likely is that the microplate tics and nano plastics aren't really getting removed from or broken down within our body at all. You're getting lodge in these different issues.

But the stuff that on them and in them is potentially causing some of the biological harms that we've talked about. And so removing those more robustly is what sweating is about, is what consuming recipes vegetable les is about, and so on and so forth. So those are a few more to do.

The other two don't, or I should say, don't, are things like avoiding consumption of package food, or food that's package in lasting. And this is tough to do. I love barriers.

For instance, I love blueberries, and you call a dry by blue ry either. If there's blueberries in a world, sweep them up well by the fiscal. So if there babies on the counter, you're probably not getting very many.

I'm getting most of them. I love blueberries, but I noticed that I was starting to accumulate in. Of course, I recycle those blue ry containers that are those plastic containers. One way that you can avoid plastic packaging is go to farmers markets, bringing your own back, bringing on baskets.

I love that the farmers s market, say, of those cardboard containers, of course, some of you may be shouting way, but those are colored Green and the coloration is a problem. And named the microfiber with the yet true, but probably Better than plastic containers that they use now in the grocery store for pretty much every fruit and vegetable OK. So solution is either the farmers markets or trying to bring your own bags to the grocery store.

I know this is starting to sound kind of hippy dippy, but know these little things make a big difference over time. You're reducing your plastic waves. You're reducing the amount of plastic exposure of the fruits, vegetable les you eat. This can correspond to a real difference in the number of microplate tics and anal plastics and the bad stuff that comes with them that you in just and again, most of the time these things are gona save you cost as opposed to introduce new costs. The other don't that we have to talk so much about or to reduce the number of clothes that you purchase.

I know this might seem like, oh my god, where's this all going? But turns out that one of the major sources of microplate tics and nano plastics of the fibers on clothing that come off, and washing machines that then get distributed into the ocean through the water, or that escape into the air, there are a number ways that you can trap those. There are the things like the guppy bag that you can love the name, the guppy bag that you can buy a pretty low cost.

You can find those easily online. They will trap some of that stuff. There are filters that you can put within specific washing machines. Some places actually require this. Now that capture those microfiber, these microfiber, when I first heard about that, I thought we're really time about microfiber and clothing, while just, I don't know where, hundred percent caught in clothing.

But then you find out because I read this book, this scary book, and and is scary IT does kind of bomb me out when you started reading the stuff, that when you read a poison like no other, how microplate tics corrupted our planet in our bodies, you find out that so much of the waste that exists in landfills is clothing that people have discarded. And there was nothing wrong with that clothing. The clothing has dies.

IT has no microfiber. That stuff gets into the environment, gets into the oceans. Here's the simple solution. All this IT turns out that we replace far more clothing than we need to.

Okay, this is actually a great relief to me because I love few things more in terms of clothing anyway, the feeling of t shirt that i've warned many, many times and it's really, really soft and kind of worn down that kind of distressed look t shirt, even though that might be fashionable to some people. To some people it's not. I love the feeling of a really worn down soft t shirt.

Even the ones have a little bit of, you know, sort of, uh, do I get two things along the color some people might load that they only want to prostate t shirt that. Super crisp. That's not me.

I I know I won a few of these black button down shirts, and indeed the same ones. I use them over and over again. I do on a fair number of them, but I use the same once to over over again.

And I think that's in keeping with this other recommendation, which this book, a poison like no other said, could make a major dent in the amount of microplate tics and nano plastics that are altered in the environment that we end up ingesting in that the other animals on the planet, who are so very important, end up ingesting and potentially suffering from. And that's to simply not by or replace so much of our clothing, but to reuse our clothing. Now, the argument has been made, and they counter in the book, well, then you're just going to wash the same clothing over and over.

You're going to break down those microfiber and introduce those eyes and things into the ocean is setter into the air. But IT turns out that when you reuse the same clothes, you wash IT over over again, you actually see a diminishment in the amount of microfiber and the amount of dies and things that you extract from those clothing over time. okay.

So now in some od way, we're talking about clothing purchases or non purchases, in this case, on the huberman lab podcast. But you know, in researching this episode, I discovered that these are a major source, if not the major source, of microplate tic in nano plastic particles in the environment, in landfills, ocean air is set. So while none of us believe, none of us are gna go out there and create a tire that doesn't degrade as quickly as current tires, right? Most, most don't have the capacity to do that to face IT.

We're got to get around in vehicles. Are those tires breaking down? Not a whole lot we can do about that. We're inhaling all that stuff, but we can make the decision to use the clothing that we've got for longer periods of time.

Is this really necessary to keep buying more, more close than replacing the old close, throwing out the old clothes, even donating those old cloth? Who knows? I'm all for donating and clothing after you're done with IT.

But now I have justification for just keeping the t shirts that I have, making them softer and softer and softer over time. And I should mention that, of course, when you wear clothing that is shutting these microfiber particles, you're interesting. Or rather, you're in healing.

More typically, the microfiber and the microplate tics and the nano plastics and all the bad goodies that go with them. You know, as I say that I think we need to be fair about what that means and what IT doesn't mean. I personally just don't see myself going around and looking labels, finding only hundred percent cotton with no microfiber sheds, no dies.

That said that I mean, a lot of things that are now introduced, even hundred percent cotton clothing that make them a little bit more water and stain resistance. It's very, very difficult to find such sources of clothing, right? I know they're out there, but they're very difficult to find and they're quite costly in many cases.

If you have to know with some true low cost versions of those things, please put those in the comment section on youtube. But I think we have to be realistic here. Plastics were introduced in the thousand nine hundred and fifties.

They are everywhere. They are in our clothing, they are in tires. They are in medical devices. They're just everywhere. The point of this discussion today is not to try eliminate plastics. I don't think that's a reasonable anonyme think that would be useful relative to the incredibly powerful use of plastics in just about every industry. There's always a trade off with these sorts of things.

And I acknowledged that when i'm talking about is trying to limit your exposure and trying to buffer yourself against this bio accumulation in ways that can protect your indecent system, protect your brain, protect your cardiovascular lar system, protect your liver, protect the organs, intitial systems of your body, so that you can thrive as much as possible. So there are some other not to do or things to avoid. Micro popcorn turns out to be a major source of these things.

Basically, any bag or container can bag or plastic that has a lining that prevents oilily stuff from staining, IT and getting through, such as microwave popcorn, very likely as a source, or I should say, a rich source of microplate tics and and plastics and innocent disrupters. Does that mean that if you haves a microwave po n every once in a while, that's gonna scrip genus asta one system, and make you in feral? No, I don't believe that these things are all a matter of dosage, exposure over time and so on.

Tooth pace in plasti C2Being ano ther gre at sou rce of mic roplate tic nan o pla stics tha t peo ple in jus t cou rse, because you're putting in your mouth. When I did the oral health episode, I talked about some two tablets. I've become quite fond of these.

I have no financial relationship, the company that makes these. But these are two tablets that include something called hydroxyapatite, which is great for the remineralize ation of teeth, because IT turns out your teeth can fill in low cavities that start to form. And overall, twelve also great for travel because for all these things come in a glasses, arms and plastic.

You take the two tables you just chewing up in the new brush your teeth. It's great because you don't have to worry about how many is going through the uh you know the screening process of the airport because it's not a uh, liquid. It's not a paste as a tablet or super convenient.

I love those will provide a link to those in the shown of captions, even though I have no relationship to the company, have a big fan of that sort of thing. The convenience in the fact that had passed in glass. But as I say, all this stuff, right, avoiding drinking out a plastic. Don't turn over your clothing so much, wash your clothes, but don't purchase and thrown away clothing too much. Or more than is necessary, avoiding sea salt, these kinds of things.

These are all just choices for you in the buffet of options of ways to reduce your microplate tic nano plastic industry and exposure and the bio accumulation of those things over time, and to increase in the case of things like so forever in and sweating and Better, and to increase the detoxification of removal of some of the more harmful products attached to or within these microplate tics and nano plastics, right? I certainly don't expect anyone, including myself, to start living a life free of microplate tics and nano plastics. To do that, you'd probably have to leave planet earth.

I know certain people are developing plans to enable us to do that, even if we're not astronauts. And Frankly, when you get out tomorrow or you get IT into outer space, those microplate tics in the anal plastics based on everything i've learned and how incredibly sneaky, small and pervasive they are, well, they're probably in on our space as well. Now the final thing I want to touch on is the potential role of microplate sics, nand plastics, pps, bp s and forever chemicals on the developing brain.

This is an area that I am very familiar with because much of my career i've focused on brain development, neural development, and one can find a lot of papers out there about the potential neurotic toxicity of micro nano plastics, certainly the established neurotoxicity of microplate tics and ano plastics, and animal models at the potential nea toxicity of those things in human tissues. Now, of course, because this animal literature and some correlative human literature have been out there for a while, the media and some people in particular have become concerned about and have mentioned the potential role of microplate tics and ana plastics and the bad goodies that attached to them or come from them in potentially causing neuro developmental disorders such as autism and A D. H D.

I want to be very clear. I went into this literature. I read this review. It's a quite nice review, the plastic brain neurotoxicity of mico and nano plastics. And sure, there's a lot of animal nature showing for instant that there's a disruption in certain insects, tic pathways within neurons in particular. And this is the one that intrigues me, the most disruption in what's called a seto calling esterase.

A seto calling is a neuromodulator involved in neuroplasticity ity in attention, among other things, levels of alertness, a number of things, including control of the so called neo muscular junctions that allow for us to move our limbs. A city coin stasis involved in the degradation, the breakdown of a city to calling in the synapse. So neurons release a city to calling into the synapse where IT can have an effect on muscle or can have an effect on other neurons if we're talking about within the brain.

And indeed, there's a fair amount of evidence showing that microplate tics and nano plastics are correlated with reductions in or just changes in a city in state activity. Now IT is true that where cda calling is released in the brain, IT can impact inge on dopamine circuits that are involved in reward pathways and movement. But I want to be clear, people have taken some of those findings, translated them to the corner of data in humans, and have started to link the presence of microplate tics and nano plastics, in their words, not mine, in their words, to neuro developmental disorders such as autism and add.

And while there is some evidence that some of the behavioral components or cognitive components of autism and adhd may increase in line with increases in microplate tic or nano plastic exposure data, there are still, in my opinion, very, very weak. So in my opinion, is far too early to conclude that microplate tics and nano plastics have any role, and certainly a caul role in the development of autism, A D H D or other neuro development of disorders. That said, the presence of microplate tics in nano plastics in center and in that for stell from babies, which shows us that those microplate tics and anal plastics are getting into the developing, well, that does, I think, grays level of concern.

And IT certainly should motivate pregnant women, as well as people who have newborn's kids, or going to have kids to look around their home environment, think about the things they're putting into their body or the vessels they are using to and liquids, to enjoy foods and to start limiting microplate tic and nana plastic exposure, certainly during, but also perhaps before pregNancy and after pregNancy, when one is breast feeding. So the point here is that we can draw direct relationship between microplate tics and nano plastics and neuro developmental disorders. I don't think that would be appropriate at all to do that.

However, given that microplate tics and other plastics have these issues, both from their own breakdown, their presence, right, their own structural presence can be a problem, the chemicals within them can be a problem. The chemicals that attached to them can be a problem potentially, I think, learning to limit our exposure throughout our life span, learning to reduce the Price accumulation through detoxification and excretion pathways. Using the various approaches that we talked about and certainly to pay extra attention to those things around the time of meaning before, during and after pregNancy is especially important because we just don't know all the things that these chemicals and these plastics are doing, but none of them seem to be very good, at least not in terms of the ways that they impact our brain and bodily tissues.

okay. So today, we've talked a lot about microplate tics, what they are, where they're found, how they get into our body, where they get lodged within our body, what they potentially do in our body, none of which is good, some might be innocuous, some might be bad, none of which, at least as I know, is good. And some ways, both through some to doos and some to avoids, that we can increase our expression or our breakdown and removal of the bad stuff on in in microplate tics and nano plastics.

And I realized that even though we covered a lot of things, we also just scratch the surface. For instance, we know that receipts are rich sources of B, P. S okay, so if you are somebody who handles recedes a lot for your job, probably best to use natural gloves.

Okay, not latex gloves, but natural gloves. Those are gona protect your hands. If you're somebody who purchase these things, maybe just say, no thanks, i'll take the electronics reset or no receipt.

okay. However, we need to be reasonable here as well. Does this mean that if you touch your receipt that you're going to scrap your testosterone on your estrogen? No, but you probably want to be rubbing those receipts.

And it's very clear that if use sunscreen or lotions of any kind on your hands, you handle receipts. IT can increase the access of those B, P, S to your bloodstream. And if you're somebody who handles receives a lot well, then probably best use those natural gloves.

The point here is that there are a lot of different sources of these. Bps, B, P, S, S, P, fs, took all forever chemicals, microplate, tics, nano plastics. I also would just encourage you to do your research. Look at the cans that you drink from, ensure that they don't include B, P S.

Look at the different things that you cook within your kitchen, try and cook from castor ceramic, and if you don't, look at the other pants and cans and things in your environment and see what you're likely exposure to these B P S, B P S S and forever chemicals is and make choices accordingly. That's what today's episode, and Frankly, this podcast is about. It's about you being informed and making the best choices for your mental health and physical health.

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If you have questions for me, your comments about the podcast or guess or topics that you like me to consider for the huberman in lab podcast, please put those in the comments section on youtube. I do read all the comments. For those of you that haven't heard, I have a new book coming out.

It's my very first book is entitled protocols and Operating manual for the human body. This is a book that i've been working on for more than five years, and that's based on more than thirty years research and experience. And IT covers protocols for everything from sleep to exercise to stress control, protocols related to focus on motivation.

And of course, I provide the scientific substantiation for the protocols that are included. The book is now available by presale at protocols book dot com. There you can find links to various vendors. You can pick the one that you like best. Again, the book is called protocols and Operating manual for the human body.

If you're not ray following me on social media, I am huberman lab on all social media platforms, so that instagram x, formally known as twitter threads, facebook in linton and on all those platforms, I discuss science and science related tools, some of which collapsed with the content of the huberman lab podcast, but much of which is distinct from the content on the huberman in lab podcast. Again, that's huberman lab on all social media channels. If you haven't already subscribed to our neural network news letter, our neural network news letter is a zero cost monthly news letter that includes podcast summaries as well as protocols in the form of brief one three page PDF.

Those protocol PDF are on things like neuroplasticity and learning, optimizing dopamine, improving your sleep, deliberate cold exposure, deliberate heat exposure. We have a foundational fitness protocol that describes a template routine that includes cardiovascular training and resistance training with sets and reps all baked by science, and all of which, again, is completely zero cost to subscribe. Simply go to huberman lab dot com, go to the menu tab up in the upper right corner, score down a newsletter, and provide your email.

And I should emphasize that we do not share your email with anybody. Thank you once again for joining me for today's discussion. All about microplate tics and nano plastics. And last but certainly not least, thank you for your interest in science.